relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 24 relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 24

Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- Bonus Post

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey! Reader Advisory: this is very much a graduate-level Doctrine Post. Which, of course, is a total catnip description to any clarklike Readers.

So, here you go:

Let’s say you’ve gotten mad at someone, someone at a distance, say a customer service rep for a large, all-powerful, faceless mega-corporation. You’re promised a call back to explain the unexplainable.

With us?

How do you use the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine to make sure your attempt to exact a pound of virtual flesh from the voice-only representative of this 21st C Mammon?


First: determine the predominant worldview of the person to whom you’re speaking.

Second: if they’re a

  1. clark (Outsider) make them understand how, in both the grand and the mundane scheme of things, meaningless they are
  2. scott (Predator) impress upon them how truly and irrefutably powerless they are
  3. roger (Herd Member) let them know, in no uncertain terms, how insignificant they are

There you go! Free and unsolicited advice from your apparently way immature curator of the Wakefield Doctrine tool chest and museum.



Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘The devil, you say?/ The devil, you say’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Speaking of the the Everything Rule… (well, we were yesterday).

So here are three movie actors playing the role of Satan/the Devil/Lucifer

Can you see how the predominant worldview of the actors results in a different depiction of this rather culturally-durable figure?

Anticipatory Response: the Everything Rule states: “Everyone does everything, at one time or another.” In terms of the perspective(s) of the Wakefield Doctrine it simply means, there is no such ‘thing’ as something that is of the exclusive domain of a clark (or) a scott (or) a roger. We all exist in what is safest to refer to as a common reality*. “That is something only a scott would do.” “Acting like that is so rogerian, too bad I’m a clark, I’d love to be that self-absorbent.”

To account for what is often very different ways, (among the three predominant worldviews), we employ the ‘manifest’. “Hey! I need a finish carpenter, do you know any rogers in that part of the business.”  “The award to the top real estate agent in the office, this year is a tie! It goes to rogerian male and scottian female!”

‘Yeah, but, you’re talking about actors playing parts. They are working from a script, thats not the real person being the devil. Blame the writer.’

We’ll let the New Readers find their way to reconciling the person and the role, at their own pace. The journey is the trip.

But! Lookee here! The role of the devil as (manifested) ‘delivered’ by a clarklike, scottian and rogerian actor.

We’ll let you sort ’em out.


Predominant worldview 1 (Robert DeNiro as Lucifer)

Predominant worldview 2 (Al Pacino as Satan)

Predominant worldview 3 (Gabriel Burns as the Devil)


* while predicated on the concept of personal reality, and much as we’d like to see it, just because our reality is personal to us versus your’s to you, sorry, no secret ability to fly or be invisible or be emotion-proof.


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

For this week’s Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) lets go for the simplest and ironically challenging approach: short, little video clips.


1) Una

2) Phyllis (in the vid, kind of a walk-on… Una’s the starr*)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

Ok so maybe four minutes is not quite the Millennial definition of ‘short video’. However, given our very first video, seven or nine years ago, was fifty-three minutes, we’re encouraged.

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

5) serial stories, ‘the Whitechapel Interlude‘ and ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf

6) Wattpad Project The idea is based on the question: What happens when seven, (Denise, Chris, Ford, Nick, Mimi and Jenne) writers with no small amount of skill and an abundance of imagination), or so, bloggers undertake to write a serial story. Who knows what mischief they might get theyselfs into? Just finishing drafting the Prolog and will let’cha know when we’re live. Would appreciate your readage.

7) A bit on the redundant side, but what’s not to love about a level of convenient technology that allows vids to be created while one is driving in their automobile on Saturday evening.

8) Had a call-in from the progenitor roger last night, fun as always availing ourselves of ‘A View from the Herd’ Entertaining and Enlightening, what’s not to like?

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule I.3


*yeah, we know, what a shocker

music vids






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Thursday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…surely the most second-third-of-a-good-first-date day of the workweek.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Have been, of late, in first-phase conversation with a couple of people who are, in all likelihood, clarks. Thing is, being new to the Doctrine, (and, probably clarks), it’s important they come to the realization of which of the three predominant worldviews is their’s on their own.

And besides, one of the first (and few) rules in this funhouse is: No one has the authority to designate a person’s predominant worldview, at least to the extent of compelling the other person to accept being whichever.

Why this is a rule is fairly enlightening. The main thing, one might argue, the only thing about the Wakefield Doctrine and individuals is that it is all about how a person relates themselves to the world around. Do they experience it as would:

  1. an Outsider(clarks), full of questions and dogged by fear, determined to stay out of the spotlight while never being pushed so far away as to limit their ability to search for the answer to the questions: what do real people know that allows them to act and feel the way they do
  2. the Predator(scotts), free of doubt and tasting fear like a subtle (or robust) relish as they roam the day, living their lives as long as they are able
  3. the Herd Members(rogers), certain of everything that matters, unaware that the list (of which they are certain) is only a subsection of the whole, a whole they would be more than willing to accept as their due, but if presented as a novel gift, will reject in the name of what is established

Now the fun part is to stick an old reprint here and see: a) how our writing has changed and 2) determine which new expression of the principles of this here personality theory has persisted.

