predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 67 predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 67

Tuesday late Afternoon Post the Wakefield Doctrine “…no, apparently I’m not ready to stop screwing around and get back on schedule”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Still playing with my schedule. I think I mentioned that I was trying to get back to a more predictable schedule for writing for the Doctrine and working and whatnot.

Seeing as this is the Wakefield Doctrine, it would certainly behoove me to say something about the three worldviews and schedules before going with today’s reprint!

clarks loves they schedules! clarks like the concept of schedule(s) because it implies that one thing that is not assumed in reality of the Outsider, schedules imply, (for those of us inclined to pose the question), that the future will resemble the Past. Schedules also convey an odd sense of …belonging  for the clarks who acquire (a schedule) or create one. It’s like a vote of confidence! Yes, clark, there is a chance that your future will be much the same as it is today and what you have today (in your life) stands a good chance of still being with you tomorrow.  Now, I realize that the scotts are shaking their heads and the rogers are raising their eyebrows, at this statement. Seems a little silly, does it scott?  Sure you don’t dwell on the Future, you, of the three of us, totally live in the Present, but like the puppy or the lioness, you do not give thought to the nature of your world, (to your credit) you run out into the savannah each day and deal with what you find. clarks, on the other hand, believe that we have to understand things, attempt to do so each day, but alas, we simply do not trust reality.   rogers…they have not a lot to add to this discussion.  the word anathema?  active questioning of the reproducibility of life from today to the next day is anathema to those in the rogerian worldview.


How about a re-run?  Sure!

(Feb 2012)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Today we will ‘talk’ a little about how you can use the Wakefield Doctrine to improve your day today! Yes, you read that correctly! We did just make the claim that what you read here today will allow you to do things differently, react in a way other than how you normally react and learn more about the people in your life….today!

First off:  you are either a clark or a scott or a roger. (No, you don’t have to read the “about Page’ or stop what you are doing, just stay with us… you can do this, we have yet to hear from anyone who said, “Hey I couldn’t understand this, it didn’t work’)

Which of the following statements sound most right:

  1. “…screw this…other than the Title and maybe the pictures, this is too boring!”
  2. “…no, I won’t answer your question, you have no right to ask questions like that, if I want you to know what I think maybe I would tell you but only if you tell me more about someone else that we both know.”
  3. “interesting…this all sounds somehow  familiar, but lets see how you get away with the claim of us knowing which of the 3 we are…”

Good work!

Group 1  you’re scotts and you should feel proud of yourself for making it this far, stay with us just a little longer and we will show how you can get way more out of the day today, and have a lot more fun doing it

Group 2  hello roger  (yes, this applies to men and woman and boys and girls) and yes there are, in fact, more of you people in the world than the other two and no, you’re absolutely correct, we don’t really know your inner most thoughts and we obviously totally under-estimate your subtle intelligence…but… you know how a good Ken Burns movie includes like the actual letters and things that people said, how it paints the complete picture of the life of the dead people that he is spending 120 minutes of black and white film on?  You can know that much about the people that you meet today. Guaranteed. Just stay with us and we’ll show you how.

Group 3 clarks…yo  hang back  watch what we do with the other two, you be alright on your own….one thing though…don’t worry about ‘getting this exactly right’ and don’t worry about maybe making a mistake….all the others reading this? they’re frickin scotts and rogers!! Like it’ll be a major miracle if they even know you write a Comment…lol


Attention Please!!

rogers: for today? today you need to be aware of the clarks in your life. They are the ones that are not taking things from you or otherwise making you feel good, cause they’re telling everyone a joke and it seems to involve you (but you didn’t quite get the ‘set-up’). Anyway, when you see a clark…and they will be the ones who seem to enjoy talking to you and are offering to help you do your work, do this: give them cover when your friends show up…the herd of other rogers…you know. the people you are comfortable with but don’t really know and, (for some reason you have never figured out), don’t care to know, do something to get the clark to get away from the herd. You know that nothing good (for the clark) is gonna happen…

scotts: relax a little, when you get the small group gathered and you feel the need to crank up the volume (you know, when you tell a slightly off-color  joke and how when you see that everyone is laughing you know that you have to tell a dirty joke and if too many people are still laughing you have to tell a really dirty joke?) today…stop and ask the person in the group that is around you if they had one wish, what would it be? When you get the person who clearly is taking the question seriously….leave them alone for the rest of the day

clarks: stop thinking and do one thing that you know will make everyone think you are a jerk…do it seriously, no ‘set-up’ no mumbling just answer someone rudely or compliment a member of the opposite sex, or ask your boss for a raise (and don’t help him say no, ask and shut up)  do this once today and your life will not be the same again. We are certain of this.


