psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 16 psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 16

Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

What say we do a quick reprint and see if’n we can’t come up with a new(ish) insight into the use and application of everybody’s favorite ‘personality theory’?

Got it! (ish)

What do the three worldviews fear the most in life.

Follow-up question: why is the word ‘fear’ not the best word in this context?

but first the reprint.

whoa whoa whoa!… Stop.

Best we contribute whatever novel insight into the use of the Wakefield Doctrine, before you enjoy today’s RePrint.

What the three predominant worldviews of the Wakefield Doctrine fear the most:

  1. clarks(Outsiders) scrutiny (yeah, big surprise there) to be subject to inquiry without consent
  2. scotts(Predators) non-rational unreliability. (yeah, like the old punchline, ‘that’s a pretty big word for an ‘action-is-everything’ personality type). (True backstory: Once in a discussion with Glenn(scott-with-secondary-clarklike-aspect) about the Doctrine, we suggested that, as clarks, there is nothing that is permanent to the world, that if today we awoke to a sky that was green with orange polka dots, we’d shrug and get on with the day. Glen’s response was, ‘That would be intolerable (to a scott), the natural world needs to be…natural and consistent, there have to be some standards.’
  3. rogers(Herd Members) disassociation. To be rejected, as an individual, from association with others, even, (and especially), if that chosen association is confined to the individual roger (Membership in a Herd is not dependent on a separate, independent acceptance by a member or members of said Herd. The individual roger needs only to accept the Herdosity of a group, a virtue of belonging and their own willingness to be associated. Don’t believe us? Go ask a roger.

The follow-up question: the short answer is, as so often, ‘the Everything Rule’. In this context means that how ‘fear’ manifests is subject to the nature/character of the reality in the individual’s predominant worldview.

Ok now on to the Reprint.


don’t worry, nothing nearly as strange/cool/frickin great as you think

Let me start by saying “whether due to cultural dislocation or totally subliminal deviancy, my personal opinion is that most of (Rockwell’s) paintings come across banal at best, creepy at worst”. (This is the cue for the rogerian art fans to start howling, in their bovine basso profundo voices, the chorus being…”but it shows what we once were”)

Sure, roger, take your wasn’t it wonderful past and your family history and your abused children and your paedofilic authority figures and tell us why you love them all so very much.  Sure roger, the predators were for the most part scotts, at least the obvious ones.  Sure the past was a great time…if you had power. But as the adage goes, “history is written by the victors” and this is so much truer for the cultural winners and losers as it was for the military/political adversaries.

So, what’s the deal with the photos today?  Well first I do want to thank our dead artist for the loanation of copies of his quote art unquote.  I really don’t know what set this off in today’s Post.  The ‘Lead’ photo was the most difficult, I kept coming back to it.  Looking through all the Rockwell I could find in the searching for a photo that would show all three of us (clarks, scotts and rogers), was not having much luck.  But the photo I am starting with has something so damn clarklike to it that I decided to use it. (The fact of the process was: “I do not know how I can incorporate this into the Post in any logical way, but I have to use it”) Hey, call it the vanity of the author.

Show of hands people, the Lead photo who does not see a clark? (hey clarks!! come out from under the bed! lol no one is going to say anything bad here, come on, join the “conversation” lol).  Let’s just rorschach this one and move on to the main photo.  This is the photo you see when you click on the read more link, the one on this page, knuckleheads.
Now we can get down to Doctrine business.  We have a photo that contains 2 scotts a roger and a clark. (and not too much abuse or predation, either!)

(Now I know you are all capable of making allowances for culturally anachronistic features) so, what do you see in the picture above?

Screw that…What do you see here?

 Yeah, another damn clark.

(I cannot tell you what the deal is with the clarks today.  Really, no games, not holding out for dramatic purpose, just don’t know.  Let’s just call it the horrifyingly familiar tint of fear that is the hallmark of clarks, it is jumping out at me in this, quote art unquote.)

…if clarks are to be the topic of today’s Post, let’s have at it.
Maybe it has been the Rockwell art overload, but I keep getting drawn back to the idea of what a culture does to encourage children to stay on whatever path they have ended up on i.e. being a clark/scott/roger.
(If we had Wakefield Doctrine study guides, this would be highlit in yellow with a EXAM QUESTION mark next to it)

as the Doctrine tells us, we all start life with the qualities of all three (clarks, scotts and rogers) and for reasons beyond the scope of this explanation we become mostly one of the three. This usually occurs at an early age, say  3 to 5 years old and we settle into experiencing the reality of the one we picked. (except for clarks).

So what is the deal with clarks and their strangeness?  Well it’s real damn simple, clarks are the outsiders, the blue monkeys, the strange ones.  In a school yard they will be the last to be picked for team sports and in the gymnasium they be the last to be asked to dance.  I can hear our rogerian Readers now (I’m talking to you, MJM) I can hear them saying in a voice that is meant to be caring and helpful but is, in fact, strident and insisting, “If only you would dress a little nicer, why do you have to wear that, you really are an attractive, nice person but you put people off…why do you keep doing that to yourself”?

