self-improvement | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 8 self-improvement | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 8

Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Why do clarks always (seem) to hedge-their-bets/hold-back/not-embrace-the-present/pay-the-price-but-leave-their-purchase-at-the-fufilment-center*.

The answer is at the heart of why clarks (and scotts/rogers with way too much secondary clarklike aspects) enjoy the Wakefield Doctrine.

The answer** lies in understanding the predominant worldview of the Outsider, aka clarks.

[Ran out of time. Need to work on Six. And go to work. Comments are always fun.]

* an actual word for the place you go (or used to go, pre-internet) in any sizable department store to gather up your purchase and toddle off home with a new portable entertainment center or Three-Speed SunBeam mixer

** we trust some of you have started waving your hands in the air like Prince and shouting ‘There are no Answers in the Doctrine!!’ ‘There are only additional perspectives… and, well ok, if you must, a few Rhetorical Questions, such as:

  • they say that clarks abhor being the center-of-attention, but will not tolerate being ignored
  • if they’re so curious, why don’t more clarks look into their tendency to procrastinate, at least on things that involve others
  • …what do you mean, ‘That last bullet point makes no sense?!’
  • of course it does… but, this post notwithstanding, the attitude remains: offer the tools to self-understanding yourself and let the Reader decide how to proceed
  • …no, we don’t think that this approach to what is, purportedly, at-least-in-part, a self-improvement system is a wee-bit on the laissezfaire
  • sure, and it might seem to some to be the equivalent to the Captain of the Titanic directing his crew to slide notes under the cabin doors of all the passengers informing them that ‘Skiing, rock-climbing and competitive Ice-Water-Swimming has been added to the ship’s athletic program…
  • no, we’re not goings to keep this up
  • yes, there is a coherent answer:
  • clarks, as Outsiders, tend to avoid accepting (things/people-who-seem-to-want-more/events that represent the culmination of a deliberate effort) because then others would be in a position to know us
  • …. we have to spell everything out?!?! ‘Know us without an allowance for a ‘makeup effort’ There is always something of a mystery about clarks and we are good with that because if everything is stated and we don’t measure up (to whatever standard) what’re we gonna do then?



(yeah, like Prince wasn’t no clark1)

  1. similar to Hendrix in the contrast between stage persona and… personal (at least in interviews and such). Even more (than Hendrix) in the contrast with lyrics and music…

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Founded thirteen years ago, in 2003, in a thatched cottage on the banks of the River Worcestershire in County Glam on the outskirts of the Devonian Forest, the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop has been a positive force in the blogosphere. Whether people are aware of it or not. Simply taking the time to reflect on the previous seven, (or seventy or One thousand Six Hundred and seven), days automatically imparts an additional perspective on our lifes. And, if there is a secret-of-the-universe ready-made for a one minute commercial to interrupt your favorite youtube channel’s newest posts, it would be perspective. That’s all the Wakefield Doctrine its-own-self is, an additional perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up.

Meanwhile, here is our perspective on the people, places and/or things we are currently aware of being grateful for:

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

5) alternate bloghops, i.e. the Unicorn Challenge (hosted by ceayr and jenne) (and the Doctrine’s contribution this week: ‘The Rain like Rust Drowns the World‘)

6) Last phase of the grass project  (straw around the cottage)

7)  the Wakefield Doctrine (redux)… we’ve all watched the movie clips we’ve posted over the years that illustrate one (or more) of the three predominant worldviews of the Doctrine: ‘I’m gonna get you Stewart‘ (a scott and a roger), ‘You’re not on my job‘ (a clark (DeNiro), a scott (Caruso) and a roger (Towles). Well, Friend of the Doctrine Nick has provided us with another resource in this aspect of learning the Wakefield Doctrine over at his new stomping grounds, the Rhythm Section with his most excellent piece on Moby.

8) something, something

9) new WAF1

10) Secret Rule 1.3 [“…’cause if we didn’t have secret rules, then that kinda makes the whole Garden of Eden, ‘please, one thing only, just don’t (snicker, snicker) eat this Apple (chortling angels off stage-right.”]


