self-improvement | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 18 self-improvement | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 18

Toosday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

We have mentioned the fact that, as a tool for self-improving oneself, the Wakefield Doctrine is without peer, have we not?

(Hey! You ever wonder why it is we say, ‘the Constant Reader of the Wakefield Doctrine is either a clark or a scott (or roger) with a significant secondary clarklike aspect? Of course you have. Wait! Come back! Don’t click away… we’re just kidding. Everyone is invited to read and take what they can from this place of ours.)

Ok, already, enough with the asides! So, before I try to write an effective introduction to today’s reprint, there’s a youtube channel you’re gonna love. (As an aside, this  guy is a master of the segue to commercial. While we get that sponsors are how folks can afford to spend the time creating content, most are ham-handed, “Now a totally Dissonant Word from Someone You won’t be Clicking On, commercials. HAI is so not like that. This channel is made for clarks (and those with secondary clarklike aspects).

Do us a solid, if, after watching a few vids, you’re inspired to leave a comment, tell ’em the Wakefield Doctrine sent ya. Click: Half as Interesting


Shall we continue on to today’s Reprint? From August 18, 2014

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Lizzi has this thing she does, from time to time, where she writes provocative and engaging story that seems to be about herself, only to inform the Reader, at the very end, that ‘this is fiction’.

Today’s Post is sort of like that…except in reverse (or maybe, converse). The story that follows is real enough, however the ‘point’, or ‘lesson’ or even ‘moral’ of the story may not be immediately apparent.  And,

Yesterday I had a property that had a heating air-conditioning system emergency. An air-handler in the attic malfunctioned and water (condensate from the ac) was leaking through the ceiling into the bedroom below. I tried, without success, to get the plumbing and heating company to answer my calls to make a weekend service call, unfortunately they were nowhere to be found.  Staring at the water dripping off the hardwired smoke detector in the bedroom ceiling I realized that I had to do something. I decided to turn off the power in the house, as  house was on a well,  at least I could prevent any additional water from adding to the problem. The air-handler sat in a metal pan, in order to contain any condensate created when the system was in cooling mode. The pan was overflowing, the source of the water dripping through the bedroom ceiling. My plan was simply to empty the pan. Access to the attic was by a pull-down staircase. I took a plastic drinking cup and a 5 gallon bucket, climbed the stairs, flashlight in hand, and starting bailing out the water. There was a lot of water. At least 5 trips down the stairs, with a full bucket. Now, the thing about pulldown staircases is that they have normal shaped steps from the bottom to about 3/4s of the way up, where they, (the steps), become more like ledges. You can put your full weight on them, you just can’t stand on them the way you normally do with stairs.

The operation took about 45 minutes. It was successful, provided the definition success was, ‘less water available to leak through the ceiling now than there was before I started’. I left the property and returned to my office. Getting out of my car at the office I felt my legs do that ‘tremor’ thing, you know, over-exertion total muscle exhaustion. (Like when you were a kid and someone dared you to do 50 knee bends as fast as you could?).  Mind you this was the first time, (that morning), I felt that way. Each of my trips up and down the attic ladder, flashlight providing the illumination, with 5 gal bucket in one hand, were anything but tremory. In fact, each step I took was very deliberate as I did not underestimate the potential of slipping and falling out of the attic of an empty house.

But as I walked across the parking lot,  I felt like I had run 8 miles. And I laughed (I am, after all, a clark). I laughed because I could see how effectively I limit myself.

Like most Readers, I try to stay healthy. I understand that exercise is a necessary component to a healthy life style and I make periodic efforts, in good faith and with sincere intentions to stay in shape. Nothing unusual there. (And) when I am in exercise mode, I will work hard, striving ‘to feel the burn’, whether it requires 30 minutes on a stationery bike or, of late, my two mile ‘run’, I am trying my best to exercise my muscles. Yet, prior to yesterday, I can’t remember the last time I felt that my legs were made of rubber. Tired out, winded, tight feeling in back of legs, sure, but rubbery? no. Clearly I have been nowhere near the limits of my physical strength/condition/capacity in a long, long time. And I was not aware of it.

