relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 30 relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 30

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…the war between hope and fear”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(uh oh)

No! Wait! Come back! We promise this is not one of those osmium screed*, raising tantalizing questions only to leave the ‘to be cont’d’ crew to explain to everyone how the full answer will be forthcoming.

The full story on the Wakefield Doctrine… at least in terms of its value and it’s utility***  not to mention it’s entertainment value, in bullet point:

  • there are only three personality types to learn
  • the names of the personality types are free of impressive letters and numbers and surely-this-is-scientific nomenclature (we’re looking at you, Oscar-Meyer, Briggs & Stratton)
  • the stated characteristics of the three personality types are not pre-determined qualities, traits, tropisms and ‘you-bet-I-wanna-do-that(s)’ against which the scores from surveys, questionnaires, assessments and profiles are held in order to classify the individual; rather the perspective, (forming the basis for the three personality types), are described and made available… the Doctrine believes in user participation
  • speaking of perspectives, the Wakefield Doctrine is not a diagnostic or assessment, it is a perspective on the world around (a body) and the people who make it up
  • expert application of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine will make available insights into the actions and behaviors, thoughts and inclinations of those both close to us and, even, total strangers
  • the Wakefield Doctrine is not ‘an Answer’… it is a tool for helping fill in the blanks that our own personality types invariably produce as we look around us
  • the goal of the, (application of), Wakefield Doctrine is two-fold: a) ‘to better see the world as the other person is experiencing it’ and 2) to increase our understanding of how it is we relate ourselves to the world around us
  • …and, with sufficient effort, imagination and reading, to be in a position to say, “Man, what a Roger! I won’t blame myself” or “Jeez! Someone’s a bit scottian, I think I’ll just lower the old profile” and “She/he is not too clarklike, I suppose they really want to believe that while nobody is watching, they won’t be ignored”
  • its fun…try it



* ’cause Wikipedia says osmium is the heaviest metal why else would I spend ten minutes, (including the time spent trying to find a photo of Ronnie James** that will fit in this space), looking for the song below

** s’okay making a demographically-targeted reference

*** don’t worry, reading and learning, studying and enjoying the Wakefield Doctrine will not require you to use, ‘Really? Can’t you just speak without thinking about the sufficiency of the choice?’, words that have piled up in the closet like VHS tapes from the full set from Tony Robbins Series ‘Get rich and have giant teeth and the eyes of a face-eater’


#wakefielddoctrine, @thewakefielddoctrine


well, duh!



Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Clean-up to Aisle 8! Footnote/citation spill… proceed with caution.’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

…where were we?

Would (it) be interesting to compare the content, if not the underlying intentions, of anyone inclined to take part in the pan-cultural practice of New Year’s Resolutions.(?)

Who just said, ‘Well, if your Doctrine is as useful a perspective on the world and the people who make it up, what can it tell us about how people might behave during this traditional time of reflection and projection?”

I have one more day before Thursday to complete our Wakefield Doctrine look at New Years and the tentacles of our past.

(to be cont’d)


The subject of my report  post today is…. (lol channeling imaginary memories* from Jr and Sr High School) what is New Year’s Eve from the perspective of the three predominant worldviews (aka the three personality types) of the Wakefield Doctrine?


…No!, really its easy…. (Warning! Warning… False Bravado Alert, Stop before it’s too late!2)

For New Years Eve:

  • rogers(Herd Members) they’ve never left the party… time is of secondary value to our rogerian brethren, as emotion is achronolgic, (as in, ‘immune to Time’). They will dress as all the other revelers and wait for Guy Lombardo to officiate (or Dick Clark or Iced T***) or whoever the current cultural figurehead of the Herd
  • scotts(Predators) they enjoy the suspending of social norms historically a part of a New Year’s Eve celebration. Let ’em have five steps towards the door, just of this one time (lol)
  • clarks(Outsiders) like a combination of watching the chimney from St. Peter’s Square, staying under the blankets until there is a non-you-generated sound that does not include: sonovabitch… crying or well, it was New Year’s Eve.

Thats it for today.

Tomorrow (New Years’ Eve day) will be a Six Sentence Story day.

(Hey! Just remember that, no matter what happens, the Wakefield Doctrine understands)

(From song frag this morning)


* that’s right, imaginary memories… we would submit that for all three personality types, ‘im-mems’ can be as ‘real’ and consequential as actual, look-I’ll-show-you-the-scar/paperwork/Polaroid recollections of past events… ‘ceptin clarks are the only ones, (of the three), emotionally and intellectually capable of acknowledging the duality** while maintaining, (hell, enhancing the potential of learning the secret)… because, as we all know, if you’re on the Outside, there is no quantifying the territory.1

** obviously a survival trait to those of us who live in the world of the Outsider(clarks)… after all, if the only thing truly important to us is to discover the information we lack/were-deprived-of/missed-that-day-in-class when it was taught, i.e. the knowledge imparted to scotts and rogers allowing them to live life as ‘a part of’.