(Today’s Post  has now officially careened right the fuck out of control.  I will no long be responsible for syntax, logic, reasonable conclusion or making sense to anyone other than our clarklike readers…)

So clarks are the outsiders but they are also the creative ones.  While rogers may build (being engineers and all) clarks create the ideas that they will bring to the world.  And while scotts are the leaders, they always,  (Did I say ALWAYS? ) (you know I did mean to say Always) scotts have clarks standing out of sight, off to stage left, telling them things about their audience/followers/mob that the scott will then pronounce and shape into power.

(What time is it?!!)

“You’re such a lovely audience, we’d like to take you home with us”

Hell, let’s have that for our music vid

This a Post that made no sense at all? Ask a clark to explain it to you, there is one nearby…you just haven’t had the time to bother with them…go ahead ask them, they will explain this all to you, but you roger will get annoyed when it becomes obvious that it does not center on you  and you, scott will get bored ’cause it doesn’t have loud explosions in it.



2 (zzz) Dae -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The best of all days of the workweek. The Day of the clark, if a clark would step up and claim a day of the week. scotts have no problem claiming a day of the week. They’d be all, ‘Saturday’s alright with me‘ (and) ‘Come on! The week’s over, lets go unwind‘ (or) ‘How much can you study, you need to let the brain cells absorb that shit, I got something in my dorm room you need to see.’ and ‘Monday!?! Lemme have a couple a hours… be right as dodgers‘ or…. (you get the idea). As to our rogerian brethren, kind like that ‘ceptin more ‘me’, ‘Can’t you see I’m studying, well, sure, but only for a while…’ or ‘According to my schedule, a couple of hours in a couple of hours should be doable‘.

[ed. All the above SOC? Just to give ourselfs a permission to paste a music vid that’s lodged in our aurel brainus. The funny thing about aging… Wait, let’s make that, ‘the curious thing about aging’, is not simply how our tastes change. It’s how what we used to stand by and ‘No way’, becomes something more than we realized. In this example, certain types of music. The song today would have, sitting in the Student Union waiting for friends to arrive so as to begin the day in earnest, would have elicited, ‘Oh yeah, those guys.’ Now, here, on a Tuesday morning in ‘the Present’, I’ve got one of the songs I would’ve turned my nose up at, in partial but endless play-loop in my head.]

Now, studious Students of the Doctrine know, the Wakefield Doctrine is age neutral. (Along with gender and culture neutral). So what gives?

Nothing gives. The Wakefield Doctrine does not claim to govern the functions and actions, tastes and predilections of it’s three personality types. We (all) change and mature with the passage of time and the living of life, because our connections with the world around us, (and the people who make it up), become stronger and more rigid, or weaker and more flexible*.

The Wakefield Doctrine is strictly concerned with the character of the relationship between (a) person and the world. When we can understand, (and appreciate (and accept)) how we relate ourselves to the world around us, we become (more) able to know the world as the other person is experiencing it.

But that’s for a whole ‘nother post. We’re just typing ourselfs justification to copy paste the link below.


* in this case ‘weaker’ is intended to imply ‘more flexible’. Seeing how the world we come into, courtesy of our immediate surroundings, is the least flexible. We are told what the world is** Only with time, and luck, do we come to realize that there’s some wiggle room in the original brochure.

** thanks and a shout-out to Carlos Castaneda for having don Juan tells us all about the nature of the world and the child.


RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…as random as we could make it, accepting the fact that random is an illusion.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Here’s a post we found by spinning the wheel on only on Month/Year but on the posts within the selected month.

The year was 2011. The month was June. The day was Saturday.

(Because, when you get right down to it, when you go rummaging through your memory further than the current calendar year, if it ain’t Monday, it’s Saturday.)


Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

To all of the new Readers we see comin ’round the Doctrine, we want to extend a three-pronged Wakefield Welcome (better write and ask one of the DownSprings what the hell that means).
Today we will get all basic-elementary Doctrine for y’all.

The Wakefield Doctrine is a tool and (is) a toy for people with a certain outlook on Life.  If you are the kind of person who:

  • wonders if the things on the news are ever just made up (for the sake of the ratings)
  • hates it when someone who pretends to be a friend to a person when there are others around, but tends to get mean in private
  • thinks that there should be a way to make sense of the behavior of friends and family
  • has the most fun, when out with friends, starting the game of ‘people watching’
  • …is the person (at work or school) that everyone comes to to confide a secret to
  • …is the person that everyone looks to when things are getting dull and there needs to be a party
  • …the person everyone comes to when there is a complicated problem that needs un-raveling

then the Wakefield Doctrine is for you.

Not a stuffy old theory that you take a test for or have to have some one explain to you and not a ‘use once and the fun is gone, like a piece of gum’, the Doctrine is a way of looking at the world and getting something back. Our  theory of clarks, scotts and rogers will let you know that you have an advantage when you are around strangers, our Doctrine will let you have more fun with your friends, this thing that we do here will answer at least one of the questions that you have been struggling with, the question, “why on earth would he/she do something like that? I thought I knew them better than that’!

