Understanding Human Behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 25 Understanding Human Behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 25

Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “a memoir is to history as a story is to reality”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

We had a story in mind, towards the end of last week, that felt like a good one to re-tell as part of whatever this Tuesday thing is trying to become. Unfortunately it’s been lost in the clutter of the daily effort to a) stay on the Path with Heart* and 2) be on the alert for the best inciting incident to push this project along.

We left ourselfs last week with the definition of ‘the Everything Rule’. This is, of course, the…

damn! just went back and reviewed the previous post. We’re tempted to re-take a narrative path that was here, in this post, before I sicc’d the back-delete cursor on the words.

Here’s a question: does writing a memoir (or history or biography or simply a story of a tool for better understanding the world around us) necessarily require… Wait. Stop. We answered our own question.

But what does survive, this (most recent) attempt to sabotage our effort to write the definitive book on the Wakefield Doctrine, is the use of the term ‘manifest’ in the context of the three predominant worldviews.

As an adjunct (or extension or some cool term of rhetoric) to the Everything Rule is the recognition that how a thing manifests in the reality of the Outsider (clark) or the world of the Predator (scott) or the life of the Herd Member (roger) is directly affected by the character of the person’s relationship with the world.


Enough. Time has run out for this Tuesday.

That said, permit us to take refuge in what constitutes one of the most important gifts we’ve received over the years. Specific to this week’s Memoir post is the insight that it is easier to edit than it is to write (on a blank page)*.

Remind us to do two things in next Tuesday’s post: a) go into why the Wakefield Doctrine is of use to clarks, as opposed to scotts and rogers, and 2) tell the story of ‘The Spot that Moved’.



* interesting that I feel a push-back on this idea from both my scottian and my rogerian aspects. each for a different ‘reason’. But we are exploring the concept of how things manifest differently in each of the three. Won’t attempt to go too deeply, but a scott would favor the illusion of energy inherent in a ‘single take’ and a roger would sow doubt about anything that wasn’t already an effective narrative.



[in the interest of not being short-sighted in the case of maintaining this effort to chronicle the development of the Wakefield Doctrine, here, in reverse order, are previous installments:

  1. last time
  2. the time before that (the inaugural post)

* a cool phrase borrowed from one of Carlos Castaneda’s books.




Mundae- Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Why don’t we hold that thought this early Monday morning, for surely we’ve done the above variation-on-a-day-of-the-week post title before,

But that’s not important now.

What is important is finding an old post that will jumpstart our head as we close out the Month (November-in-Oceania motto: ‘Hey man, sorry to hear about you and your old lady. Sure, you can crash here for while. At least until you can get back on your feet.)

The basics still apply. The Wakefield Doctrine is an alternate perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. As such, it offers both a tool for self-improvement and a diversion  capable of providing amusement, if not outright fun.

You know how, at least as offered in the popular science press, the Holy Grail of theoretical physics is the reconciliation of quantum mechanics and general relativity? A Grand Unified Theory of Everything? The Doctrine is in a similar space. For us it is the bridging of ‘personal reality’ and ‘character of (our) relationship with the world around us and the people who make it up (aka PR vs CORwTWRUatPWMiU).

When we started writing this blog, the concept of ‘personal reality’ was the most accessible and it conveyed the ‘inevitability’ of the characteristic behavior of the three predominant worldviews (clarks/Outsiders, scotts/Predators and rogers/Herd Members). This was important because the Wakefield Doctrine is predicated on the notion that how we act (and react) is as much personal whim/outrageous fortune/vindictive calculation as many of the other, more popular personality theories would have you believe. (We once observed, early in these pages, that the many theories of personalty, at least the type that lend themselves to public domain images and popular song lyrics, are basically, ‘mirror-shaped clubs’. “Oh, honey! Come take this online survey about what kind of person you are. They have you down to a ‘T’!

While still useful, the personal reality model, has been augmented by the relationship theory (‘how we relate ourselfs to the world around and the people who make it up’). This latter view allows some Readers to hurdle the imagination threshold.


Non-allegorical Monday* the Wakefield Doctrine ( it’s so simple, even your spouse could get it**)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The Wakefield Doctrine is a way  to understand the behavior of people. It is a perspective that allows you to know more about the other person than they know about themselves. It is a tool with which you can overcome bad habits and self-defeating behavior. And it, (this Wakefield Doctrine), is fun.  Simple to understand for those people  with innate curiosity and intellectual confidence, the Wakefield Doctrine lets you see the world from a different angle, an angle from which personality types are discernible without the need to ask questions, get the other person to fill out a survey and totally without the need to employ any math involving chi square distribution or standard deviations.