*** lol (though I’me sure that can’t be any kind of original)

  1. it (the reality of the Outsider) is surely limitless
  2. Speaking of Warnings that come too late… there is a traditional warning we, as a courtesy, extend to New Readers, to the effect: If you’re enjoying this blog, then you are likely to read about clarks, scotts and rogers. That’s not the problem. Reading leads to understanding the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers to the point you, (the New Reader), will begin to identify the predominant worldview of the people in your world. That is still not the problem. If you persist in your studiesi, you may find yourself unable to not see the clarks, scotts and rogers in your world. You have been warned.

i: the practical goal, or ambition, of those of us who include the perspective of the Wakefield Doctrine in our every day world is to understand the ‘native language’ of the three personal realities that make up this here personality theory here… big job. However, like any language, there is an inherent problem with translation from one (personal) reality to the other. Speaking only for myself, I can offer: fresh snow, ice-crust snow and ‘damn, won’t this ever melt snow. Surely that is far less encyclopedic than a clark living north of the Arctic Circle.


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…because what Monday isn’t made better by the perspective of the Doctrine?”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

If, as Ben Gazzera asserts in the video below, life is but a dream, where does that leave us, this winter-dark Monday morning?

Is this a message of hope or an harbinger of doom (an expression deriving from the 10th Century), near as I can make out. The etymology includes innkeeper, which surely gots to, allowing for our citation below, be giving off a Anthony Perkins vibe to any of us old enough to have Hitchcock’s movie in our childhood memories.

Well that certainly elevates our early morning/beginning of the workweek discussion.

Here, look at what I found!*

Avaunt! Begonel O demon false! You harbinger of woe!
At random driven, my tortured soul no safe retreat does know.
My mind lacks faith, my heart mistrusts, my soul in pain sinks low.
O woe to him who feels the sting of your deadly smiting blow!

“O Evil Spirit!” by Nikoloz Baratashvili (courtesy of our friends at All Poetry)**
The Wakefield Doctrine reminds us, pertinent to the above, that the world we experience is grounded in our predominant worldview, i.e. that of the Outsider(clark) which would presume that most of the bad stuff implied is, well, private and we’ll not be discussing it, will we? or (if you’re) a scott(the Predator) then… “Bring it on bitches, you and me… right here and right now, we’ll know who’s the alpha!!” or, the last possibility/interpretation; how this view of the world would manifest to the Herd Member(rogers): “God, life is good… a little to the left, the center will hold.”
We use the Wakefield Doctrine to our benefit by accepting/positing/choosing-to-believe/recognizing the validity of the above, so that we will not be in thrall to any of them. Seeing how reality is personal, we are availed of the opportunity to manoeuvre through the day today. Knowing that what seems to be inevitable and real is one of three ways that the world might manifest.
Gots to love that Everything Rule.
(Come back later in the day and let us know how you made out!)






* what is there to not like about the internet, am I right?

** ayyiee! you should read the rest of the poem… a bit of a roger, methinks

from the criminally under-appreciated ‘Road House’ (lol)




Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

There’s an old saying, “Fridays are the Monday-mornings of living a full and satisfying life.”

Why the love-hate relationship between clarks and the most looked-forward-to day of the workweek?

Consider that your homework.

New Readers! While our subscriptioneers get busy organizing their notes, and make sure they have enough yellow-highlights, clear-plastic rulers, No.2 pencils and, to be ready to take the assignment-completion-process up to the next level, a supply of three-by-five index cards; (Of course, there’s a cork board and little colored pins!), lets go for a quick tour of the Wakefield Doctrine.

The Wakefield Doctrine starts out with three different (yet intricately interrelated) predominant worldviews. ‘Predominant worldview’ is the preferred term denoting personal reality writ large. While scraping the guardrails in terms of a distinction between what an individual’s subjective reality is and the proposition that the whole, yeah, everything, world that is considered ‘reality’, knowing the differences between the three predominant worldviews of the Wakefield Doctrine are essential to deriving the benefits of this unique, fun and quite useful perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up.*

We’re born with the possibility of having one, (of three), predominant worldviews being established (the the ‘other two’ becoming secondary), and thereby being our ‘reality’. It (the predominant worldview) shapes, influences and serves as the context in which we develop the tools and strategies that shape our subsequent relationship with life …and such.

