Understanding Human Behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 24 Understanding Human Behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 24

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s weekly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.


1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) writing for fun and de-confusioning* (see Grat Five and Six)

5) the Six Sentence Story

6) the Unicorn Challenge (with ceayr, jenne, Pensitivity 101 and them)

7) discretion being the better part of valor… the rain washed the bridge (photo in Grat 1 and 2 above, taken in more temperate climes)

We considered moving the bridge back into place before the flood waters had receded. In theory, less effort to float it back than to lever it back. So we waded into the water, thigh-high and reconsidered our ambition. It was not the depth of the water, not even it the strength of the current. It was the temperature of the water. As we observed our leg muscles getting all Gordian on the knee and ankular regions, standing in the shallow section. (There is a reason for the bridge, not so apparent in either of these photos, but there’s a channel, not deep, say only three feet or so… when the pond is at the summer level illustrated by our photogenic canine and human. That said, the water was over our knees… on shore. lol While we laugh at danger, we haven’t needed jumper cables for any of the automobiles for so long. Well, let’s say we decided that it would have been a pain in the neck to go dig them out from wherever they are if the water remained as cold as it reached our upper torso.

The good news is we will have a Cro-Magnon Challenge by next week when the water recedes! The rules are: only muscle and the simplest of machines, the lever; in the form of small tree trunks which we have an abundance of in the woods.)

the ‘After’ photo for the bridge at the top

8) rain (both as hypograt and as anti-snow)

[Hey! In the interest of setting the scene for the Bro-Magnon Challenge next week, here’s a photo of the Bridge-Too-Far with the water levels down today.]

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


* not a ‘real’ word but clarks, of course, will sense the meaning, if not the application

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Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(our only real concern is whether or the not the block-quote within a block-quote makes the text uncomfortably small for easy readin’)

Wait! There it is!

New Readers? RePrint posts are intended as much as topic jumpstarters as they are filler. The information in the RePrint is always useful, especially if’n you haven’t read all 2,939 or so posts we’ve produced.* But sometimes it helps to sneak up on the task of writing original content. Be that as it may.

We all know (or should (or will, for those here for the first(ish) time. Hey! New Reader)) that the Wakefield Doctrine is gender neutral. Matters not female or male, the principles are un-affected by gender. Culture (both local and global, i.e. human) have an effect. But the Doctrine is about the relationship between the individual and the world around them (and the people who make it up). So, sure, a scottian female might not go up to each individual in a group and push (or punch) each person on the shoulder to establish the current ranking of all. She might do something worse. (lol We will try to keep our own twisted biases and developmental embroglia out of our post-writing lol) (New Reader? Not to worry, ask one of your fellow Readers. Any of them what appear to be trying to repress laughter).

But that’s for another post.

What we were going to add was: “… gender and age neutral.”

Well, we’re out of time for this Monday. Find someone, someone that you don’t need to want to hang out with you, going into the future and say, “You know, there’s this blog where they have a personality theory that totally nails it. You should stop in some time.”

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “Come on! It’s Monday, we’re counting on this Doctrine to make it less…”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Well, lets get right to it!


When in doubt, or the Muse has decided to sleep in*, it is never a bad thing to describe the Wakefield Doctrine. The ‘what it is’ and ‘how to use it’ kind of post. After all, we are still pursuing that, ‘now-I-can-stop-this-daily-post-thing’, the Perfect Doctrine post.

Lets see what we’ve said on the subject already.

ok, had to go back to 2013 to find one… though we suspect it was our search method, rather than that which we were looking for.

…whoa!! what the…!?!?!

Did you just get a whiff of topic?

Quick. Clear our minds.

‘My search method is at fault as opposed to the availability of what I was looking for…’

Ladies and gentlement, I believe we have a Doctrine (and General Realitivity Insight).

(Remind us to revisit this topic tomorrow. Getting late. Luckily, have the reprint still on the clipboard.)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


It has long been my ambition to write the Perfect Wakefield Doctrine post. (One might argue about that adenoidial descriptor, it has always been my ambition, since the very first post, hell, before the very first post). In any event, I’ll give it a shot today, Monday.

The definition of perfection? A post that a total stranger, (to this blog or, for that matter, a person who has not come into contact with anyone who knows of this personalty theory), can read…once and apply it to their own life right then and there. They will look around and they will see the clarks and scotts and rogers.


As a personality theory, the Wakefield Doctrine is more the key a song is played in than it is the song. It is not a definition of a set of established behaviors, tendencies, drives and tropisms, rather it is a way of looking at (the) behaviors, tendencies, drives and tropisms that everyone you encounter today will exhibit. Including yourself. Unlike most of the personality theories that we all come into contact with, the Wakefield Doctrine is not concerned with establishing where, in a pre-established matrix of behavior, you fit best. The Wakefield Doctrine is not concerned with behavior. The Wakefield Doctrine is concerned with ‘how you relate yourself to the world around you’.

