relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 28 relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 28

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Ten Things of Thankful(TToT) bloghop.

Lets go with pitchas an music.

(No subtext for either!*)

1) Phyllis——————-⇓ (Una and Number 6)

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) Six Sentence Story the place for flash fiction story-ettes new ones ever Thursday

5) excellent comment by Mimi to yesterday’s Post about ‘the Everything Rule’

6) TED Talks

7) internet, it’s own damnself, with all it’s faults and flaws (surely there were monks lead by St. Cuthbert marching in small, tight circles with signs carried by multiple monks (all that gold ink, ya know)  protesting Gutenberg, ‘Moveable Type is the Devil’s… err technology!’

8) Serial Stories: ‘the Whitechapel Interlude‘ and ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3 (from the Book of Secret Rules aka the Secret Book of Rules)


* yeah, right. If, by ‘subtext’ we’re using the according to (the) Online Etymology Dictionary definition: Latin subtextere meant “to weave under, work in below.” then, no fricken way




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


This is the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop.

(I’m able to participate this week, so let’s go ahead and make this Number Four in our, soon-to-be-put-into-context, list.)

It was created by Lizzi, on a March afternoon, when the ground was rock-frozen and the sky burned blue all afternoon.

(Yes! You are correct! We are on the whimsy wagon this weekend. That, in no way, detracts from the sincerity and good intent of this week’s Grat List, adding as we are, the founding of the bloghop as Number Five)

We have a host, Dyanne. She has co-hostinae. Being one of them, if my sophomoric Latin doesn’t fail me, makes me a co-hostinius.

(My confidence in the face of an imagination that insists on tipping over the toy box before playing, surely rates inclusion as Number Six on this here list here.)

There is this internet. Surely it is both a never-depleted well and (a) bottomless pit for those who, through time or circumstance, character defect or divine inspiration, can not resist the next curiosity, the door at the end of the alley, the flash of white on a muttering rabbit…hello, goodbye.

(If none of the previous Grats cause a nod of approval, surely this, the one we will designate Number Nine, (for reasons, almost obvious in one of the music videos below) will resonate from anyone who owns a magic mirror and electrical keyboard.)

Number Seven, the immediate labelling an alert to a declining altitude in the current flight (sure, you could refer to it as Flight Twenty, Fancy Airlines), leads us to realize that all good things must come to an end..

Speaking of which, like the last peak of the too-high hill on a roller coaster, the Month of July will soon be abandoning us to the plummet to No-Longer-Summer.

(What a bummer! Surely an appropriate response. We do, however, invoke the Secret Rule of Hypogratuitous Items. And include it in this week’s TToT. Those who linger, resentment smouldering like a cigarette on picnic-trampled grass, would be advised to stop by Mimi’s blog. She is the master of the proper utilization of the hypograt and would otherwise be ranked way higher than Number Eight.)

Because we’ve been awarded a combination: Get out of Jail and Hall-pass cards, we’ll put our normal (yeah, as if) last item, Secret Rule 1.3 here at Numero Diez.

That leaves Two:

Una ————————————————————-↓

Phyllis ————————↑








Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…on rogers and the recovery of deep-worldview artifacts’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Let’s see how brief and/or succinct we can be in a post, shall we? This shall be a post that describes one of the best moments in the writing of this blog, all the while offering insight into one of the three predominant worldviews of the Wakefield Doctrine. It is, as both the title above and the first of the format (for the post) references, ‘the discovery of a (reality) artifact’.

The artifact: Referential Authority

The Definition of this artifact: a deep-seated,  morel* basis for exerting aggression on those surrounding a roger, including, but not limited to potential additions to (the subject’s) Herd. This artifact was not a characteristic that could, normally, be extrapolated from the description of the rogerian predominant worldview, i.e. the World of the Herd Member.

How it came to be discovered:

So, back in, like, 2011, we wrote a series of posts describing ‘real’ life situation. The idea was to provide a context in which the three personality types, (in the characters in these story-ettes) might illustrate characteristic behavior. Readers might then acquire a greater understanding of the world as it is experienced by the personalty types they were not, aka, ‘the other two worldviews’.

