psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 22 psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 22

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

You know, you’re right!

It has been a while since I attempted a one-take ‘this is the Wakefield Doctrine’ post.

(ok…give us a minute… wanna clear the, whats the old term,  ‘Just need to clear me gulliver’)

The Wakefield Doctrine is an additional perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. A fundamental principle of the Wakefield Doctrine is: reality is, to a small and not-weird degree, personal. The utility of the Doctrine in an individual’s life hinges on this concept. Although presented as a rational system of thought, like many other things in life, it involves the use of faith. Nothing religious, more like a piano student or a person beginning to train in the martial arts. Accept that personal reality, extending an opinion or knee-jerk reaction radius around us, is real and the power will manifest eventually.

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that we, all of us, are born with a predilection to experience (a) world that manifests in one three characteristic manners

  1. the reality of the Outsider(clarks)
  2. the world of the Predator(scotts)
  3. the life of the Herd Member(rogers)

The basis of the ‘personality types’ of the Wakefield Doctrine is: at a very early each we settle into one of three, (and only one), and grow up. Growing up is, in this context, the child developing strategies and styles, ways of interacting and surviving the world as they are experiencing it.

Drop a two-year-old girl into the reality of the Outsider, observing a world in which everyone else appear share a connection, a belonging and before long, she will find her strengths and hide her weaknesses. Throw a two-year-old boy into the world of the Predator and he’ll survive and thrive or die trying, teeth bared at a world that offers life for the quick and the strong. Open the life of the Herd Member to a two-year-old child and, upon oberseving the behavior and the understanding of the rules of the family/class/culture, they will gladly don whatever colors the local gang wears.

So, for the Doctrine, personality type is a label for relationship of the individual to the world around them and the people who make it up.

This relationship is referred to as a person’s predominant worldview. There is only one. We never lose the capacity, the potential, to experience the world as would the other two, but our ‘style’, our social strategies are of one, the one we grew up knowing was the world.

Some people have more developed secondary and tertiary aspects than others.

The benefit of the Wakefield Doctrine is realized as we look at how we relate ourselves to the world around us. How we relate ourselves to the world… not how we relate to the world. Big difference.

Learning the characteristics of the three predominant worldviews is the starting point. (Pro-tip: it’s how the other person is relating themselves that leads us to which of the three personality types a person is.The path to this understanding/appreciation/acceptance is to learn to see the world as they are experiencing it. Not how it looks/appears to us.

There are other tips and tricks to applying the perspective afforded by an understanding of the Wakefield Doctrine, including ‘the Everything Rule’. This Rule states, ‘everyone does everything at one time or another’. This serves to avoid the distraction of thinking of each of the three as a list of interests, inclinations and tropisms, instead of how (the) person is relating themselves to the world around them. A clark, a scott and a roger all do the same things, follow the same paths through life that all of us do. How a given activity, hobby, occupation or advocation manifests is where we see the proof of their worldview.

Have fun!

Hey! Nick! ( in the interest of link equity* shout outs to Chris and Jenne and Ford, lol) You seem to have a certain curiosity in this thing. Fair Warning. If you get to the point of knowing the characteristics of the three predominant worldviews sufficiently to begin to see the clarks, scotts and rogers in your world, you might find you’re no long able to not see them.


* if it’s still a real thing or, more likely an artifact from the ‘sphere from ten years ago




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop.

Each week, our host, Dyanne, invites one and all to participant to an exercise in cultivating gratitude.

Well, not exercise, in the, “Jeez, I promised myself that I’d do twenty-three minutes and either the clock on my phone is slow, or, like oft-reported from near-death experiences the brain has accelerated (though no where near my heart-rate) and time has slowed down. To. A. Crawl!!

The value of Lizzi’s creation, the TToT, is, imo, two-fold: all are invited to enjoy a rich variety of posts, each offering an engaging and elegant insight into one the most ephemeral of psycho-emotional states: gratitude, while courtesy of the not inconsiderable skill of each writer, conveying their experiences in a manner both inspiring and entertaining. As a perhaps unintended consequence, the process leaves the metaphorical door open so that we, equally inspired, arguably less subtle writers here at the Wakefield Doctrine blog enjoy an opportunity to offer our… err own list.

Following are people, places and things that have caused us to say, “Damn! Almost what we wanted from the world, fortunately not, strictly-speaking, what we deserve.”

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine “sine qua non, y’all, sine qua non”

4) the Six Sentence Story the place for stories that are like 15 cent hamburgers. Sorry, this Grat requires semi-accurate memory and a certain tenure on this mortal coil. When .15 hamburgers were a novelty, they didn’t burn all the Michelin books. That said, were you a kid at the time… it was, well, a kid’s rehearsal of upcoming adulthood, i.e. go out to eat without your parents.

