predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 6 predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 6

Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Sorry, had to delete the first three sentae. We’re only human.Yet, still we get ed sullivan’d* when we write with undisciplined emotion. Anyway, we were indulging in ‘poor us, look at those rogers and their blogs, they always get viewers and readers and comments’ (oh my!).

Forgive our petty insecurity. We are not merely grateful for you being here. We owe… wait! the expression that tried to Lady Gaga up out of my monitor was the tried and true Whitman’s pervasive, ‘A debt of gratitude’.


(Full Disclosure: Sure, gratitude is the normal psycho-emotional response. but the framing it as a debt…  guess what?  come, you predominant clarks out there, you know this one! Of the three personal realities  of the Outsider, the Predator or the Herd Member only one would conceive it is in these term.}

Hokey! Smoke!!

We do believe we’ve stumbled across an artifact!!

(New Readers? The Wakefield Doctrine is incredibly useful for understanding the day-to-day life of the three personality types/predominant worldviews. It also happens to manifest as a tool by which, if we stay alert and focus (without staring), we can find details in ‘the other two’ realities*** that would otherwise be invisible to the normal eye. We call this discovering an artifact and, as you’ve no doubt gathered, it’s huge.)

No time today. Hold on…

(lol…we actually did just type the start of a draft post for tomorrow)

Join us tomorrow as we explore and examin’ em, the newest artifact.

On a personal note, we are very grateful for this occurrence. We will want to spend more time writing posts that will be useful, entertaining and helpful to any and all Readers.


* ed sullivan’d: an ancient cultural reference. a variety show from the early to mid-60s on every Sunday evening at 8 pm. the ed sullivan effect is, in today’s parlance** situational projectile empathy.**

** being the beginning of a new Year, please allow us this: ‘the clarks will understand this expression without further explanation’

*** ok, there’s your reality, aka predominant worldview. ‘the other two’ refers to your secondary and tertiary worldviews. Example: We’re a clark with a secondary scottian and a tertiary rogerian aspect. ‘the other two’ for us are the personal reality of a scott and a roger.




who said, Where’s the ear worm for the New Year?


RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Lets search on two RePrintular topics: 1) self-improvement and b) the word ‘wind’. (We’re having a storm move up the coast this morning. The best, other than consecutive ninety degree days, weather of all.) New Readers? the geographical location of the Doctrine is southern New England, on the east coast of Oceania. The storm systems run west to east, as they must; however at times a storm will develop and ‘run up the coastline’. The thing about this is that a weather event such as we’re experiencing  today is usually accompanied by a strong, southeast wind. Which means rain and wind and higher temperatures. At least until the storm moves up and on, into the Maritime Provinces. Then the prevailing winds shift, as they must, into a west/northwesterly direction. Cold usually follows.

At the time of this writing, we are still in the warm, stormy-wind aspect of the weather.

So, back to our search for a RePrint!

Damn! Lookie at what we found! Nothing on the ‘stormy weather’ but, self-improvement? eeee doggies! (J. Clampett 1964)

Anyway, before we get into the RePrint, a reminder of a topic: the effects of secondary and tertiary aspects on the predominant worldview(s) of the Wakefield Doctrine. Totally time to revisit that subject. And, as it would be, this part of the Doctrine does have a direct bearing on the matter of how the Wakefield Doctrine can be a most efficacious tool for self-improving oneself.

And …and! in the way that reality has of juxtaposing seemingly random, yet complimentary-the-point-of-enhancing occurrences, this week’s RePrint is an textbook illustration of the effects of secondary aspects on both the predominant and tertiary aspects. (to wit: my scottian secondary aspect on a predominant clarklike worldview and weak rogerian tertiary.)


self-development, 3 personality types and the Wakefield Doctrine (oh yeah, damn almost forgot! Video Friiidaay!!!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

There will come a time, in the not too distant future, when people you know, will come up and say, “hey! I just heard about this Doctrine thing, and it’s supposed to be about personality types, but they have these hats and this guy travels around the world and takes these really strange videos and talks about rogers and clarks and scotts! Those are the names they have for 3 personality types…yeah…I know….but it’s true! they have pictures and charts and stuff and when I looked around at people here at school or at my job, there they were!  Anyway, they said this Doctrine will help me change anything about myself that I want…and it’s true….”

