predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 58 predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 58

HEY! the Wakefield Doctrine a call (for) the wild… we’re looking for a scott to write this week’s TGPT’s Guest Post

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


We need a scott to write this Thursday’s Guest Post Thursday’s Guest Post, but the thing is… there are a lot (and I mean, a lot) of Readers with significant secondary scottian aspects out there. (Not that that’s a bad thing! the secondary aspect, when it is scottian, is what allows a clark to: raise his voice, take us for a walk through the woods in a video, write words on our face and make the point that everyone else was too conventional to make, to move to another state for a job that offers so much more (everything), to stand up at the Parents Conference (or any other conference) and not only disagree with the ‘experts’ who sit on a pile of their own metaphorical droppings, (the better to be clearly above the audience) but to make the point that should be made… you know,  that element to our worldviews that allows for moments of realness that is in total contrast with the normal, semi-transparent state that we live out our difficult, frustrating and, at times trying lives. as to the effect of a secondary scottian aspect (on a) predominate rogerian worldview?  do-not-ask. seriously. (you do not want to know, especially those of you who are, after looking around at the others, are preparing to say words to the effect: “why I believe that most of us would be interested. It would be in the interest of a complete understanding of this Doctrine, if you do not hold back anything. I believe I speak for all of us when I say, tell us about the rogers with the secondary scottian aspect.”)

I need a scott. This series, the TGPT series is fun (and I have managed to gain insights into the Doctrine that I it might have taken me months to discover on my own, what with the Posts written by  Jean and Christine and Dyanne and Joy. The thing is I need is one more scott.  and, it needs to be a scott who can write  (well, that’s not literally true, I would accept a video post from a scott… damn! there’s a concept!  can you all imagine what a scottian video post would look/sound like?  …well, actually I can, seeing as how I did a number of vid Posts with glenn in them. But he’s busy with his music career and same for the Progenitor scott, so it’s gots to be someone new.

Now, as much as we appreciate the gesture, we cannot accept offers (to write) from rogers or clarks, we need a person whose predominant worldview is that of a Predator.  For this coming Thursday. (anyone smirking, please contact the administrator immediately).

Some key points relating to the nature and character of the scottian personality type:

  • scotts are leaders (because they are certain, not necessarily right, but certain).
  • scotts are emotional in a way different from rogers. It is spontaneous emotion, there is very little holding of grudges,  mercurial is the best descriptor for their emotional environment.
  • In a band it is always a scott who is the ‘front man’, they are natural performers, entertainers
  • At a party scotts will not hesitate to introduce themselves (to everyone), they will always, ‘work the room’ moving from person to person, group to group
  • For the most part, when confronted with a threat, a scott will choose to attack rather than flee, however if it is clearly a ‘no win’ a scott may chose ‘flight’
  • scottian females can be remarkably sexy or intelligent and erudite, but hardly ever both.

The eyes. scotts have a distinctive ‘focus’, their gaze is never incidental to their mood, the conversation they are engaged in, or anything other than being aware of their surroundings.  a scott will always be watching the surrounding environment for threats and opportunity.

Can you tell who is what?



TToT the Wakefield Doctrine ‘Summer Smells and the world out there’ (1, 2, 4, (damn!) 3, …5, 6, 7, 8, 9…1.3! err…10)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

"…we shall scrimp and save"

“…we shall scrimp and save”

There is something about Friday nights in Summer. Besides the ‘light out until 8 pm’. Besides the cooling evening that does not discourage you from having the top down (or windows open). Besides the people walking around in clothing that would be considered underwear at any other time of the year. Summer Friday evening (from 5 to 8:37 pm) is probably my second favorite time of year.

This Summer Friday evening, I had to go check on a house on the outskirts of a small town, about 30 minutes from home. I debated putting it off until Saturday, as it was cloudy and overcast, which made it feel later than it was, then I remembered that the sun doesn’t set until 8 or so and I really had plenty of time and it would make tomorrow a lot easier, so I left and drove towards Jewett City.

(…..Cyndi wrote a Guest Post for us this Thursday that muy very good!)

