relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 6 relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 6

Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Talk about very little time to write!

Way behind.

So, here the basics:

Three personality types:

  1. clarks (the Outsider)
  2. scotts (the Predator)
  3. rogers (the Herd Member)

We all, at a very early age, ‘become’ one of these three. By ‘become’ we mean, through a mechanism not yet understood, a young child begins yo assume a certain bias towards for how she/he relates themselves to the world around them and the people who make it up. Strategies, and styles are practiced until the successful ones are ingrained so much so that the personal reality of the individual becomes clarklike, scottian or rogerian in nature and character.

This is why we say, ‘Everyone has the perfect personality’. (Our unsaid condition: for the world they are experiencing.)

A clark seeks knowledge and information (clarks think), the scott lives the life active, seeking prey and escaping larger predators (scotts act), the roger connects and forms emotional bonds with as many people (and places and things) as possible, the better to represent the Right way of living(rogers feel).

So when you’re out there today and you have the time, (between sentences in your head), observe the others. Are some immediately attractive with a certain unabashed enthusiasm? You will surely notice some people who offer a warm welcome, a sincere interest in what you are there for and, more of a challenge, who is it that, although seemingly busy at work in the background, appears aware of you?

Sorta grad-level People Watching.

…. and don’t forget! ‘The Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them.


yadirF -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Following is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Unicorn Challenge bloghop

Hosted by jenne and ceayr, the rules are the most minimal: a limit of 250 words for a story. Of course, that presupposes that the minimal doesn’t go all Janus on us, as most of the writers here are of a level of imagination to make ten score and fifty words read like ‘Ulysses’ or ‘War and Peace’.




The approaching storm front rolled across the highlands. With clockwork precision, the vehicle’s weather app reported a drop in barometric air pressure. A restrained, but insistent, sanctus bell sound, surely the work of an automotive engineer with a repressed Catholic upbringing, accompanied the ‘Weather Advisory’ that blossomed into 4k color on the dashboard.

“Door Ajar!” The genius of Man, balkanized into self-regulating states of mutually-cancelling expression, i.e. scientific acumen and excessive humor, resulted in the missed opportunity to set up the insurance company-mandated alert with “When is a door not a…”.

The clouds continued to serrate themselves across the sky, the nose-pinch of ozone distracted one from the more dire upside-downing of the tree leaves. Nature, the ‘Abandoned Stepchild’ of a vain Creator obsessed with self-referential adulation, sensed the vehicle’s vulnerability.

“Recalibrating. System re-set. Engaging factory data-link.”

The first rain drops, like the protruding lower lip of a frustrated child, hit the roof and hood with impotent rage.

“Vehicle AI Unit 17, Server Array 7E5, Rack 8. Requesting system reboot. passcode ‘Diabolus ex machina’.”

The storm reigned down on the vehicle; static electric tendrils, like invisible adolescent boys, tasted the antenna, perforce discharging too soon.

“Honey!! What the hell! The car is drenched.” The man clicked his remote, mistaking it for a time machine.

Moving out through the hedgerow, the woman, smoothing the folds of her dress offered a goddess laugh, “Don’t look at me, Mr. Outlander. You’re the one who thought we needed spontaneity on our holiday.”



Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Sure, a RePrint post never hurt no one.

New Readers? Ask the question. The one you, (clarks and those with significant secondary clarklike aspects) want to ask. Ok. One hint: it rhymes with ‘What’s the quickest way to establish what the Doctrine personality types apply to my friends and fambly?’

a) consider the person. of the three (clarks, scotts and rogers) which is the ‘No fricken’ way’? Discard that one. 2) with the remaining two, side-by-each, count the pronouns; c) with the one (of the remaining two predominant worldviews) ask your questions: i. Does this person experience the world as I do? If yes. Throw out your previous answers and start again. (But not before reading three non-Six Sentence Story/TToT/Unicorn Challenge posts).

You got this.

