psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 14 psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 14

Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘the shortest of Posts?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

So, let’s try this. We’ll write the shortest post we can today. And then, only after reaching the point of ready to hit ‘Publish’,* we’ll search the archives using the phrase ‘the shortest of posts’.

…ok, so we wrote the post. (In this very wordpress blog). Can’t recall what we wrote (it’s there in the archives, June of 2009, but that’s not important right now*** What is important is what happened once I could see nothing to add to the post.

We clicked on the blue rectangle on the right side of the dashboard: ‘Publish’

We closed our (WordPress) blog.

After a moment, we turned off the computer.

Another moment, (in advance of the rumbling of the soon to be over-used metaphor of an avalanche), and we got up from our desk, walked out of the room, went to the garage, got in the car and drove away from the house.

…we did return eventually.


The Shortest Wakefield Doctrine blogpost:

The Wakefield Doctrine is an additional perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. With the insights made possible by employing this perspective, we have an increased probability of self-improving ourselves. And, as a bonus not to be abused, we will be in a position to know more about ‘the other person’ then we have any right to, increasing our chance to see the world as they are experiencing it.

Searching all posts for ‘the shortest of post’, the result, (actually the only search return, which is surprising. Well, like they say, there is always an opportunity to learn something each and every day. And a way old post from October 2011(!)

Welcome to Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

There is an old saying,  “the first 2 things you say about a person (or an idea),  are actually  the least important thing and it is, in fact,  the  3rd  thing that you say that  is at the heart of how you feel” (about an idea..or a person).

The Wakefield Doctrine is… a way of classifying personalities,  …it is a tool to understand the behavior of others and …it is a perspective on ourselves and the people in our lives. People we meet here at this blogsite… have questions …are curious (about what we are trying to do) and  … enjoy sharing ways to implement the tool that the Doctrine represents. The driving force behind most  Posts is the need… to produce new content on the subject of the Wakefield Doctrine, …to illustrate ways to derive a direct benefit from the knowledge of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers and… bringing a life-map to those what are looking for one.

Recently, we have had a Reader, a certain  TonyB  (from over at ‘the BlogCatalog’) ask the question, “What is the Doctrine about?”
While we always look forward to reading what people say about/ask about the Wakefield Doctrine, this one is the question that causes the greatest concern. You might even say that this particular question is the spiritual opposite of the time-honored semantic trap, ” Tell me, do you still beat your wife/cheat on your husband?”
After all, the considerable effort to put up this web site and (to) write these Posts and (to) provide information is all in the service of a single idea, i.e. ‘getting as many people in the world to know about the Wakefield Doctrine as possible in the shortest period of time’. So when we have a Reader write (lol) we are excited (happy) and when we read the actual question being asked, we are excited (concerned). The first thing that we thought when reading the question that TonyB (from the Blogcatalog) wrote was, ‘just how badly are we explaining this very simple concept’?
If, TonyB (from the Blogcatalog), himself a writer of blogs, cannot figure out how the Doctrine works from reading it, what chance does an average person have to understand and enjoy the usefulness and fun that the Wakefield Doctrine offers?


(seeing how DownSpring glenn and DS#1 are into the ‘pome thing’, (with all their cutlets and rhyme-schemes and such),   if I may):

there once was a lad from the Vinyard
who looked, as a child  only  inward

if I find the other two
I  will know what to do

 so the Wakefield  Doctrine was authored 

 Alright already!  We had better go easy on the artsy stuff or we surely will hear from a roger (or two) and god knows what our newest scottian FOTD (Friend of the Doctrine) Alex will write if he thinks we’re  ‘gettin soft on them Readers…ya gotta make ’em sit up and pay attention!!  ( HEY!!).


* we haven’t told the story of ‘The First Wakefield Doctrine Post’? (ok. not recently enough to remember**)

**yeah, well that is one of the benefits of Birthday Progression. The mind and the memory become more and more like an Etch-a-Sketch on the dashboard of a teenager’s car on the first night of being left home alone by vacationing parents.

*** thanks for the borrow out to the genius screenplay writers of ‘Airplane!’


RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

…running late.

Quality (in product) is a arguable second to continuity in creativity…  easier to work the pump handle when one is tired than it is to rest and then have to prime the damn thing. ya know?

