relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 8 relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 8

Tewesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “we continue with our discussion of… you know, rhymes with ‘Wakefield Doctrine’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Mild Tuesday, y’all

Leave us continue from where we left off yesterday:

(Excerpted from her Comment this weekend) Cynthia sez:

in the past we’ve talked about it, but it would be interesting to talk about how Clarks operate under sustained duress, how Rogers do and how Scotts do. I feel like clarks can move into their more unpredictable nature. Lol.

Astute oberservation yo

But first a word about ‘manifest/manifesting/manifestationing* Germane, and really quite helpful to any discussion of the Everything Rule is an appreciation of the concept of manifest.

Question: Is being a cop something that only scotts are really good at?

Answer: There are successful clarklike policemen/women and there are rogerian law enforcement personal. The ‘being a cop’ manifests differently to each of the three.

  • for a clark (Outsider) the role of being a policeman/woman manifests as something akin to a game of truth or dare or, perhaps, Halloween Evening. A clark will need to work hard at wearing a uniform (clarks are not real big on that or, for that matter, wearing a name tag). They will be effective as long as possible provided they believe the potential to rise through the ranks into plain clothes or better yet, policymaker.
  • to a scott (Predator) this could be the perfect job! (If stripper or tort lawyer isn’t currently available, of course). There is almost nothing about the job that does not resonate with the personality type, aka behavioral metaphor of Predator! Drive fast, carry a gun, drive fast, chase and capture people. Chase them!! In a car or on foot… all good. In the car? sirens and lights. Loud sirens bright (and swirly!) lights. We repeat: what part of this predominant worldview doesn’t fit like a glove (or handcuffs)?
  • for the roger (Herd Member) the elements that resonate the most is: to enforce the law (aka Rules). Whether it’s a jaywalker or a Unibomber, a roger will not suffer those who carelessly break the Rules. And a roger will execute his/her duties to the full extent of the law. At least until there’s and opening at the Fire Department.

So, be it the field of carpentry and woodworking (perpetual helper/rough carpentry, framing/finish carpenter, respectively) or the judicial system (Public Defender/successful personal injury attorney/DA, also respectively) all three predominant worldviews of the Doctrine can find satisfaction and success in all jobs, hobbies, avocations, careers, professions and ‘someday you’ll find a way to make this pay’ activities.


* ok, that last? Not a ‘real’ word


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Easy Monday, Simple Week’s Start.

(Excerpted from her Comment this weekend) Cynthia sez:

in the past we’ve talked about it, but it would be interesting to talk about how Clarks operate under sustained duress, how Rogers do and how Scotts do. I feel like clarks can move into their more unpredictable nature. Lol.

Astute oberservation, yo

New Readers? Cynthia asks a question about the value of the application of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine in a most conducive (to examplification) manner. It, (her comment), also invites us to state one of the most critical Rules of our little personality theory, ‘the Everything Rule’1.

Damn! We went on at length, (we trust you followed the note-of-feet to the discourse below, otherwise this little aside would make almost no sense), sharing with the New Readers here today on the ramifications of the Everything Rule and have done gone and used up our day’s word allocation!

We reserve the right to re-address our friends question tomorrow. aiiightt?

(Preview: C‘s question is not only useful from the perspective of undersstanding the Doctrine, but it hints at one the it’s more productive if not subtle elements. Don’t want to give it away. (Hint: It rhymes with: ‘Damn, I’d of done better if’n I was a (clark/scott/roger) in that situation.’)


(hey! hypo-youths! warning!! warning! ear worm ahead. (Thanks, adolescent clark, a lot for the eclectic taste in music)


1) from the very beginning of this here blog here, one of the most frequent questions from New Readers has has been:

“I get the whole each predominant worldview thing, one of my friends is fond of going up to total strangers when we’re out in public and talking to them like they’re either a favorite-but-distant cousin or an ex-girlfriend. This is surely something only a scott would do, am I right?”

You are (almost) right. The Everything Rule states: ‘Everyone does everything at one time or another‘.

What it means is that there is no aspect, element, predilection, habitual tropism or habit of human interaction that is exclusive to one of the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine. The Wakefield Doctrine is concerned with the human being. On the most basic level. As a lifeform, not as a male or female, old or young (lifeform), introvert or extravert, wallflower or kudzu vine. Since the Wakefield Doctrine is concerned with the character of an individual’s relationship with the world around them, i.e. as an Outsider(clark), Predator(scott) or Herd Member(roger), the correct way to frame the question is: “How does overly-exuberant socializing manifest in a scott?”