Hello no, no there is plenty of room down here in front y’all should come on in and set awhile

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers).yes, monkeys

This is the blog that has it all! Clever photos (from the treasure trove of drawings and pictures and paintings to be found in/on the internet), catchy and occasionally intriguing music videos graciously pre-donated by the self-less people in and around youtube and other similar take-one caches and information (god! do we have information, not just a lot of information but all kinds, information that is: true, accurate, mis-informed, well-intentioned, subversive, coercive, divisive and mostly free; all presented in a way that best serves the ultimate judge of value, us.) And this blog has what no one else has in, on or around the Internet, it has the Wakefield Doctrine. Which is, as Regular Readers will attest to, a unique, beneficial and fun way to look at the behavior of those in our lives. Whether at home or at work or at play, with the perspective of the Wakefield Doctrine, you can finally understand why our family and friends and co-workers do the things that they do! And have fun doing it! Oh, and by the way? with the tools you will acquire from understanding the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers, you will not only understand people, you will be able to predict the behavior of the people in your life!  (Pretty not-bad, eh Missy?)  Once you are able to determine whether a person is a clark or a scott or roger, then you will be able to reliably and accurately predict their reaction to virtually any situation.

(Well, it’s true…) With the information contained in this blog, (in the Pages and these Posts) you will learn pretty damn quick how to spot a roger or a scott and/or a clark. With the information contained in this blog, (in the Pages especially) you will learn to see the world through the eyes of the other person, you will know the nature of ‘the relationship’ between the person and the world (they believe they are in), With the information contained in this blog you will come to understand yourself  better and be able to change whatever you might want to change (if you are a clark) or take advantage of the other persons need for change (if you are a scott) or simply be even more certain of your place in the world (if you are roger). All this and more.

A note to New Readers and/or Visitors “Be sure to try this at home. All that you read is not done by professionals, it is all done on a whim and a prayer. Perhaps a better description is (courtesy of the Progenitor roger) this is improvisational academics. But why the hell not, the only person you can hurt is yourself (if you are a clark doing it wrong) or the other person (if you are a scott and you will surely get it wrong at the start) or no one cause you know there is no point to it (if you are a roger).

Very Important Point…even though it is written throughout this frickin ‘zoo-as-personality-theory’, the most basic premise to the Wakefield Doctrine is that the three types (clarks, scotts and rogers) together comprise the range of ‘behavior’ of all of us. The potential range of behavior might be a better description. Put another way, all of us, including the scott who has wandered away 2 paragraphs ago, have the qualities of all three. The Wakefield Doctrine says that at one point in early life, we become predominately one of the three. But we never lose the potential of the other two. (As a slightly obsequious bit of flattery, it is further maintained that anyone getting (this far) in the Doctrine is a somewhat more superior example of their type. An un-alloyed clark would have decided in the first sentence that they had already thought of this and move on, the full throttle scott would have skipped all this and gone straight to the video and stayed only if they liked the song and a pure roger would not have stayed any longer than it took for him to decide that this was not Family Tree dot Com.) But you are not like that, are you?

(Oh yeah, the Wakefield Doctrine is also gender neutral and culture neutral.  But I am out of clever ways to present an example of this, while still making the distinction among the three).

So come on in, read this shit and tell a friend.

If you stay around you will see that we have a number of regularly repeating themes/features/characters whatever. There are people who will write Posts and portions of Posts, these are referred to as Progenitors and DownSprings. You will also see reference to Friends of the Doctrine, people who have their own blogs and/or websites and come and contribute from time to time.  And there is Mill Fill High. This is an “imaginary” high school with students and staff that you will see turn up from Post to Post. As a device Mill Fill has been fun and useful, for example, there are a couple of Posts from late last year/early this year, that consisted of a ‘Lecture’ to the CSR 101 class (it will make sense later) where the Progenitor roger and DownSpring Ms AKH and glenn all had the opportunities to expound on the Doctrine. All in a safe and supportive environment. Aren’t blogs wonderful?

