relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 55 relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 55

Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘the fun of the Wakefield Doctrine’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


You know, I’ve been so busy with ‘Almira‘ and, because of that and my odd belief in the limited daily supply of words, I haven’t been writing as many Doctrine Posts of late.

I think I forgot how much fun they can be, until tonight. (Yeah, 10 pm Tuesday, no less)

So I’m watching some last bit of TV before turning out the lights… ‘Back to the Future’ for the 17th time and a commercial comes on, naturally the sound is off, but still I watch, well…. here let me show you (for total effect you should mute it).

…I watch and then that last scene and I turn to Phyllis and say, ‘roger

I laugh and she smiles. (Una had already run off to bed). So, naturally Phyllis asks, ‘why?’ (do I think that the girl is a roger) and my answer is, “she has a look in her eyes, (starting at 0:23 to 0:25) that appears excessively determined and totally crazy. She”, (the character in the commercial). ” is acting like what she’s doing is important and valuable to anyone who might observe it. And more than, ‘important and valuable to them’, she knows that she’s giving a gift to the world.”

So, I thought, ‘hey I think I’ll write a Post’.

New(er) Readers: there’ve been periods of time, in the tenure of this blog, when I might write a Post every day and other times when I might go a week between. But at the base, the foundation of my enjoyment was to be inspired to write a Post by some seemingly random and/or inconsequential event or occurrence in my day. Always about the Wakefield Doctrine, of course, but only because I see the world through the perspective that is the Doctrine.

Fun! I’ll have to do this more.  (If I don’t collapse in a corner from cool-words-depletion.)


Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Six Sentences, not Six words….sentences. Not 7 Sentences, Exactly six sentences.

‘Ex’  That’s the word. That’s the word?!  ‘Ex’ ?!?!  jeez, challenge our creative imagination much, zoe?  (zoe being the hostess and curator and Madame of ‘Stories, Short and Small’  here at Six Sentence Story.)  Come and try your hand (well, literally, mind and fingers, but you know what I mean).

….ain’t getting any more complete a word, so lets have at it.

“I can’t see why you don’t understand how I feel,” the young man was not as old as he sounded, (at times), and much more mature than he acted, (at times).

“I do, but you don’t know what it’s like to be cooped up in this small house, with 2  children, children not yet capable of speaking a complete sentence, at least not without spitting something up or putting something in their mouths as they try, I need to do this for both of us,” leaning over the back of the couch where her husband sat, her feet shifted in the direction of the front door.

A single wail-of-infantile-demand ricocheted down the staircase and began to fill the living room, like snowmelt in a street gutter, once started, it grew in volume.

“We have something special here, how can you not see that?” he put the newspaper on the emptiness of the couch to his left and started to get up, looking up the stairway, turning to aim his words at his wife.

“I know we can get though this, the four of us are a…”

The front door of the handsome Colonial in the most sought-after neighborhood, closed on his words with a finality that made him wince, the swelling volume of the child-cries drew him away from the pain (that he knew would be waiting for the quiet of the night), and didn’t hear the silent cries of the woman outside the heavy wooden door, as she was drawn down into the excitement that now, too late, was clearly intent on exacting far more of her soul than she had ever expected.


Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘of serials and solutions, advice and ambition’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

image courtesy of: ‘A Fly our Our (Chicken Coop) Wall’


2 Items: Chapter 4 and the Wakefield Doctrine

(That was easy!)

Hey! Chapter 4 of ‘Almira’ is out and loosed upon the world. If you haven’t signed up for new Posts, then here is Chapter 4 (at and, for those less technological-inclined and prefer the simple and familiar format, here is Chapter 4 (at wordpress). The same Chapter 4, of course, it’s just that, while wordpress is simple and familiar, jukepop is geared to serial stories and presents the chapters in sequence. So, if this your first encounter with the Story of Miss (actually, it’s Mrs.) Almira Gulch and Dorothy and Hunk and a few people who, for some reason, they forgot to include in previous tellings of the Oz stories, jukepop is probably your best bet.
(btw…. I sent out links to, well, to everyone I could think of, but then I was reminded (by Denise) that those of you who’ve signed up, automatically receive each new Chapter, as it’s published. Ain’t science amazing! Sorry about the dupelation.)