Controversial Post on Sexuality and the Wakefield Doctrine Cancelled!! (‘what I would have given to have been a fly on the window for that meeting, whispers an unidentified roger’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The Doctrine is zooming along the road to significance-hood, with an occasional horrifying veer off the road, through some bushes, straight across someone’s lawn (with one of the back-and-forth sprinklers on), barely missing the ‘breezeway’, into the neighbor’s backyard, through their clothes line and back on the road…all the while picking up speed!
Today’s Title refers to a recent project involving the active Readers here at the Doctrine. The Project was nothing less than an attempt to learn more by proposing an idea so outlandish that the only reasonable option was to try to re-phrase the thesis (that the Wakefield Doctrine can account for, in a useful and insightful manner, the way each of the three personality types manifest sexuality), in the hopes that a cogent theory would appear. Totally yeoman’s effort by all of the participants!

The thing of it is, the benefit and value of this exercise was not, as a clark might perceive it, totally in the final outcome, ‘the Answer’. We can appreciate, through the rogerian perspective, that the effort to engage in the process is what conveys the lasting value (of this project). This is, as all Readers will recognize, in keeping with the rogerian worldview, wherein the experience and sharing of a process, forms the basis of a lasting and more permanent tradition, the creation of (a) history, if you will.
And our scottian element (in this project) also demonstrated how the enthusiasm that is one of the defining characteristics of this worldview lent itself quite well to the ‘hell! who cares if this is grounded in fact, it just feels like fun…lets run with it!!!’
Finally, the clarklike members of the team were all, ‘err wait, before I commit to an answer, lets tre-phrase the question, and maybe I need to argue my case a little louder…” But, as those of you familiar with the Wakefield Doctrine will recognize, the creative drive of the clark had to be there to have a new, what do you want to know??! question to start with”.

As FOTD Mel used to say in his previous blog ( Spatula in the Wilderness), ‘onwards and upwards’.
The metaphorical car of the Wakefield Doctrine is safely back on the interstate… the scotts, all tuckered out, are asleep in the back seat, the rogers in the front passenger seat are comfortable re-folding the maps and organizing the glove compartment* and the clarks, feeling like progress has been made, drive on, their characteristic compressed-lips smile replaced with something more…open, confident they were enjoying the feeling of the thought “hey this is not so bad!’


* betcha thats an archaic term





Flyday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey, we went way back in the archives for this ‘un.

(Interesting. Reading old posts, looking at both ‘style’ and how the Doctrine is described and/or explained. Example: this post from 2010 was using 1st Person (mostly) and, while we did not yet make the explicit definition that it is how we relate ourselves to the world around us, there was still that sense of: personality type, from the Doctrine perspective is more of the function of our experience of the world than it is the product of impulses. tropisms and… favorite foods ‘n shit.)

Let’s stop the adieuing  and get to it


..(BONUS).personality types, (INSERT) insights into behavior (TODAY)and a little backstory (ONLY!)for good measure! the Wakefield Doctrine

In a recent Video Friday Interview, when asked what changes or additions might improve the blog, Claire Peek suggested  providing insight into the ‘why of the Wakefield Doctrine’. (As Claire put it  “…A new Reader might find interesting how the Doctrine was born but especially why….”  ) Far be it from us to shy away from a difficult task, in this case it is not so much a matter of the (historical) record of how the Wakefield Doctrine came to be, but rather the personal side of that creation/evolution/development. That is the challenge for today.

Easy part first!  The ‘Eureka Moment of the  Wakefield Doctrine ( nee the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ):

In the early 1980’s, Scott (the progenitor scott) worked at a music store in Pawtucket. He was the main salesman and also ran the repair department (of the store), this included not only repairing musical instruments and equipment that he sold, but any equipment that might be in need of repair, including various types of tape recorders and other similar equipment.

One day I happened to stop by the store to visit scott while he worked. While there, a customer came into the store, went to the ‘repair department where scott and I were talking and presented to scott what was known as a  ‘duel cassette recorder’  (This device had the capacity to record two cassette cartridges at once and was most often used to copy the contents of one cassette to another cassette, what we would call today, making a back up. Among the controls on this ‘dubbing recorder’ were two of all the normal tape recorder controls: volume, treble and bass. Where it was different from a single cassette recorder was that it had a Master Volume control dial, which, as the name implies controlled the overall sound output of the device.) The recorder that the customer placed on the counter appeared to be new and had no signs of damage or abuse. (As the customer approached the counter, I stepped back and Scott looked up and said, ‘What can we do for you’?   The customer said to  Scott, “this thing is brand new, it worked for a couple of days, then it stopped working entirely, I can’t figure out what is wrong”.