That was the insight that made yesterday’s work adventure worthwhile.  What we tell ourselves, about ourselves is, by and large, intended to maintain the status quo. The insidious-ness of this is that not only can I have ‘good intentions’…. (stay healthy-exercise! learn more-study! find romance-take showers!)  but I can ‘take action’… (run 2 miles- boy that was tough! get a B- hey my studying paid off! find true love-I can get used to a person who uses double negatives!).  All without knowing my true capability/capacity/talent really.  Because of the tales we tell ourselves.




Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

It might be smart, (and certainly narrativistic*), to open this post with: ‘the original goal of this blog was to expose as many people as possible to the fun and (the) benefits of the Wakefield Doctrine’. That would be accurate at a certain level, but would be leaving out an awful lot about the experience of writing these posts**.

The reason for starting this blog is lost in the silent, disorienting applause of hitting ‘Publish’ on the first post.

(Certain friends might mark the start of the magic that has brought us to this, the 2378th(ish) Wakefield Doctrine post as ‘the conscious decision to begin typing’.)

Be that as it may, while the Wakefield Doctrine has not, as of yet, become a household name, there are new Readers who encounter us and, perhaps not writing in and asking ‘Hey! I saw some photos on this page. Where does a Reader have to go to get a hat for our own damn heads?’ Stick around for a while. As the old blogger once said, ‘As long as there are new Readers, a blog will never disappear’.

Enough with the metaphysics!

The thing of it is, the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine will provide a person with one more perspective on the world around them and the people who make it up. If you nod and think, ‘ok, can’t be any harm in that and maybe this one will be the one’, we’ll say, ‘Welcome clark‘.


A little insider info for the New Reader: doesn’t matter what you or anyone else thinks, if you can see the clarks, scotts and rogers in your world today we can promise two things: a) you’re a clark or you’re a scott or roger with a significant secondary clarklike aspect*** and 2) there’s a real good chance you won’t be able to not see the clarks, scotts and rogers in your world now. But stick around and we promise you won’t stay angry.

Quick bullet point of the three ‘personality types’ of the Wakefield Doctrine:

  1. clarks(the Outsider) if you wake up thinking about the world ‘out there’ awaiting you, you’re probably a clark. You don’t mind being different from everyone you know, as long as it doesn’t become a topic of someone else’s conversation. You know you’re weird, but have friends that don’t seem to mind. And, besides, today might be the day you find that missing piece of knowledge that will tell you how to be a real person.
  2. scotts(the Predator) you don’t wake up the way other people you know… they seem to take their time and wait to see what happens to them next. You don’t think you’re different from ‘most everyone you know, in fact, it kinda makes the day more exciting, if you think about it. Which you don’t. Life is short, but doesn’t seem to be letting up, so you going to live the hell out the today.
  3. rogers(the Herd Member) you get up at the best time, the world around you like a warm quilt, (with the occasional jerk pulling the covers off your legs or pushing the pillow too high). You know the Right Way and, while you worry sometimes, (quite privately), that you might not be up to the task of setting an example to your friends and co-people, you laugh at the notion that you will fail to show others, by example or reference, how to properly live.

ok, time to get back to our respective predominant worldviews. (Thats the term we use to designate the ‘personality type’. We use it because the Wakefield Doctrine is predicated with how a person relates themelves to the world around them (worldviews) and not because of some set of geno-inspired likes, dislikes and tropae**.)


* not a ‘real’ word

** interestingly, when first encountering the concept of blogging, and the blogosphere itself, my response was, “Yeah, so everyone will read about what I had for breakfast or my thoughts on the weather.

I had another song in mind, but the one today showed up instead. The thing he does with (the character, if nothing else) of individual notes is simply amazing. yeah, a clark.


Reprint-Monday Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Surely there is a post, (in the metaphorical cardboard boxes and among the string-tied stacks of old issues of National Geographic, orphaned computer keyboards and abandoned high school year books), that’s standalone-readable as to not requiring a wordy intro…

too late!

