Understanding Human Behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 34 Understanding Human Behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 34

Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

In yesterday’s post, we were starting to discuss how the three predominant worldviews, (‘personality types’), were component aspects of a real, but imaginary person. One who we all would do well to be more like. Why do we say that?

Because it’s true. Because we are a clark. (We will leave the support and/or proof of this assertion to the Reader. You have twenty-six hunnert posts, some written with a modicum of readability. In and among those posts you will find what you’re looking for. If, of course, you feel a need to: a) find and 2) look. Not trying to get too Lewis C. on y’all. But the Wakefield Doctrine is nothing if it’s not a Swiss Army model car, i.e. what you need it to be and whatever kind of project you would like it to be.

We’re fond of saying, ‘If you’re back here, reading, still not satisfied that it’s safe to ignore the intimation of value (or the hint of fun), being offered, relax. Read. Try it out’.

With the Wakefield Doctrine, as with: life preservers in a stormy-night sea, a flashlight in a branch-clutching forest or, a date who smiles and turns off the car’s overhead light, ya can’t really do this thing all that wrong. Follow your own impulses. The insights afforded by the applications of the principles of the Doctrine are gonna be there. You can’t break anything. All you need do is imagine how the world appears to a person who is working from the bias of:

  • the Outsider (clarks) curious to a fault, careful not to be discovered prematurely
  • the Predator (scotts) wanting nothing but, (if forced to state it objectively), to be free to follow their own impulses and live the moment
  • the Herd Member (rogers) knowing there’s a Right Way (to live) and a bunch of ways to mess-up, while resisting the urge to get others to realize it

So, that’s about enough of the ‘Lessons from/of the Wakefield Doctrine’.

(We’re serious about it always working. If it doesn’t (for you) then none of this will be enjoyable and beneficial and satisfying. That’s ok. We’ll be fine. No! Not to worry… our ride is a little late, we’ll just stay here. Thanks for joining us. Anytime your curiosity starts to: twitch, itch, rise… come on back.)

We were thinking about a reprint. But, nah, let’s save that for tomorrow.

What say, instead of words from the past, you think about what you’ve read and ask the question that’s been:

  1. nagging at you since you got to the part about, ‘One and only one predominant worldview’
  2. there from the start but, reluctantly accepting that everyone else seems to be comfortable, at least in terms of the comments down through the years, you thought would be…impolite to bring up
  3. waiting for a post that is direct and unambiguous and, for god’s sake, simple.



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Originally a ‘gratitude blog’, the TToT has, since its premiere installment back in 1989, evolved into a both a forum for projectile-ambitious writers-to-be and a platform for those who would offer their own experiences of being incited into a state of gratitude.

That said, you (bot Reader and contributor) are welcome to join us, this first full weekend of Furnace-on-Season, and enjoy some diversion and distraction.


1) Una (seeing how a coffee maker apparently warrants a dedicate music vid, then head down to the last one)

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) new coffee maker (with it’s own theme music in Vid# 1!)

5) rogerian translation, the instruction manual with the coffee maker was quite comprehensive. (Full Disclosure: My own attempt to transcribe a similar warning into virtually any language other than Oceania would be far less coherent. Example. “Gotterdamerung, verplunken nein, warnung… Ich bin ein Blitzkrieg! Gefiltezie Sloshing Mittens Verboten!!”)

6) the Six Sentence Story the place for short, little fun stories, new every week,

7) low-country coloquialism (‘Voel de verdienste!’) usually reserved for a time when success has been achieved but comes with a certain emotional reservation. Often associated with getting an A on an understudied mid-term, having parents not wake, despite dropping the keys at the door at 1:30 am and (usually un-appreciated until way, way …way later in life) your companion on an arranged first date says, ‘That would be fun, call me.’

8) something something

9) new fauna in the ‘hood:

10) SR 1.3 the Secret Rule that ends all secret rules, at least here at TToT. Basically SR 1.3 sez: “Hokey Smoke! You just wrote Number eight, you are totally Ben Kingsleying (music vid #2) this bad boy. You feeling the earn?7” Yes ’em save it for the Numero Ten. Yay. We knew you could do it!”


music vids







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RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and roger)

you do know that the three predominant worldviews (personality types to the incognescentae) are, in a certain view, three aspects of an idealized person, don’t you?

