the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 20 the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 20

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [an Ian Devereaux Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise defined by it’s numerically eponymous title.


Prompt word:


” …left no good deed unpunished, no bad one unrewarded.”

Diane Tierney demonstrated a gift possessed by few women: she smiled seriously as I approached her hostess station.

“I once had a friend, we were waitressing at a supper club when I was still in school, who got it into her head to start a real estate agency just so she could name it ‘Really Realty’,” as she glanced to her upper left, recovering the memory, I found myself captivated by her necklace; a small ruby on a gold chain, ever-so-slightly cantilevered by her collar bones, my fear of looking up grew even as I continued in the opposite direction.

I felt her silence, transmuting into affectionate amusement, as my autonomic nervous system went all civil war on where to send the excess blood supply; gathering the tatters of my confidence, I looked up into her laughing eyes.

To illustrate her interpretation of Walter Maps’ oft-misconstrued aphorism, Diane handed me the brown-paper takeout bag.

“Be careful, Ian, our Ms. Storme is the soul of discord; you might do well to consider changing careers, selling houses has less potential for permanent physical and/or psychological disability.”



Tiewsdae -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

cont’d from last week

Hey! Picture the senior lion, missing a tooth or two, ok, maybe a claw more suited to massage than tear, nobody needs to act surprised. But is it still a lion? Yessir. More to the point (and the essence of the Wakefield Doctrine) is he/she still maintain the relationship of the Predator to the world around them? damn straight.

The interesting part of this aging process is when we consider an individual’s secondary and tertiary aspects.

We good?

So we assume you’ve done your reading on secondary (and tertiary) aspects of the Doctrine. Influences, potential, behavioral sports… not dual predominant worldviews. One per customer, please,

So we, some of us, have secondary aspects that are…noticeable. By noticeable we mean, for the skilled observer (aka studious student of a certain personality theory), and even then most often a secondary aspects shows in situations of duress and/or heighten energy (we would have used the word ‘arousal’ but, you know…. scotts*

Although we all retain the potential to experience the world as do ‘the other two’ (as distinguished from our predominant worldview), it’s useful to look.

Funny thing about secondaries, it’s become axiomatic ’round here to say that the only people who come back to this blog more than twice are clarks or scotts/rogers who have a significant secondary clarklike aspect.

It’s true! (lol)

ok, this being a Tuesday, we’re out of time. But as a teaser for anyone finding the topic of secondary aspects interesting, consider this: If you’re not in a hurry to learn a person’s secondary, wait ’til they get old.

(‘Old’ means:

  • for a scott… a missing tooth, a worn-down claw, a tendency to pause before leaping at prey,
  • for a roger… newspapers and National Geographic ‘collections’, an affinity for wondering what total strangers are thinking,
  • for a clark… what old?! we were born old… we’re the original merlin in that regards, ‘cepting the cool portrayal in myth and legend leaves out things like the ‘terrible twos’ (and fives and sixes and such). But hey, we think we’re in a better position to interact effectively with the world around us, what with having already seen the movie.





* as in, it doesn’t take much to get them scamps all rambunctious… lol


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers

How about a RePrint?


Monday the Wakefield Doctrine *three personality types, three benefits…three part series*

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)23140241_BG1

the Wakefield Doctrine is predicated on the idea that we all experience the world, to a certain but very significant extent, as a personal reality. These personal realities (referred to as ‘worldviews’) can be categorized as: the world of the Outsider, the world of the Predator and the world of the Herd. The Doctrine further maintains that everyone finds one (of these three) as their predominant worldview at a very early age and what many call personality types and traits are simply the aggregate of behavioral strategies that the individual develops as they mature, in other words, their personality type reflects their personal reality and not the other way around. Lastly, the Wakefield Doctrine holds that while everyone lives their life in one of the three worldviews, we all retain the potential inherent in the other two worldviews; in a sense ‘the other two’ represent the personality type we might have been. Unique in perspective, very productive in application and fun to apply in one’s day-to-day life. the Wakefield Doctrine offers the opportunity to ‘see the world as the other persona experiences it’ and by doing this successfully you will be a in a position to know the other person better than they know themselves.

Personality Type I:  ‘the Outsider’  clarks  the world is forever ‘out there’ (as opposed to here where they are), clarks are insatiably curious, doggedly persistent, fearful in the conduct of their lives and courageous in defense of friends and family and selfless to the point of self-destructive all in service to their attempts and efforts to find a place in the world around them. clarks think

Personality Type II: ‘the Predator’ scotts, action oriented believers that the only good action is the aggressive action, their world is a simple world of predator and prey, fight or flight,  eat or be eaten, scotts are quick to offer help, the first to act, un-shy to the point of promiscuity, mercurial in temperament and violence is within their nature, all without being vindictive, they are natural leaders of whom it may be said, ‘a scott is often wrong, but never uncertain. scotts act

Personality Type III: ‘the Herd Member’ rogers  live in a world of connectedness, they are naturally social and gregarious, they are judgmental and impartial, rogers live in a universe that is inherently quantifiable and there is a Right Way to Do Things, where scotts are the conquerors and clarks are the innovators, rogers are the civilizers. responsible for the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Library of Alexandria, rogers invented the Dewey Decimal system and yet, are the first to burn books. Without the rogerian influence, stable society would not exist in order to repress the individual spirit. rogers feel

Benefit 1: to know yourself (for clarks)

Benefit 2: to know the other person (for rogers)

Benefit 3: to gain the advantage through better understanding of the other person (for scotts)

Hey! A very wise person once said, “Ain’t no such thing, on a Monday morning, as too much Motown…”




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Originally conceived by our Founderess, Lizzi R  and produced by a monastery of hypoxic monks lashing parchment scrolls with the mortal brushes and venial ink, the bloghop carries on. In fact, it’s become so popular as to cause the dedicated host of hostinae (Mimi, Kristi, Lisa, Denise and Dyanne) to convince us we might serve a term as host. Well, as we all know, ‘no good deed goes unpunished.

For the Doctrine, this is our list:

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story (sentence limit) blog hop.  Pick-of-the-Week.  ‘What fun?...’  by Chris

5) the Unicorn Challenge (photo prompt) blog hop. ‘The Prayer‘  by Nancy

6) the meadow

7) Misky! Has accepted our invitation to take a seat on the TToT Board of Hostinae! We (remember. regular Readers of the the Wakefield Doctrine blog) hope that she finds as much satisfaction (so, mums the word, yo… no, ‘But Marilyn you have such talented and accomplished bloggers following and enjoying your …still Life joint are you quite certain that you should be seen comporting with such… such ‘people’?’ lol  We’re quite grateful that she has joined us in this grat-blog-that-Lizzi-conceived,

8) the Board of Hostinae

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3  (reminder all you New Readers, journey-person Doctarines/-a and chance visitor to this blog who, after reading with an increasing sense of disbelief and alarm, desperately clicking their mouse, like a movie-goer pounding on the brass bar of a fire exit…) Secret Rule 1.3 on one (the mundane level) simply means that in the process of creating a list of 10 things, as number 7 or 8 are penned and the realization that success is imminent, the resultant gratitude is a totally legitimate Item. Convention and good manner dictate that the last item (#10) be used for this celebration of food good* fortune.

Thanks to Denise for catching that… “Alex (or was it Pat), I’d like that Grat saved to my account for next week?”

music vids





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Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Unicorn Challenge.

Hosted each week by jenne and ceayr, we brave few, we band of bloggers are provided a photo, an image if you will, and charged with creating a story of not more than 250 words.


>sussurus of old five pond notes<

“Now the socks.”