(from 11/10/2011)

scotts, prey drive and the Wakefield Doctrine (‘Mr. Gorbachav, feed that dog!’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine. If you are looking for a self-improvement tool, or a easy-to-use system for self-development, then you have totally stumbled on to the right ‘place’!
The Wakefield Doctrine  has a thing about looking at people, you know, how they act and stuff?  …we guarantee that if you got the smarts to understand this, (and not everyone does),  then you will know more about that other person than they know about themselves.  Pretty frickin cool, no?  But if you’re looking for one of those,  “Six Ways to get any Boy to Like you” or  “Satisfy the Woman in your dreams!! ”  or ” How to get your Boss off your back!”  self-improvement things  then stop reading. Right now.
This Wakefield Doctrine thing is so not that kind of personality theory.  (Not saying that you won’t be able to ‘satisfy the Woman in your Dreams’ or ‘get your Boyfriend a Job’), just that what we have here takes a little more….  flexible intelligence. So.  Read already!

No, the Wakefield Doctrine is not like those other self-development books….the Wakefield Doctrine is fun and it is useful and it is fun…

Today we are going to talk about scotts!  (Want to get a quick overview of the Doctrinego here and read….be sure to come back!)

scotts, scotts scotts!  where to start?   … hell, it’s Thursday, lets take the easy way out just to get the ball rolling, so to speak.1

Some bullets points relating to the nature and character of the scottian personality type:

  • scotts are totally emotional but in a way so very different from rogers,  mercurial is the right word for the emotional characteristic of scotts
  • scott   in a band?  the ‘front man’ every time  (don’t believe me? go look at the photo of the progenitors, click here  those three mugs were in a band together (yeah, I know!) and can you tell me who the front man was?…hell  you know which one is the Progenitor scott without anyone telling you, don’t you?)
  • at a party scotts will  introduce themselves (… everyone)
  • when confronted with a threat or other fear-generating situation, a scott will choose to attack rather than flee
  • scottian females can be ridiculously sexy or quick witted, …hardly ever both.
  • (female) scotts can be spotted because they have prominent throat tendons (go ahead….ask us why)

Seeing how the scottian population is of late growing here at the Doctrine, lets cater to the their totally famous short attention-spans  and use a video that shows us a scott doing what they do best!  Watch and learn, binyons!

How scottian was David Caruso’s character? how clarklike was DeNiro’s character?  and the cop that backed down to the scott?, not too rogerian !  Hell! he was the only one in the scene to have a hat on his damn head!
So lets review:

clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel.    scotts are often wrong, but never uncertain.  scotts make good leaders, (at least when decisive action is required…when long-term objectives take precedence over short-term victory…not so much).     scotts are ‘the life of the party’… scotts are the best of joke tellers and are natural mimics.  scotts will feed on rogers and enjoy the challenge of clarksscotts will give you the shirt off his back/ the use of her boyfriend but will not tolerate being ignored… they are un-selfish and short-sighted… ingenious and stupid…  emotional and shallow… sexy and predatory… endearing and dangerous…  get the picture?

1) that’s a joke for the scotts reading this


Quick note on the vid: What an exciting time (the early years) for this blog. I stumbled across video clips that perfectly illustrated the Wakefield Doctrine, seemingly all at ‘the same time’. The first was from the movie ‘Casino’, then the one above and a third from, ‘Wolf’ (a scott and a roger).

What is it about the world? This example, (of finding video clips for Doctrine posts), seems very much a manifestation on the old saying, ‘When the student is ready, the master will appear’. Our energies, (focused on explaining the Doctrine), must have been at such a pitch, the universe couldn’t help but throw some help our way, if only to get us to quiet down. lol

ayiiee! What does time do with all the excess energy we have?


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Ten Things of Thankful(TToT) bloghop.

Lets go with pitchas an music.

(No subtext for either!*)

1) Phyllis——————-⇓ (Una and Number 6)

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) Six Sentence Story the place for flash fiction story-ettes new ones ever Thursday

5) excellent comment by Mimi to yesterday’s Post about ‘the Everything Rule’

6) TED Talks

7) internet, it’s own damnself, with all it’s faults and flaws (surely there were monks lead by St. Cuthbert marching in small, tight circles with signs carried by multiple monks (all that gold ink, ya know)  protesting Gutenberg, ‘Moveable Type is the Devil’s… err technology!’