[the Wakefield Doctrine is gender, age, culture neutral if for no other reason than the basis for the entire thing is the character/nature of a person’s relationship to the world around them]

the three predominant worldviews are:

  1. clarks(the Outsider)
  2. scotts(the Predator)
  3. rogers(the Herd Member)

We thought you did. That’s good. (If for no other reason than the fact the Wakefield Doctrine is a question, not ‘the Answer’)

The Wakefield Doctrine is an additional perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up.

We are all born with the capacity to experience the world from the perspective inherent in that of the Outsider(clarks), the Predator(scotts) and the Herd Member(rogers). At a very early age we settle into one of the three. While we never lose the potential of experiencing the world as do, ‘the other two remaining worldviews’, our personal reality become that of one and only one. We grow up and develop strategies for: living with others, depending on them, being depended upon by them, in other words, the life of a social being.

The Doctrine maintains that our styles of interacting with others, aka personality types, are the product of character of the world as we experience it. Such being the case, we maintain that everyone develops the perfect personality type (in the context of their personal reality).

[The overall goal, ‘the Return’ if you will, on investing the time and energy in acquiring the additional perspective that the Wakefield Doctrine offers, is to better appreciate how we relate ourselves to the world around us. (Note: that was ‘…how we relate ourselves to the world’, not ‘…how we relate to the world’. Big-assed difference there.] [A secondary benefit is to allow ourselfs to see the world as the other person is experiencing it. Which, in turn, puts us in a position to know more about the other person than they know about themselves.]

But, you’re correct. The title at the top of this post does include: RePrint.

So here ya go. From way… way ago.

time for another Post already?! oh man, no f*ckin way can I keep this up

OK. I have it together now. No need to get excited. Just sit here, clear the mind, the content is in there. Just relax.

My compliments to any of you out there who have maintained an active blog for more than 3 months. Jesus, this coming up with Posts all the time is not as easy as it looks. And this from the perspective of  ‘as long as there is a new Post once a week’  blogholder. But no one is holding a gun to my head… (‘hey theres an idea for a Post!)


Sorry, forget it. Sure one of the 103,000,000 blog authors in the world today has already done the definitive, ‘Someone is holding a gun to my head’ treatment. Maybe there are some studies that I can cut and paste and fill up some of this white space and then I can call it a day and get back to my real life!

Alright, seriously now. I do mean my compliment to those of you who have the ability and talent (acquired or learned) to write something new and different and sometimes even interesting, Post after Post after Post/blog after blog after blog. Not bad. But since I am not ready to give up on this little blog of mine, I had better t t try to get it together and come up with a Post that will keep the crowdlette coming back for more.

Being that this is the Wakefield Doctrine (aka the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) I would do well to keep to the subject that I know best. (See? Right there! I don’t know much about grammar and good writing and all, but that last sentence had at least two tenses, and easily three pulperfects in it. Man, this is worse than the first time I recorded myself playing guitar along with Jimi Hendrix. Suffice it to say, if you were there you would not have had too much trouble telling us apart.)

This writing and grammar thing is really starting to annoy me. It is bad enough that I regret now that I did not take a typing class when I was in high school. (At my current age, in my high school years Typing Class was for people taking a Business curriculum, which meant you were going to be a secretary which meant you were a girl. That simple, end of cultural subtext). But with this damn blogging thing, I am being forced to confront the fact that I do not have mad writing skills.  I should have paid attention in my English classes. (Look, it was the 60s when I was in high school, how cool is that?) But the inescapable fact remains that the skill set I would value the most this October morning is not how to play the opening riff of ‘Sunshine of Your Love’. Its funny about how people, at least in the current (american) culture, we seem to have an expectation to be able to do certain things well, just because we think we can do them at all. By this I mean singing and writing. Most of us know that we can sing our favorite song in the car, on the way to work, therefore I think we all equate that with being a singer. Writing, the same. I can, with the help of spellcheck and a lot of proof reading, write a report at work, so how hard can it be to be a writer?

(I have resisted the impulse to hit Preview to see if I’m down far enough on this page to call it a day.) But anyway, you are here because you want to know all about the Wakefield Doctrine. Right?

The Wakefield Doctrine will cause you to see the world in a slightly different manner. Nothing earth-shaking, no flashes of light; ‘oh my god I understand now’ will not be on your lips. What will happen if you read most of this blog and the associated pages will be that you might find yourself saying, ‘that person is such a roger‘, or you might find yourself thinking, ‘here comes so-an-so what a scott he is’ or you could think, ‘shit, I’ll bet I’m one of those clarks the Doctrine is talking about.’