5) (the) Six Sentence Café and Bistro A new and quite interesting landmark in the virtual world atlas. Go over to the aforementioned Six Sentence Story bloghop and ask them. (Tell ’em the Doctrine sent ya.)

6) the Proprietors seven figures in the developing mythos of the virtual nightspot, eatery, social club and Reading Room cited in Grat 5

7) this is a marker for the first social event at the SSC&B (#5 again!) We’re going all Bifröst on the weekly activities of Denise’s blog, with a book launch on Friday. Stay tuned!

8) 21st Century technologies…well, duh!

9) something, something

10) S.R. 1.3 (From the Book of Secret Rules, aka the Secret Book of Rules), the Codex Regius of this here bloghop here, the BoSR/SBoR allows, nay, encourages, the free ranging prose oft witnessed in these pages.


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Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Weather-centric reprint today, from February 2013.

…as in, nine years ago.

Don’t tell anyone, but when I go way back in the records looking for a reprint, there is, sometimes, a moment of suspense, usually when I open a post that is the result of the younger writer being in a mood experimentale.* Yet there has not been a moment that I have felt self-conscious about what I’ve written. And, for a clark** this is huge. Self-consciousness is nothing less than the air we breathe.

So, without further skidoo, a post with a way-long, fairly-amusing title:

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the craziness of clarks, the really stupidness of scotts and the astonishing dumbness of rogers)

My pre-dominantely clarklike worldview has me writing this Post, apologizing in advance for it and…. still hitting ‘Publish’.


The North American culture is officially designated, ‘predominately rogerian‘ on the basis of the activity surrounding the upcoming WEATHER EMERGENCY, aka ‘a pretty decent snowstorm’. I suppose I should qualify the rest of this mercifully short Post, with a statement to the effect that it is not being written for the benefit of any of our rogerian Readers.
However, I would be shirking my duties as, Articulator-in-Chief, if I did not remind everyone that the second most important principle of the Wakefield Doctrine (the 1st being that our ‘worldviews’ do, in fact, constitute reality, albeit, personal reality), is that while we all live in a pre-dominant worldview, we retain the qualities of the ‘other two’ personality types. (And) these manifest to varying degrees in how we perceive and react to events in our daily lives.

In any event, we are witnessing the rogerian worldview, as reflected in the news/weather/warning information-yelling of the Media that is/are an integral part of our culture (as it is in all cultures). This is one of the few times when ‘age’ offers a legitimate advantage1. The reason for this statement is that the older the individual, the more the contrast in ‘cultural-standards-over-time stands out. Just as cars were bigger and a whole lot un-safer in the 1950’s, the Role/Responsiblity of the State in protecting the lives and health of the members (of the State), has grown from  hardly noticeable to the current state in which snow storms have names. (yeah, just like Hurricanes!).  I used to laugh at the titles of the cheesy movies on the SciFi Channel, like ‘Anacondasaur’  or ‘Piranhasaurus Rex’ until this last Autumn.  Then we had our first official SuperStorm.  ( The plot development of the semi-hit movie, ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ spent a lot of time showing  satellite photos of the three giant storms that were about to totally fuck up the northern hemisphere… apparently this movie is now required viewing by our friends at the National Weather Service… I mean, how could anyone deny that Sandy was so a SuperStorm. Did you see how far those clouds reached?)

I apologise for indulging in my clarklike aspect (‘outrage’2) and will simply say, ‘Hey rogers! I get it. You are not really worried or concerned about health and safety. You just enjoy having a sense of the herd. Like being at a party, the person you are standing across from is not why you will say the party ‘sucked’ or ‘was awesome’, it will be how many people were there.
I get it. At least, I should, the Wakefield Doctrine tells us everything we need to know about how people act and react. For that matter, the Wakefield Doctrine rightly states that you will ‘not only know why a person acts the way that they do, but you will know how they will act in situations that have not yet occurred‘.

Thank you for your readation.3

(I promise to get back to Eve tomorrow…. yeah, scott  I get it!)


1) In no way to be confused or conflated with the totally indulgent belief that ‘this younger generation doesn’t know how to: dance/play music/make movies/have sex/make love/take drugs/study for the Big Exam/live a Decent Life/get the most out of Life/not screw things up so much

2)  We clarks see things happen that don’t make sense and when we cannot get a reasonable explanation we get upset….worse, when we see other people seemingly not notice this ‘unreasonable thing’ then we let ourselfs  get all  ‘outraged’ and such. We should not.