Not for nothin, but the premier value of the Wakefield Doctrine are these insights into the reality of the three predominant worldviews. It’s these, ‘because’ descriptions that allow us to see through the eyes of the others: scotts, being predators make excellent cops; rogers, growing up in a quantifiable universe, do really well learning science and engineering and other rule-based disciplines and clarks, having no sense of either, are free to roam the world, looking for clues. As a result, the Wakefield Doctrine is able to offer descriptions of typical behavior of all three, in a variety is scenaria. More importantly, the Doctrine helps us understand how an individual (clark or scott or roger) relates to the world around them. The rest is easily extrapolated.

But…but! the Case of the Serendipitous Extrapolation … that was special.

If you want to read the original post, comment and I’ll look it up. Not as polished, is the writing, as it was just as I was beginning to get hooked on the writing thing, they do, however make their point.

The Scene: A young woman, seeking a job waitressing at a popular restaurant, arrives too early for her interview. It’s the middle of the noon rush. The owner, who will interview her, is the cook and flat-out busy. The applicant is instructed, by the equally pre-occupied cashier/waitress, to sit at a table by the door and wait for things to calm down. Fine. Quickly growing bored…

(Almost forgot! The structure, ‘setup’ of these posts? They were scenes, taken from everyday life, ok? Following each story, we’d offer the Reader three different ‘courses of action’. They would be asked to make a choice, one of three. Of course, we wrote (the responses) to be reflective of the three worldviews. Or so was our ambition. But that’s not the important part! The thing was…)

One of the, ‘what should the job applicant do as she waited’ choices was premised on her being a clark; get up and help the over-worked waitress by clearing some tables. Sounds reasonable, right?

rogers went crazy. their reaction to this proposed course of action was total outrage!  clearly they were most grievously offended.

‘no way!‘ (and) ‘how could you condone such acts?! ‘(and) ‘are you inhuman?! she doesn’t work there, if we had any say, this woman would be banned from all work in the restaurant and hospitality field’

(ok, I exaggerated that last one) but among the Readers (who were asked for reactions) rogers (and only rogers) were outraged.

Fortunately for us, the Wakefield Doctrine itself, somehow, has ways of pointing out things that we might miss. This episode exposed a genuine, deep-worldview artifact from the personal reality of Herd Members. Also, I was fortunate in having articulate rogers among the Readers, so I could ask, ‘Why? What’s wrong with clearing tables?’

The answer was consistent, (in it’s underlying rational if nothing else), this course of action was bad because she was not an employee. Clearing tables (in a restaurant) is an employee function. Customers don’t clear tables. That’s part of what they’re paying for and, by extension, why they came in the door. aka the value of the restaurant was tied to every aspect of the customer experience.

Only employees clear tables.

We had the clues and the trail. The proof of insight was in the consistency of the emotional content. It was heartfelt and real, therefore, (our thinking went), it must reflect an element in their, (the rogerian), reality so fundamental as to not be a conscious decision.

The term ‘Referential Authority’ came to our mind. And immediately made sense of much of what we’re all aware of when it comes to the ways of our rogerian kin:

…the Old Testament in the hands of an authoritarian preacher, the Will of the Voters to a rogerian politician, the Lesson Planner on the desk of a Substitute Teacher, the workplace policy manual in the hands of the HR Director when she tells the job applicant, ‘We call this the Bible’ (and no one in the company, past and present ever refers to it as that). Only the HR Director or Director wannabe.

We did not know of ‘referential authority’ when we began to write of the Wakefield Doctrine in this blog. However, with the tools it provides, we were able to discover it and, by doing so, deepen our understanding of a reality that is not available to any but one group.



* a little rogerian expressions humor**

** Readers will recognize it as a faux expression, skillfully executed by a clark, but lacking that  explosive, frisson-induced bark of laughter that is the normal response (as opposed to the response of normal people) to a genuine rogerian expression, such as, for example:

I found the article on the current market well-informed, however, the style of writing was off-putting. The typical real estate agent is far too self-absorbent to hold my interest for very long.”


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is our weekly installment in the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT). A ‘grat bloghop’, but with a creative twist. This quality being integral to the character that the founderess, Lizzi, instilled in the creation of this weekly exercise. Not a surprise, she being one of those genuinely creative people*.

