self-improvement | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 17 self-improvement | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 17

Reprint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Here’s a thought. How many of us will read below the ‘Reprint’ post, if we say, “And a quick recap of this weekend’s Saturday Night Drive, at the bottom of today’s Reprint?”

Only one sure way to find out.

From 2016

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(why, yes! you do see a clark and a scott and a roger)

(why, yes! you do see a clark and a scott and a roger)

As promised. a Doctrine post that does not consist of six (and only six) sentences and is not particularly gratified.

Quick Pop Quiz (‘Who Said It’ Category):

I really get tired of listening to that guy talk about himself. He’s so self-absorbent

clark or scott or roger?

So what does this have to do with self-improvement?

Hey! Chapter 23 of ‘Almira‘ is on the streets!  Smart money says this story is gonna go extra innings. (Everything I read about getting a book published is all, “maximum 90k words unless you spell your name with a ROWLING or a KING in it.) Thing of it is, I’m liking the characters and the story they’re telling. What am I supposed to say, ‘Hey! hurry the hell up! Tell us how this all comes out!…. well, no, not you Eliza… everyone enjoys your scenes… shit, don’t let Almira hear you, she mess you up!’

So I will continue as I have, writing one chapter each and every week until the story of Almira is told. There are worse ways to spend one’s non-working hours. And, of course, I get to be the first to learn things about our friends, for instance: You all knew that Almira and Sterling just happened to pass through Eminence, Missouri on a fateful day in March, 1925, right? (When I say ‘passed through’ I mean, ‘chased out of town by angry pentecostalists, right into the path of the deadliest tornado in history’) and, you ….

Wait! I’m supposed to be writing about the Wakefield Doctrine and how it can be of benefit to you in the course of your day today! Sorry. This is, in fact, the reason for my resolution to write more frequently here, take a breather from the world of 1912 and 1939.

So, here’s some very practical advice: if your boss is a roger, never ask him/her a question in public* that the answer is anything other than proof that he/she is the best of all managers. If you want or need something for real, ask in private. And when you’re doing that, don’t ask the question straight out of the box, always preface it with a, ‘Excuse me/hey, have you got a minute for a quick question?’

Where are my damn manners?!?! Here I am starting out the week with a Doctrine post without a simple statement of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers! Pardon me, New Readers. I beg your forgiveness, I’ve been off the regular Doctrine Lecture circuit far, far too long.

The Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective on the world and how we relate ourselves to it. The Doctrine maintains that we, all of us, have the potential to live in one of three characteristic (personal) realities and, at an early age we settle into one (while retaining the potential of ‘the other two’) and grow up and develop and live. The personality types of the Doctrine reflect the strategies and coping mechanisms we develop to deal with the nature of the world that we grow up in. In other words, the behavior and characteristic views on life that identify me as a clark are, collectively, my best effort to live in the world as I found it when I was but a child.

The three worldviews:

  • clarks (the Outsiders) they are odd but kind, fearful and courageous, giving and needy. clarks try to hide but hate to be ignored, you have at least one as a friend (unless you’re a clark yourself, in which case, you know several, but never hang out just with them)
  • scotts (the Predators) holy smokes! you totally have a scottian friend (unless you are one, in which case, you have several, but, for the most part, they’re like the ensigns-without-a-name who are included in the away team in the beginning of the last Star Trek episode you saw (they ain’t beaming back up)…. scotts are the life of the party and cause you to say on more than one occasion, ‘…but, she’s/he’s my friend since I can remember! Sure he/she goes a little overboard at times, but, look! we got through it without the (police, ambulance, parish priest, CPR, grace-of-god)!!’ scotts are generous to a fault, brave without sense and do they ever look great in heels
  • rogers (the Herd Members) the majority of the population, they are the reasons that the planes don’t fall from the sky, (as opposed to being flown into things or never leaving the runway). rogers are creative in the sense of clever use (and) re-assembly of components, wicked good musicians and are the sole reason that we’re not all still living on the savannah hunting in small packs and/or hiding in the underbrush. rogers are kind but at a price, bold (in a group) and the glue of social continuity (a quality at first so prosaic as to be disregarded, until you’re at a high school party at someone whose parents are away for the weekend and the liquor cabinet is discovered un-locked.)

Ok, that should get you started.


*  ‘public’ being defined as anyplace that there’s more than two people, or in a location one might imagine that you’re being overheard or, hell, overseen (as in standing outside in a courtyard where no one could possibly hear you, but can see the two of you talking…. that’s being in public to a roger


Hey! Glad you could make it…clarks and scotts-with-significant secondary clarklike aspects (don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone!)