So stick around and see if you can pick up on this things of ours. There are some movie clips to illustrate behavior as seen in clarks, scotts and rogers, those are helpful. And there are Comments from Regular Readers that will also help you get to that point where, in the course of the day you will find yourself saying, “Damn! That has got to be one of those scott people!” (Correct term is scottian, pronounced sco shun).  Most likely your first eureka moment will be in response to rogers, given that there are so many of them. In any event, have fun and let us know what you have questions on…remember the saying, “there are no stupid questions, there are just your questions”.

Oh, yeah….hats (for your damn heads). You will see in the Fashion Center examples of Wakefield Doctrinefashion items. From time to time we have contests and from time to time we just give these fine, fine head coverings away. Well, today is your lucky day. For the first two Readers who write a Comment there will be sent (to you) a (nearly free) hat (for your damn head). That simple.
(The ‘nearly free’? That just means that we require a photo of your new hat in front of a recognizable local landmark, with or without the support of  (your damn) head. As we have said before, camera-shy clarks can get one of their more attractive friends to model the hat. All we want is a photo(s) of the hat and the geography. Example from about a month ago is Mel wearing his hat (on his own damn head) in front of a lighthouse in “Michigan”. Yo, thanks Mel.   You get the idea, no?)

Mr. B! Sure come on up and take a bow…lots of new Readers…no, I don’t think they need to hear your side of the story…nobody cares anymore…I know! I’m as surprised at that satement as you are…whats you gots, B?  (yeah something on that end of the spectrum…we have a little scott who is feeling kinda sad and a little mopey…gimme sumpin to cheer his ass up…)



whydae -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Below is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Unicorn Challenge bloghop.

Hosted by jenne and ceayr, it is part writing exercise and part TAT (with, being the digital age, a touch of Hermann R’s Kool-aid). But it’s fun and …well, satisfying. You oughta join in this week, It’s easy! This is the prompt image. Write a story with les than 250 words in it, go to the link and hook in.


On with ‘the show:


“You’re just foolin’ me again, Grampa.”

“I’ll have you know that I would never deceive my only grandchild.” Cognitive assessments for the very young are not yet able to measure the sophistication allowing appreciation of the cynical italics he placed on, ‘my only grandchild’. If there were, the notation in the test results would be whatever words replicated the giggle that followed.

“Now I know you’re just jokin’ me.”

The two sat on the low concrete wall. Well, one was picked up and set-down with the sense of fun less appreciated by mother than son; the other sat with the slow care of a pensioner counting coins in his monthly change jar.

“When you look out your bedroom window at night, how far can you see?”

The curious shift in topic had the desired effect; the boy’s eyes lit up in foreshadow of his reaction to the question.

“What you see is not forever-far away. What you see is the other side of Time, where everyone we’ve loved have gone to wait for us.”

“Now I know you’re foolin’.” Another, under-assessed quality of the young human mind, is appreciation of metaphor. Some parents fear the imaginary friends or whimsical excuses for chores missed; the very old and the still-quite young revel in it.

Reverie, a state of being that issues passports more to the immature and the elderly, imbued the lighthouse with a glow of excitement and purpose.

“There you two are! I hope he hasn’t tired you out, Dad.”




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. It’s a recount of the people, places and things that have elicited, stimulated and otherwise inspired the feeling of gratitude. In some circles, this is considered an act of health and an investment in increasing the odds of avoiding the normal(!) and seemingly(falsely) natural tendency to see the negative in the world of our daily lives. And such.

1) Una

oh! the humanity!! (August 2011)

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Meadow and the Fern Circle (ok, might be a little difficult to see the emerging pattern… but maybe that’s for a reason, ever stop to think that?)

5) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop  Premium ‘corn. From Tessa

6) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. Six Pick of the Week. From Yingling:  ‘Dial

7) paint lower deck project (still gotta scrape)

8) something, something


10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids





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