Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s (weakly) contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Once a week, since the dawning of the Age of Self-Reflective (current iteration of the Era of the Virtual World), we’ve been posting a list of then things, places and people that we could, at some later point in time, blame for inciting a state of gratitude*. This process is, fortunately, hypo-chronological, so, for instance, we can cite, in conjunction with Grat 8; Grat Number 6 (we also mentioned the acceptability of non-orderly ordinals, did we not?). We certainly hope so. Anyway, on with the list.
1) Phyllis (ever one should have an open-air home office)
2) Una (cool is as cool does)
3) the Wakefield Doctrine when was the last time, (not counting the previous 234), we said, ‘sine qua non‘? ok 235
4) the Six Sentence Story the place for flash fictionae
5) serial stories: ‘the Whitechapel Interlude‘, ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf‘ and ‘Tales from the Six Sentence Café & Bistro‘
6) road-trips from back in the day that demonstrated/illustrated/pontificated on the manifestation of secondary aspects relative to one’s predominant worldview. This example: our own predominant clark(Outsider) worldview as affected by a strong, secondary scottian(Predator) aspect. (Very clarklike tourism: on our way home from Salt Lake City (Hey! Joe!) we stopped by in Denver, rented a car, drove to Estes Park. Tried to participate in a guided tour of the hotel, bailed after thirty minutes of a three two hour tour… went to the parking lot took the vid-selfie, got back in car, drove to airport. Made it home by the rules.)
7) Something, something
8) Friend of the Doctrine Kristi might be looking to get the old band back together. (The old band being the bloghop ‘Finish the Sentence Friday’) …stay tuned.
9) work is varied, challenging and available. A mature individual might say, “What more could you want from life?” (In our defense, we might add, as a coda, “Well, there is that.”)
10) Secret Rule 1.3 (from the Book of Secret Rules, aka the Secret Book of Rules)
* from the French, au gratin; verb: to insist that even though one hates cheese, one should at least try it, one might be surprised…
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