(….Sally (at work) greeted me one afternoon saying, “I have something that would make a good Post. What do you think of this situation….  ‘I was sitting in a Doctors Office with a NO SMOKING sign (and a) ANY APPOINTMENT CANCELLED WITH LESS THAN 24 HOURS NOTICE and TESTING IN PROGRESS NO CELL PHONE USE…and everywhere you turned this were these signs’.”  I looked at her and laughed and she laughed because she knew that I knew that she knew what the answer would be… but, I for one, would like her to write a Guest Post on a clark Thursday Guest Post, but she might not be comfortable do it. She has a very good grasp of our little personality theory.)

The house, (I had to inspect), was a large vacant farmhouse. As I often do in this type of situation, I tried to think of a way to scare myself, walking through a large, old and empty house. I tried remembering the movie ‘The Blair Witch’ (there was a single, old worn sneaker on the 2nd from the top cellar stair), this house even had a walk up attic… I did manage to generate a couple of ‘chills up my spine’ walking up into the attic (a door at the end of the second floor hallway that opens on to a flight of stairs, that as you walk up, by the 3rd step, your eyes are level with the floor of the attic). But, then real life infringed, and I stumbled coming back down the stairs, (the colonial era people who built the house must’ve had tiny feet, as the stairs are very shallow) and realized that the real horror would be to fall down and be paralyzed for life…. how scary does a ghost or a demon or a movie have to be to compete with that?

I drove through Jewett City with my roof open and the sound of pizza, fish and chips, and meatball sandwiches lay in bands along the Main St. Very cool. It’s like when you used to walk through the dorm at school… <quiet>…. empty/// FOGHAT!///rustling of notebooks… smell of incense (the kind of incense you bought at emporium india, whenever I smelled it I would think, ‘Purple!’)…quiet,  James Taylor (“…no, don’t worry… come on, my roomie won’t be back until late tonight!“).

(…Post Card from Lizzi… just in time for today’s Post!)

(are we up to Ten yet?)

New participant? this bloghop has a requirement for 10 items of gratitude. Kind of in the very title.  Now, while there is no one who will perform an ‘item count’ on you, there are, however, Seven GuardVirgins, who stand in judgement. Fortunately, there is also a Book of Secret Rules (also known as, the Secret Book of Rules), which applied properly, respectfully and appropriately, allows us some…. latitude.
so, even though I clearly have indicated in the Title that I have 10 items, and this is a bunch of words that, categorized skillfully, should yield 9 distinct Things of Thankful. (I will invoke SR 1.3 for #10) I would like to ask for your help. SR 7.3 sub chap 8 states: “…if a participant can secure the approval of 5 out 10 of the co-hosts, attesting to the legitimacy of a Grat List then it’s alright.”  (btw: the Rule allows for non-Hosts to vote, [their] vote counting as 2/3s of a Host vote.)

…come on!! readers  help save this clark from the SGV!


don’t forget!! Vote!

Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group


‘re-Print Too-sday’ the Wakefield Doctrine (just giving everyone a day or so to mull over yesterday’s Post)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


So lets continue last week’s Too-sday motif, with this re-print (from one of the Pages) in this here blog here.


With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy, we’ll borrow his
‘If you… then you might be a redneck’   


If you immediately stop surfing the channels because you come upon a show that uses only black and white documentary photos and film…you might be a roger

If you love Christmas lawn decorations and cannot imagine having too many lights… you might be a scott

If you find a flier stuck under the windshield wiper of your car and you take the time to read it… you might be a clark.

When asked virtually any question, you preface answer with “that’s interesting because in the beginning…”  you might be a clark.

Someone gets your name wrong and you answer to it without correcting them… you might be a clark.

As a child building model cars, you made sure that the leftover, extra parts were put back in the box along with the re-folded instructions for future safekeeping…you might be a roger.