…and that will be very cool, but you are here now and you are watching this thing of ours, and  I am including you in the use of the word ‘ours’. With a Wakefield Doctrine hat (on your damn head) and a little patience you will be a part of the growth of the Doctrine. Of course, writing a Comment wouldn’t hurt either!
As we all know, to be a ‘personality theory/self-improvement tool’ ya gotta provide proof that it works!    Alright, then take a look at these here videos here:*

Then on to the other Crossroads:**

…Tell me quick where I can get rid of these things!

* look at the geocoding of the location…damn Highway 61
** look up the legend of Robert Johnson and the Crossroads



RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This Monday morning is one of the justifications for using RePrint posts. Lots of words written through the end of last week, i.e. three Six Sentence Story posts. We will return to the topic, ‘What’s the Deal with getting Tired of Writing?’ in a little bit.

First our Post-from-the-Past. (It’s got Doctrine ‘splanations and a music vid and ever thang.)

{Before we hit Publish, a note. What we found interesting about posting this post, (yeah, we do read them first, despite, you know, having written them), is our reactions). Our initial reaction was: ‘err, kinda early in the Doctrine process, maybe we should get something a little more on book?’ And, courtesy of whatever forces were part of the whole original Eureka! experience, we almost immediately were, ‘Nah. That was what the Doctrine was back then, in the second full year. Sure, it’s a little rough (lol) and the focus might be a touch blurry.’ But the beauty part is that the second intent prevailed. That gives us hope. Because we all know that dealing with the world around us and the people who make it up is all about habit and routine. Usually, oldest habits trump younger ones. Which helps explain why, when we try to self-improve-ourselfs, all too often, we backslide. When, and this next is way more than we have time for, change is integrated into our lives properly, it lasts. Very much like an organ transplant. Except for it being energy rather than blood. What is critical to assure the new liver/habit has a healthy, normal supply of…}

Ask us again, when it’s not so late on a Monday Morning.

“…of hats and hearts and minds”, correctly understood and properly applied, the Wakefield Doctrine will change your life!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clark, scotts and rogers )!

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that all people…you, me and the roger who you think you want to show this blog to (but know instinctively that it would be a bad idea), are all born with the ability to experience the world in one of three ways.1 The Wakefield Doctrine is totally based on the idea that, come a certain age (say 3 to 5 years old) all of us ( even that scottian friend who is so much fun to be with but is so exhausting ) settle on just one of these three ‘worldviews’ and we go on to live our lives as clarks or scotts or rogers.  Even though we ‘become’ one of these three personality types, we never lose the capacity to see the world the way the other two personality types see it.

…so there you have the three personality types : clarks, scotts and rogers

The Wakefield Doctrine is both gender neutral and culture neutral.  While limitations and conditions may be imposed by the fact of gender or the requirements of local culture, the drive will not change. a scott is aggressive, a roger is sociable and clarks are outsiders no matter what. Sometimes you have to look a little closer at what kind of world the other person seems to be living in.  What makes this a critical concept is that the Wakefield Doctrine is built on the idea that personality is not a collection of traits and impulses, interests and desires randomly scattered through the population of humans. The key to understanding and using the Wakefield Doctrine is the willingness to accept the idea that all of us have individual, slightly different but mostly the same realities and that it is the character of the reality we find ourselves in that drives our choices of behavior and therefore accounts for our personality. The advantage to this approach is quite simple, if I know which of the three realities you are in, I will know how you are likely to respond to any given situation.

But most of all the Wakefield Doctrine is fun! Fun to know about, fun to use in daily life, fun to share with certain friends2.  And the cool thing we are finding is that  once you learn to recognise the clarks and the scotts and the rogers in your own world,  the rest of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine will become apparent! Sort of on it’s own,  it lets you see the world in a different way. Really. We are totally serious about this. We are seeing this ‘self-learning’ effect with the new Readers every day. Now to be fair,  this is saying as much about (you) Readers as it does about the Doctrine.  Anyone who finds the personality theory of the Wakefield Doctrine interesting (and who doesn’t?) has the kind of mind that likes to play with ideas. And it is this kind of person who will find the uses of the Doctrine pretty much on their own.  A warning! Depending on which of the three you are, you may experience some initial difficulties getting past the initial, “well I get the three personality types, but how do I know which one I am“?
It’s all here in the Posts and the Pages. If you are inclined to do it all yourself then you will find all the information you will need. If you are not so inclined, then just ask one of us!  Write a Comment. If you are not feeling like being so…public in your learning phase, then contact one of the DownSprings or FOTDs ( Friends of the Doctrine ). I assure you that they will be more than happy to help, either by sharing their experiences (the clarks), giving you simple instructions (scotts) or happily taking the time to layout the Rules and Regulations of the Doctrine ( if you choose a roger as mentor)3.