From 2010

Hey, yo clarks…it’s Saturday and the other two have the weekend starting.  They both know this is a time when they are entitled and (in the case of rogers) required to relax and have fun and engage in all things not of the work week.  You, (being a clark) know nothing of this…this is a day as are all other days.  Sure, you may aspire to having the feeling of enjoying some  ‘time off’,  relief from the weeks organised work, hell you may even have a situation in which you have weekends off, but you and I both know that it is not the same (as it is with those other two, scott and roger).

So, am glad you are still reading.  I hope you can continue to ‘set aside momentarily’ your inclination to dismiss this blog as something that you have already got covered in your own system of understanding (the world) and see if you cannot benefit from this Wakefield Doctrine thing.  And it is to the clarks that I speak today…”no, scott, no special music videos and nothing of a sexy exotic nature”…just clarks stopping for a moment to see if we can’t maybe help each other out a bit. (As to our rogerian Readers), they are totally into ‘hey! it’s my weekend can’t you see how much I have earned the right to be even more self-absorbed than I am during the rest of the week”? lol Yeah.

OK.  Post for and to the clarks.  Hey! come back I have just started!

I could cut and paste stuff from the clarks page, about how we live in our heads, and think a lot and do not show emotion but we are past that at this point. There simply is not a roger or a scott still reading this…so it is us here.  I know that you know that I know…etc…blah…etc.  Fine, we have established our credentials, identified ourselves it is up to me to offer something that you have not yet thought of, or have not been willing to think too loudly, much less try and discuss it with one of the others.
Fine.  I am willing to play.  Here’s the thing…we can accept our low self concept/esteem, in fact it is a point of pride with us…sort of like the person who has overcome a handicap…we own it and accept it and there is hardly anyone in the world that is qualified to discuss this topic (with us).
I get the knowing/thinking thing.  And I am sure there are clarks who are better than I am at thinking/analyzing even better at describing and expressing what it is to be inside the head of (and therefore to live in the world of) a clark.

Difference is I have experienced the alteration of my clarklike nature. (Sorry no insult intended but for dramatic purposes I have to do the following, even though I know that you know).  Notice and re-read what I just said…I have experienced…alteration…clarklike nature…I did not say:
“I have learned to…” or “I think differently”…I have not even said anything about “discovering something new, a key to understanding…”

I have experienced an alteration in my clarklike nature.  Am still a clark( lol ya think? ) but have something in addition to…

So, welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)…I think we better go find those other two…roger is probably swelling up in emotional intensity…sort of getting wider and lower to the ground with the severity of their sincere and heartfelt nature…and the scotts  lol god knows what they are up to!..I don’t hear any cries of torment, maybe they have found something old and worn to gnaw on…they are such simple creatures… but fun…

So come back when you are ready to Comment…we will be here…I think…ya never know…lol

fuck that greaser 50s rock and roll or country music that scotts so love that they turn into little pre-teen girls at the thought of, bless their simple scottian hearts…and roger’s idea of music…I’m sorry I do not believe that I am quite qualified, in an acedemistical sort of way to criticise the music that most rogers will beat people over the head with, for their obvious lack of qualifications to enjoy…

(oh before we go…) you know that just because we are self-conscious and mumble and all that sort of thing does not mean that we are not to found in the spotlight…I offer as a closing example a clark we can all be proud of…


Hold on…just discussing Doctrine matters with DownSpring#1…and she made a statement about my doing something better than someone else which resulted in my success at “being taken under their wing”…
…now you’re clark…you like the sound of that…”under their wing”…tell me I’m lying.  DS#1 insisted that the choice of words was ‘accidental’ that she did not mean it that way…

If you want to ever have the slightest hope of doing that which you have been trying to do your entire damn lives, you must be prepared to accept the fact that it is always your choice…and it is not the words that matter, it is the fact that the words we choose are the instructions we give to the world out there…instructions as to how we are to be regarded…as clarks
But you are still reading because a) you remember that all people have the potential to be any of the three, a clark, a scott or a roger and b) this potential does not ‘go away’ or wear off it is always possible to add the qualities to what we are and finally c) clarks are the only one of the three that think that improving themselves is not only a good idea, it is a necessary idea…because of d) the central idea of a clark is way beyond the scope of this particular Post…but you have earned another video!!

…good clarkie… you made it this far! …take a penny, please


back in the present.

