relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 22 relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 22

Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Alert and thoughtful Reader, Nick, writes: “Why don’cha write/post stuff that other clarks can take and apply to their own situations and thereby directly benefit from this Wakefield Doctrine in their own lives?”

Full Disclosure. His statement has been paraphrased, the original, actual words that we’re reprinting include:

“…in accordance with… “And, as any clark will recognize, a personal experience, good or bad, doesn’t do anyone any good until it can be shared. “… a certain degree of understanding of the WD…I strongly believe that this msg of yours… should be shared …I am …as an understanding enhancement tool.”

ok. so, not so much on the redacted-but-really-he-used-these-words. More, the spirit of? ok we admit it, we’re trying to convey a sense of what we believe we understood on the basis of how we interpreted the statement that we read, allowing, of course, for a degree of individual bias and a tendency to…

(We really need a tee shirt says, Obfuscate? Who me? Why on earth would you think that? No, I’m really interested in your answer …to this question)

It as been said, in these pages: ‘[A]nyone who comes back and reads this blog more than two and a half times is either a clark or a scott with a significant secondary clarklike aspect or a roger with a (very) significant clarklike aspect.

It has also been said, ‘While being immediately useful to clarks, the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine can be productively employed by the ‘other two’ predominant worldviews.”

…ok, ok still looking for the ‘just between us clarks‘ posts. (Free future hat to anyone who can explain that the likelihood of finding this kind of post is vanishingly small and why that is. Hint: it has to do with (a) clark‘s capacity to endure the inevitable backlash whenever we let our scottian secondary aspect have the wheel say, ‘Fuck scrutiny… gimme a soapbox.. I’ll fuckin tell everone!’*)

of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy

Hey, yo clarks…it’s Saturday and the other two have the weekend starting.  They both know this is a time when they are entitled and (in the case of rogers) required to relax and have fun and engage in all things not of the work week.  You, (being a clark) know nothing of this…this is a day as are all other days.  Sure, you may aspire to having the feeling of enjoying some  ‘time off’,  relief from the weeks organised work, hell you may even have a situation in which you have weekends off, but you and I both know that it is not the same (as it is with those other two, scott and roger).So, am glad you are still reading.  I hope you can continue to ‘set aside momentarily’ your inclination to dismiss this blog as something that you have already got covered in your own system of understanding (the world) and see if you cannot benefit from this Wakefield Doctrine thing.  And it is to the clarks that I speak today…”no, scott, no special music videos and nothing of a sexy exotic nature”…just clarks stopping for a moment to see if we can’t maybe help each other out a bit. (As to our rogerianReaders), they are totally into ‘hey! it’s my weekend can’t you see how much I have earned the right to be even more self-absorbed than I am during the rest of the week”? lol Yeah.

OK.  Post for and to the clarks.  Hey! come back I have just started!

I could cut and paste stuff from the clarks page, about how we live in our heads, and think a lot and do not show emotion but we are past that at this point. There simply is not a roger or a scott still reading this…so it is us here.  I know that you know that I know…etc…blah…etc.  Fine we have established our credentials, identified ourselves it is up to me to offer something that you have not yet thought of, or have not been willing to think too loudly, much less try and discuss it with one of the others.
Fine.  I am willing to play.  Here’s the thing…we can accept our low self concept/esteem, in fact it is a point of pride with us…sort of like the person who has overcome a handicap…we own it and accept it and there is hardly anyone in the world that is qualified to discuss this topic (with us).
I get the knowing/thinking thing.  And I am sure there are clarks who are better than I am at thinking/analyzing even better at describing and expressing what it is to be inside the head of (and therefore to live in the world of) a clark.

Difference is I have experienced the alteration of my clarklike nature. (Sorry no insult intended but for dramatic purposes I have to do the following, even though I know that you know).  Notice and re-read what I just said…I have experienced…alteration…clarklike nature…I did not say:
“I have learned to…” or “I think differently”…I have not even said anything about “discovering something new, a key to understanding…”

I have experienced an alteration in my clarklike nature.  Am still a clark( lol ya think? ) but have something in addition to…

So, welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)…I think we better go find those other two…roger is probably swelling up in emotional intensity…sort of getting wider and lower to the ground with the severity of their sincere and heartfelt nature…and the scotts  lol god knows what they are up to!..I don’t hear any cries of torment, maybe they have found something old and worn to gnaw on…they are such simple creatures… but fun…

So come back when you are ready to Comment…we will be here…I think…ya never know…lol

…fuck that greaser 50s rock and roll or country music that scotts so love that they turn into little pre-teen girls at the thought of, bless their simple scottian hearts…and roger’s idea of music…I’m sorry I do not believe that I am quite qualified, in an acedemistical sort of way to criticise the music that most rogers will beat people over the head with, for their obvious lack of qualifications to enjoy…

