relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Here are ten people, places and things that inspire, incite and otherwise allow us the opportunity to feel gratitude.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) technology ’cause…internet? letters of transit to the virtual world (in our case, first stop: blogosphere.)

5) relentless slide towards full Not-Winter

6) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop.  ‘The Tree‘. Sally

7) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. ‘Six bigguns!‘   Keith

8) the faithful practice of the principle underlying this bloghop. Will cite Mimi as demonstrating how the simplest approach to cultivating this practice is also the best way to enhance the efficaciousness of the whole thing.  Being at the end, (rather than beginning of this post), will cite a cool, old zen saying in support of our contention of our co-host’s practice being a good example:

Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.
After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


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Friday-maybe-Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



Below is the Doctrine’s contribution to ‘the Unicorn Challenge‘.

An image-prompt bloghop, hosted by jenne and ceayr it has but one rule: not a single phoneme more than two-hunnert-fity.

Whaddaya  gonna do?



I’m gettin’ up soon in the mornin’I believe I’ll dust my broom.

The floor was a clean as any third-floor walk-up ever needs to be. The kitchen cabinets were empty and the shower curtain was down. The ache crescendoed for the millionth time. Small comfort that it’s jagged-edge had worn smooth, welcome relief to whatever nerves that ran from behind the eyes, down through the nose on its way to the body’s ‘normal breathing’ center.

<Hey! This is not really happening. This is a memory, a fiction, a bit of unprocessed emotion. Stop!>

The weather was inconsequential, the Season of year, a frivolous affection. The emptiness of the apartment was a kingdom that, like an adult fairy tale, refused to relinquish the hero from the Quest and, as with the worst of nightmares, denied the healing light of a new morning.

I’m gonna write a letter, telephone every town I know

As true friends, everyone who had my best interests at heart had long since left. There is no company in a man who refuses to accept a world that, denied one person, offers the only true healing.

<Sure, the ultimate solipsism. A lifetime writing the same life-script. No one would do that. Condemn themselves to such a life, right? Right?!>

I believe, I believe my time ain’t longI ain’t gonna leave my babyAnd break up my happy home




Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

RePrint Monday!

ok. before the RePrint:

three personality types, we live our lives in the context of one, (and only one), our personal reality is a reflection of the nature, (and character), of our relationship to the world around us and the people who make it up. as we said, three: clarks (the Outsider), scotts (the Predator) and rogers (the Herd Members). our personal realities support, reinforce and otherwise make our personality types pretty much perfect (ok, we’ll allow for ‘appropriate’).  clarks live in their heads, scotts manifest their spirits in the action of their acts and rogers find and strive to be the ever-moving center of the world. most people with a little time and a healthy dose of intellectual confidence (and curiosity) find this theory interesting. (ProTip: if you are moved to comment (which we totally encourage and welcome) but feel compelled to let us know that, for reasons beyond your control (not saying this isn’t an interesting theory), you are the exception to the rule and are all three types at once? we will ask one question, on the honor system, of course. in the perverse way of the 21st C, the honor system is alive and well, albeit turned on it’s head, i.e. truth is what the individual takes responsibility for believing. the one question? ‘How much is 2 + 2?’


‘Monday the unlikely’ -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…of Motivation and videos, serials and insights’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


So a number of topics to cover:

  • friend of the Doctrine, zoe has a new bloghop that we are participating in, over at the Carrot… (this will be linked over there, so be on your best behavior! I don’t want a repeat of what happened last time we went visiting as a Guest Post writer!  I still haven’t heard back from the blogger who asked us!)
  • running a little late on Chapter 20 (will still write a little teaser)
  • an old video, like the secret moon rocks sample, still waiting to go viral
  • Cynthia and Denise and I had a most excellent and insightfulizing discussion during Saturday’s Call-in…. about why clarks are so easily bored. We’ll trial-balloon a few thoughts today.

Carrot!  (oh shit!  I just jumped over there and…and she’s got people sending in genuinely interesting things, information and samples of, like, talented people working on things paintings  and playing musical instruments, making really attractive jewelry. damn! gotta just tough it out)

Hey! I used to do travel videos! Well, not so much travel videos as videos of places that I visited when on business trips… not so much videos as selfies (before they were all the rage and total expected)…. here’s one I found in an old Post!

here you go zoe!

Item 2: Chapter 20…. a little late this week. Plan to publish tonight, still need a little polish and a rogerian review (courtesy of Phyllis). Chapter 20 accounts for what happen after Chapter 19…. no, wait, that did come out right, of course, it deals with Chapter 19! What I’m saying is that, you know how Chapter 19 ended? well, it now seems that Sister Margaret did not make the safest decision, one might even say that her impulsive act has set off a chain of events that no one could have anticipated… yeah, I know! I like Sister Margaret too! Watch for the Chapter later tonight, early tomorrow morning.