So this was the first full year of the blog. The only thing we didn’t have that took a few years was ‘the Everything Rule’ and the value of apostrophes. lol


RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Question: is there any concern about repetition or otherwise lacking the ‘oh boy! another Wakefield Doctrine post?’

Answer: no.

Question: what’s the most surprising thing about writing this blog.

Answer: did you not read the first question and answer?

(ha ha)

The reason for this is, coincidentally or not, at the heart of the Wakefield Doctrine itself. While the Doctrine offers three personality types, complete with a depth of characteristic behaviors, traits, tropisms and peccadillae that not only serve as a guide to identify the three types, the central tenet of this thing is not a simple list of behaviors. The central tenet, (and ambition), of the Wakefield Doctrine is best expressed as, “Increasing our awareness of how we relate ourselves to the world around us and the people who make it up”. (We always comment here that, we did not say, ‘how we relate to the world, etc’ we said, ‘how we relate ourselves to the world’)

The basis for the three personality types, (of the Wakefield Doctrine), and the primary strategy for its use as a tool to self-improve oneself, is grounded in (our) relationship(s). To the world, to the people and to ourselfs.

The process of writing these blog posts, or, for that matter, reading these posts, benefit from this unifying statement. It’s akin to saying, ‘Hey! You’ve talent for painting. Everyday I want you to do a self-portrait. And, then a year later, three years later… come back and show us the true self-portrait’.

enough with the metaphyics… on with the reprint.

here from way back in 2017


It has long been my ambition to write the Perfect Wakefield Doctrine post. (One might argue about that adenoidial descriptor, it has always been my ambition, since the very first post, hell, before the very first post). In any event, I’ll give it a shot today, Monday.

The definition of perfection? A post that a total stranger, (to this blog or, for that matter, a person who has not come into contact with anyone who knows of this personalty theory), can read…once and apply it to their own life right then and there. They will look around and they will see the clarks and scotts and rogers.


As a personality theory, the Wakefield Doctrine is more the key a song is played in than it is the song. It is not a definition of a set of established behaviors, tendencies, drives and tropisms, rather it is a way of looking at (the) behaviors, tendencies, drives and tropisms that everyone you encounter today will exhibit. Including yourself. Unlike most of the personality theories that we all come into contact with, the Wakefield Doctrine is not concerned with establishing where, in a pre-established matrix of behavior, you fit best. The Wakefield Doctrine is not concerned with behavior. The Wakefield Doctrine is concerned with ‘how you relate yourself to the world around you’.

Quick set of assumptions and predicates: reality (the world around us) is, to a small, but certain extent, personal; we are, all of us, born with the capacity to experience the world around us in one of three characteristic ways: as an Outsider (clarks), as a Predator (scotts) or as a Herd Member (rogers); finally, although we all, (all of us), settle on, settle into one of the three worldviews, we never lose the capability to experience the world ‘as do the other two’.

Even though the Wakefield Doctrine is concern with relationships, it helps to have labels and definitions (provided that we do not ignore Korsybski’s famous statement, ‘the map is not the territory‘.

Hold on. Enough with the Wikipedia citations and the excessive use of semi-colons!

I think I’ll settle for a quiz that’s as close to a personality assessment as you’re going to encounter here at the Wakefield Doctrine):

  • When you woke up this morning, did you feel good/scared/confident that today would be a good day in ‘the world out there’? If that sounds at all reasonable, go stand over there… no, there are others already in that section of the gym, you’ll see them when you get there.
  • When you woke up this morning, did you get up? ok… amuse yourself while I deal with the last group of personality types. Sure, anywhere will be fine.
  • When you woke up this morning, (well, lets rephrase that to ‘when you transitioned from quiet concern to active concern), did you feel that although you might describe yourself as confident, you will swear in a court of law that the world makes sense if you just work hard enough at understanding it. If you don’t find that description of the start of the average day totally un-reasonable, don’t go anywhere… stay here in the middle of the crowd of participants

There you have it! The three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine!

How do you know which you are?

Up at the top of the post, I wrote ‘how you relate yourself to the world around you’. That is how you know. Even at the Doctrine, where words are viewed as either those colored semi-candy things that you sprinkle on desert or, the yellow and black Cliff Notes that serve as badges of ‘success at any cost’ in school, sometimes we mean exactly what we say. When we say, ‘how you relate yourself to the world around you’, we do not mean, ‘how you relate to the world around you’. It is about you and your relationship to the world that the Doctrine is concerned. So read some posts, read some pages that describe the characteristics of the three worldviews. The perspective ( as an Outsider or as a Predator or as a Herd Member) through which the world is least blurry, that’s your predominant worldview, your ‘personality type’.

Congratulations! You’re a clark (or) a scott (or) a roger.

Lots more to tell you* stop by anytime!

*self-grading of attempt at the perfect Post: C+ … ok a B- (seeing how you’re a clark and clarks are nothing if they’re not willing to do most things to help the other person feel better).