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that all people are born with the potential to relate themselves to the world in one of three characteristic ways, as an Outsider (clarks), as a Predator (scotts) or as a Member of the Herd (rogers). It is (the Wakefield Doctrine maintains) the character of this relationship that produces what is commonly referred to as personality or personality type. This is not overly unique in the world of personality theories. What is unique, is that the Wakefield Doctrine insists that not only do people relate themselves to the world in these three characteristic ways, but the world for them does, in fact, reflect the qualities implied by the relationship.
Plainly put, we live in what can only be described as a personal reality. This is not to imply anything overly mystical, magical or fantastic. Trees do not talk (unless we are willing to listen), prey do not yearn to be brought down (unless we abandon our reason) and the world is not quantifiable nor is it governed by Rules that we alone are able to appreciate (unless we are rogers).
This aspect of the Wakefield Doctrine that includes the existence or personal realities is the difficult part for approximately 2/3s of the people who come across this blog. They, (these 2/3s), are not able to imagine (for the sake of experiment) that everyone they know is experiencing a reality that is different (this difference ranging from barely noticeable to oh-my-god)  from what they believe is the only real reality. They might try to understand the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine (very likely to succeed) and they might even persist in trying to identify people by their personality types (many of them get it, sort of) but they rarely ever get to experience the primary benefit of this approach to understanding the people in their lives. They never get it enough to understand that everyone they  encounter in the course of the day (today!) is acting in an entirely appropriate manner, consistent with the world as they are experiencing it.
(We call these personal realities, ‘worldviews’ ).

Well this blog is simply not for them.

It is for you.

(I mean, seriously, if you have read this far into this Post, then I will say, without fear of contradiction, that you have the qualities that are required to find this thing useful and fun. And if you have any question about that happening, write a Comment and your specific question will be answered.)

The three personal realities are referred to as:

  1. clarks (the Outsider)…the most likely to immediately understand the Wakefield Doctrine and the most likely to be willing to learn about and the one (of the three) who will benefit the most
  2. scotts (the Predator)…  the third most likely to understand the Wakefield Doctrine and the most likely to see the immediate benefits (lets call that the ‘advantages’ for this personality type)
  3. rogers (the Member of the Herd)… the second most likely to understand the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine and the most likely to pretend to employ the tools for themselves

Well, that wraps up ‘non-allegorical’ Monday.





Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Lets start with:
the Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective. As such, it requires a certain willingness to imagine that things are one way and not, necessarily, only one way. We are talking, of course, about our experience in and with, reality.

[In the early days of this blog we’d be more direct, saying that to ‘get’ the Doctrine a Reader needed to have a certain, ‘flexibility of intelligence’. In the Ephedrine, Ringling, Oscar Myers axes, this is the famous, lesser known: WTHN*. Without the presence of an innate desire to play with ideas, the Wakefield Doctrine is simply a scheme to divide life into three characteristic relationships.]

Hey, wait. That’s exactly what we’re doing.

Fine. This post is intended to be, what the books on essay writing refer to as (the) introduction and thesis. Let’s agree here, at the beginning that, that….. ‘the purpose of this paper post is to present an overview of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine, its practical uses and applications and, concurrently, noting (any) changes in the Doctrine itself. Well, to be a bit more accurate on this last, ‘changes in how we describe the Doctrine’.

…oh yeah! And! Maybe we need to jump into the Herd and offer advice and observation from our little personality theory/worldview. (Surely this is the most ambitious of goals. Hell, it’s not merely a goal, it would actually be a proof of concept, wouldn’t it?)

Far be it from us to stray far from the predominant worldview of your painfully-reliable Narrator, but …no! Wait. Will not indulge in the disclaimer that those of us of a certain predominant worldview would be trying to sneak in at this point. This highly visible point. (New Readers: not to worry. Secret Rule inherent here, in this effort: when you arrive at a certain point in your understanding and you are tempted to say, “I knew what they meant then!” We believe you.)


The Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them.



…to be cont’d

*WTHN Why The Hell Not




Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

I was going to begin a conversation with today’s post. About podcasts and new content and how to reach the masses.

It surely would have been a good post.

Maybe I’ll write it tomorrow, you never know.

But the sun is rising faster than it should and a day is growing it’s connections towards us. (Like one of those super-slow motion films of ice crystals forming as the temperature declines or, better like, back in the sixties when they developed super slow motion photography of a drop of milk.)

But it’s here. Time to paste.

So, before we hit ‘PASTE’, any thoughts on the topic of advancing the goal of telling the world about our favorite little personality theory?