The three are:

  1. the reality of the Outsider(clarks)
  2. the world of the Predator(scotts)
  3. the life of the Herd Member(rogers)

If discussed in terms of personality types, the above are the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine. For the Doctrine, personality type is not an assignment or a categorization based on a how many of a number of predetermined characteristics, traits or inclinations an individual demonstrates. Personality type is, for the Wakefield Doctrine, a description of how a person relates themselves to the world around them.

Learn the characteristics of the three, ask the question: “How is this person/how am I relating themselves/myself to the world around?”

The cool and fun part is the accuracy of the descriptions of the three ways to relate to the world.

There’s a bunch more to learn, but…. today is Friday. So have fun on the weekend.


* total, long-running, and favorite play-on-words here at the Doctrine… (and a totally obtuse reference to the ideas on reality as Carlos Castaneda so elegantly presented in his writings, i.e. reality is perception and the players contribute to the script, to mix as many metaphors and rhetorical devices as possible… ya know?)


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

…no! Come back, this will make sense if you read the Post. We promise.


Hosted by Dyanne. (Hostinae Quatraenous c.2020) who has graciously, (one can be forgiven for wondering what shade of rose her glasses were when she sent the email back to Kristi), taken on the deceptively challenging job of hosting the TToT.

This is the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Enjoyed by millions.

1) Una

Warning: this photo constitutes an achronologic depiction of a post-branching of a timeline.
See Grat Item 3


2) Phyllis

3) The photo above, between Una and Phyllis? A near-perfect Grat Item. I mean, Peter Paul Mounds perfect. Here’s the story: Our backyard is basically a clearing in the middle of a pine forest*. Our practice, when letting Una out at night, is that I go out onto the deck and look for any animals that might be in the yard. That would be mostly late-night deer and rabbits with the munchies.** Usually there’s nothing out there and I open the door, Una goes out and comes back in, easy peasy. And therein lies the gratacious aspect to this adventure. Sometimes, when it’s extra cold or I’m tired, I might stick my head out for a cursory scan. (“A single grain of sand falls soundlessly from the upper lip of the Great Sphinx. Time destroys all, however limited the attention span of Man.”) Last night was not cold, so I asked Una to wait by the French doors that open out to the deck. I always scan from left to right, starting with the shed, down along the perimeter, past Ola’s grave and ending with the darkly-featureless woods. Movement caught my eye. In the middle of the lawn. My first thought was…. Pepé Le Pew! (No, seriously, the skunk was full-on black-with-white-stripe-down-its-back.) It was walking from the woods towards the shed. Kinda ambled, like Popeye, if Popeye was a quadruped, rather than the man that he yam. I said, “Holy Smoke!” The skunk took no notice. I did some calculations and, seeing how I was an arm’s length from the door into the house, figured I could outrun he or she, should, he or she, take offense at my presence. The skunk continued on, past the deck, past the garden and under the shed. I thought, “Damn! Only Eight more Grat Items left!”

4) Lizzi because, back in the late eighties, she began on a path that included creating a bloghop. (Interesting fact: She and I were among the first, at least in our circle of Facebookian friends, to do a life-video chat) Funny Doctrine insight: So we set a time to sign on, to whatever app google had back then, and there we were, face to face. I said, ‘Hello’. (transatlantic pause) and Lizzi said, ‘Hello’ And the connection dropped. My first thought, no word of a lie, was ‘She thinks you’re a creep and hung up.’ Fortunately I had a Doctrine to remind me that I was a clark and, it turns out that Lizzi did not think I was a creep. At least not then.     lol

5) The internet. It’s capacity to function as a duct-tape-and-cardboard time machine, allowing us to travel back to when things were different. (see music vids this week)

6) Six Sentence Story

7) Writing, (and the practice of writing) which takes a form that, while a part of improving my skills, is also entertaining in the process. (Now, if only physical exercise could be like that, you know, while you’re doing the exercise, you become or appear to be the end product. Somehow. In top shape and totally stylin. err…. we have two serial stories ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf‘ and ‘the Whitechapel Interlude’, from the Ian Devereaux pulp detective and the Book of the Order of Lilith )


9) something something

10) Secret Rule 1.3 From the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules): We had the opportunity to remind Lisa that, as an offset to her uncertainty about joining in this weekend, with a ‘full TToT post’, the BoSR/SBoR lets a body, with sufficiently persuasive citations of appropriate chapter and verse she might send in a list of less/more than Ten Things.









* Full Disclosure. When we bought the house, one cold January in the late 1960s, the forest of pines were of a certain age that created a full screen of green. The nature of pines includes not only growing tall, but, in that process, preventing the next generation from getting established to quickly. Pine trees block sunlight year ’round. The short form: we can see neighbors now.

** keeping the theme of the ’60s alive, ya know

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