Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
ok, as long as it’s Mimi asking.*
The Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. Applying the principles of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers we are in a position to know more about the other person, (and our-own-selfs), than we might have imagined when we awoke this morning.
Principle: all reality is, to a certain, small, but nevertheless real degree, personal. Nothing weird, like secret abilities to fly or be invisible, however it offers power if we have the will to claim it.
Principle: we are, all of us, born with the potential to experience life in three different ways, as an Outsider, (as) the Predator and as would a Member of the Herd. At a very early age we step into one, (and only one), of these three metaphors to grow and develop. We never lose the potential to experience the world as ‘the other two’, however, we remain with one and only predominant worldview (aka personality type) the result of which is in the following principle.
Principle: we grow-up in the world, the reality, of whichever (of the three worldviews) we are find ourselfs in. As young lifeforms we grow and mature in whatever manner allows us maximum success in life, as we experience it. If a baby grows in the reality of the Predator, then quick reactions, eschewing time-consuming introspection become survival and thrival** traits. The same of the person who matures and hones social strategies in the context of the Outsider and the Herd Member. The cool thing about the Doctrine is: we’re not a collection of core tropisms and desires, we are the best personality geared to the reality we find ourselves in as we grow and live.
Principle: there are three predominant worldviews. By learning the characteristics of each and then identifying the other person’s personality type, we can see the world as the other person is experiencing it. Which is way better than trying to understand them on the basis of how their behavior/attitude/reactions/resistance and emotional demeanor makes sense in our own reality.
- clarks(Outsider) where shyness can be attractive but introversion is a state of being. clarks think, are insatiably curious, genuinely creative, run from demons of their own device and know that if they search (and think) long enough, they will find out what everyone else seems to know intuitively about the world and, thereby, become a real person
- scotts(Predator) people like to be chased almost as much as scotts enjoy chasing them. scotts act. Life is to be lived and not figured out, there are more than enough people to remain occupied and, sensing how much people seem to enjoy the chase, scotts are attractive in whatever ways keeps the crowd coming
- rogers(Herd Members) there is a Right way to do things, to live life, to die and there is no excuse not to try and learn them all. rogers feel. While variety is endless, rogers recognize that attachment is strength and influence is power. No one needs to be told what to do, everyone is happy when someone shares a joy. The second most important thing in life is to help other know the Right way.
Principle: the Everything Rule which states, ‘Everyone does everthing, at one time or another’. Simply put, there are no activities, interests, desires, careers, understandings or skills that are limited to one and not the other two worldviews. Which is not to say one personality type might not be more inclined towards success in something than the other two. Anyone can be a fire fighter. rogers make the ‘best’ fire fighters. Anyone can be a policeman. scotts are prone to success when they decide to become a cop. Anyone can be a dreamer …lol
Principle: the Wakefield Doctrine is gender neutral; the Wakefield Doctrine is age and culture neutral. If you’ve read this far you have what it takes to understand this, even if you need a little more reading time.
There ya go.
Thanks! Mimi for the prompt
*itbt it was a suggestion, the kind that when we stop the internal dialogue long enough we realize is from the part of each of us who simply wants to live right, self-improve ourselfs and leave a positive memory
** not a ‘real’ word but if that troubles you excessively, you’ll stop reading in 3…2…