Understanding Human Behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 16 Understanding Human Behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 16

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The purpose of this Post is…



Damn! The things that seem acceptable at nine o’clock on a Sunday evening. Can’t imagine the quality of weekend book-reports back in the day of residue-covered processed wood and such.

In any event, as has been thoroughly explained, (and artistically self-indemnified), over the previous 14.5 years, it’s better to write badly (poorly/un-inspiredly/insipidly/inanely), than to not write at all.

While an excuse, with intimations of grandeur, this assertion is particularly germane to the world of blogs and the avocation of blog-writing.

(Hey, so far, pretty much the same post as the one we wrote back in 2013!)

Seeing how we’re done with our current co-writing gig, (a Serial Six ‘…Of Heroes and the MisUnderstood‘), time to get back to the reason we’re finger-dancing this May morning: the Wakefield Doctrine. More specifically: what it is, what it does, how it can be used to self-improve oneself.*

The Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. We are, all of us, born with the drive to relate ourselfs to the world in one of three manners:

  1. as an Outsider (clarks): we are apart from, aware of it and determined to find out what it was we failed to learn (that the other two) clearly know and, in doing so be a real person
  2. like the Predator (scotts): we live to live, if the state of satiation, (with a clear and present memory of the state preceding this), were a car, the one we’re driving is stolen, the cops are on our tail and they’re pretty much bad shots
  3. so too, the Herd Member (rogers): life is good, it would, however, be better if everyone would simply agree and adapt themselves to our guidance, in the meantime, it’s all about knowing thy neighbor

The Wakefield Doctrine is a tool, (appliance/aid/training wheels for a motorcycle/a big-assed gum eraser in a world of multiple choice, No.2 pencil tests), with which we might enhance our lifes. The Wakefield Doctrine, as a tool (or a club-shaped mirror), is for us, not them.

Most immediately of value, the Wakefield Doctrine allows those with interest to better see the world as the other person is experiencing it.

(to be cont’d)


gestures the Wakefield Doctrine (like Kirk in the Tholian web, we stay here until 12:01am 01.01.14) now with half naked alien females!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

so my second thought was, ‘screw it, write until they stop reading’. The Plan now is to do all the things, I’ve been meaning to…. (no!  no!  I’ll get it! )   ‘blah, blah, blah’

you’re welcome.

the word today is ‘gestures’  (“…hey, man! I saw that…what the hell was that all about?”  “why, what a nice gesture, we really appreciate it!”  ” and then, the apparition began a series of frightening gestures, everyone stepped back”)

So what does this word have to do with the better understanding and more effective use of the Wakefield Doctrine?

wait!  stop reading…. for just a second. just sit there, I’ll call you back when I have my mind right.  False Start #1

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine!!  the personality theory that is:

  1. unique: damn, no way I can say in less than 500 words what makes the Doctrine unique, so I’ll say it in a way that not only illustrates it’s uniqueness but will also illustrate it’s damn efficacy…. hey! did you see how
  2. useful: if you want an insight into why the people around you act the way that they do, stay with us. the Wakefield Doctrine will make it possible for you to know more about the other person than they know about themselves
  3. fun: seriously! it’s not just that using the Doctrine in your life is fun (find the nearest scott, tell them a few select things about one other person and watch the fun begin…Ed Sullivan had nothing on you!) but learning about the Wakefield Doctrine is fun in ways that we are just beginning to discover

False Start #2!!

This had better work:

hey Readers!  ever have a Post that you knew you had in you, (for the day), but when you sat down to write it you find that you are two or three thoughts away from the ‘proper’ starting point?  Sorry, that was a little confusing. Let’s try this: most of the time when I go to write a Post (not counting event-specific Posts), I set out typing in a direction that I hope will take me near the idea that will become the topic. I rarely have it in mind when I start…..

False Start # 3!!!

Screw it!  Hey clarks!! clearly this blog has stopped trying to pander to/reach out to/make an effort to resonate with the scotts and rogers among the Readers. Totally given up on developing my writing skills, at least in hoping to be able to ‘write in a rogerian style’ or  ‘write to the scotts‘.  Too ambitious for the moment. Maybe next year.

