predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 68 predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 68

TT-aiee!! the Wakefield Doctrine ‘it’s a gratitude Post for a bloghop that has things to be thankful for as the topic…how weird can that be?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Well, I’m glad you asked! You know how, most of the time we come up with ten things that are a part of our lives in the week past and it’s not too hard to see how we should  be grateful for these things?  And we have all had bad weeks when we have more trouble finding the things that makes us feel grateful for our lives  and sometimes in the course of these…. difficult weeks we will look at the bad things and say, ‘hey this is not the way I would have liked the week to have gone, but things are getting better’… lets call this  ‘finding Things Thankful, the Comparative Approach’.   …now hold that thought.

Thought I would share with you this tiny, little, story stuck in the lower right corner of Page A7 of Friday’s Providence Journal ( btw, an AP story re-printed in this paper)

Headline: Raccoon attacks woman in bed.

A Massachusetts woman is recovering after battling a rabid wild raccoon that awakened her in bed.

(lets, withhold the name, she’s been thought enough, ya know?), 73 of _ MA says she was asleep Wednesday morning when she felt something on her face. She thought it was her cat.  She said the raccoon clamped onto her face, biting her chin and lip, and it left the room after she beat it with her bedside telephone.

(the rest of the story has to do with the cops showing up and trapping the desperate animal who then proceeded to dying in a hail of gunfire (my description, not the newspaper). The woman is being treated for rabies.

Any interpretation of the Book of Secret Rules says that: not being this woman is easily 3 Items!

1) not being that woman

2) not being 73 years old

3) not waking in the middle of a cosplay involving a recreation of a scene from ‘Alien’

4) in a more….normal, traditional recollection of the things I am grateful for, I am grateful for last night’s Vidchat… very much what this medium has to offer, i.e. an opportunity to meet new people and have an extended conversation with friends and acquaintances from, literally, all over the globe

5) I have, of late, been including some aspect of the winter weather, all of which have been intended to trick me into feeling better about the cold and the snow and the ice and the cold. This week, I will say that I am grateful for WD40!  The snow we had mid-week was of the  ‘wet snow’ variety, aka ‘heart attack snow’. Not fun, but not the end of the world, I just end up getting a better workout. Unfortunately, there was just the right combination of temperature and humidity that combined to result in snow that constantly stuck to the shovel. Big shovel full of frozen water, swing arms to the left, watch the shovel (still full of snow) continue its graceful trajectory into the snow bank. WD40 to the rescue. Sprayed on the shovel: instant no-stick-shovel

6) Reader response and participation to a ‘test’ on the Doctrine this week resulted in my acquiring a new and enhanced appreciation of the grasp and understanding of the principles of everyone’s favorite personality theory. It’s not that I haven’t always known that the people who found the Doctrine interesting, more it was my over-estimation of how badly written and organized the blogsite itself is… not enough to stop Jean and Dyanne and Michelle and zoe and Lizzi and them.

7) I should say something about being grateful for work, as the demands are increasing and I have had an opportunity to gain a more realistic perspective on the requirements of time involved in the work I do, I am grateful that I noticed that I need to re-apportion the time I devote to certain aspects of earning a livelihood, sooner rather than later.

8) I am grateful for the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules).

9) Not certain that I want to cite my very perceptive and discerning co-hostinae, suffice to say my respect is sufficiently established for me not to try and (further) capitalize on the aforementioned Rule Book. (as everyone knows, the BoSR, is meant to be used, not abused…unless it iss self-abuse, but even that has certain limitations not strictly defined, but left to the group consensus.

10) (not quite a repetition of a previous item) but I do want to shout out to Kristi for her thing today… she has chosen to participate in a competition of sorts…something about mothers and blogs ..or something, but I like Kristi so I will say, go! Kristi!! (and remember what I suggested about how to end your audition if the Judges do not demonstrate a reasonable courtesy and respect.

…ok back to work  here…. will check back in later in the afternoon.


Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts


‘title-less Monday’ the Wakefield Doctrine (you think that’d be just great? ….well, hello clark!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

"…I have no idea why, (I suspect this is a gift for the rogers)

“…I have no idea why, (I suspect this is a gift for the rogers)

This will be a Post with hope and no plan. (It is a matter of record, in this here blog here, that the Posts I most enjoy reading are those that turn up only after I’ve given up totally on any hope of ever writing another word that anyone would feel the slightest desire to read.  …am I setting the bar too high?  lol  yeah, I know).

Speaking of despair and setting the bar too high…  is there a clark out there who doesn’t agree with the following statement: ‘I would trade all the success I might acquire in exchange for a day in which I did not worry about being found out?’

sorry, rogers (and clarks with a secondary rogerian aspect*) you are not qualified to participate in today’s semi-rhetorical Post. No, we don’t want to hear it. Yeah, yeah, we all appreciate how much you  try to understand and how you feel that way sometimes.   and no, scott… this is not a play-posture and it is totally not an injured clark signal. (at least with scotts, there is not too much danger of hurt feelings, as insensitive and predatory as they can be at times, most of our scottian friends mean well… even when they forget that we’re not prey…that we are as real as they are… (no, not even a roger can understand this insight into the scottian worldview)… hey, just ask your clarklike friend! he or she will (possibly) be willing to esplain it to you.   hey,  seriously folks… there are some things that clarks understand/appreciate/are-loathe-to-admit-even-in-private-to-ourselves, that you people will never understand.  worse…  way worse than not understand(ing), you will believe that you understand, (that) it’s us clarks that need to be shown the  right way to look at things. scotts and rogers both, at one time or another, will be heard to say, ‘hey, lighten up! have some fun forget all that head crap‘  and  ‘I know how you feel, believe me I’ve felt like you (worse even!) you need to get over yourself, let me tell what real suffering is about

er, guys?   …fuck you

clarks, when we are talking about the world in the above terms are not,  I repeat, are not suffering.  (at least not in terms that a scott or a roger has any prayer of understanding)… we are pissed off. (angry…possibly) (mad as hell…yeah, I’d like to believe that’s what we feel)  it’s a clark thing… you scotts can’t know what it’s like and you rogers will never know how it feels.


alright. Now I have to get out of the house and off to work. (lol  yeah, huh?  how the fuck do we do that? I mean seriously,  thank god for the emotional disconnect! otherwise we’d be spending our lives under the bed or hiding under the porch in the warm embrace of last autumn’s leafs)

I will say to clarks out there… this thing, this collection of clarks coming ’round the Wakefield Doctrine?  people like: ‘name-withheld-because-I-am-overly-sensitive-to-privacy’ and ‘not-mentioning-her-name-’cause-she-has-such-a-cool-real-life-and-sucessful-blog‘  well it has produced a benefit that is hard to put into words…but then again, that’s the point.  not necessary to put into words. but I will anyway…

and that permission thing? that Cyndi brought up that Denise mention in her Post?  yeah  we tend to not give ourselves permission to: take  (or even) to be ourselves … so, for today  I’ll give whatever clark is reading this, permission to: …be satisfied with your best efforts; …happy with what you enjoy; …angry without guilt; …to take without having to justify; …have a little peace and quiet in your head at the end of the day.    I know that you would do the same for me.


ok.. does anyone want to volunteer to go and let the scotts back in?  the rogers will be a little more work,  maybe  we can pretend we’re sorry for being so rude and self-centered


laugh out loud (‘lol’)




* no, not you, z  you have sufficiently strong predominant clark to overcome the desire to disagree with this statement (although, a part of the back of your mind was thinking…. yeah, but….)


TToTardy the Wakefield Doctrine (“the alien dog ate my draft Post and the detective assigned to the case had to stay home and do her hair”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Unless I’m mistaken, today is Sunday. And, if I am not, (mistaken), then I am needing to write a (second) TToT Post for the weekend.  You would think that, after doing this twice a weekend for the last 6+ months, I would have no problem starting the list this morning, what with the Postus interruptus of yesterday. But, some things never change, and I find it necessary to ‘word-doodle’, (writing without any direction or intent or idea of the outcome), until I come up with something that says, ‘hey! clark!! lets try…” and then I’m off and running.    ” …. so bear with me….  hey, what about that big game today?   no…  not really a fan of football…  well, I supposed, but won’t those commercials be on like, for the rest of the year?… kinda like in the old days… the joke ‘cover story’  was,  ‘this magazine with the women and their large breast on the cover and little animals on their heads?…well, I bought this Playboy for the articles…they’re really something….  alrigh…at 183 words… better get started”