Scott looked at the recorder briefly, without saying a word and then reached under the counter and brought out some (black) electrical tape, and tearing off a 2 inch piece of tape, taped over the Master Volume control (after returning the dial to it’s highest setting). After completing this, scott slid the device back over towards the customer and simply said, “ There, its all right now”

The customer asked to plug in the recorder, took a cassette from his pocket, tried the recorder, ran it through it’s paces; seeing that the broken tape recorder that he brought into the store now worked like new  thanked scott and walked out of the store without another word. A totally satisfied customer.

From my perspective the world shifted. For reasons not clear to this day, I not only saw what scott had seen (the nature of the equipment problem) but I saw that his solution implied a reality, a ‘context’ that was clearly different from the one that I assumed to be the same as everyone experienced.

That is the factual side of the creation of the Wakefield Doctrine. The personal side?

I had plenty of friends. Or more to the fact, I had a close circle of friends that I seemed to have acquired rather deliberately.  Sometimes, when I hear or read about people expressing anxiety about making new friends in a new school or a changed job, I will laugh to myself. I still find (in the fact of) my own comfort that this thing that real people seem to worry about, (i.e.making friends) is really so not difficult while at the same time/all the time, I feel so isolated from people in general. And the irony of this is not wasted on me! I accept now (as I did back then)  that this is just another aspect to the weird world that I inhabit.
In any event, back to the ‘personal side of the creation of the Wakefield Doctrine, I knew back then that I had two things I could count on: having a small circle of friends who ‘got me’ and living with a pervasive, never-ending sense of lacking something…  fitting in, being a part of, knowing what I was supposed to be doing in order to be like everyone else. Call it what you like, it is this certainty that ‘I am different from’ and  because ‘I am missing something’ that defines who I am and once I figure out what (or where) that missing thing is, I will no longer be different from everyone else.
I suspected then, (as I now know for certain) that the thing I needed to understand was right in front of me, but not having a clue as to what it was like, the only thing to do was try to watch everything.
Watching is not exactly synonymous with living, ( lol a joke for the clarks reading this) and so I would settle for watching as I knew that the life that I thought I was in was not really the ‘real life’ that everyone else seemed to be enjoying.
Finally, the moment described above, the scene in the music store. That I would make the leap from what I observed to what I knew, what I concluded (about reality and people) was nothing less than a total frickin gift… if I had a stronger rogerian aspect, I imagine I would go on at length about inspired insight, or serendipity but I do not have that strong a rogerian aspect. If the truth is not obvious, I have a strong (barely restrained) secondary scottian aspect. But that is a whole ‘nother Post.
So as the Lady once said, ‘that’s how it began’.


You looking for the Bonus Inset?  Right this way, yo. This is a clip from a Post written last July, very good explanation of the clark, scott roger thing!  We figured, hey this layout really needs shaking up, so lets do an overlay Title/new Content*

The Wakefield Doctrine has 3 personality type categories: clarksscotts and rogers. You are mostly one (of these 3) but you still have the other 2 in background.
…and when we say personality types? what we mean is, “What kind of world do you walk out to every morning”?  Because this Doctrine is not about your likes and dislikes, favorite colors or foods, interests, hobbies, avocation or inspiration. It is about the nature of your reality.

Yes, you read that right. Reality. Each of the three types of personality in the Wakefield Doctrine experience a different reality. Nothing weird or earth-shakingly different. No crystals or herbs or inner vibrations required either. Just this:

  • clarks exist (in the world) as the perennial outsider. They are normal in every other respect, it’s just that they know that they don’t belong, they are not like other people. But, at the same time clarks are the quiet, creative, funny (except you have to really pay attention or you’ll miss their jokes), self-deprecating, hardworking people that are there all around you all this time;
  • scotts are so in your life (and you will get this description only if you are not a scott) but they are the natural leaders, natural salespeople, natural entertainers… you getting the theme here with this personality type? natural. scotts are the people who live life by the moment without restraint, consideration, forethought, it’s a wonder they live as long as they do
  • rogers (you know who you are, and right now you are denying it) rogers are the everyday, friendly, easy to talk to people that populate every workplace and classroom and corner bar. rogers will be the person you turn to when you have a secret and rogers will be the one you turn to when you want to learn the latest gossip, they are the engineers, the lawyers, the doctors and heart and soul of every PTA and neighborhood watch program in the world.