[Hey!  I’m working on final…final Edit of Blogdominion. Is there anyone out there who would enjoy being a Beta Reader? Let me know]

Item 2:

(courtesy of a Comment from Friend of the Doctrine, Christine)

‘Can’t wait to hear about your workshop. Channel that inner scott!’

As you would’ve guessed, my Reply was quite simple. ‘That’s exactly why we have a Wakefield Doctrine!’

the Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective on behavior and reality and, in a sense, proposes that there are three personality types among people (and, in a sense, everything else). The maintains that, all of us, are born with the potential to experience the world in one of three characteristic ways:

  1. clarks (Outsiders)
  2. scotts (Predators)
  3. rogers (Herd Members

…at a very early age we all, ‘settle in to’ one of these three worldviews (the personal reality that everyone experiences world as/through…in) and then we proceed to grow up and mature and learn ways to deal with the world and it’s demands’, the people (and their demands) and our own potential (and that’s where Christine’s Comment comes in).  Where many personality type systems focus on self reporting and the near-endless variety of Quizzes and Tests, without which Facebook would go the way of MySpace…. ( “What’s your Favorite Color!!” / “Don’t you Hate it when your Boyfriend says.…!!!” / “So! You Think You Have What it Takes to Be a Wildlife Biologist?!?” / “Girls! What’s Up with the Crying and Hand-Holding!” / “What Your Favorite Color Socks Tell about You! Don’t Leave the House until you Complete (and Pass) This Test!!”)

The Wakefield Doctrine is quite simple. If you grew up in a reality that was, (in character, nature, just-the-way-things-are), the world of the Outsider, then your ‘personality traits’ would lean heavily to:

  • ‘being inconspicuous’ (without being totally ignored),
  • ‘being funny’ (without having to, like, stand up in front of people and hold their attention),
  • ‘persuasive’ (in a quiet, ‘now that I think of it, that’s a good idea’ sort of way),
  • ‘curious’ (maybe the answer to becoming a real person is hidden in Zoroastrianism). In short, you’ll develop the coping strategies and interpersonal style that is most likely to yield success (however you might define that!  lol)

This same view applies to the person who has grown experiencing the world as would a Predator:

  • ‘quick responses’,
  • very little, ignoring-the-world-while-imagining-what-might-be,
  • if it moves, chase it,
  • live today, ’cause it’s the only place that’s real.

or as a Herd Member:  the world is knowable! learn it and tell the others…..

So, what makes Christine’s Comment so appropriate, is that the Wakefield Doctrine’s approach to self-improvement is: you never lose the potential of ‘the other two’ world views. Find your inner (clark or scott or roger), practice it and you will become more than you were. This may seem a trivial distinction, that we have the potential, because the perceptive (but annoying) Reader might say (from the back of the classroom, meeting hall or audience),

“Hey! you just said that the personality traits that distinguish one type from the other is the result of growing up and learning to the cope with the reality you’re in… that took, well, years! What good does that do me, I got a presentation in a week and a half! Ain’t got time to grow up again! I want my money back!!

True. The distinction we make is for those of us who (might) benefit by it. I like knowing that new skills, better ways of living, are not foreign or otherwise outside of my reality. I like knowing that it is inherent (if not practiced), because it’s easier (to me) to develop than it is to find, take, claim ownership and learn to operate something totally new.

Speaking of new and find, time to leave the virtual world and head out into the ‘real’ world. Any questions, write ’em in the Comment box, yo.


Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


…running late. Warm-up! (stretch for those hyperbole!!! sound off! onomatopeiacs!  in cadence now, you anastrophic knuckleheads!!)

There…. that gets the limbic system all limber,  …I think.

