relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 21 relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 21

Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “yeah, we should be working our Six Sentence Story… but!”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

You know one of the cool(er) things about the Wakefield Doctrine, in general, and its description/definitions of its personality types (aka predominant worldview), specifically?

No matter how frivolous and provocative the labels and behavioral predictions they not only prove to be accurate, but they’re fun to imagine in application to the people around us.

Take the predominant worldview of the Outsider (please!*). At first glance it’s easy to pronounce, ‘Hey! Dude, all you gots there is what the legitimate personality systems would call, introverted. (Or as the Oscar Myers Briggs folks might say, “Clearly that is an IYHN …or maybe an ENee or, on the other hand, possibly MEnee…. I got it! a Meeneemo Type“) (lol. We kid the Kukla Fran ‘n Ollie folks. they’ve been fans of the Doctrine since, around, 1947)

Where were we?

oh yeah! clarks.

The Wakefield Doctrine is primarily concerned with the character of the relationship of the individual to the world around them (and the people who make it up). And, it would not be wrong to say that clarks tend to be what many would say, a little, …unassuming.

But, (in the category of ‘Fun with Brain Science’) the Doctrine offers:

clarks abhor being the center of attention, but will not tolerate being ignored‘.

Fun, right?

But introversion is not the topic of today’s post. As the subtitle rightly notes, Wednesdays are usually the day we spend trying to come up with something interesting for the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

So why the diversion?

Well, there’s a project abrewin’ backstage before the surgeon picks up the…. (“Attention! Attention! Metaphor Spill in Paragraph Eleven… read with careful caution.“)

But serially, Friend-of-the-Doctrine Nick and Downspring Denise have been working behind the scenes on a little online thing for this Sunday.

So! Be there or run the very real risk of being characterized as having a superfluity of ninety-degree angles when introduced to a stranger.



*ba rum bump!


Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up.

The core premise is that we, all of us, are born with the potential to experience the world in one of three characteristic ways, as does the:

  • Outsider (clarks)
  • Predator (scotts)
  • Herd Member (rogers)

… interrupted by an unsuccessful word-verification search. Will continue tomorrow on the subject of the Wakefield Doctrine in which we clearly outline…

SPOILER ALERT!!! We will be saying that personality types in the context of the Doctrine is, in the simplest of terms, the best adaptation to reality as experienced by the individual. There are three characteristic relationships (above bullet points) everything else is in appreciating how we relate ourselves to the world around us and remembering that what the other person is experiencing might very well be different from what we see. So, in a sense, the value of the Doctrine lies in it’s capacity as a translator! (Also: we grow up and live in one and only one of three, though we might enjoy certain benefits of the innate capacity offered by ‘the other two’ worldviews.)


“want to know the most dangerous, toxic, corrosive word used by a clark?” …the Wakefield Doctrine (‘publish or perish, yo’)



sorry to off-load an earworm this early in the week, but one strategy, (horrifyingly characteristic of the twisted social mentality of too large a percentage of mankind), is to share it. misery, as we all know, is always down for a par-tay!





RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The single most essential to learning and using the Wakefield Doctrine?

What we used to call: intellectual flexibility.

Well the Reprint does a decent job esplaining the concept, so allow us to noodle on the keys here for a second or two.

nah, let’s just go with the reprint.


‘of chi squares and video brunches’ the Wakefield Doctrine ‘…don’t worry, this will be over in 3.00687285223 minutes.’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


According to Research, the average number of words in a blog Post is 551.25. Today is the kind of day that has more things to do than time to do them. As all writers of blogs know, content is king. And new content is kinger. So I will Post this Post even though it is 6:41 am and I need to leave the house at 7:34 am.

This is what Julie DeNeen refers to as a niche blog, i.e. a specific subject, as opposed to a personal blog which is more related to the Writer’s life and times.

The subject is the Wakefield Doctrine and the purpose of the blog is twofold, a) to present the Wakefield Doctrine as (a tool) for understanding personality types, behavior (our own and that of the people in our lives) to as wide an audience as possible and 2) develop my ‘presentation skills’ written and verbal through these Posts, participation in blog hops and other activities and video chatting.

(damn! this is boring!! and I’ve used up 182 words of my 551.25   shit! (hell with the rules of rhetoric)

hey, have you ever felt on certain days that you were invisible?  no, really!  like you’re with people and it’s not just that they don’t speak to you, but you can see that they are not ‘recognizing’ that you are even there!  or… even though you have on your best outfit, heels ‘n makeup are perfect and you are with a group of people and you can’t buy a reaction…don’t you get this feeling that you really need to hurt something… or maybe you are work, you have an office to run, and there is that one employee who insists on working hard and is nice, no matter what you say… doesn’t it feel good to see the look on his or her face when you lash out and they get that expression of puzzled defensiveness?