8) Serial Stories: ‘the Whitechapel Interlude‘ and ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3 (from the Book of Secret Rules aka the Secret Book of Rules)


* yeah, right. If, by ‘subtext’ we’re using the according to (the) Online Etymology Dictionary definition: Latin subtextere meant “to weave under, work in below.” then, no fricken way



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Reprint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Full Disclosure: Went looking in the blog anchovies for a ‘Labor Day’ post, preferably from the really, early days. No luck. Went up to 2015 and gave up. I did, however, find one of my earliest Sixes and it kinda foreshadowed my current writing, before acquiring the jones rhetorique, cool. But not a post that said, ‘Happy Labor Day from the Wakefield Doctrine’). Interesting.

…or not.

I grabbed the following as the memory mechanism got all wavy-lines on my reality.

Trust you’ll enjoy.

(Hey, scotts… sure, this is, perhaps after Fourth of July, one of your holidays. Try not to explode the Weber or end up in the emergency room. (Sure, you can take a handful of potato salad and fashion a reasonable facsimile of a softball, but no one will laugh, (unless there’s a clark, standing on the sidelines of the makeshift first base).


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Some good-for-you, possibly-good-for-the-other-person things you can do with this here Doctrine here’.

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

CSR copy

Only requirement to benefit from the application of the Wakefield Doctrine: be willing and able to allow that, Reality is, to a small but totally certain extent, personal.

So what are the things that you can use the Wakefield Doctrine for, in the course of your day today?

  • (better) Understand the people in your life.
  • ( better) Understand yourself
  • (have a lot better chance of success to) Change the things about yourself that you’ve wanted to change, but have never managed to quite achieve.
  • (pretty much, totally) Prevent other people from changing things about yourself that they want to change, but you suspect is not in your best interest.
  • (in the way of your people) Have fun.
  • (promise not to tell them, at least until you get more grounded in this here personality theory, but you will so) Know more about the people you encounter in the course of the day than you have any business knowing, maybe even, more than they know about themselves.  cool, eh?

oh, yeah… there is, of course, a certain degree of reading and learning and, most of all, practice required to be a position to realize the above benefits. I will, however, guarantee them, (the benefits stated in easy-to-read-point-points* above). Remember that all the descriptions and examples of the three worldviews are simply clues and imagery to aid you in answering the essential Question the Wakefield Doctrine would have us ask:

how does that person relate themselves to the world around them’

…as does a(n):

  1. Outsider (clark) i.e. (for you), the world and all the people are ‘out there’,  you know that only knowing will allow you to know that you are known to those you know as being a ‘real person’  (that being said, if you’re a clark, you’re totally fricken creative (not just reassemble the same old parts into a new-looking thing, but (the) bring into the world something that has never existed kind of creative), and you’re a great listener (clinically and certifiably tolerant… to the point of self-destructively so) and you’re funny (but only when you think (or don’t care if) anyone is listening) and you thinking in parentheseses
  2. Predator (scott) alive and not given to introspection, at least not the type of introspection that your clarklikefriend does (and you do have a clarklike friend, because… well because you can’t figure them out!! most of the time they, (your clarklike friend), acts like prey (you know, rogers) and that’s ok, if not a little, well, boring, but every now and then, maybe during one of those times that you play a little too rough (hey, you got to have your fun too, we know! we know!) anyway, every now and then they rear up and knock you … ass-over-teacup** and you’re like,  ‘Alright!!  lol”  ...that friend. In the meantime, you live your life and it unfolds… ’cause, even though you can’t be bothered wasting time thinking about it, you know that today is everything….
  3. Herd Member (roger) today is not just the only day (as it is for scotts), nor is it the day before the real day, (as it is for clarks), today, well today is perfect. Your only concern is to be able to live up to it. There are a million ways your day can go today and some are good and some not so good, but there is only one correct way. You know that the world and reality, (the things you know, the places you’ve been, well, everything but the people that you encounter), are knowable and quantifiable, given the effort on your part. It’s not that success is the only thing that matters today, what is important to you is that you not ‘fail improperly’ today.

that’s enough for today. come back tomorrow, or better yet, ask us questions in the comments.


*Friend of the Doctrine, Christine informs us that the term ‘bullet points’ is frowned upon in today’s phobic-philic culture

**What an archaically amusing expression!