The Word!! what is the Word this Week!??!  zoe is the Mistress of Wordolgy   here at the Six Sentence Wordatorium,  bring it on!!

Right.   that’s it. the Word. The prompt. The Right.








TToT (TToT unofficial motto: ‘sharing valuable insights and remarkable conclusions for more than 13 years running!’) -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Writing this TToT Post way early, like Friday morning early, thinking about a combo Post or maybe a Friday Post or just getting a start on the TToT Post for the weekend. As must be abundantly clear, not really sure what, if anything I would write. Following my own personal rule, ‘it’s easier to edit than it is to write’ I’ll just do some finger-aerobics here for a short time and then head out into the world. (yeah, clark here)

1-5) Reference above video (camera, actually its a new phone): dog, car and dog, cows to harass and nice weather

6) Chapter 3 ‘Almira’ due to be released this weekend. The First Two Chapters are out on both the website and on jukepop (jukepop is a site that hosts serial stories, basic advantage is that they provide a sequential format (of the stories by the Chapter) which makes them easier to follow as the number of Chapters increases. If you have a minute, you should go there and ‘Vote’ for Almira (yeah, what the hell!, is there anything, in this culture, that’s not obsessed with competition?)

7) work, which is kinda necessary to all this typation, fortunately it remains interesting work. That being said, the fact of the matter is, the vast majority of work, at least in my own experience, is repetition of (skilled and un-skilled) acts and actions, interspersed with brief, (not seeming so, at the time), intervals of terror and/or stress. (lol) Speaking of jobs, I saw an opening for ‘forklift operator’ the other day. I was sorely tempted. Buried in my work record, are a couple of interludes during which I was a professional forklift operator. Very enjoyable work.
Back to my ‘tedium interrupted by terror’ thesis; most of the other work I’ve done in my life has conformed to that description. It is, (as always), the exceptions to that rule that prove to be interesting, in light of the topic of this Item. I’ve worked in mills, both textile and manufacturing. How cool is this reality of mine, when the experiences of the worst job(s) I’ve held are, in very real fact, the most useful and valuable thing to me today?  Damn! Working in a mill. It’s important to me today because, Almira Gulch (the at-the-moment, very silent protagonist of my Serial Story, ‘Almira‘) worked in a mill when she was young.( Lawrence, MA 1910 to 1912). While un-deniably repetitious, factory work can be very difficult work, the very same, limited number of motions, 8 hours a day (or more) 5 days a week (or more)… for the rest of your life. I’ve met people who were at the same punch press for 20, 25…30 years! Incomprehensible to my then, 19-year-old mind. I eventually learned. They did it for someone/something else. Someone, (singular or, more likely plural), else needed what working a punch press 8 hours a day, forever provided right then and there that day, that dinner, that future for others. Gotta give ’em credit.

8) grateful for the people here, (in the ‘sphere), who, by their presence, allow me to experiment with the tools I’ve found for self-developing myself. The Wakefield Doctrine is, of course, primary among these tools, however, I’m come to realize that the inherent flaw to ‘hermitized self-improvement’, is that, without feedback and reflections/suggestions from people walking in the same world as I am, I have no way of knowing if it’s ‘working’.  So thanks to those clarks  (and scotts and rogers who are possessed of a significant secondary clarklike aspect)

9) (to be completed mid day…. ) yeah, no! I’m serious, I’ll get us something un-rote for this TToT list. I have a pretty full schedule today: several houses to inspect, Chapter 3 to work on and an Open House… bound to be something in all that, small, but definitely measurable portion of my life, to include here.

10) SR 1.3  (and Our Miss Lewis and her co-hortessae,  Christine and Kristi, Lisa and Zoe, Kristi and Michelle, Sarah and Dyanne )


(yeah… should have some music…. will try to find us some)

Out in the world in the course of this day:  found a tune, will post….more from the field as it develops….  (remind me again, this gratitude thing, like even when the world is not cooperating or I’m getting too busy to stop and notice?  jeez  bar set high or what?)



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