Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
The Wakefield Doctrine is gender neutral, age neutral and culture neutral.
The Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them.
The key to the Wakefield Doctrine lies in understanding how we relate ourselves to the world around us.
From the perspective of the Wakefield Doctrine, we all have the perfect personality type: developed at a very early age and practiced as we grow and mature is in response to the world as we experience it.
No one can, with any official authority, tell another person which of the three (clark, scott or roger) is their predominant worldview; it is always left to the individual to discover for themselves the character of their relationship with the world around them and the people who make it up.
While everyone settles into (and develops their personality type) one and only one of the three predominant worldviews, we never lose the potential of ‘the other two’.
You can take a clark to a restaurant, but you can’t make them relax
You can lead a scott to water, but only if they don’t have any other plans at the moment
You can’t teach an old roger new ways to describe their world.
The three predominant worldviews:
- the Outsider(clarks) they’re there, around you like the name of your first dog/cat, just a matter of not trying too hard to see them. clarks live in the social shadows because they believe they cannot stand the light. However, they are not (necessarily) what people call introverts. clarks cannot stand scrutiny but will not tolerate being ignored
- the Predator(scotts) they are so not difficult to detect. they are decisive, impulsive, confident and immune to the ill-effects of subjective reflection, in other words, they are natural leaders. Mercurial rather than temperamental, scotts are fiercely loyal to their friend and lethal to their enemies
- the Herd Member(rogers) they are so there, all around you. rogers are the dominant demographic, the majority, the consensus and the will of the people. rogers know the universe is quantifiable and, as such, quantifiable, knowable and procedural; they know there is a Right Way to do things and it is their responsibility to make sure you know what that is.
All reality is, to certain, albeit small, degree, personal. It is not so much a matter of scale, as it is a matter of the tone of potential interaction.
The Wakefield Doctrine is not the Answer, it is a very useful Question. (The Question: what is the nature of the other person’s relationship to the situation we are currently experiencing?)
Employing the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine, one is in a position to know more about the other person than they know about themselves.
clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel
…well, it’s kind of a reprint! There two thousand, sixty-four other posts in this blog that, in one way or another, say what we’e said in this here post here. Only using more words.