psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 23 psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 23

Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

ok, as long as it’s Mimi asking.*

The Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. Applying the principles of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers we are in a position to know more about the other person, (and our-own-selfs), than we might have imagined when we awoke this morning.

Principle: all reality is, to a certain, small, but nevertheless real degree, personal. Nothing weird, like secret abilities to fly or be invisible, however it offers power if we have the will to claim it.

Principle: we are, all of us, born with the potential to experience life in three different ways, as an Outsider, (as) the Predator and as would a Member of the Herd. At a very early age we step into one, (and only one), of these three metaphors to grow and develop. We never lose the potential to experience the world as ‘the other two’, however, we remain with one and only predominant worldview (aka personality type) the result of which is in the following principle.

Principle: we grow-up in the world, the reality, of whichever (of the three worldviews) we are find ourselfs in. As young lifeforms we grow and mature in whatever manner allows us maximum success in life, as we experience it. If a baby grows in the reality of the Predator, then quick reactions, eschewing time-consuming introspection become survival and thrival** traits. The same of the person who matures and hones social strategies in the context of the Outsider and the Herd Member. The cool thing about the Doctrine is: we’re not a collection of core tropisms and desires, we are the best personality geared to the reality we find ourselves in as we grow and live.

Principle: there are three predominant worldviews. By learning the characteristics of each and then identifying the other person’s personality type, we can see the world as the other person is experiencing it. Which is way better than trying to understand them on the basis of how their behavior/attitude/reactions/resistance and emotional demeanor makes sense in our own reality.

  • clarks(Outsider) where shyness can be attractive but introversion is a state of being. clarks think, are insatiably curious, genuinely creative, run from demons of their own device and know that if they search (and think) long enough, they will find out what everyone else seems to know intuitively about the world and, thereby, become a real person
  • scotts(Predator) people like to be chased almost as much as scotts enjoy chasing them. scotts act. Life is to be lived and not figured out, there are more than enough people to remain occupied and, sensing how much people seem to enjoy the chase, scotts are attractive in whatever ways keeps the crowd coming
  • rogers(Herd Members) there is a Right way to do things, to live life, to die and there is no excuse not to try and learn them all. rogers feel. While variety is endless, rogers recognize that attachment is strength and influence is power. No one needs to be told what to do, everyone is happy when someone shares a joy. The second most important thing in life is to help other know the Right way.

Principle: the Everything Rule which states, ‘Everyone does everthing, at one time or another’. Simply put, there are no activities, interests, desires, careers, understandings or skills that are limited to one and not the other two worldviews. Which is not to say one personality type might not be more inclined towards success in something than the other two. Anyone can be a fire fighter. rogers make the ‘best’ fire fighters. Anyone can be a policeman. scotts are prone to success when they decide to become a cop. Anyone can be a dreamer …lol

Principle: the Wakefield Doctrine is gender neutral; the Wakefield Doctrine is age and culture neutral. If you’ve read this far you have what it takes to understand this, even if you need a little more reading time.

There ya go.

Thanks! Mimi for the prompt


*itbt it was a suggestion, the kind that when we stop the internal dialogue long enough we realize is from the part of each of us who simply wants to live right, self-improve ourselfs and leave a positive memory

** not a ‘real’ word  but if that troubles you excessively, you’ll stop reading in 3…2…


Toosday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey! Has anyone seen our imagination lying around here, anywhere?

Thursday, Six Sentence Story day, is approaching with all the exciting and terrifying excitement as a first kiss. (Having been confidently semaphored throughout an entire evening characterized by an immersive enjoyment made more remarkable by the fact that another person is involved.)

Not sure what to write. But, we’re confident that something will appear in time.

While we wait, affecting an insouciance* worthy of the confidence found only in fictional characters written in the First Person singular, lets read us a reprint from….wait, (damn! good thing we write this shit down)…nearly …eight years ago!

