predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 64 predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 64

Tuesday the Wakefield Doctrine (‘…surely the most false-sense-of-confidence engendering Day of the Week’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


the Wakefield Doctrine is a tool, it’s an insight on everyday behavior, a strategy for self-improvement and, if ‘people watching’ is your idea of fun, the Doctrine will add a spectrum that will take it to a whole ‘nother level.

As  a tool, the Wakefield Doctrine offers a perspective on the world around you. When confronting one of life’s many challenges, it provides you with one more possible solution to the problems of the day. Now, to be sure, when we say, ‘problems of the day’, we’re not (necessarily) talking about World Hunger, Global Warming or why National Geographic has a show about arm wrestling.  No, we’re talking about the problems that we all encounter, everyday. These are (the) little logistical problems such as:

  • getting the kids off to school
  • managing daycare providers
  • finding the time to write a serial blog
  • dealing with the supervisor at work who is, according to the Company HR Manual, ‘an asshole’
  • trying to listen in class when the teacher keeps forgetting that there are other people in the room.

These are the kinds of problems that the Wakefield Doctrine can help you with today.

The Wakefield Doctrine has 3 personality type categories: clarksscotts and rogers. You are mostly one (of these 3) but you still have the other 2 in background.…and when we say personality types? We mean is, “What kind of world do you walk out to every morning”?  Because the Doctrine is not about your likes and dislikes, favorite colors or foods, interests, hobbies, avocation or inspiration. It is about the nature/character of your personal reality (aka worldview).

Yes, you read that right. Reality. Each of the three types of personality in the Wakefield Doctrine experience a different reality. Nothing weird or earth-shakingly different. No crystals or herbs or inner vibrations required either. Just this:

  • clarks exist (in the world) as the Outsider. They are normal in every other respect, it’s just that they know that they don’t belong, they are not like other people.  clarks are the quiet, creative, funny (except you have to really pay attention or you’ll miss their jokes), self-deprecating, hardworking people that are there all around you all this time;
  • scotts are so in your life (and you will get this description only if you are not a scott) they are the natural leaders, natural salespeople, natural entertainers… you getting the theme here with this personality type? natural. scotts are the people who live life by the moment without restraint, consideration, forethought, it’s a wonder they live as long as they do
  • rogers (you know who you are, and right now you are denying it) rogers are the everyday, friendly, easy to talk to people that populate every workplace and classroom and corner bar. rogers will be the person you turn to when you have a secret and rogers will be the one you turn to when you want to learn the latest gossip, they are the engineers, the lawyers, the doctors and heart and soul of every PTA and Neighborhood Watch program in the world.

The Doctrine is different from all the other mainstream personality (and self-improvement) systems out there because we insist that it is not just you, it is the world itself that accounts for your ‘personality type.

…speaking of personality types! It’s time to check in with our friends in A-tu-Z Land!

Friends of the Doctrine who are continuing with the Challenge, from some frickin bunch of bloggers who have managed to position themselves such that completing their ‘Challenge’ appears to convey something of special value for the participants. (What’s that, zoe??  “resonate with their rogerian aspect”? yeah, I think it’s a little of that, very good! Anyone else?…. Lizzi?  “allow clarks the opportunity to demonstrate their worthiness without the risk associated with simply standing up for themselves“?  I like that! spoken like a true clark…. anyone  else?   Yes, I’ll accept,  “but it’s just fun to do it!”  thank you Jen-ay.

Lizzi:  for today she has  ‘G- Guest Post’

zoe:  is in already with  that one thing that you will notice today, as if you had never seen the likes of it before”…. gggG”

Jean:  (from her most excellent ‘Fictionary’)…and the letter mostly likely to be associated with Thanksgiving!!   G

Dyanne:  no, I agree! I too cannot wait to see what she follows flatuence with…  HEY!! Dyanne is in the house!   funny G post

Michelle: there is a disadvantage to living one day in the future, I agree… (please identify yourselfs when speaking up)  very cool reality cross-over, (aka synchronicity)  G

ok get on to work with you, you know you can do it!


…monday the Wakefield Doctrine (clever ‘subtitle’ here)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(from the most excellent movie):  "Work, work, work!"

(from the most excellent movie): “Work, work, work!”

What will everyone be wearing this Spring?

Take a look at what they have worn in the Past!

But enough frivolity!  Today is Monday (the unwelcome sexual overtures of the Workweek), a day that we endure, trying to re-establish the status and position that we believed we had achieved last Friday, but through long (and unpleasant) experience, we are on guard that our memory may be playing unpleasant tricks on us (again!) and so we enter (stage right) in the role of: salesman, accountant, entrepreneur, homemaker, Teacher, scientist, deep sea diver,  guidance counselor, homeschool teacher, mechanic, carpenter, scallop fisherman, artist and writer…. cautiously but (as) forcibly as possible.  So, seeing as this is the Wakefield Doctrine, what is the like attitude of the three personality types, on this fine Monday Morning?