3) the photo is kind of indulgent?  well duh!  what part of the tome of this Post did you not get! lol


* no, not a ‘real’ French expression or idiom or even picaresque oberservation… but you really should have your in-head voice pronounce it: ‘moo deh x pera men tahl‘. It’s a lot more fun

** sorry, there are over twenty-seven million words written on the subject, go search the archives, if’n you’re wondering. Better yet, ask your question in the comments.


Tre-Print Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…it’s ok, you can come out now, all the twos have gone away and the rogers are quiet.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

“Abe say, ‘Man you must be puttin me on’.”

Flat out reprint.

No contemporary insights, wise critiques or smarmy asides.

Below is the first Doctrine post mentioning Wednesday.

From May 2010

5:30?  PM?!  no, no frickin way!!!  the Post always goes out in the morning…it is Wednesday right??!!  It can’t be that late…damn..

OK, OK I can deal with this…
“HI! Welcome to the Latefield Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clark, scotts and rogers).  We apologise for the lateosity of this Post, time just got away from us. (we already used all the Chambers Brothers references)?  So, we got a good response to yesterdays (really, I only took a short naplette this morning, I really meant…), to Mel’s guest appearance on the Doctrine.  The good news is that the (next installment) of Couples in Love (Part Tree) should be out tomorrow…sure, mid-day without doubt…Friday is a heart attack cinch, look for it bright and incredibly early Friday.

Will finish this tonight and get it up before days end, just because, I guess.  For the last few weeks it has been an article of pride that a new Post shows up each and every day. Yeah, the quality versus quantity debate is very much alive, but I want to decide it not under duress, which not getting a new Post in today would create.  So pardon my mediocrity for today, at any rate.  You know, maybe that is the appeal I will make to you Readers!  Damn straight!

Hey Readers!!  What do you want?  A new Post every day or only what I (personally) consider a good Post, irrespective of the rate, be it once a day or 3 times a week.
Tell me…I really want to know.  Right below the video, at the end of the Post is a place for Comment.  Leave a Comment, tell me what you think about the quality/quantity question.  I will let you know the response by the weekend, until then it is a new Post every damn day.

the following section is to be read by clarks only!
…because you wouldn’t get it, that’s why….
…you don’t think that’s true?…let’s do this, I will ask you a single question and based on your first and immediate answer, you will agree to not read the following section, even if it means closing your eyes for the next few paragraphs.
If you answer this question with anything but a serious answer (including “what do you mean” and “why would I want to do that”) then you are a scott or a roger and so don’t need to read the next section.

(If you could), who would you rather be right this moment?

alright, that should take care of the scotts and the rogers…yes, clark?
no, gender and age are not optional variables in the context of this particular question…good thought though…

So here it is.  This whole Wakefield Doctrine thing is obviously the work of a clark.  And because of that, the intent of the the Doctrine is to develop a tool to help us attain our goal.
(…clearly stated in the page on clarks, clark)
(yes, I know you knew that, but you still have to read those particular words to get what I am driving at)…
Because, my blog , my rules.  (You know you are talking to another clark, because they will already have some sort of system to help understand the world and find the secret)…yeah I know I’m running on…waiting for the last scott or roger to get totally bored….

Alright.  I want to let you know that this Doctrine is proving to be efficacious, even at this early point and I am discovering some previously un-anticipated effects…(very funny…). I will not go into detail, but will say this…as the effect increases you will begin to see a fundamental change in the scotts and rogers in your world…a ‘thinning out’, an ‘increasing transparency’, try not to be alarmed.  Will report more as I learn more.
Just wanted you to know.

…” and the roger said to the scott, that’s not my….” Oh hi!  Didn’t see you come back.  Yeah all done here.



Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “like they used to be.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(Am fighting the temptation to write a Doctrine post on Friday(s)… surely one of the most quietly potent days of the work week.)

But I shan’t!*

Here’s a post from 2018. It was the guest of times, it was the wurst of times.

(Actually, true story: the Finish the Sentence Friday was my gateway bloghop. Thanks to Kristi and Janine and Kenya and them, I started joining in and getting hooked on comments. We’ve all been there.)


Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

If you aren’t in a hurry and have read the line above the photo, you’ve all the warning you are going to be afforded. That’s not meant to be aggressive or adversarial or sound like I’m being a dick. It’s just that sometimes very often, in order for me to participate in a bloghop, particularly one in which the contributors are real people and possessed of considerable skills, well, I just have to give myself the slip.

Trust me, it’s better this way.

Where was I?

Finish The Sentence Friday. Kristi and Kenya and them are all over the Listicle thing. (jeez… I hope I have that right) I better cut ‘n paste the instructions and such.