In any event, good call-in this weekend. Talked about… the Wakefield Doctrine!! lol Always fun.


Toosday! -the Wakefield Doctrine- (the fun’s just starting)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Just between you and us, (and your Alexa), these reprint posts are more than easy content, aka reruns. We’re enjoying them despite…or perhaps, because of our being the writer*. This is testament to the efficacy of the Doctrine as a tool to self-improve oneself, as I read and think, ‘Hey! Who are these people, they’re kinda fun.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Break Time!!  Yeah, we know what you’re thinking,* “Hey! Enough of the heavy introspection already!  We came here for a break from our daily routines, ya know? The Wakefield Doctrine advertises itself as being a personality theory that’s unique, useful and fun.  Lets see some of that fun!”

Well, we all know that if it’s fun you’re after, (and you’re not concerned with the price), there’s only one worldview to go to… the scottian worldview. scotts!!!  (‘Say it baritone and you can hear the police sirens wailing, say it contralto and you’ll surely be praying‘).

We all have a scottian friend. There’s currently a TV commercial for Las Vegas and is premised on that guy, the one we all knew growing up who always had to push it. To go a bit faster, to take a bit more of a risk than is absolutely necessary. juvenile detention facilities structure their business models on the young scottian males’ natural proclivity for anticipating consequences.

And….and! lets not forget that the Wakefield Doctrine is gender neutral! (ya gotta admit, in most cultures, the male is permitted a greater latitude in (their) choices of expression of drives and instincts and such). The scottian personality type is that of the predator and so they pretty high on the aggressiveness and impulsivity of action. if you are female, in most cultures, they’ll frown upon you going around arm wrestling, punching your subordinates on the shoulder and saying ‘fuck!’ a lot. Fortunately for you, (the scottian female), there are ….alternative forms of expression).

if you’re a clark you have always had a scottian friend, if you’re a roger you have never been able to avoid having a scottian friend and if you are a scott you’ve known of other scotts in your life.  you know them because as a scott:

  • they must establish ‘ranking’ in any and every social environment… you will spot the scott because they will alway first ‘work the room’, going from person to person, small group to small group and push everyone on the shoulder (literally and/or figuratively), by doing this they will establish their place in rank
  • they will command attention (or better, for the sake of the rogers) they will simply assume dominance
  • in conversational style: a clark will listen to you talk, a roger will let you talk…a scott will make you talk
  • females will be identified as ‘tomboys’ early in life (‘from ages 5 to breasts’); with puberty, scottian females come into their own… (short form: most cultures do not permit the female members expressing aggressiveness physically)
  • you will have a clarklike friend, who you will consider a friend because they  do not act like prey nor do they act like as another scott
  • they will be total pushovers for a person who appreciates their mind ( in males it is best to admire their creativity… in females anything not involving their bodies will work  lol)
  • in social conflicts, as in dog training, to feel fear is to admit defeat
  • they are mercurial in temperament and loyal to friends and ferocious as adversaries

But they’re fun! It is easy to say, ‘hey of course we like scotts! they’re active and like to do things and are entertaining. whats not to like?’  True. But, this being the Wakefield Doctrine, we owe to ourselves to look a little deeper.

scotts are impulsive …and this appeals to us, albeit on an unconscious level, they live in the here and now!  (you remember the tale of the fiddle playing grasshopper?? tell me that, before you got to the ‘oh-so-correct-and-this-is-how-you-should-live-your-live sledge hammer ending…. tell me that you didn’t think of the grasshopper as the ‘good guy’! to varying degrees, we all would like to believe that, all we need do is throw off the cares and responsibility and life could be so much more….  and that’s true.

scotts are certain…  and this is why they are ‘natural leaders’… (the Doctrine saying is) ‘scotts are frequently wrong, never uncertain’.  people all too often equate certainty with wisdom

scotts represent what any of us would demonstrate as a ‘personality type’ if we found ourselves in the reality of the predator at a very early age and had to develop coping skills and strategies

scotts are attractive and aggravating, they are natural showmen/show-women, they see the audience as would a hungry lion a pack of gazelles  …

in the history of Man:  scotts are the conquerors, the explorers,  they are Alexander the Great (but not Julius Caesar) they are Genghis Khan (but not Charlemagne)  they are George Patton (but not Dwight Eisenhower)  scotts are cops but not firefighters….scotts are surgeons but not physicians … scotts are prima ballerinas but not Rockettes  …scotts are leaders but not Rulers

If you have made it this far…this is the link to the page on scotts

Hey want to see a scott in action?  watch this here video…everything you need to know about how to recognize a scott (there’s Robert DeNiro as the clark and some other guy as the roger).