  • clarks: don’t look too closely, but don’t hide, you really do have the skills, it’s just that sometimes (alright, a lot of the times), you are so concerned with doing things right that you are constantly double-checking your work and your processes, which is not good, but the worse thing you do? (are you really ready for this?) the worst thing you can do is believe that you need external validation and that your work, your efforts, the things that you do for your family are somehow legitimate only when someone else gives their stamp of approval…. stop that shit
  • scotts: hurry and hurry… you and Babe Ruth* you know that it’s important to get everything done carefully and correctly, but how the hell does the mess you leave behind (in the process of: doing a report, fixing the carburetor, teaching the kids the history of the United States, buying the groceries), have anything to do with the quality of your finished product?  how?  they never have a good answer, do they… something about reproducibility or consistent quality, yeah, right!  that’s from those who walk around and observe and do something maybe once and they have the nerve to tell you how to do your job!
  • rogers: you’re at home, all is right with the world, if only the workweek was 7 days long, you’d be happy (provided they let you get paid for your rogerian expression**, like that’s gonna happen!) but you know that no one appreciates how hard you work, not only are you expected to do your own work but they don’t understand that sometimes it is more important to bring to the attentions of your superiors how much improvement your ‘fellow’ workers could use, after all, it’s not like you work in a vacuum (though you know that would be tres cool, a spacesuit and those cool remote control thingies… work is the expression of the inept, you know that and all you need to do is get those people who sign your pay check to know it too!


Friends of the Doctrine  Z to A (but in reverse) Week 2!!!

Lizzi   as is only appropriate the first Post of the week in this imaginary place is:   a Fable

zoe:  the Truth about Angel is our friend zoe’s  information Post this Monday:  F is about those feathers (here Mary don’t fight so much)

Jean:  hey everyone!! it’s Mushroom Munday!!!  and jean brought enough for everyone!

Dyanne:  she tends to run a little late, be sure to check back in the afternoon  (you know, I was just thinking, ‘it’s worth the wait’… ) our Miz Dyanne’s contribution…no, I don’t want to diminish the….er  impact  just go here and read!

Michelle (sorry, we missed you last week)   still working on syncing this thing…hey  lets start with this one!


* you know, how he struck out more than anybody at the time, the basic scottian view of ya gotta swing or you ain’t never gonna hit it

** rogerian expression is a very interesting aspect of the rogerian worldview, it is seen when what the person does is their statement of standing (in the world)…. ask a roger!


what may turn out to be the most ambitiously clarklike project here at…. the Wakefield Doctrine (‘well, would you have it any other way?’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

total, text-book, poster on the Doctrine Examining Room wall,  scott/roger couple

total, text-book, poster on the Doctrine Examining Room wall, scott/roger couple

Two things: a) while there is currently a ‘blog challenge’ underway that some of the Friends of the Doctrine are participating in, we are not….  at least, not directly (given the clarklike nature of the primary authorship of this blog, this should come as no surprise) 2) each Post will have something to say about the use and abuse of our favorite personality theory

Friend of the Doctrine (and participantinae in the A-II-Z) Jean had a question in her comment last night which is interesting enough to build a post around. She say,   “What is a marriage or relationship like for two clarks?”

Good question!  But first, we should briefly look to what the Doctrine may have already said about relationships:

Lets talk about COUPLES!   Yes, I’m talking about: two of a pair, walkin’ hand in hand, complete each other sentence(s)… let’s hear it for the destroyer of all (non-sexual) friendships the one, the only, because we are so close we are a….can you hear it? …the world is saying it, as one, out of two….   the   Couple!

They are not friends…they are a Couple!

OK, fine.  What benefit, what added insight does the Wakefield Doctrine claim to offer us, when it comes to the matter of pairings ? I’ll tell you.  It gives us a very, very useful (teaching) tool for the Wakefield Doctrine.  So, let’s begin with the easiest to identify pairings: rogerian male/scottian female.

Impossible to miss, among the Couples.  Both are attractive, in every sense of the word.  A ‘good looking couple’ to use a common expression, although …if you want to get technical about it, there is a difference in how they win their admirers:  she has (the) ‘sex appeal’ and he has (the) ‘charm’.
They look great together.  (Lets review what you should already know about each respective personality type: rogers are innately social, herd based and (they) identify with the group  and  scotts are aggressive predators (and) prefer to hunt alone, they are always alert to threats and opportunity but will occasionally indulge in playing with their food).