(oh before we go…) you know that just because we are self-conscious and mumble and all that sort of thing does not mean that we are not to found in the spotlight…I offer as a closing example a clark we can all be proud of…


Hold on…just discussing Doctrine matters with DownSpring#1…and she made a statement about my doing something better than someone else which resulted in my success at “being taken under their wing”…
…now you’re clark…you like the sound of that…”under their wing”…tell me I’m lying.  DS#1 insisted that the choice of words was ‘accidental’ that she did not mean it that way…

If you want to ever have the slightest hope of doing that which you have been trying to do your entire damn lives, you must be prepared to accept the fact that it is always your choice…and it is not the words that matter, it is the fact that the words we choose are the instructions we give to the world out there…instructions as to how we are to be regarded…as clarks
But you are still reading because a) you remember that all people have the potential to be any of the three, a clark, a scott or a roger and b) this potential does not ‘go away’ or wear off it is always possible to add the qualities to what we are and finally c) clarks are the only one of the three that think that improving themselves is not only a good idea, it is a necessary idea…because of d) the central idea of a clark is way beyond the scope of this particular Post…but you have earned another video!!


* thanks to Nick and Denise and Mimi and them for standing in view while I do so and holding up (metaphorically) a Magic Marker-written sign: ‘You can always get another set of everyone!’**

** if not familiar enough a reference to infer and enjoy, just ask



Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

We did mention that the Wakefield Doctrine is a tool for self-improving oneself, did we not?

Sure we did.

At the risk of leaving ourselfs open to the totally wonderful, (wish we’d thought of it), observation, “If the only tool you have is a hammer, it is tempting to treat everything as if it were a nail.” (Maslow sorta) we will remind New Readers: the Wakefield Doctrine is an additional perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up.

Enough with the ‘…for now, refer to the syllabus you were given at the start of the class’.

The word ‘perspective’ is also a clue to the (intended) use of the principles of the Doctrine for change and development. The Wakefield Doctrine is predicated on the notion that …

oh dip!* I’ve missed the early morning train to Insightsville! damn**

Be sure to check back tomorrow, we promise to offer useful information and practical applications of this most wonderful of personality ‘theories’.

Note: New Readers? If your first thought is:

“What the hell! I paid tuition. Well, I paid with my time, clicking here… ya know?!!? Though I gotta say the preliminaries are, no offense, pretty obvious. In fact, based on the most fundamental descriptions of the three personality types and the role of how a person relates themselves to the world around them (yeah, pretty clever, inserting that ‘themselves’ in to the more common, ‘how we relate to the world’ adds an entirely personal dimension to the equation) and a couple of other things like ‘personal reality’ and that initially way-weird ‘Everything Rule’ (in the last installment we actually heard Cameron (a total clark) on the wonderful internet video series BlackTail Studio state the Everything Rule, nearly word-for-word). I’ll just go ahead and do some self-study.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine. You got this.


the Wakefield Doctrine: ‘you’re already practicing the core Principles, you might as well get something for all your efforts’ (…yeah, even some fun!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The reason we say,  you’re already practicing the Principles is that, as a personality theory, the Wakefield Doctrine does not start with a person answering questions, filling out a survey or questionnaire, reporting likes and dislikes, lying about weaknesses and strengths, exaggerating the things others like and hate about us. No. In a funny, you-guys-really-are-weird kind of way the Wakefield Doctrine doesn’t really care what the individual thinks their personality (type) should or could or might be. Nope. This here personality theory here does not need to know that.
…as a matter of fact! You don’t even need to involve the person that you are about to know (better, in a way) than they know themselves. You see, the Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not for them.

But I’m getting ahead of us. We’ll come back to this ‘you mean I can know my boyfriend’s, my Teacher’s, my wife’s, my boss’s, my kid’s personality types and I don’t need to ask them to help?’ in just about a paragraph. First, the Principles that the Title of today’s Post says you are already practicing.

The Wakefield Doctrine is all about how a person relates themselves to the world around them. Notice the odd wording, I did not say, ‘how a person relates to the world‘. Because that’s only one dimension, in a sense a description of  what happens as the person goes about their life. We say, ‘how the person relates themselves to the world around them’ because it is not simply a choice (about how to act, what to do, how to feel about it), it is reality. What we refer to as a worldview.
In the context of the Wakefield Doctrine, we all live in a personal reality, aka our worldview. This means that my reality is different from yours. No, nothing weird… no screaming vegetables, nothing shooting across the sky, no flying without the help of technology, but different nonetheless. And it is the way our worldviews differ that we find the value and utility in our personality theory.