1) waf: Weird-Assed-Flower

music vids





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RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Before we get to today’s Monday RePrint© lets return, ever-so-briefly, to the beginning-years of this blog.

[Full Disclosure: we tried to find an old post that had, at minimum, a formulaic relationship to today, i.e. 07/10/2017 or 07/10/2013 but … nothin’. Well, one had something, but it was deemed too anachronistic or excessively topical. So we resorted to the scientific approach: spin the wheel, (of post-published-dates), and below, if we have time, is the result.)

Where were we?

oh, yeah

You know what we remember as being a part of the fun of the earliest of posts? No, not realizing that our skill-level in the writing was abysmal. For that there is a simple strategy for clarks, provided the Will is there to continue, to not give up, to not succumb to the pressure of avoidance of scrutiny. (Which, if you are wondering about ‘the deal with clarks (Outsiders) and scrutiny we wrote a brief, little post HERE)


Hey! Did you realize that you, the Reader, are living in a Perfect World’?

yep, sure are.

You have things to do today, right? Well, if you were reading the day’s Wakefield Doctrine on this Monday morning, say, in 2017 or 2013, we might have made the statement: ‘Everyone works as hard as everyone else does at their job/work/school/homemaking/etc

And… and! we were quite sincere in these statements. With the meaning intended, (almost), literally.

Well. Out goal today is to write/RePrint something about the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine that, if read and comprehended, would get you, the Reader, closer to enjoying the benefits of this here personality theory here. In part, we’re referring to the statement: With the use of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine you will be in the position to: know more about the other person than they know about themselves.

Bold claim?

Yes. Yes, it is.

But, since we’ve begun typing, we’ve embedded in our, if-only-we-could-write-like-a-roger post, several interesting discussion points (about the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers). The challenge, an unavoidable cost of taking the SOC*, is remembering the surely fascinating side roads we marked.

Better bullet-point them before they get too far in the rearview mirror. (Not in order or sequence to original post)

  • you remember ‘the Everything Rule’ right? My reference: if-only-we-could-write-like-a-roger is to illustrate the fact that, even though there is nothing exclusive to one personality type and not the other two, there are some things that one (predominant worldview) can do ‘better’ than the others. In this case: writing (popular fiction). rogers have a way with the written word that we used to refer to as consisting of smooth, well-rounded words. (Look only as far as your favorite commercially-successful fiction writer. No, we’re not going to tell you which author is a roger (or clark or scott). You can figure it out. You have the tools.
  • at the top of this post we referred to: “... a simple strategy for clarks, provided the Will is there to continue, to not give up, to not succumb to the pressure of avoidance of scrutiny“. lol  When in doubt about proper rules of grammar and/or rhetoric? Wordify the hell out of it. (Making up words ‘that should exist’ is the clarklike equivalent of the rogerian expression. Not as funny, but just as aggressive.)
  • the provocative statements? We totally stand behind them. Of course, this requires the Reader to accept the notion that we go about our lives in a reality that is, to a small but nevertheless significant degree, personal.

outa time.

Sure, we can post a music vid that’s related*

*to the posts that we didn’t reprint… ha ha




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and roger)

This is the Doctrine’s weekly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Now in it’s bidecadeal year!

1) Una ————————————————————————————⇓

2) Phyllis ——————⇑

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) Six Sentence Story bloghop

5) Cottage patio project:

6) Before

7) After

8) something, something

9) Hypo-grat: in the course of our tenure here we’ve graced these pages with tales of monumental engagements with nature, i.e. lawn projects and a variety of landscape renovations. Mostly moving piles of dead wood or soil from one part of the property to another. It served as the only physical workout we’d get. Well our hypo-grat focuses on the state of exhaustion that followed sucf worthy efforts. The thing is, the endorphin-fueled feeling of satisfaction of that used to take the better part of a Sunday afternoon, can now be achieved in about an hour. As my boy Robert Browning be sayin in his poem, ‘Andrea del Sarto’:

Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, Or what’s a heaven for?All is silver-grey, Placid and perfect with my art: the worse! ”

10) Secret Rule 1.3 Book of Secret Rules (aka Secret Book of Rules) take us home!