But how do you really know that you are meeting a scottian/rogerian Couple?  The interaction, not only what they do with each other, but to each other.  She will be the more aggressive one, he will appear to be more relaxed.  The ‘primary characteristics’ of the scottian female/rogerian male couple is how they talk about themselves, their inaction, their ‘paired public persona‘.  She will talk to and about her partner that will have everyone listening believe is affectionate ‘criticisms’.
“Hey! You know what roger here did the other day?”  “You should have heard roger at the party the other night”…all presented with an overall tone of,   ‘I really love this guy’ kind of vibe.  ‘Jokingly’ critical but still on a personal level.  And all for the benefit of the crowd standing around our  Couple.
At the same time, he does give every impression of enjoying this kind of exchange, the repartee. (The rogerian male), laughs at his partner as much as she appears to be laughing at him.

Well…  that should be sufficiently graphic to help Readers at all level of comprehension see what (a) unique insight the Wakefield Doctrine has to offer on relationships of the couplistic persuasion. But Jena’s question was,  ‘what would a relationship between a clark and a clark will look like?’

we have in our midst a clark/clark couple with DownSpring Cyndi… so lets wait and see if she gets a minute from under the mountain of work (work-school and school-school) to give us some direct insight. While we wait, let me say briefly: very high level of similarity will provide great strengths and curious weaknesses. One of the primary indicators that you are talking to another clark (provided that you are a clark) is the conversational bumping into each other…  we both stop talking and then start again at the same instant. Not overly surprising as clarks being of the same worldview tend to fall into very similar rhythms of thought and interest, humor and …  but you will find your interactions curiously clunky, at least at first.

(more to follow…work first)




Hey de Zee!! de Zee!  Day 3 Update

Lizzi  (now, keep in mind that Lizzi has the intriguing advantage of living in all of our futures…. so right there, not only does she get to know when the world ends before the rest of us (” authorities confirm that the end of the world begin at 7 am GMT, don’t tell Lizzi’s ‘merican friends, she doesn’t want them to worry)  Today from our English friend comes this:  ‘Cliffhanger’

zoe…  (not far behind our Continental Miss, zoe makes up in sleep deprivation what she lacks in timezones… ) with this (somehow) poetico-scientific exposition on our friends  ‘Clouds’

Jean  writes daily posts for the ‘hay-u-Me’ challenge an still has made me laugh on occasion and smile (every time) with here Posts,  “…can I get a ‘damn!’?”   today the Letter ‘C’

Dyanne:  the rumors that she has her kindergarden kids doing spellcheck on her posts have been pretty much discredited  here she is now  the Word is….


no, I did not forget that we’re doing a serialized set of Posts … the Wakefield Doctrine …in our last episode we…

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Did you read yesterday’s Post? (In answer to your question), yes we totally said that ‘clarks feel guilty on the occasions that they experience fear’

(courtesy of me from a previous Post… I’ll explain in the Comments, gotta get this out and keep the conversation goin, ya know?)

“…of past friends, fear and false hope. the Wakefield Doctrine  ‘it’s alright, you won’t be bothered by anything that might bother you’ ”

So what do you want to know?

That’s a pitcha of me and Bernadine. From a reception we were both at, back at the turn of the Millennium.

Surprise Exam: Obviously the guy in the photo is a clark. Which of the three personality types is Bernadine? Is she a clark or a scott or a roger?  Experienced Readers would do well to caution the (newer) Readers from too much giggling and laughing in the metaphorical back of the allegorical class room  here today. This is more serious than you can know. You might be thinking:  “oh! this is interesting! the writer is trying to change the tone of the narrative (of the Post). How amusing” and after reading that some of you (the rogers) may start to think: “yeah, great move  don’t overplay your hand, you’re not that good a blog writer and after reading that, some of you (the scotts) might be sitting up: “cool! lets see how far he’s willing to push the Readers and after all of this, some of you (the clarks) will be thinking: “too late to get out now, better guess the answer and hope to get it right

No: We are not going to tell you which of the 3 personality types Bernadine was* you are totally on your own. Yes: We are serious about this being a test and an Exam and carrying consequences. No: We don’t need to explain it further. If you get it you will understand it and if you don’t ..then you are still welcome to stop by, from time to time and see what we are up to here at the Wakefield Doctrine and maybe leave a Comment about the fun times we used to have… and if you find that thought a little sad or annoying or confusing or anything at all, then there might be hope for you after all!