* well duh!  this is the Wakefield Doctrine!


* New Reader: it remains our position that we’re the curator of the Wakefield Doctrine, as opposed to the creator. While the context of the explanation and descriptions of the principles of said personality theory are personal, the core Doctrine was discovered as opposed to created. As a matter of fact, the entire Wakefield Doctrine grew out of a ten minute interaction between the progenitor scott and a forever un-named person, back in 1982(ish)

Don’t believe it? Find a clark and ask them. They will attest to the fact that, given the core principles, they are able to extrapolate and continue the Doctrine without further imput from us. Lizzi and Cynthia, second generation FOTD demonstrated that. Go ask them.


Reprint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Reprint Monday at the start of the week of the most rogerian of all holidays.

Who said our style doesn’t change and develop over time? I decided on the reprint below, from 2011. The image at the top of the post jumped out at me, I smiled (because I thought, ‘Well, must’ve been in a mood that day, wonder what it was’). I considered deleting or replacing the image and, praise Lilith, I stopped and thought, ‘No fuckin way, dude! It’s not so much that maybe you’re no longer so, all, in your face, Have-you-met-my-scottian-secondary-aspect? in your writing style, but, don’t even think about buying slip covers or a complimentary subscription to Grammerly!’


New Readers! You all remember Sy Sperling, right? Well, we’re not just the curator of the Wakefield Doctrine, we’re the most avid of students.

And one of the standout aspects of this here personality theory here is that, as a result of taking it’s principles to heart, we’ve enjoyed several immediate and un-earned benefits. Pertinent to today’s post is illustrated, (or, should that be ‘demonstrated’?), in the intro. Not only did we not edit the post, it doesn’t feel the way it would have, before having the Wakefield Doctrine.

How cool is that?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

The Wakefield Doctrine is a way to look at the way people behave. Not a personality theory in the sense of proposing underlying causes of certain behaviors, simply an insight into the people in our lives, with this Doctrine you will, in a very real sense, know more about the other person than they know about themselves. Based on the principle that all people experience the world in  one of three slight different, yet totally discreet ways, the Wakefield Doctrine allows a level of insight into behavior , motivation and traits that none of the other personality systems can ever hope to provide.  Simply put: we are all born with a capacity to perceive the world in one of three ways, as a clark as a scott and as a roger. At a fairly young age, we all settle into one (of these three) and we become (the personality types that we call),  clarks, scotts and rogers. At no time do we lose the capacity to see the world as the other two, but our everyday world becomes the world of our dominant type.

( if your dominant world-view is that of a clark, you will ):

  • live as an outsider, fundamentally apart from everyone around you
  • you will be driven by a need to ‘understand’, to ‘know’ about the world you find yourself…all in the hopes of becoming a part of the world you are in
  • you will be creative, truly creative  not the re-packaging of the old to look like the new, you will have the capability of bringing the totally new to world*
  • *(but that still will not make you a part of the world that you feel an outsider to….)
  • you will have the capability to believe anything and the inability to accept with understanding   anything

( if your dominant world-view is that of a scott, you will ):

  • live life in the moment, without restraint, clearly the most full-of-life of the three
  • you will have the attention of all around you as you put out so much energy, something that all people are drawn to
  • you live as a predator, seeing the world in terms of prey and (greater) predators, intrinsically a hostile environment*
  • *(for all of the seeming joie de vire) everyone other than yourself and dominant scotts are simply things, animals, lacking in the quality of real people
  • be driven by instinct, your actions will serve appetite first

( if your dominant world-view is that of a roger, you will ):

  • as much as a clark is an outsider and a scott is a predator, you will have a life that is always good by virtue of the acceptance of the group
  • you will find a world that rather than being incomprehensible, offers you joy in (the) discovery of how the world works to you knowing is but a tool not an end in itself
  • as a part of the herd, there will be no greater good than to preserve that which has been the discovery of the past is part-in-parcel with the celebration of life*
  • *(while the greatest good is knowing the rules of life) the greater-still life is lived bringing, teaching and (if possible) imposing the rules of life on those around you
  • if you know it, it is true…if you don’t know it, it can only be bad or worthless or dangerous

There you have it!  A simple outline of the Wakefield Doctrine, try it and see if you do not find yourself discoivering insight into the people at home, at work at school and at play.