Having said that, let me be clear on this one point: we want to bring in rogers and scotts to this here Doctrine here. While we have Michelle here to speak for the rogers. I am totally grateful to her for coming around and allowing us a direct insight into the rogerian worldview. We want more. Start thinking about who you know that is: a) a scott or a roger and 2) is comfortable with the whole blogging for fun and self-expression thing.  It’s not that we need them to already be writing a blog, but take it from me, you don’t want to try to drag a scott or a roger to this blog, if they’ve never been to the blogosphere. Too much change. Neither worldview is overly big on the ‘change/novelty-for-it’s-own-sake thing. They would be of no use to us. (Why thank you for asking that, Lizzi! the ‘use to us’?   that we have the opportunity to learn-by-association. Example? Sure. Let’s say you’re a classically trained musician, a guitarist. Someone comes up to you after a concert and says, ‘hey!! you better be at ‘The Gates‘ or the ‘Cafe Wha?‘ next Saturday night. You  sit in for one set and you need to win them over’  (stay with me now, this little analogy is a bit bigger than I thought). So what would you, (Mr./Ms. classically-trained-musician) do?  Buy all the sheet music you could get your hands on, bring it along, trust that you can sight read well enough to be convincing? ….or you could  go to these bars and clubs and listen…and watch and absorb the music. ya know?

Awright. Time to get back to the ‘real’ world.  Get out there today and spot your scotts and rogers.  ( how can you tell if you have a roger or a scott?  lolled you asked!  damn!  one will put on a show of doing you a favor that you don’t deserve and the other will barely be able to hid their…. enthusiasm.)

Not to worry! I’ll get back to the more normal enticing and intriguing Posts that are such a hallmark of our blog. After all, we don’t want Jean or beth or Kate to think that this is all brainiac-central …like that episode of Star Trek with those ass-headed aliens who took Capt. Pike and fixed him up with Susan Oliver and, so,  like,  he could totally get it on for their entire race’s anemic, asexual culture’s entertainment and all… yeah, I know all this Star-Trek geek-reference is a total turn on….



jeez not nearly as naked as my memory says she was

jeez not nearly as naked as my memory says she was

annoying, smug, ass-headed alien fellas

annoying, smug, ass-headed alien fellas

you wanted to know why we call them 'ass-headed aliens'?

you wanted to know why we call them ‘ass-headed aliens’?



* first secret lesson of the Doctrine: if you’re reading this you’re a clark (or a scott or roger with significant secondary clarklike aspect)**

** sure, advanced Doctrine principle, but we have faith in your


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Unicorn Challenge  Quik Pik:  ‘Emily’s Escape’  (Liz H)

5) the Six Sentence Story  Sure Six. ‘Don’t Double Your Trouble’ (Lenna Boat)

6) Hypograt* stalled projects: Bridge and Una garden. Interesting geological phenomenon here in southern New England! The density, weight and resistance (to removal) of the soil in the side yard has increased by 11% (YoY) since 2023. USGS reports localized hyper-gravitationing of dirt and weeds and such increasing… (op.cit. ‘The Soil Ain’t Gonna Til Itself Journal’ 2023-2019)

7) something, something

8) Garden-ette and Rain Vase (Two Porch-tomatoes and 4.34 inches of rain)

9) Have concluded our Serial Six ‘…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood‘ that Tom and I’ve written over the past 106 weeks,

10) Secret Rule 1.3  (basically… you got this far in coming up with a least, you get the Gratit Formatting convention has us putting it at Number Ten, ’cause, jinx yerself much?)


* Mimi will be happy to esplain the proper application of the principle of hypogrataciousness and it’s use in the TToT system

music vid







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Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

ah! Mr. Tiny! To give us a hand to start the week.

Hold on….

there we go


“Totally, phoned-in”?!!?

lol yeah, kinda

Promise to stop back in, got an inspection first this a.m., right after that we’ll come back try to … oh, wait,

This week we’ll totally be talking about the Six Sentence Café & Bistro. Mostly a description of the joint. Primarily ’cause we’re inviting you (or, if you’re currently reading over someone’s shoulder, the person at the keyboard) to stop in and visit a spell. We’ll introduce you around, show you the place… then, whatever you want to do! We are talking about virtual reality, yo.


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Know how cool the Wakefield Doctrine is?

besides knowing more about the other person than you have any right to, given that you saw them for the first time as they joined the raffle ticket spaced line at the supermarket.

It, the Doctrine, not the line at the supermarket, also allows you to better know your-own-self.

