relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 5 relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 5

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s weekly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.


1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) writing for fun and de-confusioning* (see Grat Five and Six)

5) the Six Sentence Story

6) the Unicorn Challenge (with ceayr, jenne, Pensitivity 101 and them)

7) discretion being the better part of valor… the rain washed the bridge (photo in Grat 1 and 2 above, taken in more temperate climes)

We considered moving the bridge back into place before the flood waters had receded. In theory, less effort to float it back than to lever it back. So we waded into the water, thigh-high and reconsidered our ambition. It was not the depth of the water, not even it the strength of the current. It was the temperature of the water. As we observed our leg muscles getting all Gordian on the knee and ankular regions, standing in the shallow section. (There is a reason for the bridge, not so apparent in either of these photos, but there’s a channel, not deep, say only three feet or so… when the pond is at the summer level illustrated by our photogenic canine and human. That said, the water was over our knees… on shore. lol While we laugh at danger, we haven’t needed jumper cables for any of the automobiles for so long. Well, let’s say we decided that it would have been a pain in the neck to go dig them out from wherever they are if the water remained as cold as it reached our upper torso.

The good news is we will have a Cro-Magnon Challenge by next week when the water recedes! The rules are: only muscle and the simplest of machines, the lever; in the form of small tree trunks which we have an abundance of in the woods.)

the ‘After’ photo for the bridge at the top

8) rain (both as hypograt and as anti-snow)

[Hey! In the interest of setting the scene for the Bro-Magnon Challenge next week, here’s a photo of the Bridge-Too-Far with the water levels down today.]

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


* not a ‘real’ word but clarks, of course, will sense the meaning, if not the application

music vids






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f -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

the setting: the Unicorn Challenge bloghop

the players: jenne and ceayr and a cast of tens

the premise: beginning with a new photo prompt, write a story

the rules: maximum word count is two hundred fity (250)

(While we accept that this particular bloghop format does not, actually, encourage the telling of serial tales, there are times when the temptation exceeds self-restraint. If there is need for proof of the existence of a ‘Muse’ for those who would write, then characters are incontrovertible evidence. We have, all of us, found ourselves in the company of characters that, to use the vernacular, ‘write themselves’. This week, we indulge our selfs. The two protangonists in this week’s contribution to ‘the corn first showed up: <click here>. What can we say? They write themselves)



“Don’t worry, I’m a natural-born trapper. I can follow the prey anywhere!”

The woman, dressed in shades of gray and ebony that made her indistinguishable from the alleys and lanes of the less-travelled parts of Glasgow, jumped slightly, the better to cuff her companion’s ear.

“We had ’em coming out of that wine cellar! Are we home enjoying dinner?” The tilt of her head produced a curious reversal, surely it is in human relationships that trompe l’oeil found their natural environment.

“No! We are not!”

For his part, the slightest of shrugs prevented any serious injury, which was never a concern of his for any of the countless years the pair had been together.

The urban canyons and abandoned wine cellars had provided sustenance for the two since…well, since either of them could remember. Somehow, the night was betraying the two as their prey continued to remain ahead of their patient stalking. This unexplored country for the pair who, as subjects of whispered tales of fearful parents to innocent children were simply the Crone and the Stone. Cautionary bedtime stories to keep them out of harm’s way

As they crossed the small wooden bridge, the forest around them blazed in artificial light. LED suns tethered to trees, the better to kill fairy tale monsters

The man, larger than he wanted to be, looked down; the woman, smaller than she felt with him, looked up with no regret,

“We twa hae run about the braes,
and pou’d the gowans fine.”




Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(our only real concern is whether or the not the block-quote within a block-quote makes the text uncomfortably small for easy readin’)

Wait! There it is!

New Readers? RePrint posts are intended as much as topic jumpstarters as they are filler. The information in the RePrint is always useful, especially if’n you haven’t read all 2,939 or so posts we’ve produced.* But sometimes it helps to sneak up on the task of writing original content. Be that as it may.

We all know (or should (or will, for those here for the first(ish) time. Hey! New Reader)) that the Wakefield Doctrine is gender neutral. Matters not female or male, the principles are un-affected by gender. Culture (both local and global, i.e. human) have an effect. But the Doctrine is about the relationship between the individual and the world around them (and the people who make it up). So, sure, a scottian female might not go up to each individual in a group and push (or punch) each person on the shoulder to establish the current ranking of all. She might do something worse. (lol We will try to keep our own twisted biases and developmental embroglia out of our post-writing lol) (New Reader? Not to worry, ask one of your fellow Readers. Any of them what appear to be trying to repress laughter).