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that we are all born with the potential to experience the world from one of three ‘perspectives’, living in one of three worldviews, if you will. And what most people call ‘personality types’, we know as the appropriate behavior, given the world that a person finds themselves experiencing. (Remember!  personal reality as in ‘real’ and ‘reality’  not  “just ’cause you felt like it, or I think I will choose to act like this, she deserves it….”) The three characteristic worldviews are:

  1. the reality of the Outsider (clarks)  not ‘because’, not ‘well, you should speak up more’, and definitely not ‘well if you didn’t act so weird, people would get to know you and  you would have an easier time in life’  this reality is simply one in which you are here and ‘the world’ is out there. (For our clarklike Readers this last statement is sufficient, the rogers and the scotts might nod and look understanding, but will never get it)
  2. the world of the Predator (scotts) of the three personality types, scotts can be the easiet to deal with- they are energetic and active, enthusiastic and mercurial helpful and very dangerous… the saying here is: clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel’.  scotts are the life of the party and the reason the police get called, scotts are your best friend until someone who they look up to shows up and then your life will be miserable , scotts are the neighbor who will lend you anything in his garage and help build your deck without asking and she is the neighbor with the well-behaved kids (at least they are when she is around, when she is not….ayiieee!), scottsare fun and tiring, loyal and seductive  you have at least one scottian friend
  3. the world as seen by a member of the Herd (rogers) are the reason we have civilization and they are the reason we have repressive societies. they are the personality type that lives in a world of emotion… not just moods and feelings, but where clarks think things and scotts act out, rogers manipulate emotion, in themselves and in the people around them. Ever encounter someone who makes you feel comfortable talking?  ...roger  know anyone at work who is always in the center of things and knows all about everyone?… roger ever find your husband/wife…boyfriend/girlfriend  acting like they had no idea that you had a life outside the relationship?  lol roger  there is a saying around here: without rogers humanity would still be out on the savannah with the scotts roaming in packs, feeding on the giant herds of rogers while the clarks dart among the low underbrush in a desperate attempt to stay alive long enough to invent opposable thumbs

These three worldviews are the ‘core principles’ of the Doctrine that you are already practicing.

Back to the Practical Value….and how you don’t need to involve the ‘other person’ and how this Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not for them.

Today. Observe the people in your life. Infer which of the three worldviews they appear to be acting from, test this against the descriptions of each of the three personality types that you will find throughout this blog. Once you know which the other person is, you will know why they are doing the things that they are and because you know this, you will have the choice of how you would respond, how you feel about what they do, how to shape the message if you need to get them to do what you want. In other words, you will have more freedom of choice than they do.


* one of the best ‘tv shows’ available on the internets, ‘Good Place’ we totally recommend it.

** yeah, here… all too often

#wakefielddoctrine, #theoryofclarks,scotts,and,rogers


Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is a (way impulsive) Six Sentence Story.

It’s Denise’s fault as, in the course of a phone call earlier today, she said something to the effect, ‘No mistaking today for Summer’.

The prompt word:


“But Ma, it always smells funny, the collar is scratchy and it’s supposed to be real hot the first day of school this year.”

The woman stood straighter, signaling the departure of a mood she’d consciously nurtured in order to better conform to current standards of parenting, this change hinted at an overly-developed sense of empathy with her son’s anxiety over the beginning of a new school year; not yet thirteen years old, without missing a beat, the boy fell to a time-honored strategy and muttered unintelligibly.

“Well, if your little friend ceayr decided to jump off the Clyde Arc, I suppose you’d think it was alright to follow him,” Confronting his deployment of passive-aggressive behavior made the woman’s ability to translate the language of children more valuable to her, at least at the moment, than the college degree gathering dust in a little-used desk drawer, underneath a forgotten diary.

“No, it’s just I hate the stiff feeling of a new shirt and the pins that they hide in the cuffs, I always miss one!”

The woman, relaxing into a barely-perceivable slouch, laughed, “Then as soon as we get home, you and I will take out the pins and the tissue paper together, and to get rid of the smell, I’ll run it through in the washing machine twice and you can watch while I iron out the wrinkles.”

The sound of his mother laughing like one of his friends, made the ordeal of the first day of school somehow different, if only because for the first time, he suspected she might actually know how he felt.



Mondaus Reprintum -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey, don’t laugh scott (well, actually, go ahead, from you we enjoy it)…rogers, don’t blame us (look around, do you see anyone else storming off in a cloud of offended sensibilities?)… you read the title a second ago, you knew what the words were intended to convey and, yet, you’re are still reading.