Before you go out and try this out, spend a little time  reading more about the three personality types, you will find Pages devoted to each.  And these Posts? Each different yet the same, these are meant as ‘conversations’ discussion about the Doctrine, our continuing effort to find new ways to explain the principles, to point out novel ways that the Doctrine is manifested, interesting observations…that sort of thing.  If you have made it this far in today’s Post, you have what it takes to understand and benefit from it.

If you find that you seem to be all three types?  (you are…just mostly one)
If you have a question that you cannot find an answer to in this blog? Write a Comment

and….and if you are one of the exceptional ones…like the DownSprings or FOTDs* and you feel that you are ready to claim your: school, town, Parrish, prefecture or your boyfriend/girlfriend’s ass then pick up that damn keyboard write us a Comment. Tell us why we should send you a Wakefield Doctrine hat (for your damn head) and I betcha we do!

Take the Saturday Night Drive.  There you will find what amounts to a combination living laboratory and live -action demonstration (of the principles of the Doctrine.)


*Friend of the Doctrine


Just in case anyone is new to this blog and is tempted to think, “What an interesting thesis. There clearly is an internal consistency and the efficacy, if supported by subsequent trial scenaria, promises a new chapter to the science of personality theory. Granted the initial data is somewhat anecdotal, but as the video reminds us, you got to fight for the right to party.



Toosday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Another visit to the past.

New Readers? Attends, maintenant regarde ici…second to the idea of personal reality and immediately after the descriptions of the three predominant worldviews (clarks/Outsiders, scotts/Predators and rogers/Herd Members) is ‘the Everything Rule’. We bring this up to avoid any confusion inevitably experienced by all who read and ‘get’ the basic principles of the Wakefield Doctrine, specifically, the question: “When it comes to time, clarks look to the future, scotts live in the present and rogers yearn for the past, so what’s with the, ‘Another visit to the past’?!?!

Good question!

Next question?

(Hint: apply the Everything Rule to your commendable desire to understand the person (in your world) who makes a statement relating to the past. The working goal of the Doctrine is to see the world as the other person is experiencing it. If you’re dealing with a scott, then ask (yourself… you could ask the scott but that’s not always such a good idea…if they’re doing something and you distract them), better hold your question. If you’re dealing with a roger then ask yourself (but don’t reveal the fact that you’re trying to understand them without involving them. Not always a good thing to do. If there are others in attendence, a terrible thing to do. For you)

Do your best to imagine what ‘…[a] visit to the past’ entails. That exercise is the key to getting the most from this here personality theory here.

Now, if there aren’t any more questions, rhetorical or otherwise, does anyone mind if we get to the reprint portion of our post?


Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine  ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

With today’s Post, we are going to get all search friendly. We will be using and placing keywords like clarkscottroger, personality theory and 3 personality types. The reason that this makes us ‘search friendly’,  is that when a person does a google search (for say personality types), google ‘goes out’ and surveys every site in the internet and when it spots a keyword, that particular site will be included in the search results. Given how we want people to hear about and learn about  the Wakefield Doctrine and it’s incredibly useful and unique advice on relationships and other personal matters, we thought we would try to give the google a hand.  We are aware of this search-ability thing  because our own DownSpring,  Ms AKH  says so. Far be it from us to question a scott in possession of specific technical information. Ms. AKH has been totally at work trying to figure out how we can get the Doctrine in front of everyone on the internet. Aided by her trusty sidekick Doug, (think Batman and Robin…only not as gay) she has made suggestions with a persistence that while not as much fun as the Death by a Thousand Cuts, does have an effect over time.

The Wakefield Doctrine is a unique way to look at the people in your life. Your family and your friends, your co-workers and fellow students. Everyone.  The  viewpoint, the perspective that the Doctrine offers you is incredibly helpful.  Very simply, we think that the more you understand about other people, the better your life can be. If that does not make sense to you then perhaps you might have more fun at a blog like,  or  (tell ’em the Doctrine sent you).

Have you ever had someone say something or do something that caused you say to yourself, “Why would they do ( or say) something like that?”  You know how it feels. One minute you are enjoying the company of another person and the next minute they do something that you just did not see coming.  And it isn’t always  the mean or cruel or spiteful things, sometimes it is the just the un-expected things that make you wonder about the other person. The kind of actions or statements that has you wondering if you really know that person or not. And it is usually nothing overly dramatic, one of your children begins to do their chores without having to be asked, or your husband compliments you on something that you did without thinking.
If you have ever been in any of these situations, the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers is just what you need.