(How to choose?… whichever sounds like what you are thinking):

  • “…alright!! I get the Rules and the Principles but wheres the fun at!!!”  You so need to contact Ms AKH  or Alx
  • “…well, this is all very interesting, and you seem quite sincere about this ‘theory’ of yours…”  your only real hope is to contact the Progenitor roger or maybe DownSpring Joanne, right now
  • what was the question”…”sorry, I was looking at”…. “what do you mean. ‘only one characteristic quote per personality type’”?”…”oh, I’m sorry, I really meant to follow the rules to the letter as I really think this Doctrine could be useful”  you are in luck!  Molly is there, as is DS#1 awaiting your question…

Alright. Enough for today. Got to come up with a Video Post for tomorrow…send in your suggestion for a topic and if we use your idea we will send you a (nearly free) Wakefield Doctrine hat (for your damn head)!  HTFU!

Big shout-outs to newer Readers!!  Debbie, yo… write us a Comment, already… Jasmine, Jasmine, Jasmine – come on baby, we are so totally waiting for your comment so we can send you a hat!! Anthea!! Don’t worry,  this is a fun place for us kind of people…really!!

1) when we say ‘see the world in one of three ways’ we are totally serious, as in the actual world is ‘different’ for each of the three types….not  “clarks choose only to see the (whatever) parts of life” or “scotts are active because they have so much energy”  no!  we mean the reality, the world itself is (slightly) different for the three personality types….thats why there are three personality types.

2) a word to clarks:  the first person you think ‘would enjoy this’ is a roger…the second person you think of is a scott and they are the ones you should tell about this thing.



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

We usually provide, at this point of the intro, an insight into the origin and history of Lizzi’s creation. These tend to have a decidedly fabulist flavor. Far be it from us to suggest that there is any effort to mislead the Reader, especially anyone who has taken the time to visit our humble blog.

That said, below is our list of the people, places, things (and dogs) that elicit a state, however transitory, of gratitude.

1)  Una

2) Phyllis (out of frame, but never far away)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. Fun with a small bag ‘o words

5) the Unicorn Challenge More words, more fun. jenne and ceayr‘s  ‘hop is a photo prompt, making it even more TAT(ish) than the Six Sentence Story. The one thing it has in common with the SSS is/are talented and enthusiastic writers (doug an nancy and Liz and Keith are reg’lars. Speaking of the SSC&B, Tom hands in some pretty intriguing stories near ever week and semi-newcomer to the ‘corn, Margaret  to mention a few. Visiting them is not the worst investment of your time you’ve ever made. (And that’s not counting anything between your eleventh and twenty-third birthdays, either.) Tell ’em the Doctrine sent ya.

6) Only twelve days until the Beginning of Summer!

7) hypo-grat* That is one totally, underwhelming photo at the top of the post. (No, not Una. She is a perfect lifeform and, despite being black-on-mostly-black** There ain’t no bad photos of her.)

8) Something, something

9) The resource of the internet to compensate for shortcomings here, on the fleshy-digit side of the keyboard. Specifically, the second song, ‘December’s foggy freeze‘, fits nicely, no?

10) Secret Rule 1.3

* hypograt (v. hypo-gratuitacious) those things that, on the surface, (which, at times can be pretty-much the whole magilla for folks like us, at least sometimes), but when considered in more depth, (ref. the TToT’s sensei of Hypograts, Mimi) reveals something to be Thankful for… i.e. having a phone that has a built-in camera. Jeez take technology for granted much?

** third music vid can only be…

music vids





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Mundae- Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Why don’t we hold that thought this early Monday morning, for surely we’ve done the above variation-on-a-day-of-the-week post title before,

But that’s not important now.

What is important is finding an old post that will jumpstart our head as we close out the Month (November-in-Oceania motto: ‘Hey man, sorry to hear about you and your old lady. Sure, you can crash here for while. At least until you can get back on your feet.)