OK everyone! Do this thing. You do the task we suggest and your life will improve because you will have the proof that what the Wakefield Doctrine has to offer will be useful and valuable in your own lives.
Some of you will get yourselfs confused, either on purpose (I’m looking at you, clark) or cause you don’t really believe this (roger) or you were in too much of hurry…( lol  scott!)  But here’s the thing:

We all have the qualities of all three, just one of the three is the pre-dominant, main one.
The Doctrine is all about the world that you experience, not something you need to think about, just remember what we tell you and everyone, we mean everyone you encounter will play their parts.
Have fun…you can’t get this thing wrong….you can fuck up the instructions and trip yourself up, but the main thing is that if you are a scott then the world will be a place of challenge and conflict, if you are a roger then you think you have it down and the group will back you up and  clark?  welcome you’re home.



Monday the Wakefield Doctrine (“…lets try something a little different to start our week, ok?”) Part t t two!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers).


I (almost) always write Posts in the morning. Reflected in these (first part of the day) Posts is my intent to offer guidelines and tips, pointers and suggestions to you, the Reader, that the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine  might appear in your own personal life.*  It seems (somewhat to my surprise) that those who follow this blog have a much more comprehensive understanding of our little personality theory. So I thought to myself, I thought, “if mornings are the time (of the day) of clarks and the daytime is for scotts and the end of the afternoon is a more roger-friendly part of the day, lets skip the morning and write a Post at the end of the day.”**

So stop back this evening, lets see what a Post written in the comfortable, romantic part of the day looks like!


OK  it’s 6:00 pm EST  the hour of the roger.  Why do I say that?  because, clarks live for the future, scotts live in the present and rogers live in the past.*  So, the experiment today was, how does a Wakefield Doctrine Post sound when it is written from a rogerian perspective?

(lets put on our black beret, whip out a pipe and see what comes of my fevered brow!**)

this Wakefield Doctrine it’s something that opens doors that you had no idea were even there to be open. Finding within yourself a place that you can stand and observe the people and the animals and the fowls and everything in the world, this Doctrine is like one of those crazy hand held, brass and gilt mechanisms (that Anton Leewuwenhoek invented) to look at the way people try to deal with the demands of everyday life. There are three of these, ‘places’:

  1. on the Outside  never a part of, always separate from, it’s hard to imagine how these poor bastards get through life… not alone, that would be easy, to be alone then you could get all grizzly adams and strike out on your own and build a satisfying life in a herd of one…. no, these clarks are neither alone nor of the herd… trapped by their minds, they spend a lifetime looking in the wrong corners
  2. where the Predator roams… the less said, the better about these people. they are very much a force of nature, like a forest fire or a tornado… incredible power, and attractiveness and life and death dealing,  and like a forest fire they can create new from the destroyed old, they are the Sirens and the wolf packs   a simple people and as long as you never forget what you’re dealing with, then nothing bad has to happen
  3. in and of the Herd, this is the worldview of the rogers. to be a part of and connected is so basic a truth as to be non expressible … if you have to ask about belonging, then you don’t…the opposite of clarks and the complement to scotts, these are the people who keep the game going, highly emotional giving all to the continuation of what has been, rogers all live in a perfect world… of course, perfection can cut and tear as well as nuture and salve… you know

thanks for listening, yo


*subtle point here, that ‘living in the past’… it is not so literal, like  “why excuse me, I don’t want to prepare dinner, simply because when I was 5 years old, I was forced to prepare dinner”. that is living based on a personal series of elapsed life events. our rogers are not hiding in the past, Mrs Haversham-like, but they (the rogers) know that the past is, in fact, the aggregate of experiences of people (‘the herd’) and the standard of living a good life is to be found there…for the rogers. dig?

** it is a medical fact, that the only male person who can wear a beret is a roger… scientists remain baffled why this is true (that anyone would want to)


Hey!  I’m thinking about asking for Guest Posts.   let me know what you all think about it, want to do about it, feel about.




*meaning, you can learn the characteristics of the three worldviews but it is only when you observe the behavior of a person in your life, will the ‘realness’ of the Doctrine be established… everyone who finds this Doctrine interesting has a moment when they stop and say, “my god! that’s of one of those rogers that the Wakefield Doctrine talks about!!” (or clarks or scotts, of course).