(when) …clarks are too helpful, scotts are too energetic and rogers are too involved’ the Wakefield Doctrine (they don’t call this Monday for nothing!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

clarks are too helpful  …wait a damn minute! thats just plain wrong, right? you’re simply trying to be clever, aren’t you. Well, it won’t work this time, we know that we don’t feel that we owe anyone anything and so when we are tying to help people out, it’s simply because we enjoy doing it, why would you go and try and assign some sort of ulterior motive to this, that’s just mean and if it’s one thing we really hate, it’s people who are mean. So stop with the trying to under-mine our efforts to improve ourselves, we didn’t do anything to you. Now you’ve gone and wrecked it and made it look like we were showing off or something, that’s just not fair. …you better stop that or something bad might happen

scotts are too energetic …fuck you! you really think your mind games are gonna work? you think we’re stupid or something? you people make me laugh, with your ‘oh we should all just try to learn to improve the way we are‘… you are the way you are, get over it! and if you think you can make fun of us and, even if you do, if you think that that changes anything, you better think again…we are the ones that get things done, and if we didn’t step up every time one of you ‘rogers‘  or  (what is it?) clarks… if we didn’t step up this would be a sorry place to live in, you’d be all cryin’  ‘my car won’t start’… I don’t know how to build a deck, I lost the instructions!! … ‘that guy is being mean and I can’t convince him to leave me alone‘  gimme a fuckin break,  you people are boring me out of my brain… if you don’t start acting for yourself, I’ll just find someplace where they are all weak and passive and touchy feelie  just you watch me!

rogers are too involved …alright, you can save yourself the effort, I know what you’re doing, I really admire the core idea that you have here, but trust me, a little goes a long way and I think I owe it to tell you that you have lost the handle on your idea or theme or whatever the heck you think you’re doing here. I know! let me save you the trouble, I’m a roger and I’m a big fat bully and make your life so uncomfortable and your friend over there is a scott and she’s going to make me sit up and beg for a treat, I get it. But don’t you think I see what you’re doing? and listen, it’s not working, you will always need me to pay attention and you will always need me to find the easy prey when you’re all tired. I don’t care…you’re wrong, I don’t feel either good or bad about your Post today, so save it for one of your other types.

* We’re back. I agree (whichever clark was thinking: “Just keep writing. The path has a way of becoming apparent far more quickly when one is already walking than it does for those how sit and hope for it to appear.)



Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…once more, from the top.’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This RePrint post is fun and on the money in a (slightly) intense, ‘are-there-total-strangers-reading-this?’ sorta way.

Two notes before we flip the switch on the WABAC machine*: 1) this is from the earlier days, before we discovered the more economical, if not surely more elegant, concept connecting the three personal realities: clarks (Outsider), scotts (Predator) and rogers (Herd Members); the concept is relationship. (More informatively: ‘How we relate ourselves to the world around us and the people who make it up.’). And b) the key is still the same: the Wakefield Doctrine is an additional perspective on the world and, as such, is a tool for understanding (and, on occasion, having fun),

ed. Damn! Just noticed the date on this post. Way early in the checkered past of this here blog here.


“…and thats why he’s so mean!*” Hey! wait just a minute!

Welcome  …etc

I want to apologise to any Readers who have found themselves saying, “hey I’m not looking for a comedy blog or a music appreciation site, I don’t really need the wryly witty musings of a frustrated writer!”  This morning I find myself sitting at this computer saying to myself,  “where did I get off track“?  Vanity apparently is so more insidious than I would have thought. Staring at the monitor, drinking coffee and while waiting inspiration a Post to show up (…a lot like taking a copy of the New York Times into the bathroom, you really hope that it will not be necessary, but are resigned to the fact that it will), I caught myself critiquing ideas in such terms as, “nah, that’s not funny“, ” yeah but, they’ll never get that TV show reference“, and “I think I might get away with that“.
The question rose in my mind, quite without welcome, “just when did I stop trying to present the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) as a new and exciting way of thinking and instead decide that every Post that showed up on the site had to be amusing“? Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with being amusing.  If we were to meet in person and hang out, you would find yourself laughing at least once;  but the question I cannot avoid asking myself  is, “What is that I think people are coming to this blog for?  Funny/wacky/weird Posts or are they here to learn about the Wakefield Doctrine?   Well, the ‘sign on the door’ says that this is the Wakefield Doctrine,  it does not say ‘the Entertaining and Random Musing and Literary Stylings of…”
I realized this morning that the Readers who have come to this blog over the last 12 months did so because they were interested/curious/intrigued by (this) idea  of ours. The idea, quite unique and definitely worth investigating,  that there really were three personality types and that the description of the three types was kinda fun and funny, but mostly, this Wakefield Doctrine actually worked, it delivered the goods.