If you can identify with any of these here imaginary people here, then the Wakefield Doctrine might, just might be something that will change your day today.  maybe.  if you have the …intellectual flexibility, the confidence in your own reality to try something that says,”‘hey! you want to see something really cool?”

so with the weekend approaching, if you won’t be surprised at finding yourself thinking: “I don’t think I want to go through all that effort to go out…it probably will be a waste of time” or “if that husband of mine would go back to being the guy he was when we were dating, then all this work wouldn’t be so…” or even “how many times do I have to talk to her, I explained why I didn’t find the idea of going there this weekend and spending all that time… I don’t understand what I need to do to get through to her and the kids.”

The Wakefield Doctrine is a unique, productive and fun way to understand the behavior of the people in our lives. Never again find yourself saying, I really thought I knew them better than that!

( 23 words to spare! …damn what should I say…   hey Cyndi! Denise!  Considerer! Michelle! Melanie!  Julie!  video brunch coming up… yeah Terrye! you too! (Hey Christine... Kristi  come on! it’ll be !)


How did we not use this video below before this?

(yeah, probably have but: 2) the mind tends to, like a clothes dryer filter after a month of flannel shirts, sheets, towels and…. towels? Are there really flannel towels?!? damn…. gather words and such until nothing gets through or a) when the occasion arose we were in a more, ‘be sure not to use anything that a potential Reader might feel offended by…… but. but! damn! kinda funny video)


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop(TToT). Founded in 1986 by Lizzi, the TToT is reputed to be among the longest-running grat blogs in the ‘sphere. “Way to go, L!”

For our part, we’re tolerated by Dyanne (hostinae) and Lisa and Pat and Mimi an them, what with our Secret Rules, hypo-sensible descriptions of the people, places and things that inspire, surprise, trick, inveigle and otherwise push us into the empty classroom that has ‘Gratitude 101’ written in yellow chalk on a black blackboard.

So, here ya go!

1)  Phyllis walking from the cottage past (a) regrowth of the ferns (to her immediate right) and a crop of zombie Triffids lurking in the middle of the yard. (If you’ve never encountered these Flora-That-Time-Forgot, they’re from the Mesozoic Era (aka ‘No frickin way a plant evolves needle-sharp antlers to survive, unless they’re native to Planet Nightmare‘)

2) Una (who is watching from the picture window, displaying more sense than her two humans)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

5) excellent vid chat with Nick and Denise (stay tuned!)

6) Phyllis’ cottage complete(ish)

7) serial (no, not cereal, serial) stories and how they always have one more thing they want the writer to tell the Reader

8) something, something

9) Friend of the Doctrine Cynthia (we all had a nice chat last night on the Saturday Night Drive)

10) SR 1.3 (from the Book of Secret Rules, aka the Secret Book of Rules)


music vids







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TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful(TToT) bloghop.

Conceptualized by Lizzi in 1998 and made available (in a small, road-side stand, complete with hand-painted lettering on the front of the makeshift sign, ‘Gratatude is not the Answer, but it is the Best of Questions’.)

Ok, to the matter at hand. This weekend, here in Oceania, is a holiday celebrating work. (yeah, a touch on the ‘cog diss’ side, ya know?) In any event, when one is lucky, work can be mistaken for recreation and the verse can be vicered. (The emblem above is an artifact from research while writing ‘Almira’. The early days of worker’s rights were fascinating (and horrifying and depressing and, semi-uplifting…the usual response to encountering historic eras of the ‘real’ world.) Fortunately for all of us, there is this blogosphere, where words are spells and history can be fun (or scary) enchantments.

For the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the TToT:


1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Dentist Story bloghop (yeah, we kept the typo, hey, what’s a holiday weekend without fillings and such)

5) Bambi and Them

6) escape!  (Phyllis would not have enjoyed just the previous gif)

7) So, (you’re all thinking), what’s the latest on that home remodel project? If you don’t recall, here’s the link to the first ‘Before’ vid

8) good-looking church of the week (maybe we should refer to them as houses of woodshop..worship) This one is on Montauk Ave in New London, Connecticut.

(Who said, ‘oh man! that building to the left… nuns!!*) Sorry about the angle. But then, I suspect many Readers, looking at the brick and large-window (with those humongous pull-down shades and maybe, if you’re old enough, small square transom windows that required a pole with a bronze metal hook at the end to open and close; being asked to execute this task was work of the highest level of honor in the elementary eco-system.)…. sorry where were we? lol

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3 ’cause why the heck not? Stop. Right now, ask yourself, “If I could impose one, and only one Rule on the world around me, and everyone would comply, it would be…” Now, tell us you don’t think the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) belongs here at the TToT. lol


* we kid nuns here at the Doctrine, but we really admire the dedication of many of them…go ahead, ask Phyllis








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