** meaning more the end of my work day than my awake day, say 6:00 pm EST


another ‘Wed-nes-Day’ Post …the Wakefield Doctrine, ‘no, nothing new and exciting…well, maybe a little new, but definitely not exciting!!!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, the fun of scotts and the dogma of rogers)

Picture 3

Hell, anyone can pose Questions and provide Answers, the blogosphere is full of Posts that will tell us: what women want, what men want, how to tell if you have a chance, how to get that job, how to surprise your wife, what to say when your husband is disappointed and three ways to put the fire back into: your blog/sex life/dreams/housework, you know? The Wakefield Doctrine prides itself on trusting the Reader more, after all, we’re talking about life, right? And it’s your life, right? So you already have the answers!  It’s just a matter of figuring out two things:

  1. how to get at the answers
  2. how believe that you have the right to know what the right answer actually is
  3. how to overcome a lifetime of accepting the wrong Answer (for yourself)

ya know?

(We better get some basic Principles established before we go any further, n’est-ce pas? )

the Wakefield Doctrine maintains that we all live our lives in one of three characteristic personal realities (aka worldviews), which are: the reality 0f the Outsider(clark), the life of the Predator(scott) and the life of the Herd Member(roger).  Our predominant worldview describes and defines our strategy for dealing with life, it is our ‘personality type’. While everyone has a predominant worldview, we always retain the potential of the ‘other two’ worldviews. These are called secondary and tertiary aspects. This is where the Wakefield Doctrine directs us when we ask, “what the hell can your damn Wakefield Doctrine do to help me change and be a better person?!? Tell me that!

In the coming weeks we will be laying out the process by which the Wakefield Doctrine can be employed as a tool for changing the things we want to change about our own selfs.

Step 1: Determine your predominant worldview

Step 2: Determine your secondary aspect

(…enough for now, we’ll return to this topic in the coming days and weeks. Try to take the first steps, take notes and  write us your thoughts and impressions and such)


You know how I started this Post with how anyone can pretend to be answering Readers Questions and how everyone loves to believe that there are others who are thinking the same as they are and when they see these Questions in a blog, they’re all like, ‘oh you are so insightful, everyone really loves what you say can I join in with the crowd?

…well, this being the Wakefield Doctrine, we kinda like to do things a bit differently. The Doctrine maintains that you already know the Answer, it’s just a matter of drawing it out and putting it in a new Context. So, instead of, ‘Questions that Readers Ask’, we’ll just go ahead with,  ‘Answers to Questions that (some) Readers are Thinking’


“yep, you’re absolutely correct!”

“No, it’s like that, but you’re letting your desire for a particular answer limit your picking the correct one.”

“…sure, if you insist, no…no one here is going to force you to do anything.”

“who the fuck cares?”

“why not?”


If you want to let us know when we have answered (any) of your Questions, be sure to Comment!


HEY!  before you go…if you haven’t taken the  ‘Predominant Worldview Assessment’  better go ahead and do that now.  and if you have, we are looking for additional scenaria to add to the test, so if you have some life situations  that you think might be useful let me know. I’ll follow up and explain how the process works.



Happy and Warm and not, ‘sick-of-this-goddamn-never-ending-winter’ Reprint Tuesday!! the Wakefield Doctrine ‘…cause it’s 6am and looking cold out’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


In the spirit of all work and no play resulting in…  less than happy Readers, I will interrupt the abstract theory and spend a little time on subjective Principles.

…hey!! direct and honest, (are-you-thinking-the-predominant-worldview-that-I’m-thinking?) Reader Mike  (who writes the rather enjoyable blog  ‘Joe Floggers‘) Commented on yesterday’s Post, asking:

“I am always so confused when I read your posts….doesn’t say much about me, does it?”

Well, Mike the answer is…. “yes, no, well in a way…hey! thank you for the Comment!”   actually in my Reply, I mentioned that it, (his reaction), did say something but nothing bad and, more to the point, nothing that would make any sense outside of the context of our little personality theory here. The thing about the Doctrine, is that it is as unique in practice as it is in theory. We (sometimes) say, ‘…you can’t get this personality theory wrong.‘  and (other times) we say. ‘try it out, don’t worry, you can’t break it or prove it false or any other consequence that many of us worry about, when dealing with ideas shared among people we like and respect‘ we even on, admittedly rare occasions will be heard to mutter,  “empirical validation? what part of ‘the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers’ would make you think we care about empirical validation??! get the hell out of my sight, you disgust me and have a hell of nerve coming here and telling us that we need credentials and data and that other crap…”   (lol)
The thing about the Doctrine, is that it is a tool and an idea, it is a perspective and aid to understanding, it is an exercise in which the process is as valuable as the outcome, the results, the product.  We use the Wakefield Doctrine to help us ‘see the world as the other person is experiencing it’. (With the descriptions of) the three worldviews of the Doctrine, we try to infer the worldview, the personal reality, of the other person and, by doing that successfully, be in a position to understand that person’s behavior.

