Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
So, let’s try this. We’ll write the shortest post we can today. And then, only after reaching the point of ready to hit ‘Publish’,* we’ll search the archives using the phrase ‘the shortest of posts’.
…ok, so we wrote the post. (In this very wordpress blog). Can’t recall what we wrote (it’s there in the archives, June of 2009, but that’s not important right now*** What is important is what happened once I could see nothing to add to the post.
We clicked on the blue rectangle on the right side of the dashboard: ‘Publish’
We closed our (WordPress) blog.
After a moment, we turned off the computer.
Another moment, (in advance of the rumbling of the soon to be over-used metaphor of an avalanche), and we got up from our desk, walked out of the room, went to the garage, got in the car and drove away from the house.
…we did return eventually.
The Shortest Wakefield Doctrine blogpost:
The Wakefield Doctrine is an additional perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. With the insights made possible by employing this perspective, we have an increased probability of self-improving ourselves. And, as a bonus not to be abused, we will be in a position to know more about ‘the other person’ then we have any right to, increasing our chance to see the world as they are experiencing it.
Searching all posts for ‘the shortest of post’, the result, (actually the only search return, which is surprising. Well, like they say, there is always an opportunity to learn something each and every day. And a way old post from October 2011(!)
Welcome to Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )
There is an old saying, “the first 2 things you say about a person (or an idea), are actually the least important thing and it is, in fact, the 3rd thing that you say that is at the heart of how you feel” (about an idea..or a person).
The Wakefield Doctrine is… a way of classifying personalities, …it is a tool to understand the behavior of others and …it is a perspective on ourselves and the people in our lives. People we meet here at this blogsite… have questions …are curious (about what we are trying to do) and … enjoy sharing ways to implement the tool that the Doctrine represents. The driving force behind most Posts is the need… to produce new content on the subject of the Wakefield Doctrine, …to illustrate ways to derive a direct benefit from the knowledge of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers and… bringing a life-map to those what are looking for one.
Recently, we have had a Reader, a certain TonyB (from over at ‘the BlogCatalog’) ask the question, “What is the Doctrine about?”
While we always look forward to reading what people say about/ask about the Wakefield Doctrine, this one is the question that causes the greatest concern. You might even say that this particular question is the spiritual opposite of the time-honored semantic trap, ” Tell me, do you still beat your wife/cheat on your husband?”
After all, the considerable effort to put up this web site and (to) write these Posts and (to) provide information is all in the service of a single idea, i.e. ‘getting as many people in the world to know about the Wakefield Doctrine as possible in the shortest period of time’. So when we have a Reader write (lol) we are excited (happy) and when we read the actual question being asked, we are excited (concerned). The first thing that we thought when reading the question that TonyB (from the Blogcatalog) wrote was, ‘just how badly are we explaining this very simple concept’?
If, TonyB (from the Blogcatalog), himself a writer of blogs, cannot figure out how the Doctrine works from reading it, what chance does an average person have to understand and enjoy the usefulness and fun that the Wakefield Doctrine offers?
(seeing how DownSpring glenn and DS#1 are into the ‘pome thing’, (with all their cutlets and rhyme-schemes and such), if I may):
there once was a lad from the Vinyard
who looked, as a child only inwardif I find the other two
I will know what to doso the Wakefield Doctrine was authored
Alright already! We had better go easy on the artsy stuff or we surely will hear from a roger (or two) and god knows what our newest scottian FOTD (Friend of the Doctrine) Alex will write if he thinks we’re ‘gettin soft on them Readers…ya gotta make ’em sit up and pay attention!! ( HEY!!).
* we haven’t told the story of ‘The First Wakefield Doctrine Post’? (ok. not recently enough to remember**)
**yeah, well that is one of the benefits of Birthday Progression. The mind and the memory become more and more like an Etch-a-Sketch on the dashboard of a teenager’s car on the first night of being left home alone by vacationing parents.
*** thanks for the borrow out to the genius screenplay writers of ‘Airplane!’