Item 3:  well, that’s kinda already covered in Item 1

Item 4: so we were talking about the Doctrine and someone, I think it was Cynthia said, ‘I notice that I always end up getting bored, no matter how interesting or challenging or difficult a project might be at the beginning. You don’t suppose the Doctrine addresses that, do you?’  As a matter of fact, the Wakefield Doctrine does! The Wakefield Doctrine can say that it addresses virtually everything in life, because it’s concerned with relationships, not merely a list of activities, attributes, tendencies or inclinations. The Doctrine does not limit itself to providing a comprehensive list of things that hopefully match what a person ascribes to their own personality types. No, it does not. What the Wakefield Doctrine does, is direct our attention to the way, ‘we relate ourselves to the world around us‘. (Note the exact wordation. I didn’t mean to say, ‘we relate to the world around us‘, there is a huge difference in the two statements).  So that’s why I think we can work with the topic that our accomplished friend has raised…. in the next Post!  lol  (sorry, gots to finish Chapter 20)




Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Sure! Why not?

Here ya go!

Hey! Remind us to address the always facinating and fun topic of the Wakefield Doctrine and classic fairy tales next time we meet.

“Sing a song of Sixpence, a pocket full of rye…” what is it about rogers and the Past? the Wakefield Doctrine pauses, reflects and offers you Pie*

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )
Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye.
Four and twenty blackbirds,
Baked in a pie.**
Many interpretations have been placed on this rhyme. It is known that a 16th century amusement was to place live birds in a pie. An Italian cookbook from 1549 (translated into English in 1598) contained such a recipe: “to make pies so that birds may be alive in them and flie out when it is cut up” and this was referred to in a cook book of 1725 by John Nott.[1][2] The wedding of Marie de’ Medici and Henry IV of France in 1600 contains some interesting parallels. “The first surprise, though, came shortly before the starter—when the guests sat down, unfolded their napkins and saw songbirds fly out. The highlight of the meal were sherbets of milk and honey, which were created by Buontalenti.
( source: )

Well, didn’t they know how to have fun back in the 1600’s ? ( ” Hey, Ephesus!!  dude, yo  when her Majesty the Queen Mother sees the birds fly up from the table, she will surely impart a smile upon thee…dawg” )Be that as it may, today we talk about the thing that rogers have for the Past.  Lets dispense with all the work of constructing a well-crafted narrative and get all Bullet Pointy on this bad boy! So, ‘The Past’ and the rogers? Welll…we’ll have you know that:

  • rogers live for the Past (as scotts live in the Present and clarks live for the Future)
  •  most ‘Historians’ are clarks and yet rogers are the people who you think of when you are interested in knowing something old, or out of date or archaic, what the hell!
  • the more involved the family tree, the more you need a roger, and not just because they love Yellow #2 Pencils**
  • in order to maintain a coherent history, you must have an internal consistency… rogers love repeating patterns
  • the past is ‘a place’ that rogers know they can be alone and by themselves, at least for a little while
  • hey, it’s really rather simple! …the farther back in time a tradition or a practice or a dogma extends, the bigger the herd that has come to be associated with it and, like scotts…for rogers ‘more is more’! …following is the epitome of this ideal:
  • …Ken Burns…
This quality of the rogerian personality type is one of the most positive and essential, not only to the rogerian people, but to mankind as a whole. It has often been said that rogers are responsible for society and a (certain) continuity of civilization, without which we would all still be living on the savannah…darting down to the stream in the evenings nervously keeping one non-stereoscopic eye on the treeline, alert for the sudden movement of a scott!  As a matter of fact. I was talking to a rogerian friend, Valerie, about the Doctrine and the positive contributions of her people to life and I put it this way, “Yes scotts are active and loquacious and really get things done, but would you want to fly across the country on a plane designed and built by a scott?”
I believe at that moment, Valerie understood and become proud of her people***
Tomorrow is Friday so get your ears out, it is Video Friday!!
** …and nice, clean, full-sized #2 Pencils! certainly not what you would find in your hands if you made the mistake of asking a scott for a pencil!! (think teeth-marks, stubby and prone to smudge)
*** which emotion, of course, was immediately transformed into a sense of  fervent righteousness and a total conviction of the deficiency of  all non-herd members



Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey, we were thinking about the Doctrine this morning. (lol*)

Like everything in life, the Wakefield Doctrine has developed over the years, primarily in how it is expressed and explained and illustrated and such.. And…and! though we haven’t had as many radical insights, break-through understanding in the experience of reality by the three predominant worldviews as in the early days, well, to paraphrase Joe, “If I knew I’d be writing this for the rest of my life…”

The thing of it is, we, all of us, experience the world from the perspective of one, (and only one), of the three predominant worldviews. As an Outsider (clark), a Predator (scott) or a Herd Member (roger). That said, we do not lose the potential of ‘the other two’.

For example: We have a significant secondary scottian aspect. That means, there are times, (especially in conditions of stress), when we relate to the world as would a Predator (scott)… you know, all teeth, not the slightest hint of considered reflection…

New Readers? If you’ve been doing your homework, you will know that ‘scotts act, rogers feel and clarks think’.

Secondary aspects tend to be situational and all. We’re still an Outsider when the emergency is over and  ‘we get back’

Lets wrap up this train wreck with the point we were making about our paraphrase of Mr. Walsh. We are a clark with a secondary scottian aspect.

to be cont’d


* ikr? when are we ever not…