Quick set of assumptions and predicates: reality (the world around us) is, to a small, but certain extent, personal; we are, all of us, born with the capacity to experience the world around us in one of three characteristic ways: as an Outsider (clarks), as a Predator (scotts) or as a Herd Member (rogers); finally, although we all, (all of us), settle on, settle into one of the three worldviews, we never lose the capability to experience the world ‘as do the other two’.

Even though the Wakefield Doctrine is concern with relationships, it helps to have labels and definitions (provided that we do not ignore Korsybski’s famous statement, ‘the map is not the territory‘.

Hold on. Enough with the Wikipedia citations and the excessive use of semi-colons!

I think I’ll settle for a quiz that’s as close to a personality assessment as you’re going to encounter here at the Wakefield Doctrine):

  • When you woke up this morning, did you feel good/scared/confident that today would be a good day in ‘the world out there’? If that sounds at all reasonable, go stand over there… no, there are others already in that section of the gym, you’ll see them when you get there.
  • When you woke up this morning, did you get up? ok… amuse yourself while I deal with the last group of personality types. Sure, anywhere will be fine.
  • When you woke up this morning, (well, lets rephrase that to ‘when you transitioned from quiet concern to active concern), did you feel that although you might describe yourself as confident, you will swear in a court of law that the world makes sense if you just work hard enough at understanding it. If you don’t find that description of the start of the average day totally un-reasonable, don’t go anywhere… stay here in the middle of the crowd of participants

There you have it! The three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine!

How do you know which you are?

Up at the top of the post, I wrote ‘how you relate yourself to the world around you’. That is how you know. Even at the Doctrine, where words are viewed as either those colored semi-candy things that you sprinkle on desert or, the yellow and black Cliff Notes that serve as badges of ‘success at any cost’ in school, sometimes we mean exactly what we say. When we say, ‘how you relate yourself to the world around you’, we do not mean, ‘how you relate to the world around you’. It is about you and your relationship to the world that the Doctrine is concerned. So read some posts, read some pages that describe the characteristics of the three worldviews. The perspective ( as an Outsider or as a Predator or as a Herd Member) through which the world is least blurry, that’s your predominant worldview, your ‘personality type’.

Congratulations! You’re a clark (or) a scott (or) a roger.

Lots more to tell you* stop by anytime!

*self-grading of attempt at the perfect Post: C+ … ok a B- (seeing how you’re a clark and clarks are nothing if they’re not willing to do most things to help the other person feel better).


* There’s an ‘interesting’ idea for a story, ‘Are the dreams of a Muse painfully common and boring?’ Maybe I should write that down for the next installment in ‘the Whitechapel Interlude’


*  ayiieee! We despair for ever developing our tertiary rogerian aspect to any kind of level as to provide us with a benefit in our efforts to reach the masses. This asteroid? Because we chose to say ‘produced’ rather than ‘wrote’. And that word choice because there is a handful, aka less than 10 posts written by a guest. Why not just use the verb write? ’cause there is a risk that someone might take exception with our statement. that’s why you know your author is a person with a clarklike predominant worldview,



Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Follow-up: New Year discovery of a rogerian artifact!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

As promised!

‘Debt of gratitude’

(Damn! Slight divergence* from our jumping off point. A quick refresher: the Everything Rule i.e. ‘everyone does everything, at one time or another’.)

ok, now you, the Reader, know what we know.

Review: ‘to discover an artifact’ refers to those moments when observing ‘the other two’ and we suddenly, (if not serendipitously), infer the existence of a dynamic quality that is deeper, (in the individual), than the Doctrine’s description of the three predominant worldviews normally permits. Text book example: the discovery of ‘referential authority’ which is the tendency of Herd Member to cite an external source of power prior to attempting to assert their will. In the first such example here, it was the response of rogers to a hypothetical action on the part of a character in a fiction; way more emotional than one would otherwise expect.

Back to yesterday‘s carry-over topic: ‘Whats the deal with the expression ‘a debt of gratitude’?

We would maintain that the debt in ‘a debt of gratitude’ is a rogerian construct. That it is, in fact, the glue of the most common of social gatherings, the Herd**

*** We Interrupt our discourse with this ‘How fricken fun is this Doctrine?’***

So, when the dissonance of the the ‘debt of gratitude’ struck us yesterday, we (correctly) sensed that the function, compared to the other two, was strongest in our Herd Member friends. Then, Denise weighed in with a comment that, in part, affirmed: ‘For those in the reality of the Outsider, that is a true statement, re: framing as debt.