Even though we will now tell you the whole secret of the Wakefield Doctrine, we assure you that it does not mean that you can go out and use it, play with it, teach it to your friends or otherwise get everything of value, just ’cause we told you the whole secret! We know that this is true because we know 2 things that you, the new Reader, does not know:

  1. the Doctrine addresses 3 aspects of your personality, (the one that you think you are and the other two that would tell you otherwise)
  2. even though your think you understand the Doctrine right away ( we’re looking at you scott! ) and think you have it figured out ( don’t look away, clark) and you are sure this is nothing worth your time ( roger!) it is…

The thing about the Doctrine. The fun part and the exciting part. Those of us you see coming here (look to the right for that sidebar that shows locations), again and again are learning more about the use of the Doctrine every day. We are the glowing French rats, the ones that Marie thought had died, we are running through and around the sewers of Paris, glowing like hell and scaring the everyday people.
We welcome you to join us, if you have what it takes to stop being such ‘ups’ and start being cool.




yesterday’s reprint post -the Wakefield Doctrine- …today!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Got all koaned* yesterday, so here’s a right proper reprint post.

from more than twenty years ago in June of 2011!

Welcome!  Welcome!  Come on in!!  No, don’t click away!  We have sooo much to tell you, your head will thank you, trust us.

This is the official blog site of the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ) and here (somewhere in all these frickin mis-categorized and totally confusing pages) you will find the Codex de Doctrine.  Everything you need to know about how all of mankind, all peoples fall into one of three ( that’s right! I said 3) personality types. And if you read and if you understand what is written here, you will not only know how to identify which of the three personality types a person is ( doesn’t even matter if they are a friend or a lover, a family member or a sworn enemy or even the person you pass on the street/in the corridor) you will know how that person thinks.

That’s right, you read that correctly! The Wakefield Doctrine is claiming to give you the power to know how another person is thinking….and feeling….and (how) they might act  in any damn situation.  A mighty bold claim, is it not?
It is a mighty bold claim, you are correct. We are prepared to back that claim up.

As you read these Posts ( the ‘on-going conversation’ here at the Wakefield Doctrine) and the Pages (the established knowledge and wisdom and hats of the Doctrine), one thing will become abundantly clear…the Wakefield Doctrine is without doubt the most useful tool for understanding the behavior of people in our lives. Whether you are confused about why your husband is such an asshole at times or why your best friend confides in you only to take the secrets you have given her and shares them like McDonald’s French Fires with her friends in class the next day, the Wakefield Doctrine is your answer. If you are the kind of person who thinks a lot and doesn’t want much from people, satisfied simply with a few friends and no fights, then you need to read what the Wakefield Doctrine has to say (to you). If you have trouble controlling your impulses, if you are the life of the party but can’t help but notice that your friends are looking at you with something less than admiration, then you should read this here blog here. If you have trouble with people not living up to expectations, if you know that your spouse is letting you down and you simply want a way to make them all understand, then come to us here, write a question to one of the DownSprings and you will get the answer that you deserve.

Now the Wakefield Doctrine is not a cult or a religion or a basement-born rant produced by ‘dis-enfranchised, over stimulted, under-medicated’ members of a culture that is focused nearly exclusively on youth. The Wakefield Doctrine is:

  •  a way of understanding what the other person is experiencing in a situation
  • a framework which allows you to truly see the world as another person sees it
  • a tool that you can use to see yourself as the world sees you, not as your guilt would have you see yourself
  • a way of inter-acting with others that allows a level of communication that you would never be able to achieve on your own

As we said at the beginning of this Post, these are bold claims. For those of us familiar with the benefits of this personality-typing system, the above is only the tip of the iceberg-of-understanding-of-others! We are actually learning new aspects of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers every day, with every Saturday Night Drive* we learn ways to apply the insights that this tool offers. We learn more about the characteristics of each of the three personality types! And with each thing we learn, we have new ways to act, new ways to apply this Doctrine, each and all of us here can see times when we are in situations that used to baffle us, and now we say,  …” of course,  now I see! she was not being ‘stuck-up’! She was just distracted, what a clark!”  or ‘goddamn, that guy is scary, he is all over the place…wait a minute! a scott! Now I know how to get and hold his attention“!  or even,  “ok family is important, she wants whats best…no, if you think that she is a roger then that is not being controlling, she only wants to keep what is good about the family from spinning off and being lost in this crazy world. damn, now that is not being an awful person…that is actually the way they are trying to help!!”

Thank you Wakefield Doctrine!



* as a matter of fact, this music vid is an offshoot from the word koan… no, I don’t make this shit up


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…the single most useful fact about the Wakefield Doctrine?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

“the Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them.”


(Yeah, to the Reader out there who just thought, “Are they gonna leave it at that? whooa*” if we ever do docTees, bring a copy of your comment to this post and it’s yours.)


* a Bill and Ted whoa, not a Slim Pickens ‘whoa’