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Mon-Re-Day-Print -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

While the TToT just celebrated their 10th anniversary and the Six Sentence Story didn’t (in all fairness, not certain the current length of tenure. Zoe commented on the weekend at the TToT, she might know. If she doesn’t I see Wendy on the FB, and we’re pretty certain she proceeded Z. Should ask.)

So, on the week’s schedule, we’re pretty busy.

But, this blog is about the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers. And, if there’s anything that’s demonstrably true about it, it’s that there is always something to write about the Wakefield Doctrine.

Be that as it may, it’s Monday and we promised (in the title) a reprint post.

(Man! What is it you can’t admire, when it comes to this internet. I just searched ‘writing’ among all Doctrine posts. The last page ‘…of one thousand’ yielded the following. Just what the Reader, (may or may not have), ordered!

Works for us!

time for another Post already?! oh man, no f*ckin way can I keep this up

OK. I have it together now. No need to get excited. Just sit here, clear the mind, the content is in there. Just relax.My compliments to any of you out there who have maintained an active blog for more than 3 months. Jesus, this coming up with Posts all the time is not as easy as it looks. And this from the perspective of  ‘as long as there is a new Post once a week’  blogholder. But no one is holding a gun to my head… (‘hey theres an idea for a Post!)


Sorry, forget it. Sure one of the 103,000,000 blog authors in the world today has already done the definitive, ‘Someone is holding a gun to my head’ treatment. Maybe there are some studies that I can cut and paste and fill up some of this white space and then I can call it a day and get back to my real life!

Alright, seriously now. I do mean my compliment to those of you who have the ability and talent (acquired or learned) to write something new and different and sometimes even interesting, Post after Post after Post/blog after blog after blog. Not bad. But since I am not ready to give up on this little blog of mine, I had better t t try to get it together and come up with a Post that will keep the crowdlette coming back for more.

Being that this is the Wakefield Doctrine (aka the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) I would do well to keep to the subject that I know best. (See? Right there! I don’t know much about grammar and good writing and all, but that last sentence had at least two tenses, and easily three pulperfects in it. Man, this is worse than the first time I recorded myself playing guitar along with Jimi Hendrix. Suffice it to say, if you were there you would not have had too much trouble telling us apart.)

This writing and grammar thing is really starting to annoy me. It is bad enough that I regret now that I did not take a typing class when I was in high school. (At my current age, in my high school years Typing Class was for people taking a Business curriculum, which meant you were going to be a secretary which meant you were a girl. That simple, end of cultural subtext). But with this damn blogging thing, I am being forced to confront the fact that I do not have mad writing skills.  I should have paid attention in my English classes. (Look, it was the 60s when I was in high school, how cool is that?) But the inescapable fact remains that the skill set I would value the most this October morning is not how to play the opening riff of ‘Sunshine of Your Love’. Its funny about how people, at least in the current (american) culture, we seem to have an expectation to be able to do certain things well, just because we think we can do them at all. By this I mean singing and writing. Most of us know that we can sing our favorite song in the car, on the way to work, therefore I think we all equate that with being a singer. Writing, the same. I can, with the help of spellcheck and a lot of proof reading, write a report at work, so how hard can it be to be a writer?

(I have resisted the impulse to hit Preview to see if I’m down far enough on this page to call it a day.) But anyway, you are here because you want to know all about the Wakefield Doctrine. Right?

The Wakefield Doctrine will cause you to see the world in a slightly different manner. Nothing earth-shaking, no flashes of light; ‘oh my god I understand now’ will not be on your lips. What will happen if you read most of this blog and the associated pages will be that you might find yourself saying, ‘that person is such a roger‘, or you might find yourself thinking, ‘here comes so-an-so what a scott he is’ or you could think, ‘shit, I’ll bet I’m one of those clarks the Doctrine is talking about.’

If this happens to you, I have succeeded. If it does not then I have failed. If you have a question about the Doctrine, leave a Comment or email or whatever the hell people do around here. I will get back to you as soon as I finish my Adult Education class, “You too Can Write Like The Prose’, that I am taking at my little local high school.