At the current time our host is Dyanne. (Aided by co-hostinae, Lisa and Pat and Mimi)

So, on with the list of the people, places and things that instill, inspire, incite and otherwise make a body experience gratitude.

1) Phyllis —-⇓

2) Una ————————————————————————————⇑

3) The current weather, which for the last two days, has been fairly excellent. (Am a fan of the more enhanced temperatures of the summer months. My answer to the perennial weather/temperature/comfort question is, pretty much, always, “No.”)

4) Flora Refuge (aka Triffid Grove) Selective mowing, with a nod to mobile lifeforms, manifested as pathways to observe the chlorophyll abattoir that is our side yard.

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

6) serial writing, stories to unfold pretty much of their own accord, specifically: the Whitechapel Interlude and the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf

7) work (and the 20 Minute Real Estate Briefings which is on ‘the youtube’. everyone seems to enjoy the commercials as much as the actual Briefings) But to enjoy the Proof of Concept for the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool to self-improve one self, check the 20 Minute page at the Facebook.

8) In Number 7 above, there is a very helpful illustration of a clark and a scott (per our favorite personality theory).

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3 (at this stage of the game, we trust this Rule (or it’s source) need not be explained any further?)




* that would be a reference to one of three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine. Rules of Etiquette governing said Doctrine allow only the individual to designate one’s predominant worldview. (Of course, it is quite permissible to discuss one’s likely type, but only in direct conversation. One simply doesn’t go around making statements about another’s personal reality







TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

10) Secret Rule 1.3 (from the Book of Secret Rules, aka the Secret Book of Rules):  “…[a] list that, you know, in your heart-of-hearts, simply can’t make any sense to anyone but the most logic-/CMS-/Sister-Catherine-grammar-class-deprived-Readers, who will not only immediately click to another website, but will, to be on the safer and prophylactically prudent side in terms of preventing further degradation of better judgment turn off the power to whatever device being used and storing it in a dark, cool place for several hours….” quid pro forma, op. cit. c. 2021-2022

9) the Secret Book of Rules/Book of Secret Rules (aka SBoR/BoSR) a feature of this bloghop that, in all due modesty, in and of itself sets Lizzi’s creation apart from all the other gratitude ‘hops in the blogosphere

8) Hypograts another stand-out element of the BoSR/SBoR that gets it elbows and hands above the crowd… like an ‘onside kick’ in football, if one were to describe how the thing is executed, many would walk away, muttering things like, “You want to get 80 yards in that direction, but you’re going not really try...” or “Sure, count on the opponent, who has only to run out the clock to win…do your best to put the ball in their hands

7) music vids as aids to understanding the written word, better, music with a) attractive people or 2) little animated figures who accomplish more in increasing your enjoyment a work of classical music than a busload of music appreciation teachers driving the class to the beach, which also has an amusement park across the street from the ocean.

6) not one, or even two… But Ten (10 / dieci / zehn / kymmenen / dek / tekau / عشرة) Hosts (technically, co-hostinae) which is like saying, the more…the scarier? Current hostina: Dyanne

5) encouraging linkation to other places other than the site the hypothetical Reader has deliberately, or worst-case scenario, been completely hood-winked into opening by a throughly charming photo of a dog who, even from the static and at-a-distance medium of a photograph, (a fricken digital photograph, at that), conveys a sense of the potential that all life possesses to connect with everything else and, in doing so, offering, what is arguably, the key to a fuller appreciation of all that the world and the people who make it up, have to offer.

4) Linking to fictional people in imaginary worlds leading lives that are limited only by the skill of the author, which is akin to wearing a skin diver’s wet suit (appropriately fully of water) and walking in a desert… (or something) err well, see for yourself whichever one of the following does it for you and don’t forget to ‘follow’). Places like the Six Sentence Story, ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf‘, ‘the Whitechapel Interlude‘ or, even, the 20 Minute Real Estate Briefing.

3) the Wakefield Doctrine (the guide to enhancing our understanding, appreciation for how we relate ourselves to the world around us and….the people who make it up)

2) Phyllis

1) Una


music (like we’re gonna forget that)