You think that Slacker was the greatest movie made in the might be a clark

You think that Borat was one of the funniest movies of 2006…you might be a scott

You think that the 107 episode,  Directors cut, 15 DVD un-abashed edition of the compilation (with Writers notes (including what he had for breakfast) and voice-over reading of the credits by someone who knew someone who was a re-enactor who actually got hurt at an event) of all Ken Burns films, PBS episodes and commercials that last longer than most readings of the Iliad is the greatest film of all time…you might be a roger

If you have any inclination to wear hats for a fashion statement (and you are a guy) or a ‘fanny pack’, or, for that matter, any clothing designed specifically for riding a bicycle (branded or un-branded)…you might be a roger.

If you happen to be at a golf tournament and feel that it is expected of the members of the gallery to yell anything (including, but not limited to. “get in the hole!!”)…you might be a scott.

If you are contemplating a project of any sort; a new deck or a term paper, writing a resume or planting a garden:

  • you look forward to making the list of things you need to buy/gather/acquire first more than anything else…you might be a clark
  • you need to check at least 2 Seasons of your favorite ‘do it yourself’  that is what you want…you might be a roger

Mechanical Friday the Wakefield Doctrine (it’s like ‘Pfhuckit Pfhriday’ only way more laid back, y’know?)


hey, it’s causal Friday. no!  no need  to be formal, take your cap(ital letter)s off…leave the grammiticon at the door. it’s a Summer Friday …er day.  …as Friend of the Doctrine, Glenn might say, ‘don’t worry ’bout nothin’

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hell, I might even drag out a case of comic sans, things get mellow enough, ya know?

Anyway. Big thankation to Phyllis for helping us continue the increasingly popular series, Thursday’s Guest Post Thursday Post. She provided us with a very good/interesting/fun Post.  It was all that I have come to expect from rogers, interesting and engaging in an odd, (but pleasurable), way.  you know, like a full-on diorama in a first class museum…with, like prehistoric family scene (not the Raquel Welch…or even Barbara Bach version…. maybe the Rae Dawn Chong version)… you look and notice all the amazing details and can’t help but wonder (at least the clarks do) what they might be doing to pass the July afternoon up in the Dordogne part of France…

as a matter of fact, just last evening, I was talking to the progenitor roger about the series and I made the statement, “…of ‘the three’, the rogerian Posts have somehow been the most Guest Post-ly”. Meaning that scotts, hell! their Posts are like their real lives: fun, outrageous, un-un-noticable. clarks… their posts are kind of a, I don’t know… ‘pain-in-the-neck, aggravating… but the rogerian Posts have totally been, ‘oh, I see. how interesting’

speaking of clarks, scotts and rogers… we all remember that this Doctrine is meant to be used as a tool, right? not just a ‘tool to help better understand the people in our lives‘ but, (also), a tool to better understand our own-selfs, to be used to self-improve ourselves. The idea is, of course,  that by understanding, appreciating and accepting the different realities of the three worldviews, we are less likely to get trapped, (and therefore limiting our choices of actions), by misunderstanding how the other person is experiencing the situation. This approach to self-development is better than anything because, as we all know, while you have only one predominant worldview, you always have the potential of being able to see the world as do ‘the other two’.

…anyway. quick question:

if I decide to do a series of Posts that uses a real life problem/challenge/opportunity-to-improve as an example of how the Wakefield Doctrine might be an effective tool, should I:

  • use a problem that is common to most people (and not just olden ones) but is a fiction, made up…not nearly true (not even a story done with the skill of our Ms. Rogers….where you have more trouble believing her when she ends the story with ‘This is Fiction’ than you do giving up your involvement with the character in (her) story), you know, a composite situation    (or)
  • my own stupid life, I’m sure I can find something to put up in print (though the character might end of being a bit boring and likely to cause you all to scream at your computers/phones,  “what??!?! are you nuts?!?! you don’t see what a self-setup that is ?!?!   jeez!!!  don’t forget to run down the battery in your phone and throw your car keys in the woods before you walk into the abandoned building (metaphorically speaking of course)  hey, don’t destroy the illusion for us, you don’t really fall for a rogerian trap like that, do you?….come on!”
  • roger (the progenitor) has a potentially interesting, albeit a problem that will require 4 or 5 thousand words of set up, life situation that I personally believe would be very useful of this purpose, but it is his story….
  • volunteers from the Readership… give us a situation that you have encountered (directly or as observed in a person in your life), and lets see what we can find in this here Doctrine here to help

seeing how Friday this Post is, lets leave it at that… tell us what you would find interesting enough to follow and we’ll start a Series.