(From March 11, 2014)

“a quiet, (totally confusing) little Post the Wakefield Doctrine “shhh, there are new Readers, lets not scare…right yet

so …these early-weekday Posts seem to be more and more difficult to write. Naturally, I immediately go to the Question of why?  [Allow me to interrupt myself.  clarks ask why, scotts ask what and rogers ask how, right?… well, actually it goes a little deeper than that, but I need to complete this here Post here.]

where were we?  the Question is, ‘is it true that these Posts have been more difficult to write’  [Wait just a damn minute!! Did you see what I just said? wtf??!  hey, if we didn’t all ready have a Wakefield Doctrine which includes three worldviews, i.e. reality of the Outsider (clarks), the Predator (scotts) and the Herd (rogers), I could have re-discovered clarks with that single, awkward (and incomplete) sentence there!  “is it true that these Posts are more difficult to write”?!? Holy shit!! what kind of person, in a sincere effort to discover some inner truth, proceeds by way of:

  • starts with the pluperfect conjective form of a question and proceeds to stick about six layers of qualifications and conditions on top of it
  • makes it sounds like a question, but doesn’t given the slightest hint who the question is being addressed to
  • and…and! is this even a question!!??!  frickin clarks!   you know the worst thing about clarks?  the persistence in our attempts to secure validation from the world that we imagine we know is around us!  damn! if I had a nickel for every time I posed a secret question about what I thought I should be doing, I’d be a millionaire!  you know what I mean about secret questions…. like the characteristic smile of the clark:   press the lips together, aim it at the people you want to believe are being friendly and hope for the best

alright….sorry for the rant. (not really, but it sounds good to say).   and since were on the subject of apologies!!!  here:

  1. clarks apologize too sincerely
  2. scotts…. well, come on  seriously! who can stay mad at a scott…. they roll over, offer their soft under-belly  let you stand over them for a symbolic second and then its  “come on!! come one!! lets chase something!!!”
  3. rogers… don’t even get me started, rogers  apologize the way a good hooker has sex,  totally satisfying and convincingly …until you get the bill


hey that was fun!!   no,  there is no underlying rationale to today’s Post  ‘just a havin fun’ as Johnny Winter sang…oh it must have been 40 damn years ago!

Hey!!  Experienced Doctrine Readers!!  you guys know this shit… why doncha go ahead and finish this Post for us (in the Comments, of course), I’ll even leave you some spare words (left over from the beginning Part iv)



: a) am I confused as to my audience and therefore conflicted in what to say? or 2) am I just at an ebb in the cycle that has existed since the very first Post was written? or c) am I just wandering, rhetorically speaking, in today’s Post, hoping to stumble upon an idea, a theme, a thought ….a hook for today Post?

the Answer is:



* just wanted to use the very cool word (not having the nerve to use it ‘in public’, aka outloud

  • ed note. Was going to use Manfred Mann, who’s cover of ‘Blinded by the Light’ is most excellent, on my way to ‘Publish’ I veered into a sketchy neighborhood in Tubetown and, well, here ya go.


RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Quick re-post.

So, you ask, “Excuse me Mr-and-or-Ms Wakefield-Doctrine, is there a methodology to your selection of posts for these reprint (aka, back in the days of television* as ‘re-runs’) posts or is it totally random?”

Yes. Both. Today, a combination. We searched a phrase, ‘another set of everyone’, got three returns. Re-reading the first, came upon footnote 4 and said, “Hey! We’re going to the dentist this morning! Cha-ching!”

the Wakefield Doctrine Open Enrollment Day!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

For reasons that I do not understand, we have a Post today. Perhaps it is simply that the pattern is established, i.e. that I write a new Post every other day (or third day) at minimum. Maybe it is because I have a feeling that the body of knowledge that is the Doctrine is going through yet another ‘growth spurt’. It might even be that I know that there are some Readers out there, who are on the edge of taking the leap and writing a Comment.


So lets keep this short. Here’s the thing:

The Wakefield Doctrine is a way of looking at people, the way they act, re-act and inter-act. The Wakefield Doctrine is a way of understanding our relationships: (with) our spouses, our friends, our jobs and the gigantic bunch of strangers that comprise the world. The Wakefield Doctrine is a tool, one that we can learn to use on ourselves to make the good things that we do better and the bad things that we do… better. The Wakefield Doctrine is a way of looking at the day to day  world that will provide us with amusement, insight and understanding. Most of all, the Wakefield Doctrine is good for:

  • getting your noisy boyfriend to not shout when you are standing in a slow line
  • convincing your girlfriend that while purple really is ‘her’ hair color, that just maybe, for her job interview she might want to go natural
  • realizing that even though your boss always finds mistakes that you have made, that you know that you can do the job better than anyone
  • convincing your husband that, while it is important to research all major purchases, perhaps taking 6 weeks to decide on lawnmower brands is a bit much
The Wakefield Doctrine is predicated on the idea that we all live our lives in what can best be called individual worldviews (a less threatening word for personal reality) and that all people are born with the potential to live in one of three distinctive worldviews:
  1. the ‘world’ of the Outsider, where there is a gap, a critical difference between us and the rest of the world, especially the people, those who exist in this worldview, we call clarks
  2. the reality of the Predator, this world is characterized by the predator-prey existence that we see in nature, those who grow up and develop in this worldview are designated as having the scottian personality type
  3. the world of connectedness, the world of belonging to the group, sometimes referred to as the herd this person, referred to as a roger develops a personality type that is predicated on the world being a quantifiable place that is subject to discernible Rules
At an early age we pick one of these three and that becomes our personal reality. We call this the predominant type. And a big difference between the Doctrine and ‘mainstream personality systems’ is that we look at the reality first and the personality type second. Makes much more sense.
Finally, while we all live our lives in one (of three) characteristic worldviews, we never lose the capacity to see the world as the ‘other two’ do. In fact,  in some people, one of the other two ‘aspects’ is developed to the point that it influences the choices and actions of that person. For example, I am a clark because my reality, the world in which I grew up and developed my ‘personality’ is that of the Outsider. I also have a highly developed secondary aspect, that of the worldview that we call a scott. That shows in some instances and, in a sense, it accounts for some of my ‘personality’ that is not strictly the result of living on the fringe.  However, that does not mean that everyone develops their ‘other two’ aspects to any degree, some people are pretty much all of the type of their predominant worldview, showing no signs of the other two.  According to the Wakefield Doctrine, all people relate to the world consistent with the world being one of the three: clarks, scotts and rogers. We know all the stuff we do about people simply because we are able to see the world as they see it.
Hey! you people who are ‘on the edge’ of writing your first Comment? Here is your opening! I want…no, I need you to add to the list above (of the things the Doctrine is good for)… I know you got something. Come on! S. and H, I see you out there. and MJ and D and the rest of you scamps5



1) as the kids2 would say

2) by kids we mean people who are:

  • not as old as us3
  • confident enough to use whatever slang word they think is appropriate ( clarks )
  • sure enough of themselves to know that they are ‘tuned in’ to the ‘young people’ and can talk to them like they want ( rogers )
  • just don’t care what words they use, they will capture your attention no matter it they have to set their own hair on fire ( scott )

3) which is most everybody it seems, we can say that ’cause this is the internet4

4) which being a virtual world, allows us to pretend that we can appear to be anything to anyone simply because we are not likely to run into them at the Dentist’s office or the health and supplement section of  the grocery store

5) we are a little weird about privacy here, most of us use a damn pen name (French, ‘Nom de Bic‘ ) so you can sign in however the hell you want.



Friday postette -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Was the alternate choice of photos for yesterday’s Six Sentence Story.

Before we ‘head out into the world’ today. (lol… as sure an indicator of the speaker/writer being a clark as would be (their) answer to the question: Two plus Two equals?)…a quick word about our little personality theory. It’s as useful (and fun) as you chose it to be today. Sorta like that first date you were set up on by your best friends. It’s all in how you feel about it. Ya know?

Take the descriptions of the three predominant worldview and try and see the world as the other person is experiencing it today. When you do that, you will know, for the moment/in that particular situation, more about the other person than they know about themselfs. And…and! when practiced sufficiently well/often,  you will enhance how you relate yourself to the world around you.

(Not a bad thing to do, when you think about it.)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Lets talk.

The Wakefield Doctrine is a ‘theory of personality’ the same way that your grandmother or mother (or wife or husband) is a chef. What they can do is produce food that you and your family look forward to eating and of course, everyone enjoys and benefits from their efforts both as  food and (as) a social occasion. Not only that,  your husband or wife or boyfriend or grandmother uses most of the same tools and ingredients and equipment that Le Cordon Bleu chef will use. Both will work with food in a kitchen environment that is essentially the same  and (all) produce meals that are good and good for you, the only difference:

your grandmother will never be on television, your mom will never write a book that will be found in bookstores, your wife or your husband will never have a meal named after them (on the menu of a restaurant).

Who is the better cook?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine.