Actually, this tendency to engage in creative malapropism provides us with two, if not three, insights and useful illustrations of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine. These two, (or three), would be ‘the Everything Rule’ and (an) insight into the personal reality of the Outsider(clarks).

Being Monday, let’s do the second thing first.

Outsider(clarks) This is the term for the person who grows up, (and develops their social interaction strategies), apart from. The typical clark begins each day considering the challenges and rewards awaiting them in the world, out there. This predominant worldview is characterized by interacting with the world, (and the people who make it up), at a distance. A common ‘mistake’* is to think of clarks as simply being ‘introverts‘ or ‘very shy‘ or ‘he is weird but harmless‘ or ‘she dresses funny and seems stuck-up, but really is quite nice‘. All descriptions are permissible, provided one additional character trait is included: clarks abhor being the center of attention but will not tolerate being ignored. So this is your Outsider. They’re there today, all around you. You just have to look. Quietly without fanfare. (How do you think they’ve managed to stay off the social/interpersonal radar this long?)

Among the many tools the Wakefield Doctrine provides us for learning about the world, counting pronouns is one of the more low-key search ways to identify a(nother) person’s predominant worldview. clarks tend towards the 3rd person impersonal (sic lol). No, seriously we do!

Back to the Outsider. clarks think (scotts act and rogers feel), the reality of a clark is that of the intellect. You’re hitch-hiking cross-country and you get a ride in a car that’s old but the interior is clean? You’re riding along and finally, after a length of time passes that assures you the price of the ride is not endless conversation, the driver asks for something from the glove compartment***. You’re happy to comply. Pushing the chromium button, there’s avalance of those little rectangular plastic packets of ketuchup and mustard mixed in with paper container-ettes of sugar and salt.

The car is the intellect. The contents of the glove box emotion. Your driver is a clark.

Enough with the roundabout.

As are we all, clarks are born with the capacity/ability/capability to experience the world as one-half of three characteristic relationships: as the Outsider(clarks), the Predator(scotts) or the Herd Member(rogers). Once we settle into one, we proceed to grow and mature and develop our strategies (aka personality type) appropriate to the world as we experience it. The thing with clarks is that we almost immediately notice that everyone else, (or so it seems, not yet having a Doctrine), knows what to do to be a part of the world. Family members appear quite familiar to each other (and prefer it that way) friends at school (or pre-school or job sites) are either already friends or don’t care too much about friends while still not being strange.

the typical clark comes to the conclusion, (after much thought, introspection, consideration …all the ‘ations’ except conversation) (lol) that clearly, since the world makes sense to everyone around them, they, the clark, must have missed a lesson. Maybe they over-slept the day ‘You and Your Fellow Humans‘ class was being taught. And so, the characteristic curiosity of the clark. We’re forever interested in new facts, different ways of looking at things… quietly, mind you. Because the second most important thing about the desire to learn is the need to do it alone.

We search for the secret of being a real person.


…hey! where the heck did the time go?!!

ok…. one, little baby reprint. Remind us to pick up the thread at ‘how is it clarks are so comfortable making up words and such?’

(here ya go, from…)

Hey! sorry! got no little, baby Monday posts! lol Serially. I musta got all enamored with the whole reprint thing way back. Besides, we at, like, seven hundred words which, in the early, pre-I-need-to-write-more-to-learn-to-write-good phase, five hundred words was, like, holy smoke, who let the roger sit down at the keyboard?


* not really a mistake, as the Doctrine is not subjecting itself to the rigor and discipline of academic scrutiny. A mistake is only possible among equals (the alternative construct would be condemnation and blind hero worship)… but that’s not important now**

** ‘Airplane!’ (1980)

*** do they still call them that? What the heck sense would that make to anyone under the age of eighty-nine?


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop (TToT). A weekly exercise in the appreciation of the people, places and things that elicit, or, at very least, make more possible the state of gratitude. Which is, in terms of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine, to appreciate how we are relating ourselfs to the world around us and the people who make it up. And that, in turn, reminds us that we are, each and every day, responsible for how we feel.

A bold ambition? Absolutely.

Worthy goal? fer sure.

How to get started? thought you’d never ask.

Two words: dogs

This week:

1) Phyllis, the Wakefield Doctrine, serial stories, the Six Sentence Story, the leverage of technology, Nick (Proprietor), Finish the Sentence Friday (bloghop) and… of course, Mimi

2) caninae emerita

3) Ola (the Younger)

4) Bella

5) Bella (Hockey dog… woo! ruff!)




8) Una (Layover in Frankfurt, Germany)



10)  Secret Rule 1.3 ( BoSR/SBoR Chapter 5 section 7.3: …’cause what good are Rules without some of them being secret?’










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