Which, of course, tripped ever alarm in our heads. lol

We were focused on the noun! Denise reminds us that some words are verbs. And, when it comes to understanding the personal realities of the people in our lifes, we better not forget that reality is made up of both!

with a little typeage, we can arrive at:

  • clarks accept (a) debt of gratitude to the world around them and the people who make it up
  • rogers insist on (a) debt of gratitude from the world around them and the people who make it up
  • scotts don’t mind (a) debt of gratitude as a Saturday-Night-Club-Stamp on a rainy night and doesn’t have time to check how permanent the ink is

Like we said, ‘The Wakefield Doctrine! How fascinating, entertaining and valuable is this theory of clarks, scotts and rogers thing… who’d a thought understanding how the other person is experiencing the world could be so much fun!


PS there is an underlying principle to what the Wakefield Doctrine encourages for those who gather here, the opportunity to engage in identification, i.e. non-transactional interaction. But that’s for another post.


* une petite rogerian expression

** New Readers? there are three ‘personality types’:

  1. clarks (the Outsider)
  2. scotts (the Predator)
  3. rogers (the Herd Member)

multiples: chance-and-random gatherings, packs and herds


(cool Greco-Latin word for memory/recollection: HERE) -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

A wise(ish) person once said, ‘The first step to self-improvement is developing one’s capacity to form habits. For all its bad rep, (or is that, ‘bad rap’?), creating habits is the surest path to Heaven.’

Damn! The things wise people get to say. (Funny you should ask. Wait ’til you see the symbol eR. The check lower on the page. Hopefully there will be some tidbit of new insight into everyone’s favorite personality typing blog.

But here we are again. Tuesday. Attic boxes all around in a circle like we were in the jungle.

Some continuity if you will: (First, SecondThird and Previous Memoir posts)

Damn! We’re going to have to settle on some convention for designating Memoir Posts. One that doesn’t require the copy/paste of links to the pertinent articles.

Hey. The ‘real’ world ate the balance of this post!

… remind us to get more, in the sense of greater percentage of the writing, done earlier than 11-fricken-o-clock!

Thankfully the Wakefield Doctrine is a standalone tool/alternate perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up.


eR Let’s all agree that this superscript will designate ‘the Everything Rule’. Figure with something like that, the new Reader will stop and ask themselves if they’re really sure what kind of random, personality-type blog they’ve got themselfs into. To the point at hand:

What we designated being in the dominion of the Everything Rule is: How does the choice of ‘wiseman/woman/person’ manifest in the three predominant worldviews of the Wakefield Doctrine?

Who would employ/deploy which? You’re gonna laugh but its: roger, scott and clark. lol* Thought experiment/contest for future branded clothing items: Why is that true? Tell us in Comments.


*no, you’re welcome




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

We usually provide, at this point of the intro, an insight into the origin and history of Lizzi’s creation. These tend to have a decidedly fabulist flavor. Far be it from us to suggest that there is any effort to mislead the Reader, especially anyone who has taken the time to visit our humble blog.

That said, below is our list of the people, places, things (and dogs) that elicit a state, however transitory, of gratitude.

1)  Una

2) Phyllis (out of frame, but never far away)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. Fun with a small bag ‘o words

5) the Unicorn Challenge More words, more fun. jenne and ceayr‘s  ‘hop is a photo prompt, making it even more TAT(ish) than the Six Sentence Story. The one thing it has in common with the SSS is/are talented and enthusiastic writers (doug an nancy and Liz and Keith are reg’lars. Speaking of the SSC&B, Tom hands in some pretty intriguing stories near ever week and semi-newcomer to the ‘corn, Margaret  to mention a few. Visiting them is not the worst investment of your time you’ve ever made. (And that’s not counting anything between your eleventh and twenty-third birthdays, either.) Tell ’em the Doctrine sent ya.

6) Only twelve days until the Beginning of Summer!

7) hypo-grat* That is one totally, underwhelming photo at the top of the post. (No, not Una. She is a perfect lifeform and, despite being black-on-mostly-black** There ain’t no bad photos of her.)

8) Something, something

9) The resource of the internet to compensate for shortcomings here, on the fleshy-digit side of the keyboard. Specifically, the second song, ‘December’s foggy freeze‘, fits nicely, no?

10) Secret Rule 1.3

* hypograt (v. hypo-gratuitacious) those things that, on the surface, (which, at times can be pretty-much the whole magilla for folks like us, at least sometimes), but when considered in more depth, (ref. the TToT’s sensei of Hypograts, Mimi) reveals something to be Thankful for… i.e. having a phone that has a built-in camera. Jeez take technology for granted much?

** third music vid can only be…

music vids





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