Do not think that we are apologizing for our grandmothers or our lack of empirical date (supporting this here theory of clarks, scotts and rogers, here). We are not. But just because the techniques and tricks and recipes of your “family chef” have certain limitations, does not preclude us  from being determined to try and rise above the confines of the ‘novelty blog’ category with the Wakefield Doctrine. Point in fact, it is the goal of all involved with this blogsite to take what we have learned about human personality and behavior and, with no small amount of chutzpah, put it in front of as many people as possible. Our very immodest intent is quite simply to get people to see the world through the lens of our little Doctrine.

There is no “WHY?” question here. (The only possible answer would be, “Why not?”)  To take that approach would have the fault of being  un-necessarily modest. Our intent is, with all of the means available to us,  presenting/promoting/publicising/pushing the Wakefield Doctrine in order to have some effect on the world, if only 30 or 40 people worth. Maybe more than that, (perhaps 300 or 400) people will read about this thing and find the same usefulness that we do and these people will benefit from having come to this blog and learned about our ‘theory or personality’.
But hey,  everyone starts out as someone’s son/husband/brother/grandson/girlfriend/yeah,they used to live right down the street before they turned into a celebrity or an authority or a mover or a shaker (the Hollywood variety not the Pennsylvania type).
Take Martha Stewart (…”please”) she was someones mother at a point in time prior to becoming a valued NYSE listed commodity…might have been your mother, but probably not. She was Alexis’s mother

Be that as it may. Lets take a quick look at our “cookbook” so that  our more credential-dependent Readers can continue to enjoy this blog and still get something useful from your visit today.

clarks: quiet but always manage to get noticed, introspective but aggressive, creative and intellectual yet capable of blindingly stupid stubbornness when they believe they have an understanding of the situation;
scotts: free-spirited extroverts who feed on the discomfort of others, natural leaders who inspire confidence and will spring into action regardless of how ill-conceived the action or ill-prepared for the unexpected they might be;
rogers: precise and exact and they would have invented OCD (if it had not already existed), sociable, likable and prone to extreme prejudice, with the right tools they will build the infrastructure of the civilized world just so they will have people to pass judgement on

Thats a pretty basic set of ‘recipes’ or down-home culinary technique, isn’t it?
Don’t you think your grandmom had fun teaching your mother to cook on cold winter evenings? The food at your house? doesn’t it taste as good as the food you could learn to prepare by spending 5 years in a culinary school? No? You think the chef, by virtue of all their formal training  is better off? Well, here is a little look at their world





TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

In Phyllis’ defense, I was the one to say, “Hey look at the rock! This needs a photo taken.” (The moving finger and all… ya know?7)


This is the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop.

Busy day today4.

Qucik backstory: Lizzi, long-rumored to be an adopted grandniece of CS (‘my-future-fans-will-be-delighted-to-learn-I-preferred-the-name-‘Jack’-go-ahead-and-ask’) Lewis5. In any event, she created this bloghop and, in doing so, made only one questionable decision: she invited the Wakefield Doctrine to join the ranks of co-hosts. Well, naturally, one thing led to another, and, as they say, the rest is a mystery. Actually, the one variation in what would have been a very forthright and respectable tenure as a leading 6 blog is to be found in Item 10.


1) Una

“Smiling face? On a rock? What’cha talkin’ about, Willis?”

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

… (Footnotes for 4, 5 and 6 below)

7) We gotta give it up for the internet, (in general), and the ‘world’s-largest-free-used-books-and-magazine-store’ that it has manifested as, (in particular)… so, the ‘I know that saying!…’ in the caption of the top photo? If you’re here, still reading, you’re surely familiar with Omar Khayyam and apparently some DOWG by the name of Edward Fitzgerald.

8) the Six Sentence Story for readin’ and writin’

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3  from the Book of Secret Rules, (aka the Secret Book of Rules) ‘…[j]ust getting within five items of the end, and that’s something to be grateful for…which then means, when you think about it, you’re within four…. and you can do four more standing on your head!‘ (You got this. If you need a ‘loaner grat’ let us know, we’ll be happy to help a blogger out.



4) new listing-to-be out in the woods of western RI (literally, the living room in this old, abandoned house is in CT and the rest is in RI)

Bonus photo from a trip today out to the property. Sure, you’re thinking, ‘A summer church, secured for the winter season. Bars on the doors, not so odd’. On the outsides of the doors?!?

Not to worry, nothing can get out.

5) He took (for himself) the name Jack, after his childhood dog Jacksie died (“Can you say, ‘clark‘? I knew you could!”)

6) among gratitude-themed bloghops

music vids





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