self-improvement | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 self-improvement | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

Tiewsdae -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

cont’d from last week

Hey! Picture the senior lion, missing a tooth or two, ok, maybe a claw more suited to massage than tear, nobody needs to act surprised. But is it still a lion? Yessir. More to the point (and the essence of the Wakefield Doctrine) is he/she still maintain the relationship of the Predator to the world around them? damn straight.

The interesting part of this aging process is when we consider an individual’s secondary and tertiary aspects.

We good?

So we assume you’ve done your reading on secondary (and tertiary) aspects of the Doctrine. Influences, potential, behavioral sports… not dual predominant worldviews. One per customer, please,

So we, some of us, have secondary aspects that are…noticeable. By noticeable we mean, for the skilled observer (aka studious student of a certain personality theory), and even then most often a secondary aspects shows in situations of duress and/or heighten energy (we would have used the word ‘arousal’ but, you know…. scotts*

Although we all retain the potential to experience the world as do ‘the other two’ (as distinguished from our predominant worldview), it’s useful to look.

Funny thing about secondaries, it’s become axiomatic ’round here to say that the only people who come back to this blog more than twice are clarks or scotts/rogers who have a significant secondary clarklike aspect.

It’s true! (lol)

ok, this being a Tuesday, we’re out of time. But as a teaser for anyone finding the topic of secondary aspects interesting, consider this: If you’re not in a hurry to learn a person’s secondary, wait ’til they get old.

(‘Old’ means:

  • for a scott… a missing tooth, a worn-down claw, a tendency to pause before leaping at prey,
  • for a roger… newspapers and National Geographic ‘collections’, an affinity for wondering what total strangers are thinking,
  • for a clark… what old?! we were born old… we’re the original merlin in that regards, ‘cepting the cool portrayal in myth and legend leaves out things like the ‘terrible twos’ (and fives and sixes and such). But hey, we think we’re in a better position to interact effectively with the world around us, what with having already seen the movie.





* as in, it doesn’t take much to get them scamps all rambunctious… lol


More-is-more Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

damn! We may have already completed our morning prosisthenics*

But, then again, that’s why god invented RePrint posts!

(ok, time to go all audio-visual on this bad-boy**)

‘…send in the sans’ the Wakefield Doctrine TToTwo “…do not Read this Post… still editing!” (no! I’m serious! it’s 8:59 am EST and I have to Post it un-finished)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)LYCAON PICTUS

Not much on following Directions, are you? You thought I was joking about not reading this yet??  Fine then. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. I have to open the lines for the Wakefield Doctrine Video brunch, I have not finished editing this Post (read: re-write)… well, since you insist on reading this, how about you help a blogger out here… any suggestions, revisions, edits or anything else submit as a Comment and I will make the change.

Hey! Thanks…. (no, I think I better just save that, in case we need it at the end of the Post)

Item 1: grateful for my willingness to employ the term ‘writer’s block’ and not feel self-conscious enough to delete it and find another word! there is still an underlying self-consciousness extant in this experience that has me….  ‘looking around the room’ when I refer to myself as a writer…lol  no! seriously I do! I think of writers as people with… writing skills and, at the risk of indulging in a form of self-centeredness, I still am not comfortable including myself in that group

2) The Second Item: the Post from… that new guy… Mike… the guy with the granddaughter and his daughter is a photographer… wait a minute, hold on…  Joe!  that’s it!  his blog is called:  Joe Floggers(??!)  his contribution this week included the experience of being in a funk (“…Joe! dude,  got me the music vid for this Post, thanks!)  What I got from (Mike’s Post) was reminder of the feeling of enthusiasm and (even) a little of a ‘sense of wonder’ that we all feel when we start writing a blog and it begins to ‘take off’.  thanks Joe

3) You are grateful  (or should be) that I deleted about 300 words in my first attempt to write this thing, but in that (300 word,  ‘word salad’ ) I made mention of the TToT Book of Secret Rules which is guarded by Lizzi (and her majordom-ettes  Christine and Dyanne they both bring an enthusiasm to their charge more commonly seen in lionesses when the pride is threatened or the dorm mother sitting in the lobby on a Saturday Night)

4)  totally and genuinely grateful for wikipedia (and google in a more broad sense) not only for helping me correctly spell a lot of the …less commonly used words that I seem to be so fond of using, but in offering new concepts and ideas that I was not consciously aware of… in this case  ‘clanging’  which came up on the page when I looked up ‘word salad’  very cool, wikipedia, very cool

5) for reasons not understood, what few ideas that occur to me as I type,  on this cool November Sunday morning, are not frickin staying in my head long enough to get into a form that I can pass off as a Gratitude Item….damn!

