the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 21 the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 21

Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

hey, normally we’d be all ‘shit-!-what-the-heck-am-I-gonna-do-?-it’s-Six-Sentence-Story-day-and-I-gots-nothin’ on this Wednesday morning. We prefer to have the Six posted on Six Sentence Story Eve. Takes the ‘pressure’ off our brains.

But, as luck would have it, our writing-friend Misky (from Six Sentence Story and the Unicorn Challenge) wrote herself a Comment that got us thinkin’ (ikr? a clarkthinking. knock us over with a feather!)

hey! that reinforces what it was we expressed in our Reply!

Wakefield Doctrine:  “…been amphetamine-puppy, which is not, in and of itself a bad thing but we fear over-repeating ourselfs…”

(to) Misky’s Comment:  >abhor being the center of attention but will not tolerate being ignored’.< Correct. Almost always.

So, here’s the thing: as a clark our primary fear* is scrutiny. So we don’t want to faux pas ourselves by repeating too many things about the Doctrine.

But, what the hell. We just spent fifteen minutes on the footnote below to be taken with a grain of wisdom1

clarks think, scotts act. rogers feel.  the Doctrine is for you, not them. when it comes to learning the Wakefield Doctrine, you can’t get it wrong (and finally) one of our favorite ways to spot the clark… ask the question: ‘How much is Two plus Two?’


* New Readers? Yes. There is a symmetry to the Doctrine. In this particular instance one would be safe to bullet-point the three primal fears (of):

  • clarks (the Outsider) Scrutiny. Sure we could go into a long, detailed, ‘sure-it-sounds-right-to-this-clark’ definition of the term. but we won’t
  • scotts (the Predator) Randomness. Fun story from the early days of the blog: Was out driving around one Saturday Night with Friend-of-the-Doctrine Glenn. We said, “The thing about clarks is that pretty much nothing would surprise us.” to which Glenn observed, “What the fuck are you talking about?” We said, “Well, tomorrow morning when we wake up and head out into the world, if it turns out that the sky actually is purple with pink polla-dots, we’ll just shrug and say, “OK.” To which Glenn said, “That would make me crazy. As a scott (and a Predator) the world not only has to be consistent, but it has to make sense. Day-to-Day ya know?”
  • rogers (the Herd Member) Social Disassociation.  “Did you hear someone?” (looking around the room which could be a classroom or a factory floor or the checkout line at Seven Twelve) there is a well-dressed person waving their arms in the air, mouths all silent-filmy… kinda getting mad) “No. Why? Did you hear someone?” (The well-dressed human shows signs of shrinking into a corner of abject fear)

1) Damn. What they say about ‘Write enough words and the chimpanzees will laugh is true! We just stumbled on that most rare of artifacts from the reality of the Herd Member (rogers) the ‘rogerian expression’. First this link will take you to the Page on rogers. we have a list of all rogerian expressions extant  But today! Big shoutout to Misky (for inspiring this way-longer-than-we-have-time-for post) for the ‘ taken with a grain of wisdom’


speaking of repetition


Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

so, we were talking yesterday about the language of (one’s) personal reality. For illustration, example and ‘damn! I’ve done that!’ among the clarklike Readers allow us to retort.

In the context of the Doctrine that not only includes core vocabulary: ‘Excuse me‘… ‘Don’t mean to…’ ‘If only…’ with the nature and character of the world out there* as object; there is, of course, technical (and learned and, like universally respected) aspect of language that’s way beyond the scope of this Post.** But this guy Korzybski is fun to read.

And besides, the Wakefield Doctrine has never had the ambition of being mainstream-accredited. (That’s kind of a lie, we’d of loved being all world famous. This thing of it is, we lack the requisite level of rogerian aspect. Which, in our case, is a pretty-fricken weak tertiary aspect.)

New Readers! You have a predominant worldview aka personality type. It is that of the Outsider (clark), a Predator (scott) or a Member of the Herd (roger). Just one of ’em. Thing to remember is that the two characteristic personal realities that do not define the relationship through which you interact with the ‘real’ world (oft referred to as ‘the other two’), did not simply go away. They remain an inherent potential. And some people, well, some have higher levels of what we refer to as secondary and tertiary aspects, than others. We, your Humble Narrator*** offer the example of a clark with a significant secondary scottian aspect. How do we know that? Great question!

Consider a simple clark, one without a significant secondary or tertiary aspect. Well, for starters, you’d have to get to work trying to actually find them. oh, they’re there… disguised as the leafy vegetation at the edge of the metaphorical watering hole. clarks are all around you but prefer not to be noticed except when it is a controlled occurrence.

ProTip: Hey! How to spot a clark in a crowd at school or work or the local quicki mart. While they are not the center of attention, they are close by. If you’re lucky and there is a center of focus for the group, listen carefully. The person speaking, if a scott, is very often Jerry Mahoney*****, the clark is Walt. If the person speaking is a roger, then listen for the muttered, but very funny commentary that comes from the crowd.