How? (You ask, rather rhetorically, seeing how you’re ‘out there’ while I’m still here typing. Hell, I haven’t even hit Publish yet. Damn! This is metaphysical gold!)

New Readers: If you’re here for the first time, we’re serious with the single word question. While it normally requires more than one data point* to figure out a person’s predominant worldview, aka personality type: clark(Outsider); scott(Predator) or roger(Herd Member), the process is simple.

Learn the nature of the (three personality types) relationship to the world around them along with their overt characteristics. Then, when you’re standing in the line, eliminate the one that, ‘There’s no fricken way they’re a ….” That leave two worldviews. Now observe as much as you can, without getting creepy or arrested, and one will make more sense than the other. Another analogy:

The three worldviews are distinct ways a person sees, (actually, the right word is ‘experience’), the world around them. Think of them, (the worldviews), as lenses at the optometrist and see which one produces the clearest, truest image. You know, “Look at the image. Is this one [click] clearer than [click] this one? Now, how about [click] this one?” Thats how we determine the worldview of the people around us and get a secret box-seat to their lifes and times and such.

Back to our special quality.

The cool thing is how the Doctrine, even as it allows us to better understand the world and the people who make it up, is a tool for self-improving ourselfs. And the key to this lies in the stated ambition/goal of learning and applying the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine, ‘How do I relate myself to the world around me.’

As always, this: I said ‘How do I relate myself…’ I did not say, ‘How do I relate to the world around me.’

Know the difference and the pilot light flashes green and you in business.

(Useful, btw, in any situation, not just figuring out another’s predominant worldview. If you find yourself in a conflict with someone, something, some event in the ‘real’ world, ask the question: How am I relating myself to the world around me.**)


* ‘ceptin, maybe a scott, specifically ‘the eyes of a scott One of the more fun and amazing things about this here Doctrine here.

** don’t forget to use the correct wording! a short cut will only reinforce the problem.





TToT-the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is our contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

It is not raining at this particular moment (11:22) but an unlisted Grat for this post is that we know our Readers will not hold it against us if we skip the editing and get outside and doing something lawnistically-speaking.


1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop  Six-Pick of the Week: ‘Sands of Time‘  by Eliza Seymour

5) the Unicorn Challenge  ‘corn in the morn pick, [funny thing about this pick*] : ‘Western Sunset‘ by Tom

6) * sure, we liked the story but, the thing about good writing (from the perspective of the Writer and the Reader) is sometimes our fiction contains elements that stand out that we, the writer may not have ‘tried for’. Taking liberites here, I haven’t asked Tom directly but reading the Comments makes me feel this story has one surprise elements

7) co-writing a serial story with Tom… “Of Heroes and the MisUnderstood

8) somoething, something**

9) ** spellczech. (ha ha)

10) Secret Rule 1.3

music vids




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Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Where to begin?

When you think about it, using RePrints to jumpstart a post is, kinda, just like time travel, ya know?

After all, we are, (on some level), what we write. And who can deny that what we write, (fiction, non-fiction, theories of personality types), are us, made loud.

New Readers! There is a thing in the Doctrine referred to as ‘the Everything Rule’. If you’re just getting the hang of this here Doctrine thing here, don’t be concerned if the part of you that felt, for a moment, like this applied to you is now saying, ‘This is all bullshit. I want to speak to the manager. It’s not right that they go on and on like this…” (lol)

While this post began, as many do, speaking generically, i.e. to all three personality types, clearly we are addressing the clarks in the Readiance. The Everything Rule, (which states, ‘everyone does everything at one time or another’) is there to remind us that, while the three personality types exist in characteristically-distinct personal realities, none has exclusive domain over any part or element of everyday life. How a thing, (a job, a love interest, an avocation, an idea, a nightmare or the best way to express an idea), exists for clarks, scotts and rogers without limitation. How it manifests is determined by the nature and character of that person’s worldview. Being a carpenter (manifests) differently to an Outsider compared to a Predator. Being a fan of a popular musician looks like one thing when we’re observing a roger versus a scott. A cop who is a scott will exhibit traits that are arguably more aligned with successful exceution of their professional duties than say, that of a clark who has become a police officer.

It’s all about how one relates themselves to the world around them and the people who make it up. The world is ‘the same’ for everyone. How we experience it can be viewed through three difference lenses, i,e, that of the Outsider(clarks), the Predator(scotts) or the Herd Member(rogers).