The key word/concept: manifest (to express, exhibit and otherwise engage in…)

ya know?


whyday -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a tale of the Stone and the Crone]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Unicorn Challenge, jenne and ceayr‘s weekly photo prompt bloghop. Simple enough: new photo each week and a two hundred and fifty word limit on our story-ettes.

(Hey! We haven’t visited with our favorite (“Are they who I think they are? Nah, now way. Even that Doctrine guy wouldn’t reach that far!“) couple, ‘the Stone and the Crone’. (Previous Installments: Here   …oh, yeah, and: Here)

This week:


“You know, I been thinkin…”

The man paused, the conversational backleading found in couples of only the longest tenures; bent-knee of one leg an additional support to the woman slightly behind him.

“Now, what have I always said…” the woman, an age and adversity-drawn caricature of Nature’s male-female size discrepancy, drew a breath that seemed to cling to her body like passengers on a slowly sinking ship.

“Only one of us can be the brains and the other…”  her words trailed as she leaned towards the man. The absence of the expected sharp retort sparked a sad alarm in her companion’s eyes.

“Let’s sit here a minute, I’m tired,” the easy lies couples exchange, like monetary instruments or favored talismans, have never been immune to the wear-and-tear of time.

Crouching, his right knee an inverted ‘V’,  the man did his best to position his trailing leg at a right angle, perpendicular to the other, creating, at least to a child’s eye, every bit a throne of ivied-timbers; the woman leaned back, her eyes trapped by the incline below the two fleeing anachronisms.

“Has it occurred to you that walking up stairs is god reminding us of the difference between man and angels? That, should we only recover the part we left behind in the Garden, hills and steep staircases would be celebrations of our wings and not a curse of our aging bodies.”

The man paused, a patient waiting. Time now a comforting breeze, no longer an endless headwind.



Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Well, we’re back.1 Trust all had non-lethal weekends. That said, we had several constructive/instructive conversations revolving around a variety of uses and applications of our little personality theory.

Lets start with what’s considered by some as nearly a ‘Mission Statement’:

‘With the perspective afforded by the application of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine, we are better able to see the world as the other person is experiencing it‘.

At the heart of this ambition is the concept of translation (kinda). The thing of it is, the Doctrine maintains that we, all of us, experience reality, to a small, but significant extent as personal. Not an excessively outré concept anymore.  Example: last week we described a situation in which three people stood on the sidewalk opposite a popular restaurant. There was a line of people waiting to get. From this scenario we offered a certain insight, but don’t take our word for it! Go read what we said HERE. (The exercise posited the three people being a clark, a scott and a roger. This made it doubly useful. a) as a demonstration/illustration of personal reality and 2) the differences inherent among the three personality types (aka predominant worldviews) of the Wakefield Doctrine.

But first: New Readers? The Wakefield Doctrine posits three personality types:

  1. clarks (Outsider) if you wake up in the morning, optimistic or pessimistic matters not, and start the day with the idea of dealing with ‘the world out there’, there’s a better than even chance your worldview is that of the Outsider.
  2. scotts (Predator) the one of your friends who is the most fun, exciting to be with but can be exhausting, (in a good way), they are never not paying attention (ProTip: focus on their eyes, see what we mean?)
  3. rogers (Herd Members) most of the population. You have the exactly correct number of rogers as a close friend. (Yeah, total trick question.) (No, don’t get mad, you know the answer. ok one hint: ‘You know the answer but still rather run it by your focus group.)

Here’s the quick Monday morning def: Everyone reading this post is experiencing the world from the perspective of one, (and only one), of the three aforementioned ‘predominant worldviews’. While you have ‘the other two’ (the non-predominant worldviews) as a potential you are a clark or a scott or a roger. (And no, you are not the exception to the rule. roger. Lets make this our little secret aiight?)

Helpful hint: the word perspective is all over this here personality theory here. Most often accompanied by the qualifier (or whatever the grammaticon*) ‘additional’. The reason is that the Wakefield Doctrine does not purport to be the Answer. It is simply one more of the endless encounters we all have with multiple choice exams.


1) We are resuming our little discussion kinda where we left off Here last week

* lol damn! how did we not stumble on that joke-lette before now?





TT0T -the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TT0T) bloghop

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop   Six Pick:  ‘The Reality Show‘  by Reena Saxena

5the Unicorn Challenge bloghop “the kernel of the story: Tom’s fun noir,  ‘The Night Before

6) Survey: To Mow or Meadow We’re thinking, hey, as long as the path is clear enough not to invite ticks to reach out of the tall grass and drag us off, then why not? Let us know your thoughts. (About the lawn. lol)

7) photation current flora

8) something, something

9) video

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids





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