‘the reality of worldviews and everyday life’ the Wakefield Doctrine (an effort to apply Molly’s Rule*)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(ed.note: the above vid was picked for a Post topic that has since been discarded, still works, no?)

hey! Readers between the ages of  30 to 40 …quick!! what performers are the 18 to 20 year olds in college listening to right now, today?  …don’t laugh, ’41 to 60 y.o.s  what are the names of the three highest drawing live music acts that will bring out the 13 to 15 years old set?  ok, good, …don’t get too confident!  golf fans!!! yeah, you!! who is the current top seed male tennis player?  (hell, lets make it easy on the golf fans… hey! golfers!!! who recently deposed the (previous) top player on the LPGA?   …no, I didn’t think so.)

People sometimes have difficulty ‘getting’ the Wakefield Doctrine and the leading reason for this is the concept of worldview (aka personal reality).  The Doctrine is predicated on the notion that we all live in a reality that is personal. The ‘personality types’ of the Wakefield Doctrine are simply markers for the (characteristic) worldview that a given person grows up, develops and lives their lives in, day in and day out. Rather than ask you, the Reader, a series of questions and then seeing what category you fit in, the Wakefield Doctrine would have you try to infer how a person is ‘relating themself to the world around them. If you can do that, then you will know more about that person than they know about themselves. And the way we get to the point of being able to correctly infer the worldview of a person is by a thorough understanding of the characteristics of the three worldviews:

  1. the reality of the Outsider that results in a clarklike personality person, (…sitting invisibly next to you through 4 years of high school, dreaming of the chance of being normal and you expect him to believe that washing your hair is the only reason you can’t go to a fuckin football game… or giving the freshman rogers their first look at  MC Escher and Maxfield Parrish prints only to be left sitting there on the single bed with the macramé wall hangings and the ‘hang in there, baby’ poster taped to the cinderblock wall as he just about runs out of your dorm room because his girlfriend from high school decided she would entertain a further apology )
  2. the life of the Predator, who survives growing up in a world of Predator and Prey simply is that person (male or female… yay!! for the female…woohooo!! scottian women…. the stiletto  shoes industry bows before your plunging neckline…. and male scotts??  hell, how else was I ever expecting to end up in the Principals office/local police station/soldout concert in Boston with 3 dollars in gas and 40 minutes to get there?!?!  of the three personality types, who better knows that life is all about today?)
  3. the orderly, predictable, quantifiable and there-is-a-Right-way-to-do-things world of the Herd Member, rogers to the right of you and rogers to the left of you, they are all around, always, simply because the roger lives in the center of the herd….which herd? does not matter… why are they of the herd? didn’t you hear me? they are in the center of the herd, with rogers to the left and rogers to the right…what more do you need to know? male or female, they are there, wherever you go, unless you are stranded on a desert island and, you start to think, ‘well, I’m here alone stranded on a desert island, so I guess there are no rogers around’ and then you realize you are talking to a decorated coconut….and you are not alone)

ok…out of time today.  Molly’s Rule?  go ask her… here’s her Facebook page  (she’s a friend of the Doctrine and so, probably won’t have you blocked for stalking her…but you never know, better go ahead and tell her the Doctrine sent ya)


Don’t forget!!! tomorrow is Guest Post Thursday’s Weekly Once a Week Guest Post….Thursday   rogers!


*once we were talking about writing on one of the Saturday Night Drive calls…and I was asking the same old question: how to better get the Doctrine across to the Readers, and Molly, who knows her way around story writing said, ‘you don’t need to give them every possible fact or information, assume they are intelligent enough to get it and if they need more information, they can ask‘  (or words to that effect). I try to keep the Rule in mind, and sometimes even manage to apply it.