We haven’t used ‘the Wakefield Doctrine Promise’ in a long time! (Here ya go): Learn the character (and characteristics) of these three relationships/predominant worldviews and you will know more about the other person than they know about themselves.

Tuesday too the Wakefield Doctrine (nope! we were not joking about the destiny of the content*)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(So …we all good with the realness of your personal reality? …the reality of the other person’s worldview?) We’re spending a lot of time on this because, when we get to the part about using the Doctrine in influencing/helping/understanding/impressing/scoring-big-time with another person, it will be your acceptance of the very real difference (between) what the world is for you and what it is for the other person, that will carry the day.

Speaking of trying to change/improve/enhance/fuckin-stop-making-the-same-mistake-over-and-over-again!, lets take a look at a new concept we’re trying out:

Personal Limiting Condition (PLC), a term for the mechanism inherent in all of our lives, that contrives to limit change. (By change we mean anything that we feel we could or should do differently, anything that we believe will, a) improve our lives or 2) decrease our unhappiness (with our lot in life).  Lets say you, (a clark for the purposes of keeping this discussion somewhat credible) decide, ‘I need to get into shape’ (or) ‘I need to apply myself more and do better at my job’.  Fine. (Being a clark), we will think a lot about how we should attempt to do this thing, whatkind of schedule, necessary equipment and will devote a significant amount of time imagining how great it will be to finally…. whatever you anticipate the ‘new you’ look(ing)/act(ing)/feel(ing) like.

The first day of the jogging program/be serious and ‘on the ball’ at work, goes great! It didn’t hurt too much/it wasn’t too embarrassing. The second day of the jogging/’someone on the move’ at place of employment: hey a little sore, but better shape than you thought (hope it doesn’t take too long)/people seem to be looking at you funny, but the boss seems impressed… Day Three: this is boring/I’m so far behind everyone else…I’ll show them, I’ve got to give 143%/ fine!! I got my regular day’s work done (not that many errors) and the boss seems to be busy with other things…I am so far behind in life, big rewards require big risks!! … until: you run as fast as you know you should be able to run (and something gets fucked up) or  you suddenly have the best idea ever for a book (or starting a band) or maybe sending out resumes, cause your cousins sister-in-law is in the HR Department of a big corporation and everyone knows you should be in…

These last, they are the Personal Limiting Conditions.

The power of PLCs is that they are quite real. You don’t have to give up jogging to not be able to get into shape, you can get hurt. You don’t have to quit your job because you know that you’re in a dead-end mode, you have so many other potential possibilities (yeah, zoe, I know lol).
These are real events. We all encounter them. Doesn’t mean that we are not capable of avoiding them. What it does mean is that, as clarks, we should recognize that this kind of thing happens to scotts and rogers (and other clarks), therefore it does not constitute proof of the unchange-ability of your life.

That’s it for now. for the new(er) Readers… and Jak, here:

(from May of last year, a portion of a Post (in part) Titled, ‘want to know the most dangerous, corrosive word used by a clark?)

It’s an innocent enough word. More than innocent, this word is often considered to be one of positive meaning and intent, a hopeful word, an optimistic word. But as a loan shark is to your local bank, the price of the loan is always higher than the value secured.

The word is ‘maybe’.
In the hands (or on the tongues) of clarks, the word is meant well. “It is a good job, maybe I’ll get it“. Perhaps because, when clarks look at the world we see people and institutions, groups and family members who, while certainly not intending us harm, (they all) clearly know something that we don’t know. “Maybe I don’t want to be a doctor, maybe I really want to find my own way”. The words we use when describing the world we find ourselves in, are  picked with the hope of blending in, looking to be a member or, one of the guys/one of the girls. “I think I should ask her out, maybe I’ll wait until a better time” “How many times do we have to discuss this, maybe next time you’ll listen to me”

Not really sure what it was that struck me about the use of the word ‘maybe’, it just seems that it has a certain resonance when employed by clarks. It is a word that lets us ‘commit without committing’, a word designed to insulate us from disappointment. clarks fear disappointment almost as much as we fear fear. More in a way. Fear can be run from. Disappointment is a sentence of reduced possibility. And if clarks are anything, we are people who believe that having possibilities is the difference between a possibly happy life and a life where we still have options. In a sense, as long as we have the possibility (of something) there is hope.  Maybe.