There are more theories of personality, personality types and 20 Questions Schedules that offer  to tell you who you should marry/ go out with/ get rid of/ try to be more like, out there in the world than you can virtually shake a digital stick at. Everywhere you turn, someone is telling you that they can help you figure it all out (whatever ‘it’ may be…perfect mate, lose weight…find job or the perfect line to get that girl of your dreams…).  So, your question at this point should be, Why another Three Personality Types?

Because you have not yet found the one that you really are satisfied with, an approach to life that you believe is helping you get what you want, otherwise  you would not still be reading this here blog here, would you now?

So, in closing we will pose the question floating above many Readers heads ( you  know, those thought balloons that cartoon characters have over their heads to indicate thought as opposed to speech): So what? Why should I bother trying to understand another person?

Answer: No reason. At least there is no reason that can come from us. We know we like the Wakefield Doctrineand we also appreciate  the value we find from knowing about clarks, scotts and rogers. Chances are, if you have read this far and still want to see something written that will convince you that this is the real deal, personality types-wise, then you need to get on back out there, keeping searching the internet for the answer. The Doctrine is not for everyone. Hey, who knows? You might find a site that will take you by the hand and guide you to happiness. You never know, it might happen.

So, here is the lowdown on the Wakefield Doctrine.

Everyone is born with the potential to experience the world in one of three characteristic ways:

  • an outsider never a part of, feeling shy yet never going un-noticed, creative yet un-willing to take credit for their creations, living inside their heads, trying to have a life sustained by the energy from remembering past triumphs and fearing future defeats and searching for the knowledge that will change it all
  • a predator, always on the prowl, living in the world of predator and prey constantly on the alert for (larger) predators and never resting in the hunt for food, eschewing the subjective and reflective life beyond eat, sleep, defecate and reproduce…in other words, a natural leader
  • a member of: the team, the family, the group, the community, the world is one of rules and standards, the highest good is to preserve the past and the most efficient way to accomplish that is build structures,  physical and social and cultural and moral, your legacy is that you are what you identify with

…and at a certain age we become predominately one of these three. Our personalities, our traits of behavior are simply appropriate responses to the world we experience, given the ‘bias’ described above.

We retain the qualities of the other two characteristic ways. With some people, they are extremely ‘of the one type’ and as such,  their capacity to see the other two viewpoints is deeply buried,  out of reach. Others,  such as the people here at the Doctrine (and by definition, you the Reader ) are not as caught up in their predominant viewpoint and can imagine the world of the other two.

So come on down. Glad to have you. Read this stuff and write a Comment and ask for a hat. Go visit Friends of the Doctrine like  girlie-on-the-edge and  KJ Workman

But we always try to have fun here…



Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Quick follow-up on the reference, in yesterday’s post, to the use of the Wakefield Doctrine in self-improvementhood.

The core idea to the Doctrine is personal reality. Specifically one of three: the reality of the Outsider(clarks), the world of the Predator(scotts) and the life of the Herd Member(rogers). These comprise the context against which we develop strategies and learn how best to negotiate the path of our lives.

  • Outsiders(clarks) come to realize they’re apart from and otherwise, (apparently), different from those around them. Being a reality of the rational, (clarks, think) they set out to discover what it is that everyone else appears to know that bestows membership. clarks suspect they missed the class on belonging, (class on belonging motto: ‘Welcome to the Club’)
  • Predators(scotts) listen to their bodies, as the world doesn’t encourage reflection and self-examination. They’re not disappointed. The joy of the chase leaves no extra energy for introspection, and it, (introspection), providing no added speed or power, is set aside for the moment. (scotts act) They don’t feel exception for being the way they are, instinct focuses the mind quite sufficiently. Life is… well, it is. Anyway, there’s no time to waste, only time to chase and avoid being caught. (scottian world motto: ‘Hey! What’s that? Chase it!)
  • Herd Members(rogers) feel good. The world around them makes sense. Besides being full of things, (and people, principles and institutions), they accept their membership and take satisfaction that their Club Member jacket has neither a number nor an expiration date. rogers gladly accept the charge in life to discover the Right Way and instruct all others in what they’ve discovered. (rogerian worldview motto: ‘Life is Good’)

So, what does this have to do with self-improvoisity?

Hold on… one more concept (or two)

So, for the Wakefield Doctrine, personality type is simply a label for the style, set of strategies, a person has learned and practiced in on of the three personal realties. In a sense, each of us have the best and most effective of personality types, given the reality in which we exist.

The thing is, we never lose the potential to experience the world as do ‘the other two’. (We grow up in one and only one of the three personal realities.)

…time’s up for this Wednesday. Check back in a couple of days.

Tomorrow is Six Sentence Story day and we get to read the latest installment from ‘the Whitechapel Interlude