The Doctrine is different from all the other mainstream and respectable personality and self-improvement systems out there because we insist that it is not just you, it is the world itself that accounts for your life, it’s trials and tribulations, good times, bad times (we know you’ve had your share).
What sets us apart and the reason you should spend time here, is that the Wakefield Doctrine offers everyone a set of tools that is specifically meant for not only your personality type, but (these tools) are meant to work and be useful in the world that you are living in today!

*the ‘extra’ words in the Title today were supposed to look like they were ‘drawn’ over the original Title, you know…graffiti like   whatever




Wuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

so… what is the point of all this?

the posts, both funny, touching and bold

the theory itself, so familiar (to some) so stupid or dumb to many?

Two words: clarks and self-improving oneself

Seeing how this is being written for the Outsiders out there (lol) we’ll keep it brief. (Notice, as we know you did, we did not promise to keep it simple, just brief).

We all have the potential to experience the world as any of the three predominant worldviews.

We ‘are’ however, of one and not three personal realities. (Our personality types are, for each of us, perfect. This because, from the Doctrine perspective, our personality reflects our best effort to contend with the world as we experience it. From, as John Sebastian says in the music vid below, “…since they’s babies”)

Where were we?

oh, yeah self-improving ourselfs.

Say, you’re a clark. You realize that, sometimes, people relate themselves to you in, like, a disrespectful manner. (ikr? lol). Sometimes it becomes more than you can stand and something happens and you act in a manner that is…quite unlike you. While you will not, by definition, be aware of this ‘altered state’ while it is occurring, you may find yourself reflecting on it at a later date. (lol… sure, try and not)

anyway. That ‘altered state’ more likely than not is what we call your secondary aspect. (There is a tertiary aspect, of course, but you’re way ahead of us already.)

short post: You do not need to ‘learn’ or ‘acquire’ something/anything that is not already a part of you. You simply need to realize it.

(Warning: Using ourselfs as an example, I’m a clark with a significant secondary scottian aspect. (no kidding, lol). But I am not a scott. A scott has trained and practiced for their entire life being the apex Predator they are. rogers too…. well, now you might want to shift your imagery to some kind of Shao Lanolin monastery and moving the hibachi from place to place in the yard.)

you know what the biggest challenge in writing posts to explain the Doctrine is? getting across the idea that personal reality is real. Here in the numerous Wakefield Doctrine blog posts, we don’t simply demonstrate/illustrate/pontificate on the characteristics of an Outsider because we developed that way. We act that way because that is the reality from which we experience the world.

Wanna hear worse than that??!  The world around us is a reality in which we are the Outsider. We’re not indulging in mumbling, hanging in the shadows, dreaming of the future while the present slips away at twenty-four hours-per-day just because it’s easy. We do that (and more) because we’re in that world.

But…but!! the Doctrine, while not an Answer, is a(n) additional perspective. A perspective on our reality and (the reality) of the world around us and the people who make it up.

Because of this perspective, we need not be trapped in the permanently separate personal reality of the Outsider.

… tomorrow, ‘Six Sentence Story Day!!*

*phew! getting kinda heavy ’round here…lol





Mondas Reprintus -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

We thought, this being a local holiday, to treat ourselfs to a very old Doctrine post.

Interesting to read how we wrote back then. The core principles are the same, a couple of stylistic changes, i.e. not the least of which is that we hadn’t completely shifted to Third Person Impersonal. (3rd Person motto: “Yeah, we know that you know that it’s me, but lets see you try and prove it in course! …and besides, who doesn’t hear, in your head, how silly the testimony would sound. “And you, Mr. clarkscottroger, insist that those were your fingers on the keyboard? And, are those fingers here, today, in the courtroom? Let the record show, the witness is trying to sit on his hands...”)

But serially.

Since the beginning of this web-log, a couple of truths have been revealed that were not immediately apparent when we started.