But that’s for another post.

What we were going to add was: “… gender and age neutral.”

Well, we’re out of time for this Monday. Find someone, someone that you don’t need to want to hang out with you, going into the future and say, “You know, there’s this blog where they have a personality theory that totally nails it. You should stop in some time.”

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “Come on! It’s Monday, we’re counting on this Doctrine to make it less…”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Well, lets get right to it!


When in doubt, or the Muse has decided to sleep in*, it is never a bad thing to describe the Wakefield Doctrine. The ‘what it is’ and ‘how to use it’ kind of post. After all, we are still pursuing that, ‘now-I-can-stop-this-daily-post-thing’, the Perfect Doctrine post.

Lets see what we’ve said on the subject already.

ok, had to go back to 2013 to find one… though we suspect it was our search method, rather than that which we were looking for.

…whoa!! what the…!?!?!

Did you just get a whiff of topic?

Quick. Clear our minds.

‘My search method is at fault as opposed to the availability of what I was looking for…’

Ladies and gentlement, I believe we have a Doctrine (and General Realitivity Insight).

(Remind us to revisit this topic tomorrow. Getting late. Luckily, have the reprint still on the clipboard.)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


It has long been my ambition to write the Perfect Wakefield Doctrine post. (One might argue about that adenoidial descriptor, it has always been my ambition, since the very first post, hell, before the very first post). In any event, I’ll give it a shot today, Monday.

The definition of perfection? A post that a total stranger, (to this blog or, for that matter, a person who has not come into contact with anyone who knows of this personalty theory), can read…once and apply it to their own life right then and there. They will look around and they will see the clarks and scotts and rogers.


As a personality theory, the Wakefield Doctrine is more the key a song is played in than it is the song. It is not a definition of a set of established behaviors, tendencies, drives and tropisms, rather it is a way of looking at (the) behaviors, tendencies, drives and tropisms that everyone you encounter today will exhibit. Including yourself. Unlike most of the personality theories that we all come into contact with, the Wakefield Doctrine is not concerned with establishing where, in a pre-established matrix of behavior, you fit best. The Wakefield Doctrine is not concerned with behavior. The Wakefield Doctrine is concerned with ‘how you relate yourself to the world around you’.

Quick set of assumptions and predicates: reality (the world around us) is, to a small, but certain extent, personal; we are, all of us, born with the capacity to experience the world around us in one of three characteristic ways: as an Outsider (clarks), as a Predator (scotts) or as a Herd Member (rogers); finally, although we all, (all of us), settle on, settle into one of the three worldviews, we never lose the capability to experience the world ‘as do the other two’.

Even though the Wakefield Doctrine is concern with relationships, it helps to have labels and definitions (provided that we do not ignore Korsybski’s famous statement, ‘the map is not the territory‘.

Hold on. Enough with the Wikipedia citations and the excessive use of semi-colons!

I think I’ll settle for a quiz that’s as close to a personality assessment as you’re going to encounter here at the Wakefield Doctrine):

  • When you woke up this morning, did you feel good/scared/confident that today would be a good day in ‘the world out there’? If that sounds at all reasonable, go stand over there… no, there are others already in that section of the gym, you’ll see them when you get there.
  • When you woke up this morning, did you get up? ok… amuse yourself while I deal with the last group of personality types. Sure, anywhere will be fine.
  • When you woke up this morning, (well, lets rephrase that to ‘when you transitioned from quiet concern to active concern), did you feel that although you might describe yourself as confident, you will swear in a court of law that the world makes sense if you just work hard enough at understanding it. If you don’t find that description of the start of the average day totally un-reasonable, don’t go anywhere… stay here in the middle of the crowd of participants

There you have it! The three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine!

How do you know which you are?

Up at the top of the post, I wrote ‘how you relate yourself to the world around you’. That is how you know. Even at the Doctrine, where words are viewed as either those colored semi-candy things that you sprinkle on desert or, the yellow and black Cliff Notes that serve as badges of ‘success at any cost’ in school, sometimes we mean exactly what we say. When we say, ‘how you relate yourself to the world around you’, we do not mean, ‘how you relate to the world around you’. It is about you and your relationship to the world that the Doctrine is concerned. So read some posts, read some pages that describe the characteristics of the three worldviews. The perspective ( as an Outsider or as a Predator or as a Herd Member) through which the world is least blurry, that’s your predominant worldview, your ‘personality type’.

