Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.
The TToT is one of the more enjoyable forms of spiritual exercise. Unlike other forms of exercise purportedly good for a person. This thing of Lizzi‘s does not require one to sweat excessively (unless, that is, you’re into that… which we are, but strictly seasonal-appropriate, outdoor, stick-that-shirt-to-yer-back-yo) and critically does not mandate excessive conformity.
Being of good intent is the only requirement. How simple is this thing of ours? Consider the people, places and things that have recently inspired you to think/say, ‘I’m thankful for that’.
Pretty simple, isn’t it? Ready to pick up the pen? (ok, rest your fingers on the keyboard). ProTip: Neatness, as a mandatory quality of TToT lists is not overly valued (phew!) That said, stylistically, there are writers here who celebrate in the orderly, raising orderliness to the admirable level… both in presentation and organization. (Thinking of Kristi and Misky). Others, well others’ present a style more akin to a lean-against-your-car-on-a-late-summer-day kinda of conversations, like you see over at Mimi‘s and Dyanne‘s. The more conventional narratives, as exemplified by Lisa and Denise are totally 2nd-year-owned-corduroy-pants (in Autumn)… and, in appreciation of ‘new blood being lifeblood’, we gots Kjersti and Cai and Cat …and, Carin!
…and, then, of course, there’s the Wakefield Doctrine’s remedial spirituality (which is heavy into music and photation in no easily discerned logic)
1) Phyllis
2) Una
3) the Wakefield Doctrine
4) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop. ‘Nine Lives‘. by Sally
5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop
6) photos on the way to inspections (see Grat #7*)
7) Mountain of Stuff
8) something, something
9) DST yo. It’s totally put-the-Winter-coats-away (well, in the hall closet, no sense getting over-confident, ya know?)
10) Secret Rule 1.3
*ok. we’ll stip to this maneuver being somewhat questionable
music vids