The basics still apply. The Wakefield Doctrine is an alternate perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. As such, it offers both a tool for self-improvement and a diversion  capable of providing amusement, if not outright fun.

You know how, at least as offered in the popular science press, the Holy Grail of theoretical physics is the reconciliation of quantum mechanics and general relativity? A Grand Unified Theory of Everything? The Doctrine is in a similar space. For us it is the bridging of ‘personal reality’ and ‘character of (our) relationship with the world around us and the people who make it up (aka PR vs CORwTWRUatPWMiU).

When we started writing this blog, the concept of ‘personal reality’ was the most accessible and it conveyed the ‘inevitability’ of the characteristic behavior of the three predominant worldviews (clarks/Outsiders, scotts/Predators and rogers/Herd Members). This was important because the Wakefield Doctrine is predicated on the notion that how we act (and react) is as much personal whim/outrageous fortune/vindictive calculation as many of the other, more popular personality theories would have you believe. (We once observed, early in these pages, that the many theories of personalty, at least the type that lend themselves to public domain images and popular song lyrics, are basically, ‘mirror-shaped clubs’. “Oh, honey! Come take this online survey about what kind of person you are. They have you down to a ‘T’!

While still useful, the personal reality model, has been augmented by the relationship theory (‘how we relate ourselfs to the world around and the people who make it up’). This latter view allows some Readers to hurdle the imagination threshold.


Non-allegorical Monday* the Wakefield Doctrine ( it’s so simple, even your spouse could get it**)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The Wakefield Doctrine is a way  to understand the behavior of people. It is a perspective that allows you to know more about the other person than they know about themselves. It is a tool with which you can overcome bad habits and self-defeating behavior. And it, (this Wakefield Doctrine), is fun.  Simple to understand for those people  with innate curiosity and intellectual confidence, the Wakefield Doctrine lets you see the world from a different angle, an angle from which personality types are discernible without the need to ask questions, get the other person to fill out a survey and totally without the need to employ any math involving chi square distribution or standard deviations.

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that all people are born with the potential to relate themselves to the world in one of three characteristic ways, as an Outsider (clarks), as a Predator (scotts) or as a Member of the Herd (rogers). It is (the Wakefield Doctrine maintains) the character of this relationship that produces what is commonly referred to as personality or personality type. This is not overly unique in the world of personality theories. What is unique, is that the Wakefield Doctrine insists that not only do people relate themselves to the world in these three characteristic ways, but the world for them does, in fact, reflect the qualities implied by the relationship.
Plainly put, we live in what can only be described as a personal reality. This is not to imply anything overly mystical, magical or fantastic. Trees do not talk (unless we are willing to listen), prey do not yearn to be brought down (unless we abandon our reason) and the world is not quantifiable nor is it governed by Rules that we alone are able to appreciate (unless we are rogers).
This aspect of the Wakefield Doctrine that includes the existence or personal realities is the difficult part for approximately 2/3s of the people who come across this blog. They, (these 2/3s), are not able to imagine (for the sake of experiment) that everyone they know is experiencing a reality that is different (this difference ranging from barely noticeable to oh-my-god)  from what they believe is the only real reality. They might try to understand the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine (very likely to succeed) and they might even persist in trying to identify people by their personality types (many of them get it, sort of) but they rarely ever get to experience the primary benefit of this approach to understanding the people in their lives. They never get it enough to understand that everyone they  encounter in the course of the day (today!) is acting in an entirely appropriate manner, consistent with the world as they are experiencing it.
(We call these personal realities, ‘worldviews’ ).

Well this blog is simply not for them.

It is for you.

(I mean, seriously, if you have read this far into this Post, then I will say, without fear of contradiction, that you have the qualities that are required to find this thing useful and fun. And if you have any question about that happening, write a Comment and your specific question will be answered.)

The three personal realities are referred to as:

  1. clarks (the Outsider)…the most likely to immediately understand the Wakefield Doctrine and the most likely to be willing to learn about and the one (of the three) who will benefit the most
  2. scotts (the Predator)…  the third most likely to understand the Wakefield Doctrine and the most likely to see the immediate benefits (lets call that the ‘advantages’ for this personality type)
  3. rogers (the Member of the Herd)… the second most likely to understand the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine and the most likely to pretend to employ the tools for themselves

Well, that wraps up ‘non-allegorical’ Monday.