Hey clarks! a little word in private?  We all know that you are the ones (of the 3 personality types) who stand to gain the most from this ‘theory’ of ‘personality’. You are also the ones (among the three personality types) who will ‘get it’ right away and, …and just so no one forgets what a perverse, potentially horrible, Jethro-centric place life can be, you are also the ones who will sense the natural resistance to change that controls us all. You ever find yourself  in a day when you feel that you finally got it figured out? The people in your day seem different, they are almost encouraging and you think to yourself  ‘finally! enough of that silly weird stuff! I can finally get some balance, the heck with the eccentric shit. I could be happy being like this

…and then you walk into the bathroom at work/school/out-with-friends-at-the-mall, a little too quickly and too quietly and you hear, ” did you get a load of clark today? …god! if only he/she knew”

You know what feels worse than that?  …worse than the feeling when you find yourself not wanting to embarrass them by letting them know you heard what they said? …if you are a clark  you do know what’s worse. We’re not going to say it here. You know it and I know it. Instead, I will say the thing that is even worse than that,  it’s the feeling that

…you are stuck.

But then again, there is one more step (isn’t there alwaysclark? lol) If you have made it this far, then there is ..not hope, not the offer of a way to think differently, something more akin to …an alternative view. But what do I know?  I’m just the guy who writes this stuff down and projects it out into a world, a world that seems to have a few other people who can identify with what we are saying here.

Ok we’re good here for today. (No, there is no way that I am, in typical clarklike fashion running my own everyday a Post Month…yeah, right! lol)

Speaking of AtoZ  check it out




Friends of the Doctrine that are doin that A to Z thing!

Jean   Crazy fun Post… near as I can tell… no way I can convey how much fun,  best you head on over yourownselfs  to There’s Beading to be Done

Lizzi  that girl can write!   She opens (the AtoZ) with an Advice Column homage… here you go  Considerings: Advice Column

zoe   provides us civilians with an insight into a topic of interest to all, presented in a way that is accessible to you and me:  A-Anxiety


this just in… seems to trending towards the scottian side, just read that Dyanne is also participationing in the AZ thang,  with a very amusing Post delving in to the cultural history behind Applesauce!


the zoe Interviews the Wakefield Doctrine ‘hey! look at all the hot women! they seem a little confused about this Post…no! don’t stare and don’t make fun!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Today we return to the practice of posting video interviews with interesting Friends of the Doctrine.  (er…. FTSF Readers?  I think you want the block quote section…right down there at the bottom of the Post…there ya go!)

I am fortunate in having zoe agree to do this for us. This is not the false modesty that it may seem, as I am out of practice both from a technical as well as an Interviewer perspective. But I had fun and got something out of this interview and we all know that is the bottom line expectation for anyone joining in with us at the Wakefield Doctrine, have fun and learn something about yourself and the other person. (yeah, a real party animal…I know!)

Three Parts. All over the waterfront. Lets begin!


finally and in conclusion…


(don’t forget! tonight is Friday night and George and Jane are expecting you over at their house tonight at 8:00 pm EDST  on the google+ hangout!!  if you don’t know what that means, ask Lizzi or Michelle… they hook you up  real good

Hey!!! FTSF Readers!! Down here… I think this is the section you are looking for…

Foot Note Section:

1) 3rd grade  Sister Imelda, as I walk from the back of the class to the black board, she said, ‘you know you walk a little funny’ she said it out loud… it must of taken me 20 fuckin minutes to get back to my seat, lol  I still think about that when I walk up to speak before a group

2) Elementary School, ‘Our Lady of Mercy School’, totally believers in the palmer method complete with yellow pads of paper with dotted lines halfway between the ‘real’ lines

3) I always seemed to score monster on intelligence and reading tests (my mother, a clark, totally let all her children know how cool it was to read, so it was never a thing that I feared or hated learning) and, for reasons uncertain, I took this to mean that Grades did not count that much so I didn’t bother with the very real work of getting A’s

4) I think this issue appeared and irresistibly  rose up and grew for me in Junior High School  self-image issues (as do most clarks)

5)  Footnote 3   testing confidence held over, well into high school, where the PSAT and SAT lurked in the spring of ‘will  you go to college’ I did not and, to this day,  do not have test anxiety

6) this love-of-reading seems to be a theme… and while I know that the Sentence to be Finished has to do with school, I know for a fact that my love (and unavoidable) proficiency in reading grew from my mother ‘presenting’ reading as a pleasure, gift, something that you reward yourself with…

7) ah…. the Outsider thing.  this relates to one of the three ‘personality types’ of the Wakefield Doctrine (the other two being: the Predator and the Herd Member…corresponding to clarks, scotts and rogers) but, I am feeling guilty for tricking you onto this page, so enough about the Doctrine. If you have questions  join us on the vidchat tonight!
