Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
Found a RePrint post that made us think of two things:
New Readers: for the record this is not a clumsy effort to find our way through the new(ish) Land of ProNoun Choice. Hell, while we have not always committed to the editorial ‘we’ in narrative, we’re totally comfortable now, to the point of preferring it. In our defense, (yeah, like we need to be concerned… not to tempt the gods of good online fortune, but we have not, to date, been subject to negative readers or comments or such over the years of our tenure. chalk it up to the natural, self-limiting hubris of a clark),
… the two things? two people:
- Cai who has been contributing to the TToT for the weeks of this new(ish) Year… in their lists has been mention of the A-Z Challenge. We did that! Once. And, as it happens below is a One of Twenty-Six (or four…can never keep that straight) from our participation
- Friend of the Doctrine zoe… at the bottom (not showing in this RePrint) are the thumbnails of the twenty contributors to (that) weeks’ TToT zoe being one of them and then, we noticed she was a Hostinae at the time. And, we’re like, wth! gotta send her an invite to update her Host Emerita status to Hostinae. there ya go!
…before we get into pasting and such, a word about clarks and privacy.
damn! (insert clever/risque/relatable metaphor for embracing the concept quality of privacy to a level that Michelangelo would be all “You meant the wall outside the Chapel?!?! Aspetta un attimo, cavolo!!! …So the people walking by could enjoy my depiction of ‘The Creation of Adam’??!!). You know, like that.
P -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Provocative‘
April 18, 2015Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
provocative (prəˈvɒkətɪv)
1. acting as a stimulus or incitement, esp to anger or sexual desire; provoking: a provocative look; a provocative remark.*“…finally a word we can sink our teeth into!!!” (said nearly every scott, at one time or another). Find me another word that does more to generate images of lipstick and slinky dresses**, not that that’s what today’s Post is going to be about …much.
In the words of a clark, ‘yeah, no! but….‘ in the early days of this blog, we saw any number of occasions when, searching in earnest for an illustrative metaphor for one of the worldviews, or a fictional encounter between members of the three worldviews, meant to demonstrate how our worlds are experienced differently, we’ve been met with the response. ‘what?!! did you just say that scotts are predators??’ (yes)…. “I’m not sure that a photo of a cow is really such a nice way to begin a discussion of rogers, don’t your think you’re being a little offensive?” (no).
I’ll say this for certain, the behavioral metaphors that are associated with the three worldviews, are exaggerated and yet ring true, they are over-the-top examples of ways that people perceive the world and yet, when used as a predictor of future behavior, are uncannily accurate. And it’s fun. That’s the other thing that I can say for certain, all that is written in the Posts*** that collectively are the Wakefield Doctrine blog, is written with a sense of affection for each of the three personality types. And this should be anything but surprising, seeing how we all have the potential, the capacity, to experience the world as any of the three personality types do.
Of course, the way ‘provocative’ is manifested in each of the three worldviews is as different as…well, as the three worldviews. scotts come to mind first, as the definition that we used above, anger or sexual desire. rogers, not so much. clarks, oddly (lol, well, duh!) enough, clarks can be very provocative people, in a secret, roundabout way, of course.
Since I have a TToT Post to add to this, lets run out some favorite statements that help us appreciate today’s Word.
rogers are mean, scotts are cruel and clarks are heartless
scotts are stupid, rogers are dumb and clarks are crazy
scotts get angry, clarks get mad and rogers get resentful
(stop me anytime, remember: ‘acting as a stimulus or incitement’!)
* courtesy of free dictionary.com
** at least for those of us blessed to live in the happy and peaceful land of Y Chromia! I assume the womenfolk, (to use the proper technical psycho-socio-cultural term for members of Gender X….), will find their mental drive-in movie playing a similar but different film (you ‘not-old people’, you have heard of drive-in theaters? please say ‘yes’)
*** those Posts that I wrote, which are not all the Posts in this blog.