6) grateful to the support from co-hosts and Participants alike for my own unique  style  exhibited here each weekend. I appreciate that, not necessarily for the reasons one would think…

7) yo! thank you zoe… for sending in a Comment that allowed me a few blessed moments of coherency as I struggled to reply to your comment (see on yesterday’s Post) (that it was a ‘struggle’ is testimony to the difficulties I am heroically enduring here in front of this blank page, the monitor staring at me like an attractive women that I must walk past in order to find the safety of the buffet table, she seems to expect something from me…no! she is challenging me!  to prove myself deserving of her … response her attention… but the linen covered table, so very near… like being number 7 in a list of 10… my only hope is for a real person to come by… attractive scottianwomen are always drawn to a smooth talking scott

8) made it!  hah!  damn! I don’t particularly enjoy eating standing up while pretending to talk to business associates that are only their because they are afraid of losing business…all except those rogers who stand around in herd-lettes, the dominant roger, not the center of the group… but oriented so that he (yes… in a business conference environment the male rogers are visible to the un-trained eye, the female rogers not… the two most obvious are the male rogers and scottian females. the male rogers, as I just alluded to are the gate keepers to the small herds that they gather in… the scottian females  lol they simply stand there and …and let the rogerianmales….accrete (to not put to fine a point on it)! There is no mistaking the scottian female… the scottian male?  probably already upstairs in his room with conquest #1 lol

9)  I invoke Secret Rule 1.3 and claim relief.

10) that should do it for this week’s TToT… thanks for participating

totally should do this:

Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts


Join the Ten Things of Thankful community and work with us to nurture an attitude of gratitude. We use the whole weekend to focus on the Good Things in life. Make a list of those present in your life by listing ten things you are thankful for today. Then share the Wonderfulness with others here.

Please take time to have a look at some of the other posts submitted and leave them some comment love – let’s get the appreciation going. We find that the magic, the connection and the joy comes through best in conversations in the comments.

Add your ‘Ten Things of Thankful’ link here and don’t forget to display our banner on your post.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.




*sorry, but we really wanted this to be a cool neologism… let us know if you didn’t need to click on the link to find out how far, out-of-clever-line we strayed.

** for those of us of a certain….vintage, the total treat of a class with a film (yeah, sprockety-projector on a pull-down screen)



Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

We were looking for a post that had ‘Labor Day’ in it’s title or content.

What the hell? Did not find one at all.

Who said ‘Everything Rule!!’

oh, man! New Readers You gettin’ good.

…almost too good.

yeah, invoking the ‘everyone does does everything, at one time or another’ aka the Everything Rule is a very helpful prompt. ’cause we can learn something about the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine and, therefore, about our ownselfs

…well, we’ll tell you.

clarks: their personal reality/the way they relate themselves to the world around them is that of the Outsider. That pretty much describes ’em. oh, more? well, here’s the thing about clarks, they know that everyone around them, from like, hey, four years old? (yeah, at that stage of life, no major influence there, right?) anyway they see that everyone apparently knows something that they can’t, for the life of them, understand. And this knowledge is manifested in this thing, a sense of belonging’ that becomes the brightest porch light to the neighborhood Insecta Lepidoptera. The young clark concludes they missed the class: ‘Growing Up Human 101’ (pre-Requisite: So, You’re Alive! Intro Social Realities 100) … Here’s the thing about Outsiders. They are painfully aware of being different. And they know that the most important thing (other than learning what they don’t know) is they need to hide it. So, clarks are precocious and intelligent and think the shit out of life. There is a curiosity driving them that is nothing like the mere, ‘
“Oh, my what a inquisitive child. This is a smart one. (better watch out, small human, we’re on to you and your pathetic disguise. Slip up once it’ll be your last. And… if you don’t, we have a little program for your kind called adolescence. We’ll get you then our little pretty.”

Damn! Used up our time this morning.