Congratulations! You’re a clark (or) a scott (or) a roger.

Lots more to tell you* stop by anytime!

*self-grading of attempt at the perfect Post: C+ … ok a B- (seeing how you’re a clark and clarks are nothing if they’re not willing to do most things to help the other person feel better).


* There’s an ‘interesting’ idea for a story, ‘Are the dreams of a Muse painfully common and boring?’ Maybe I should write that down for the next installment in ‘the Whitechapel Interlude’


*  ayiieee! We despair for ever developing our tertiary rogerian aspect to any kind of level as to provide us with a benefit in our efforts to reach the masses. This asteroid? Because we chose to say ‘produced’ rather than ‘wrote’. And that word choice because there is a handful, aka less than 10 posts written by a guest. Why not just use the verb write? ’cause there is a risk that someone might take exception with our statement. that’s why you know your author is a person with a clarklike predominant worldview,



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

That white edging along the far shore? The Rime of the Ancient Mariner


The is the Wakefield Doctrine’s weekly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Created despite resistance from both the House of Lords and a formal lettre of protest from the  Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, the TToT has survived recession, inflation, manic-depression and ennui. All, of the aforementioned eco-psycho-philosophical states, endemic to the blogosphere over the years since we arrived on the scene in June, 1909. (or thereabouts).

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the End of Winter!* this past week, now all that’s left to do is leave yourself a note to move your clocks ahead one hour (in just 77 days)

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

6) the (current) lack of frozen water piled up on the ground and such, not to jinx anyone

7) technology and stuff. Little did we realize, growing up, that there would be a day when we could create and save motion pictures courtesy of our telephones!

8) something, something

9) * New Readers? The thing of it is, for some of us, a big part of what makes the Summer such an excellent season is the amount of sunlight (for those of us here in upper-right Oceania). While we abhor the cold, it is the darkness that makes us wish for warmer times. And so, with the 21st (Thursday), the days are getting longer. Slowly, barely perceptibly, but each day holds a little more light than the day before.

(See?! The Doctrine isn’t as weird as some people might suggest.)

10) Secret Rule 1.3








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Tuesday Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- Memoir Tuesday Late Edition

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Let us continue our discussion (description?) of the efficacy of the Wakefield Doctrine in the matter of self-improvement.

Sure, we get it. You’re thinking, ‘oh man! Not another, ‘Find the Force within. Accept your inner strength, Stand over there and close your eyes.’

No, wait. We’re not saying that. At lease not two out of three of them.

This reminds us of another issue that could use updating and/or clarification: is it personal reality (mini-existences with their own sets of tiny Laws of Physics, Consequences, Original Sin and such) or is it ‘the character of the relationship we develop with the world around us and the people who make it up?’

Wait! Missed the window yesterday. Let’s just say: ‘the Wakefield Doctrine is a nearly-unearned but, nevertheless inspired insight into the nature of human reality. We got the original starting point in the early 1980s (i.e. the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers), played with the idea for twenty-five years, and, in June 2009, sat down at the keyboard and started this blog. The content/posts that followed reflected both the excitement of this gift and effects of the Wakefield Doctrine itself on us, the curator.

Anyway. That keeps us on track for the ‘every Tuesday a Memoir post’ thing. (Quick Reminder: the first goal of any self-renovation is to practice deliberate habit formation.)

Don’t Forget! Tonight at 6:00 pm the doors open for this week’s Six Sentence Story bloghop. Good reading and, not to lay any unnecessary pressure on y’all but chances are you’ve got a hankerin to see your story in the glow of crystal diodes. Well, don’t hold back. Write, Link. Enjoy the company of others who feel the more doors into alternate reality we leave open, the better the conditions in the ‘real’ world will be.

quick RePrint.

clarks -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘hey, I’m good enough for my friends…so the heck with what you think’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers

)...and the over-under on the game is what?

(As so often happens, here at the Doctrine, a phrase popped into my head that seemed to be a whole Post…provided I could put into words the feeling that were [embedded] in said phrase. When I wrote today’s Post subtitle, I immediately had two thoughts, a) Readers are going to misunderstand and respond by saying, ‘aww, don’t feel bad, we all think you’re doing great’ and 2) I really need to get back to this kind of post, one that is written to the clarks who are encountering the Wakefield Doctrine for the very first time. And, of course, c) my own re-appreciation of how much things have changed since I first started writing this blog… not the content and nature of the Doctrine, rather the nature of the readership and, even more germane, the changes the Wakefield Doctrine has wrought in my own self. So, what say I give it try?)