If this happens to you, I have succeeded. If it does not then I have failed. If you have a question about the Doctrine, leave a Comment or email or whatever the hell people do around here. I will get back to you as soon as I finish my Adult Education class, “You too Can Write Like The Prose’, that I am taking at my little local high school





Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

You know what one of the longest-running ambition of this here blog here is?

(No, we do not mean:

  • to have a million subscribed followers
  • encountering people on the street saying, loudly enough to heard from our passing car, “You and what army, scott?” “Oh man, what a roger” “Your surroundings, dude! Come back to the planet earth, clark!”
  • being included in the custom, stay-at-home-and-still-speak-every-language pack of both Rosetta Stone and Babel Fish
  • earn a comfortable living and increase the value of the common stock in Wakefield Doctrine (NYSE: WD) from selling DocTees and Hats (“…for your damn head”)

We’ve finished our little list but wanted to be sure to have a place for the far side of the parenthesis.)

Well, if you search, wait, we’ll do it for you…

ah ha! a reprint for ‘the Perfect Wakefield Doctrine post’

…but before we paste it, lets just define the perfect Wakefield Doctrine from a contemporary perspective: a single post, of less than fifteen hundred words (more or less) that, if presented to a first-time Reader, would enable them to see the clarks, scotts and rogers in their everyday world. Furthermore, she, (this first-time Reader), would grasp the core concepts (i.e. three characteristic personal realities, the relationship of the individual to the world around them and the people who make it up, the Everything Rule and, finally, the value of having an additional perspective on the world and such) and find the fun and excitement of seeing the world as the other person is experiencing it.

What fun.

(Unsurprisingly, we found 344 posts in a search for ‘the perfect Wakefield Doctrine post’. We did say it’s a goal, like, from the very beginning. What part of “Hey! Are you still writing blogposts on your personality theory thing? What’s it been, eleven years? Two-thousand-how-many individual posts?!! Don’cha think you oughta give it, you know, a rest? lol)

anyway: below is one of the first, perfect Wakefield Doctrine posts:  oh yeah… Readers know we’re about nothing here if we’re not about trying to be as honest as possible** so, Full Disclosure: the links from the two music videos did not survive the years. The links here are contemporary links to the two songs with ‘Time’ in their respective titles. Think about it… 2010!! Hey, at least we’re sure what we were doing on a certain day twelve years ago. Well, part of the day. Ok, if you insist, the early-morning-hours of the day…. for about an hour or so… if you insist wait

damn! it was a Sunday, yeah…. hold on, I’ll try

jeez louise!  it (WeatherUnderground) said that the weather here on Sunday in 2010 was clear and the temperature ranged between 15 and 22 degrees F. calm winds and sunrise at 7:14 am

hokey smoke!! Thanks guys… this little exercise might have yielded some interesting information on my weak-tertiary rogerian aspect. thanks, a lot.

Now the time has come. There are things to realize. Time has come today


In the time it takes to write this, it is about time this subject is addressed, when will it be time to get serious….it’s about Time.

The un-marked Rolodex stopped spinning this morning and came up Chambers Brothers, which means the topic is Time. (I will say with pride  that I resisted the Pink Floyd and stayed with the original source.)

On with it then.  Everything can be seen in light of the Wakefield Doctrine, ever thang.  Even Time.  Especially Time.

(BTW I did make some New Year’s resolutions, and primary among them was to present the Doctrine in as effective a manner as possible, which means that every Post/any Post contain something of the ‘real world’ that will offer concrete and objective expressions of the Wakefield Doctrine.  And I will not stint to present the Doctrine in as many different ‘contexts’ as may make themselves available.)

Time to start?

clarks are of the future, scotts of the present and rogers of the past.
(for clarks) the future never arrives, (for scotts) the present is over too soon and (for rogers) the past is essential.