(I would like to say, before I get started on today’s Grat List, that I have not had a chance to read any of the TToT Posts from yesterday and, given that it is a matter of pride that I manage to get to 97.3% of the Posts that appear before midnight and write something, however inane… I will get to yours…let me know if you don’t  ‘see me at your Post’….by, say 1:00 pm EST)

1) I am, to the best of my capacity, feeling grateful for the dryness of the winter so far… it is a matter of record that I hate the cold and the dark of the winter season, having said that, there is one thing worse than daytime temperatures not getting out of the teens   …and that is: days where the daytime temperature is in the teens and there’s 3 feet of snow on the ground.

2) (Closely related) on the gratitudinous continuum,  is my appreciation of having reliable shelter, as in dry and warm and electricity filled walls. I would hate to be homeless in the winter. But then again, I would hate to (have) been living in, like, anytime in human history before, say 1833…I mean, what the hell, most of the day would be spent gathering fuel to keep warm or food to eat.  And being from the Y CrHome side of the fence, I wouldn’t have the luxury of sitting by the fire mending socks or darning or whatever the colonial family unit would be doing during the day, while I was out  moving rocks from the middle of the field to the edge of the field and fighting off bears and such…

3) “I have nothing to add”   that phrase?  yeah, if you have a roger in your life, you have heard that expression (or an equivalent), and it’s usually not a fun conversation. The situation: you, (a clark), are making an effort to share something in your day with a roger. You offer some of your day’s trials and tribulations and after you have poured your heart out, you look at the other person (the roger) and their silence looms…growing larger and larger… (you initially assumed that this ‘non-reaction’ was simply a indication of the intensity of their attention) goes on…and on  Finally you stop and look at them, forcing them to acknowledge you and they say,  “yeah, I heard you. I have nothing to add”

4) oh, yeah… I am grateful to the Wakefield Doctrine for making Item #3 a positive experience rather than a painful and negative experience.

5) Bob Newhart

6) At this point in today’s Grat List, the tension for some Readers is diminishing… (no, I don’t mean Christine… why do you think I would say that about her?  or Dyanne… or even Jny) but I will express gratitude, as I often do in these lists, for the understanding on the part of the other Participants for my somewhat less than conventional grat lists

7) I am grateful to some of the other TToT participants who wrote in last weekend’s ‘hop  about their relative lack of success in writing their weekend Lists as they happened each day of the preceding week.  Good to know that I’m not alone.

8) I am grateful for the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) for adding an element of creative license that I’ve not seen in other gratitude themed blog hops…  (and I know that none of those others have frickin GuardVirgins! Seven of them…just in case the challenge of discovering a Rule that permitted what you needed was not enough!)

9) I will express my customary gratitude for/to Lizzi and the co-hostinae  for maintaining this…. place. (not just a forum, more than simply another bloghop…it is what M. Rogers set out to create, the sense of community and, as we know, every community has a….

10)  Why yes, I will explain the Bob Newhart reference.  I was at the office yesterday and a couple of people were talking about movies…someone suggested ….’Captain Phillips’  and I was all,  ‘I am so not a big fan for Tom Hanks’ and another person chimed in with… ‘for someone who started out in drag on a TV series, he hasn’t done badly’  …and then I said, ‘yeah! I remember that! along with Peter Scolari…which of them was Tony Curtis and which was the Jack Lemmon character?’* and that made me think of “..this is my brother Daryl and this is my other brother Daryl‘… (characters in the TV series ‘Bob Newhart’)  I should mention that there were two people in the office (during this conversation) who were  less than 43 years old and so I asked, ‘…have you ever heard any of  Bob Newhart’s standup bits?’  and they were like, ‘he did standup?’  … and I was all, ‘hell yeah!’  And so, for Item #10 (as supporting documentation) of  Item # 5 and as supported by Secret Rule 5.3 (‘the conversion rate of photos to written text’) I offer the following:

* the movie ‘Some Like it Hot’



Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts


Friday…best day of the week? the Wakefield Doctrine (…as fun as Saturday, but without all the performance anxiety)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


“…nah, nothing too suggestive, reminds me of my first apartment”


  • clarks: having survived the pressure/suffocating-tedium of the work week, and see Friday Night as the dress rehearsal for Saturday Night (all of the realism, none of the pressure)
  • scotts: having gotten through one more week without: getting fired/getting promoted/getting a new boyfriend/hearing from an old girlfriend… looks at Friday Night as audition night for Saturday Night
  • rogers: having fulfilled the responsibilities of the job, this is an evening of orderly relaxation as the precise schedule of the work week transitions to the precise schedule of the weekend, and …they hope to get lucky (not an item to be written into the schedule, however)

so…when you approach this evening (Friday Night!) and you realize that, like it or not, your evening is being planned for you, so as a result, it doesn’t matter if your Friday Night means that you:  do the laundry (because you had enough clean shirts and underwear to last the week), do the grocery shopping (because one more night of take out/Stouffers for the family meal would push the dial into the red zone on the guilt-o-meter), stop by at the bar (because you worked all week, you deserve it), stay at home (because you really do enjoy one night alone with the TV and Señor Daz ), wait and hope that someone calls and suggests something that does not involve an exactly even number of participants (why the hell work, if there isn’t anything left but sleep and eat?)…. all that being said, there is something NEW today this very Friday Night!  Courtesy of 21st Century Technology:

the Wakefield Doctrine presents   the Awesome Bloggers Video Chat (and) virtual Strip Poker Championship!

so, if you have just completed reading this:

  • you’re a clark  and the answer to your second (un-thought) question, ‘no! we do believe that you can avoid the traps and no, this is not doom and gloom for clarks, anything but!’
  • you’re not a scott (we just told you, you’re a clark!) but you do have a friend who is a scott…tell them how this Post ended.
  • oh, alright  we were wrong, you’re a roger and you did actually read through this entire Post, even though you had to make a show out of not finishing this the first time

join us tonight… google+ (add the Wakefield Doctrine to your circle) or write a comment and I’m sure either Lizzi or Michelle will be happy to send you an invite.



Thursday the Wakefield Doctrine (the best worst day of the week)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey, kinda late with the Post of the Day. But on the plus side, this is a video post.

Shout out to the people who provided the names that I got to say, thereby …enhancing my video post content,  in order of announcerationing:  Lizzi and Michelle and Jean and Denise and Christine.

OK back to working for the Man…*

I will return and explain the subtitle, if anyone cares to (have it) explained.


this business of ‘manifesting’, (topic in Part 2 Video) very critical to making the leap from getting ‘there are three personality types’ to beginning to become fluent in the Wakefield Doctrine.

What do I mean, ‘fluent in the Wakefield Doctrine’?  glad you asked!
you know that there are 3 worldviews/personal realities…good! these realities are based and grounded in three entirely different …rationales … remember how we say, ‘clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel’?  that tells us that the ‘nature’ of the world for a clark is ‘the rational’ and the premise of the reality of the Predator (scott) is action, overt objective (and objectionable lol) action  and for the Herd Members, the rogers, they live in a environment of emotion (not simply feelings and moods…emotion). How the world manifests to each of our three is directed by this fundamental nature of their worldview.

so… feel like going to work today?  well for:

  1. clarks work is a puzzle to be solved and a challenge to prove validation as a real person
  2. scotts a job is sort of like being at a supermarket, where all the shelves are a little to high for comfort, but everything is on sale!
  3. rogers a job is an extention of their role and contribution to continuing the tradition…doesn’t matter which tradition, but work is pretty much one of the most important things for them

this is the meaning of manifesting. ‘work’  a activity involving the exchange of money and other valuable consideration for the control of the time and skills of the individual  but as we see, the Wakefield Doctrine sees ‘work’ as being three different things to three different personality types.




* yeah, is anyone buying that?