When I was young(er), I retained an unshakeable faith in two things: a) my friends and b) my capacity to endure and survive. Now I am no longer younger. More to the point, (of this post), I am now possessed of an understanding of my predominant worldview (clark/Outsider) and that enables me to see a lot more of the ‘why’ of my behavior and beliefs, actions and responses to the people and the world around me. This is an improvement. This knowledge, this insight into the way that ‘I relate myself to the world around me’, does not, in and of itself, change anything. It does, however, make any desired change much more attainable and sustainable. That is the good of the knowing of the Wakefield Doctrine.

The title today? (And the introduction above, that suggests that perhaps writing a Post to appeal specifically to the brand new clarklike Reader, might be more difficult than I think?) All of what underlies, and thereby giving rise to the sentiment manifested in the subtitle remains true in me, in all clarks. I still have the …. er…. not so positive self-concept that is the initial premise shaping the worldview of the Outsider, and I still, very much value the friends that I have. Most of us, (including rogers and scotts), will recognize, in the second half of the sub-title an implication,  a… ‘yes but’, a ‘hedge’, if you will, on the claim to being valued by others. There is something to the way the statement sounds that is a hallmark of the clarklike personality type. It’s necessary to a clark, this ‘hedging’ of a claim of self-worth or value (to others), a pre-defensive defensive, if you will.

You want a physical example of what I’m trying to convey? (It’s also a primary characteristic of clarks.) Watch a clark smile. Most of time, especially when ‘in public’ or not in a totally secure environment, which is pretty much everywhere except bed or the bathroom, clarks will smile by compressing the lips, putting a slight upwards motion to the corners of the mouth, while watching the other person very carefully. Hedging their bets. Being careful. Keeping the escape route viable. You know, as an Outsider, we’re all about interacting, all while keeping an eye on the door. Find me a classroom, I don’t care if it’s First Grade or Grad School, if the individual student is allowed the choice of seats, you will find a preponderance of clarks in the back row. Near the door. And while one might think that this choice is simply to avoid being noticed, one would be almost correct. It is, in fact, to provide the option to escape, to not be forced into the focus of attention.

That’s part of what the clark personality is like. Tomorrow we may look at scotts, ( ‘I think, therefore I scream‘) or perhaps rogers (‘there is no ‘i’ in herd, there’s only me and everyone like me’)

Since I’m doing kind of a old-style Post, I thought I’d include a music video, well, just because.*


*excuse me!! excuse me!!  because, well, holy shit!!  (lol)  you want to know the real, totally-honest-to-god reason why I find writing Doctrine Posts so ….so  incredible?  Ok, so I’m finishing up the final edit and I decide… sure, lets keep the music vid, because I love the song. The last thing I needed to do was to find the ‘cover photo’,  you know, the Post’s thumbnail that shows only on the landing page. Well I think, ‘lets look for an image associated with Grieg and ‘the Hall of the Mountain King’, (today’s vid)…at the top of the results page is a link to the wikipedia, so naturally I go to read it ( I’m a clark, remember?)  anyway, here’s what jumped out of the screen at me, it made me laugh:

The piece is played as the title character Peer Gynt, in a dream-like fantasy, enters “Dovregubben (the troll Mountain King)’s hall”. The scene’s introduction continues: “There is a great crowd of troll courtiers, gnomes and goblins. Dovregubben sits on his throne, with crown and sceptre, surrounded by his children and relatives. Peer Gynt stands before him. There is a tremendous uproar in the hall.” The lines sung are the first lines in the scene.

Grieg himself wrote “For the Hall of the Mountain King I have written something that so reeks of cowpats, ultra-Norwegianism, and ‘to-thyself-be-enough-ness’ that I can’t bear to hear it, though I hope that the irony will make itself felt.” The theme of “to thyself be… enough” – avoiding the commitment implicit in the phrase “To thine own self be true” and just doing enough – is central to Peer Gynt’s satire, and the phrase is discussed by Peer and the mountain king in the scene which follows the piece.( italics added)  (

…no!! really!! lol  man! do I love this Wakefield Doctrine!