The problem may not been all strictly the price of vanity, ( “hey! great Post!” “where do you come up with those videos“, “that picture on the front? funny!”), in my own defense I will say that a part of my motivation for trying to be amusing and funny  is simply that I am  a clark. And we (clarks) like nothing more than to know things, lots or things, different things and most of the time useless things!  It did not take long to see how well received some of the funnier Posts were and it only made sense to try to write more of those and to try and not be so…dry…pedantic…clarklike! But in all fairness, a huge  part of my drive to write whatever I thought would get read came from the fact that the Wakefield Doctrine  is fun.
We (Progenitors and DownSprings) do laugh when we get together! People who learn about the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers do get excited about seeing it work in real life.
In a way, glenn was half right (as usual) when he complained recently that these Posts have lost the spirit of the early days of the Doctrine blog, that in losing this supposed spirit of subversiveness the whole thing was in danger of losing relevancy. To a small degree I agree, the early days of the Doctrine did have a sense of stick to basics, i.e. clarks create, scotts sell and rogers gather the masses. That, by the simple fact that none of us had ever tried to create something like this blog,  everything was new and exciting and risky. (Of course, life is like that its ownself! And while one might argue that uncomplicated, unencumbered and un-restrained child is the epitome of spontaneity, I would just as soon trade in some free spiritness in exchange for not thinking that reaching into my diapers and throwing feces at asserbys is the height of humor. But that’s just old clarklike me).
In any event, it is time to get back to the basics. This is not to say that  we  be returning to the writing style of the first Post(s). There have been changes in how these Posts are presented, changes that not only make  reading them more enjoyable, (the the photos and the videos), but also make the writing of these things less than a total chore.
Sorry for getting dazzled by the bright lights, the fame, ‘you like me, you really, really like me’… I believe I understand now where I have gone off track.

My job is to tell you about the Wakefield Doctrine (theory of clarks, scotts and rogers).  The goal of this blog is to show (a) way to view the behavior of those people (in our lives) that will help you to make sense of their behavior. I will present the theory and the Doctrine and you will find it helpful and usable and fun (or not).  We will leave the charm and  psychotic-affability to the rogers and the scotts can take care of the leadership and seduction-as-an-end-in-itself. Both are blessed with talents that only they enjoy.

But it is Friday Saturday. Enough with the lessons ‘n learning. Well, maybe a little learning.

Here is a quick ‘elevator-ride’ description of the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers):
…picture a large parking lot, maybe one quarter of the spaces are taken, mostly towards the stores…there is a red ball in the middle of the open space the ball is rolling with the wind, stopping, rolling again with each vagrant breeze…
a scott will notice it first and be immediately on the alert, he/she will simply stop in their tracks and look around, trying to see the cause of the ball’s motion; they need to know  is it a threat or not? that is their priority. (If it proves to be harmless and they have the time and/or an audience,  the scott will pick up the ball and throw it)…(thereby establishing their dominance, lol)
a roger will eventually notice the ball, if there is a pause in their conversation with whomever they are talking to, they too will look around the parking lot, but unlike the scott they will look only at the other people, does the ball belong to them? do the other people fear the ball?, who seems to be in charge of determining the ‘threat-level’ of the red ball? If no one emerges as being in charge (a scott) or the other people are not showing any interest, the roger will put it all out of their mind and get back to their busy lives, (if asked they will blame the ball for making them late)..
a clark will notice the ball………. eventually, (once they notice it) they will immediately try to determine how the other people in the parking lot are regarding the ball, the main concern for the clark is determining if the ball belongs to anyone in the parking lot or if there is a danger that someone will blame (the clark) for taking/stealing the ball, if a crowd has gathered (rogers) and if there is no one in charge (scotts) the clark will speculate aloud about the possible origin of the ball,  if however,  the clark comes upon the ball and the parking lot is totally empty, the clark will still speculate about it’s origins (aloud or silently, depending on mood) will look around to see who is secretly watching, consider taking the ball home but will leave without it.

The Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) can tell you about people in everyday situations. You will be better able to predict the behavior of others using the precepts of the Doctrine. There is a bunch of information relating to a description of the three types that you need to know, but for today this little example will serve to answer the question: ‘what good is this thing, this Wakefield Doctrine’? In the coming days we will try to present descriptions of what makes the clarklike person a clark, a scottian man or woman a scott and how to identify the rogerian personality.



*them geniuseseses Jay Ward and Company back in the Before Time