…the ‘can’t get it wrong thing’?  Sometimes when in discussions with Denise or Cyndi or Lizzi or Michelle or zoe, I’ll get all, ‘yeah??!!  why? why the hell do you think that person is a roger… I think she’s a clark… come on!! prove it!!’  and while, ‘in print’, this looks like I’m challenging them,  intent upon  stifling opposing views, it is anything but that… the thing about this Doctrine is that a lot of it is subjective and it is only when we hear what the other person feels that they see, can we better understand (?!?! lol)

enough of the metaphysics, it’s Tuesday and  I promised everyone a break…so read on this following reprint:

(from May 27, 2013)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Victoria's Secret supermodel Candice Swanepoel and boyfriend Hermann Nicoli hitting the beach in Miami Beach

Nice day out there, so here is a quick, ‘down an dirty’ guide to getting something from the Wakefield Doctrine today.

You at a picnic and from your vantage point off to the side you hear:

  • “…does that potato salad look a little… old to you?”
  • “hey! theres only one can of lighter fluid!”
  • “yeah, no! I’m ok… I’ll join you guys later”
  • “hey! do anyone of you think this bikini is too small?”
  • “I will if I want to, everyone likes their pictures taken”
  • “don’t be such a shrinking violet…they all want you to join in!”

They are:

  1. clarks (who grew up and developed seeing the world as being ‘out there’ and everyone in it as being ‘real people’ )
  2. scotts ( who grew up and survived by developing strategies that let them react to threats, take advantage of weakness and recognize each other)
  3. roger (who are secure in the world as they know it, satisfied by seeing the history and continuity that replaces all need for validation)

Now get out there and have some fun (…a little fun won’t kill you), excitement (that’s what lets you know you’re alive) and satisfaction (cause you deserve it).


* one of my favorite persistent situational jokes (PSJ), I’m talking to someone and they ask for my cell phone number and I start,  “oh!! I know this one!! it’s…. wait, I know this….can you give me the first number…it’s sounds like….”


‘Today, the 53rd Monday in the First 9 month Winter, ever’ the Wakefield Doctrine “…what do we know and since when do we know it?”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

detail from  'Nighthawks'…Edward Hopper, of course

detail from
‘Nighthawks’…Edward Hopper, of course

In our Week ahead:

Wakefield Doctrine: principles (and such)

Wakefield Doctrine: funny shit (to us, anyway)

Wakefield Doctrine: video blog (more of that direct, personable and exciting driving context)

Wakefield Doctrine: video chats (Friday Night for sure, will try for Sunday morning as well)

So lets get started!

On this past Saturday’s Night Drive Call-in we were discussing rogers. Not unusual. We often discuss rogers because they are much more difficult for a clark to ‘understand’ than is a scott or another clark.

Consider the challenge we face when attempting to ‘understand’ a person who is inhabiting a worldview that is different from ours. the thing about worldviews is that, not only are they different from each other, but they are fundamentally, totally and completely different… in their basic essential premise. you know how it helps, when trying to distinguish between the three personality types, to remember that:  clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel?  Well, I’ll suggest that you try to keep in mind how literal we are being with this meme.

clarks think:  (a) clark’s relationship with their world is grounded in the premise that ‘the world’ is essentially rational, that the person with a predominant clarklike worldview expects it to make sense, be understandable, be (somewhat) predictable and, therefore, fit into a framework based on logically derived rules.  this is the basis for a clark’s relationship to the world

scotts act: (a) scott’s relationship with their world, being that of a predator in a world of predator and prey, begins and ends with action, movement, attack, retreat, aggression and submission, (as a predator) there is not a particular need for reasons or explanations, for predictability or rationality, life (for the predator) is to live. this is ‘the basis’ for a scotts relationship with the world

rogers feel: (a) roger’s relationship with the world begins and ends with their feelings, emotions, appreciation and sentimentality. they know that the world is perfect, at least it is on the most fundamental of  levels, what we hear as words are, in fact, their feelings about the world and the events and their actions involving the world around them. this is ‘the premise’ for a roger’s relationship with the world

So. Are we saying that clarks are little computers and scotts are animals and rogers are big, gelatinous masses of feelings?  no, of course not!  (well, maybe a little… but nothing weird, ya know?)

What we are trying to convey is this:

  • clarks think (about the world and think the world thinks and makes sense and can be understood with the intellect along)
  • scotts act (and though they feel affection and love, hate and remorse and understand that people are different, life is meant to be lived…now  while running and yelling)
  • rogers feel (they appreciate that people might not get that and they sense that others are trying to reach them but there is a Right Way and there is frivolity and life is too serious a matter to waste effort on anything but living)

yeah, I know… gotta pace myself for the week ahead!  so how about a little music?  a little bit on the long side, a touch of an oldie but what the hell…