…yeah, here’s a RePrint

the Wakefield Doctrine ‘of old and new… perspective is all’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Today’s Post:

  1. the simplest possible form of the Wakefield Doctrine
  2. a Post from the Doctrine written in 2009
1) Suppose you knew what ‘the other person’ was thinking, would you feel good about (being able to know that) or would you not feel good? If you are the type of person who thinks that seeing things from the perspective of the other person, then the Wakefield Doctrine has much to offer. If you are a person who wants to have an edge when interacting with others in the course of a day, then you should know that the Doctrine gives a person an advantage and if you feel that knowing more about a person is better than knowing less, then despite your aversion to the novel and the outre’, the Wakefield Doctrine is something you should try to learn. The Doctrineoffers a perspective on human behavior that you will not find anywhere else. And you can’t get it wrong… if you can remember the characteristics of the 3 types and you can suspend your disbelief enough to be able to imagine that everyone is living out life in a slightly different reality… you are there.
2) as follows:

Hey Reader! Yeah, you!

Do you believe that your (personal) history defines and (pre)determines your future or what? Is there such a thing as the momentum of habit. (The ‘momentum of habit’  is the notion that what we are is simply a more elaborate form of what we have always been.) (Cheery thought, no?)

Well? Do you think it does?  (Don’t you dare touch that “Back” button.)
(in a fairly creepy, sudden shift to a calm tone…)  “Do me a favor, you know something about us here at the Doctrine

…look back on your life. Try to remember and recall the things you have done, the places you have lived, the people you have known, since as far back as you can.
Now: erase the names of the people, delete the addresses of the locations and take off the labels of the things you have done (a job title, your education, religious designations).
You can still remember your life, can’t you?
Even with names and labels removed/deleted/eliminated, you know that you have been alive, a life that is yours and yours alone.
You know, even without the names, that you lived in one place (or many different places), you knew a few people (or a lot of people) and you spent your days…doing this (or doing that).
Your ‘life story’ runs from the first (often vaguely recalled) times you remember as a child and continues, an un-broken line up through and right to the present moment.

Pretty goddamn ‘straight’ line isn’t it?

Look at your life in terms of how many different interests and activities and ways of investing your time that you have experienced. How different was your life when you were 7 years old compared to when you were 17 years old?(…or 27 or 77…)
(Yeah, yeah scott, I get the ‘I gots the girlfriends/boyfriends thing’ Does not matter. Lose the names, and they (still) are people you shared yourself and your time with, no different from a best friend in second grade or a spouse in middle age or the person in the bed next to yours in the nursing home.)
What I am trying to get across here is that the important thing  is not the names of the people, places and activities that comprise(s) your life.
Rather, I am asking you to consider the question, what did they (seem) to add to your life, why did you give them your time!?

I want the Reader to consider their lives without the qualification/rationalization/justification that we all impose when we reflect on our lives.

… ‘he was a great friend, even though he was an asshole’… ‘I really liked spending time with her, but I had to because she was family’ … “of course we are happy together! We have beautiful children and a nice home’… ‘I know this is a boring job, but I will stick with it, because otherwise, what will I do?…’maybe I can still pray and maybe its not too late for me…”who will take care of me if I get sick?’…

(These little quotes barely hint at the myriad of ways that we employ to make the fact that what constitutes ‘our lives’, our essential nature and character,  is the same today, (as you read this Post), as it was on your very first day at school.)

So what, what is wrong with that, at least I have a life that I can look at and say, ‘hey I’m not doing so bad’!

(You are correctscott.  and someone please tell roger to come back into the room, we have stopped talking about life as if it were totally unpredictable and un-certain. We won’t talk about interchangeability any more.)

Well, that was fun, wasn’t it?  (Yes, I am seriously getting ready to close out this Post for today.) (No, I actually don’t have a more satisfying denouement for todays Post)

(writer leaves, house lights stay off…)

If pressed, I would have to say the point of this (Post)  is that our essential natures (clarksscotts and rogers) will determine how our lives are experienced and will force a consistency throughout the years (of our lives).
Having said that, I will remind everyone that the Wakefield Doctrine is predicated on the idea that we all have the full range of potential, we are all (potentially) clarks and scotts and rogers.
And despite how this Post reads, we always have the potential to feel, act, or think in the manner of the other two personality types.

Which, in fact, really is the purpose of the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarksscotts and rogers).





Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Special thanks to Friend-of-the-Doctrine, Cynthia. (Why, yes, that is a genuine Wakefield Doctrine U. hoodie).


The Wakefield Doctrine is a fun1 tool2.

Like the most fundamental, (and, therefore, arguably useful) tools, it offers a flexibility in application and a simplicity in operation.

The tool, that is the Wakefield Doctrine, is comprised of three moving parts, one conditional assumption, a single qualifying limitation and the ultimate in safe and simple On/Off switches.

Application, (of said tool), is of a variety of multitudes beyond a meaningful quantification.

(It being apparent we’ve run out of synonyms for useful, practical and…what’s the word? oh, yeah, ‘cool, productive and fun’, lets get all bullet pointy on this thing.)

So to the three moving parts:

  1. clarks (the Outsider)
  2. scotts (the Predator)
  3. rogers (the Herd Member)

We are, all of us, born with the innate predisposition to relate to the world in one of three manners/styles/character. And these three ‘styles’ (that other ‘normal’ personality typing schemes and theories refer to as ‘personality type’) we call, ‘predominant worldviews’. Ever body’s got one. And, as a bonus, we never lose the potential of ‘the other two’. The two that did not manifest as our personality type remain a potential influence on our lifes and behavior)

Beneath it all, (the fun and efficacy of our little personality theory), is the phrase: ‘How we relate ourselves to the world around us and the people who make it up’.

Oft under-understood, this phrase has one word that accounts for a) it not quite making the most of the value as a tool for self-improvement and 2) missing out on an opp for self-understanding (oursefls). Damn! We gave it away. If we were in a classroom or lecture hall, one might say to the assembled students-to-school, “We did not say, ‘how we relate to the world’, people, we said, ‘how we relate ourselves to the world’ Big-assed difference. What? No, that last will not be on the exam.”

“This will be on the Mid-term!”

(to be continued…)




couldn’t link into photo-caption, so, ‘Thanks, Cynthia!’

1. fun (n.) “diversion, amusement, mirthful sport,” 1727, earlier “a cheat, trick” (c. 1700), from verb fun (1680s) “to cheat, hoax,” which is of uncertain origin, probably a variant of Middle English fonnen “befool” (c. 1400; see fond). Scantly recorded in 18c. and stigmatized by Johnson as “a low cant word.” Older senses are preserved in phrase to make fun of (1737) and funny money “counterfeit bills” (1938, though this use of the word may be more for the sake of the rhyme). See also funny. Fun and games“mirthful carryings-on” is from 1906.

2. tool(n.)Middle English tol, from Old English tol “mechanical instrument for manual use, implement used by a craftsman or laborer, weapon,” from Proto-Germanic *tōwalan “implement” (source also of Old Norse tol), from a verb stem represented by Old English tawian “prepare” (see taw).
Both of above citations aka feetnotes, courtesy of our friends at Online Etymology Dictionary

Ffdrkiyeedaeirhhy -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…most of the letters are silent”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Unicorn Challenge bloghop.

Hosted by jenne and ceayr, it’s really fun to participate, if you are so inclined.

The only limit? No more than two hundred and fifty words in your story. The genesis of which:


Each station had a display of all remaining stops. Brightly LED-authoritative, and of a certain comfort, in a digital 21st C sort of way, they provided the weary traveler assurance the world was organized in a logical and human-sensible manner. The car moved at a velocity that, due to the quality of the engineering, was not discernible, other than the time spent going through stations. On the cusp of one day and the next, we didn’t bother slowing down. In the time it took to glide from one end of the cylinder of light to the next, the display flickered into: Last Stop Taigh Both Fhleisginn

The darkness that followed was of the deepness that awakens the most atavistic lobe of the brain; which, for all of its primitive reasoning, paved the way to becoming an apex predator. Left with fading light fragments, my mind re-assembled them, an over-tired child sitting in an avalanche of favored toys; light-drew-letters/ letters-formed-words/ words-created-a-world: the briefest of messages flared:

Time is not a River. Time is not a stream. The world has no boundaries. Life is but a dream.

Settling back into the seat, my companion smiled randomly and I began to believe that taking the drug he’d offered was something of a mistake.

He turned, facing me, (and our direction of soundless travel); his lips moved without disturbing the air, yet the message was clear and simple:

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.