All very obvious, but what are we to learn about the ‘worldview’ of each of the three in this context?

clarks, as well known by now, live in their heads.  They inhabit the world as outsiders, for various reasons clarks feel the need to earn the respect and acceptance of virtually everyone else they encounter.  Implicit in this statement is the idea that they must make an extra effort, to compensate. Being clarks, they are perfectly suited to the task; come up with a plan, something no one has thought of, in order to do something to redeem themselves…in the future.  clarks are doomed by both the (false) premise and the un-manageable definition of success.  But clarks live in their heads and their strengths are their downfall.  They are trapped by an idea, false to the rest of the world, but true to circular logic inherent in a worldview of ‘me and the rest of the world’.  And as Time passes, the requirements of the gesture that earns the respect of everyone else, grows and grows. Impossible expectations become a way of life that trades effort for acceptance, surrenders any chance to realise the falseness of the original distinction in exchange for the illusion that one more plan might be the one to make it all worthwhile.

scotts, people of action, they are the ones that live in the here and now (without the serenity).  Actions speak louder than words? Actions speak in place of thought.  The very distinctive trait of scotts, their living in and of the present, imbues them with certainty.  If your mind is reflected in your acts and your acts are of the present then you will have a certainty of purpose, which is why, for good or (very, very often) bad, scotts are the leaders.  Most people, most of the time prefer to listen (and by extension, follow) the person with the most certainty, conviction, sureness.  That would be your nearby scott.
(There is a ‘test’ utilized in sales, specifically timeshare sales, in which the sales representative will meet the customers, talk about what they will be doing in the next couple of hours and then abruptly say “follow me”.  Without hesitation, without looking back to see if the customers are, the rep will walk off.  If they follow a sale is a near certainty, if one or both people have not followed the rep knows there is work to be done.)
The negative aspect of Time to a scott?  (One word: ‘getting old’).  Age. scotts are not the ones who ‘age well’.  Since most of their lives are lived physically, in action/in motion the decline of health and physical prowess is anathema to the scott, both male and female, (for parallel but slightly different reasons).  Want to scare a scott? tell them they are getting old. (might want to be sure your exit path is clear first, though).

rogers? too easy. (Is there a genealogist in the house?) Call from the Department of Redundancy Department1, for the first rogers  to pick of the courtesy phone…As we know the strength of rogers is the source of their limitations.  They organise and they preserve (for posterity).  But Everything a roger deems valuable enough to preserve is considered Perfect.  (As in, ‘improve on this? are you crazy didn’t you just hear the guy say Perfect?). For a roger, ‘if it is worth doing it is worth repeating,…without change or alteration’.

Damn, what a busy morning we gots here.


OK,  back to work.

Let’s consider the ‘point’ of todays’ Post.  Time is the universal, inescapable common experience.  Only problem is that we all live through it differently and more importantly, we all view the effects of Time in very different ways(or to be more exact, three different ways).  And the Wakefield Doctrine is nothing if it is not an effort to find new ways to see the world through the eyes of another person.

(Hey Slovinanss!, it’s snowing out.  Early class!  Go out there and step into the shoes of the others, have some fun.)

Mr. Chambers, if you will…

1) phrase from the totally wonderful Firesign Theater (just find an old person, ask them), specifically from a line in the ‘I Think We Are All Bozos On This Bus’ album. (Album? hey I did say old person)



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop(TToT). Founded in 1986 by Lizzi, the TToT is reputed to be among the longest-running grat blogs in the ‘sphere. “Way to go, L!”

For our part, we’re tolerated by Dyanne (hostinae) and Lisa and Pat and Mimi an them, what with our Secret Rules, hypo-sensible descriptions of the people, places and things that inspire, surprise, trick, inveigle and otherwise push us into the empty classroom that has ‘Gratitude 101’ written in yellow chalk on a black blackboard.

So, here ya go!

1)  Phyllis walking from the cottage past (a) regrowth of the ferns (to her immediate right) and a crop of zombie Triffids lurking in the middle of the yard. (If you’ve never encountered these Flora-That-Time-Forgot, they’re from the Mesozoic Era (aka ‘No frickin way a plant evolves needle-sharp antlers to survive, unless they’re native to Planet Nightmare‘)

2) Una (who is watching from the picture window, displaying more sense than her two humans)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

5) excellent vid chat with Nick and Denise (stay tuned!)

6) Phyllis’ cottage complete(ish)

7) serial (no, not cereal, serial) stories and how they always have one more thing they want the writer to tell the Reader

8) something, something

9) Friend of the Doctrine Cynthia (we all had a nice chat last night on the Saturday Night Drive)

10) SR 1.3 (from the Book of Secret Rules, aka the Secret Book of Rules)


music vids







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