Damn! That brings up the question, How do I quickly identify the predominant worldview of the people around us? Tune in tomorrow!


*easy clue to being an Outsider, i.e. to think of the world as being ‘out there’ as in apart from (us)

** see what we did there? yeah, roger, we knew that you knew and was just not going to tell us you knew

*** clarks have sometimes**** been described as people who: ‘abhor being the center of attention but will not tolerate being ignored’.

**** ok, a lot of times


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Where were we?

oh yeah, here:

So to the three moving parts:

  1. clarks (the Outsider)
  2. scotts (the Predator)
  3. rogers (the Herd Member)

We are, all of us, born with the innate predisposition to relate to the world in one of three manners/styles/character. And these three ‘styles’ (that other ‘normal’ personality typing schemes and theories refer to as ‘personality type’) we call, ‘predominant worldviews’. Ever body’s got one. And, as a bonus, we never lose the potential of ‘the other two’. The two that did not manifest as our personality type remain a potential influence on our lifes and behavior)

Three personality types. Three ways to relate (ourselfs) to the world around us. Three (well, actually two. But we were really enjoying the anaphora…lol) instances where the secret to understanding (and being understood) lies in being fluent in two (very) foreign languages.


Congratulations! You are demonstrating certain qualities that those who have come to this blog and stayed were possessed …of errr by.


ProTip: You know how we’re always talking about how personality types are reflections of how a person relates themselves to the world? That is the same as saying the person’s personal reality is…. that of the Outsider or the Predator or the Herd Member. With us so far? cool If you’ve made it this far, the idea that we all live in a certain, kinda limited but totally real-reality that is…..personal.

The thing, (useful, enlightening, fun), about this personal reality metaphor is that it makes the business of ‘language’ simple and straight-forward. We’re a clark. We live in the (personal) reality of the Outsider. We have a certain language to allow us act and interact with the world at large. (We good so far?)

ok, staying with the clark example. We act, as does everyone, with the world described in a certain language. We communicate, to varying degrees of success, with the people in our lifes, (and world in general), employing the vocabulary of the Outsider. For the most part, we’re all in Esperanto mode. We get what you’re saying. You know we just asked you, ‘Where is the bathroom?‘ Its just that when we add, in our endearing manner, ‘ We apologize for the imposition of our presence…‘ that the difference in languages makes itself felt.

…from the perspective of clarks, scotts and rogers, of course.

Outa time!

Questions are welcome.



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. A(n) ongoing record of the people, places and things that elicit the psycho-emotional state of gratitude, it is the only know defense against the all-too pervasive negative energy and such endemic in the ‘real’ world.

Here ya go:


1) Phyllis (not in photo below)

2) Una (don’t tell her we said that lol)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) our best good neighbor aka a new fence*. (halfway constructed. posts are setting (concrete curing), black vinyl fencing and gate in the coming week.)

5) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop. From Sally: ‘To the Lighthouse with Virginia and Wolfgang

6) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. From D Avery:  ‘Hatch

7) Fern Spiral (do. you set it now?!?)

8) lol (and no, no one was abducted or anything)

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


* yeah, a little much that reference to David Frost (lol)

music vids









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whydae -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Below is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Unicorn Challenge bloghop.

Hosted by jenne and ceayr, it is part writing exercise and part TAT (with, being the digital age, a touch of Hermann R’s Kool-aid). But it’s fun and …well, satisfying. You oughta join in this week, It’s easy! This is the prompt image. Write a story with les than 250 words in it, go to the link and hook in.


On with ‘the show:


“You’re just foolin’ me again, Grampa.”

“I’ll have you know that I would never deceive my only grandchild.” Cognitive assessments for the very young are not yet able to measure the sophistication allowing appreciation of the cynical italics he placed on, ‘my only grandchild’. If there were, the notation in the test results would be whatever words replicated the giggle that followed.

“Now I know you’re just jokin’ me.”

The two sat on the low concrete wall. Well, one was picked up and set-down with the sense of fun less appreciated by mother than son; the other sat with the slow care of a pensioner counting coins in his monthly change jar.

“When you look out your bedroom window at night, how far can you see?”

The curious shift in topic had the desired effect; the boy’s eyes lit up in foreshadow of his reaction to the question.

“What you see is not forever-far away. What you see is the other side of Time, where everyone we’ve loved have gone to wait for us.”

“Now I know you’re foolin’.” Another, under-assessed quality of the young human mind, is appreciation of metaphor. Some parents fear the imaginary friends or whimsical excuses for chores missed; the very old and the still-quite young revel in it.

Reverie, a state of being that issues passports more to the immature and the elderly, imbued the lighthouse with a glow of excitement and purpose.

“There you two are! I hope he hasn’t tired you out, Dad.”