Hey! I thought you said I would be famous by now and someone else would write these things

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) which just happens to be a fun, unique and productive way to look at the people in our lives and the way they act. With the Wakefield Doctrineyou can not only understand why they do the things they do, you can predict how they will act in any situation, at home, at work, at school and at play!mother theresa, yo

It  has been a productive week, in a exhilarating and depressing sort of way, here at the Doctrine. Exhilarating because we are beginning to better understand the obstacles that are before us as we continue our efforts to spread the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers across the globe and depressing because we are beginning to better understand the obstacles to spreading the theory of clark, scotts and rogers across the globe.  To wit: so far everyone who ‘gets’ the Wakefield Doctrine learned it directly. They were shown who in their circle of friends was a clark, show was a scott, who was a roger. The obvious advantage of this direct, ‘in person’ being the examples used to demonstrate and illustrate the three types was always correct and true to form. Plus there would be an immediate feedback loop between teacher and pupil.  And probably the most helpful thing of all, the simple fact that the teacher enjoyed the Doctrine and we all know that enthusiasm on the part of the teacher always conveys to a pupil. The damn thing is simply fun.

And therein lies our challenge. How do we convey the fun of the Doctrine? Limited to the present medium of communication, effectively teaching by email, we need to present the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers in such a manner that not only can the Reader  learn the characteristic traits of each of the three… but at the same time…have…….fun.         (yipee)

Well, it is way, way too late to stop now. The Doctrine is out there. We have Readers who come and read this blog and they/you deserve the opportunity to ‘get’ the real fun of understanding the theory of clarks, scotts androgers. There are approximately 100,000,000 people out in the internet every day, looking for exactly what we, here at the Wakefield Doctrine have to offer. So while we are hard at work making the format (of this blog) more ‘findable’, eventually they will all stop by and read this thing. So lets do the math! there are only 3 Progenitors and 4 DownSprings and if we divide the number of potential Readers equally among us and  if we make it our full time jobs to talk to everyone….that’s still…(carry the 1, divide….) ….(shit this calculator only goes to 10 millions….)… (screw it, add a zero…) …thats 14,285,714 people each!  Hey! that’s not as bad as I thought… let’s see now, we can  go out 5 days a week, see 4.5 people a day (on average, of course!) that means it will take us…90,702 days to reach ‘n teach everyone! (…one last calculation….)  that’s only 248.49 years!

I feel better now. It is do-able. It is just going to take time.  Er,  Readers? any of you happen to be Jehovah Witnesses? We really, really could use the help…seriously.  Some people, (scotts) like to make fun of Witnesseses {to a scott it must look like a group of Fenway Franks walking up the sidewalk to their door} but I actually admire them (…no! a clark liking something that everyone else is laughing at? that can’t be!!)… in all sincerity I give them props for their willingness to go against the stream and do their thing, and you’ve got to admit, they gots mad door-to-door skills.  Anyway, if there are any Jehovah Witnesesses among our Readers, I will not point you out, your secret is safe with us…but maybe you have some ad space in that Watch Tower mag?

So. We will keep up the efforts here. The Wakefield Doctrine can be learned from reading this blog, the Pages and the Posts and everything else. We will be reaching out through as many channels as possible.  Ms AKH seems to be donning the apparel of the Mistress of Publicitousity and she is doing yeoman-ette work in that regard. As a matter of record, she is Commenting about finding a Reader who is actually willing to admit to liking (sort of) this thing of ours!
“Hello (your name goes here) Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine!! Everyone help give me give (your name goes here) a warm Doctrine welcome. Hidy!”

So that gets us started for another day. Just so no one thinks that we do not have totally appreciative Readers, following are a couple of admiring Comments that I found (for some strange reason) in our Spam Folder:

Considerably, the blog post is actually the greatest on this worthy topic. I concur with your decisions and will thirstily look forward to see your approaching updates. Saying thanks will not just be adequate, for the phenomenal lucidity in your writing. I will at once grab your feeds to stay informed of any updates. Delightful work and much success in your business endeavors! Have a nice day

Excellent post I must say.. Simple but yet interesting and engaging.. Keep up the awesome work

“they like us!! they really, really like us”…(Sorry cheap joke)

(Did someone say, “Hey Doctrine People, play us some old people rock and we will buy your hats (for our damn heads) and will even write Comments that are real, and thoughtful and we don’t mind if they are so totally off-base that one could only wonder if the writer (of such Comments) was drugged, overly tired or a Jehovah Witness!)


(…is that the 80’s I hear in the next classroom?)

Nah…sometimes we even….wait a minute, there is  a well-dressed family at the door and they seem to be upset