Hi all! We’re on with the Listicle week of FTSF with “10 things that are better than anything except being in love.” The linkup will open up at 10pm tomorrow, Feb. 8 (eastern). Interpret as you see fit and join us! The party stays open through late Sunday evening so there’s plenty of time.
Write your listicle, and head over to Kenya‘s site at or mine at Hope to see you there

1) ‘List formats’ because, if you don’t have any content to start off, they’re real simple to outline. In fact, simply writing out the numbers (with parenthesizes and not letting the auto-format editor force you into meaningless indents), goes a long way to start the process.

2) Getting the first line written in a post. Ernest Hemingway, (not to be confused with Doug Henning) is believed to have said, ‘The first draft of anything is shit‘. That’s got to make you wonder what the first draft of that advice looked like.

3) To get way serious for a minute, if pressed for time, I could, in fact, list a number of things in my life that are ‘better than anything except being in love‘. The problem is that I participate in a weekend bloghop called the ‘Ten Things of Thankful’. It is a grat ‘hop and in it we list the things in our lives that elicit a feeling of gratitude. The problem with that is, I’m a clark. It’s not that clarks don’t have emotions, (or are not emotional), it’s just that we’re kinda the Ikea of the three personality types. You know, cleverly designed with a great finished look, some assembly required. We (clarks) have as large a capacity for emotion as scotts and rogers, we just don’t always read instructions real good and, like a RTA bed, if you’re in a hurry to use it, you don’t always end up with what you see in the picture on the box. Though you can sleep in it (or on it).

4) Hey! you know what I like? A bloghop that I curate called ‘the Gravity Challenge’‘. (It is such a clarklike bloghop! lol) It’s a weight gain/loss ‘hop. It serves an accountability function (that can be helpful in one’s efforts to self-improve-oneself). Simplicity itself. We send on photos of the readout on our scale every morning except Sunday. The cool thing is Kristi’s Rule. (Kristi Brierley is one of the charter members and when I suggested the idea of simply taking a photo, she added the element that makes the ‘hop effective… the photo can be all or part of the readout, either side of the decimal.) The point being, the participation is about change, not a set goal or number. It’s fun.

5) I will resist the temptation to list my other bloghops… wait, there’s only one other, zoe’s Six Sentence Story. It’s a fun exercise and perfect for my efforts at remedial composition. (God, if only I paid attention in high school English instead of trying to learn the lead riff to ‘Sunshine of My Love’… hell, by now I’d be…)

6) The halfway point in any List-format bloghop is totally one of my favorite things. (Perhaps a far distant second to being in love… my definition of which, given the demographic ’round here, I’m totally loathe to reveal. It’s not just being a clark. It’s being from Y Chromia. A mystical land where all good efforts are rewarded with loud noises and un-conditional admiration.)

7) I should return to the issue of clarks and emotion.  Maybe not. clarks reading this know what I mean. scotts and rogers will also know, provided they have significant secondary clarklike aspects. (the Doctrine maintains that while we are the personality type that reflects one personal reality (that of the Outsider, the Predator or the Herd Member), we have the potential of secondary and tertiary aspects. As an example, I’m a clark which means I should not be hitting ‘Publish’ on this post. I have a secondary scottian aspect, and so I have known to, in certain circumstances, run up and get in people’s faces and shout, ‘Hey!’)

8) I suspect any number of people here will have listed ‘family’ (and individual family components) by now in their respective lists. And that is as it should be. I, for one, read Dana’s posts and think… ‘See, clark? A post can be organized and logical and coherent and still convey genuine heartfelt emotion.’ Or the great ‘look at the photos and I will tell you a tale that launches from there’ of Tamara, or the personal journal directness of Kenya (where you feel the elements of her life that she shares). Janine, well, Janine is probably the longest-standing commenter here at the Doctrine (don’t hold that against her).   No, don’t even get me started on Kristi Campbell... When I first snuck in the FTSF, she not only didn’t rat me out, she made me feel like I could relax. (Unfortunately she also wrote blogposts that, as I read, inspired visuals of my computer (trailing the keyboard) flying out my windows and crashing into a million pieces on the deck. But I somehow didn’t.)

9) For me, however, (with my clarklike appreciation for the ‘real’ world) when it comes to family, (Phyllis and Una), I go to the things, the features in the world that they have formed and created and even, remodeled. This photo is not simply of a woman, a dog and a treehouse. It is a representation of the part of my reality that is pretty damn amazing.

10) Speaking of pretty amazing. Here is a photo of Ola. She was the best thing that ever happen to me.


* no, really… still a legit word**

** in old Downtown Abbey episodes and blogs that eschew the simple and direct when engaged in rhetoric***

*** lol
