predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 54 predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 54

Wednesday the Wakefield Doctrine (something, something, ellipsis, something (and) italics)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

the Wakefield Doctrine

We heard from one of our scottian friends, Dyanne, yesterday in the Comments. She wrote,  “When I read those three descriptions, for the first time, I really see how I am a Scott. Whadya know?”

Whadya know, indeed! There’s a reason that clarks have a great affection for scotts and (why) scotts like hanging out with clarks (at least they do, once the clarks, like, lighten up and be themselves more and stop mumbling and putting themselves down so often, it’s like you want to shake them and shout, ‘hey clark! enough already! you’re a person like everyone else, stop telling people why they should not want to hang out with you’)

(Given that your Author and Narrator is a clark (with a strong secondary scottian aspect and a weak tertiary rogerian aspect), lets analyze and dramatize Dyanne’s Comment!

‘…for the first time, I really see how I am a scott’

a) Note that Dyanne did not say: “When I read those three descriptions, for the first time,  I think/know/realize how I am, apparently, of the worldview of that corresponds to that of those clarks of yours ”

2) Dyanne so did not say: “When I read those three descriptions, for the first time,  although I like the descriptions, unfortunately it doesn’t seem to apply to me, as I seem to be all three at one time or another.”

the Wakefield Doctrine maintains that:   clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel.

this being Wednesday, that most easy-going Day of the Workweek (Wednesday’s motto: “hey, how bad can it be…it’s still only Wednesday!“), lets keep this short.

Funny, as I was searching for an image for today’s post, (among the zillion or so that I’ve already used at least once), I noticed strata of images that would be associated with scotts and the scottian worldview, at various points in time over the last 5 years. Seeing how I’ve been focused on the rogerian worldview ( Worldview motto: “I always get in the last word. No, I do. Now you’re being difficult. Not trying to, just that I thought. Sure, you always say that…but….“) of late, I think it’s time to shift our focus to our energetic little friends… but tomorrow, time to work on the book.

Hey!!  any questions for or about the scottian worldview?  You know that scotts are:

  • focused on the here and now
  • great problem solvers (not necessarily the best people to come up with a stable, longterm, best outcome solution, but they will solve the problem…hey! you want to hear about the moment that the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine came into existence?)..ok ok  a couple of more first
  • energetic and enthusiastic ( scottian energy level motto: “I’m awake! Are you awake? Come on! lets do something, sure it’s the middle of the work day/the middle of the night/the middle of dinner…so what?“)
  • mercurial in temperament  quick to get angry(frustrated is actually the interior experience), quick to forget (ain’t no time to waste worrying  come on! lets do something)
  • alert  (simple fact: with a surprisingly little amount of study of the characteristics of the three worldviews (Outsiders/clarks, Predators/scotts and Herd Members/rogers) you will be able to spot the scott from nothing more than a damn photo… their gaze is that distinctive  (scottian gaze motto: “sure, go ahead tell yourself that I’m asleep in this Acacia tree and my cubs playing in the grass will be easy pickings, if that’s what you want to tell yourself…knock yourself out.“)
  • clever and impatient
  • good friends and scary enemies… natural cops (scottian cops motto: “you’re telling me that I can chase people, drive fast while making as much noise as I can, occasionally I get to shoot a gun and when I capture people I get to tie them up…and you’ll pay me money to do this?!!“)

Enough for today.  If you have a question for our scottian friends ( Dyanne,  Christine or Joy) ask away! If you are confused as to you whether you’re a scott or not… don’t worry about nothin   it will fall into place


the Wakefield Doctrine (you can’t spell Monday without the O in ‘oh-my-god’ or the N in ‘not another Monday!’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Today’s Post is largely, but not entirely, a re-print Post. The reason (that I’m telling myself) is that I’m on a Quest to discover a simple (and repeatable) process by which I can use my time/apply myself more efficiently in my workday. I am deeming this a worthwhile effort for two very important reasons:

  1. I do have a real world job; more of a business actually, real estate … it is, of course, a business in that I’m an independent contractor, (as in ‘make money, get paid…don’t make money. don’t get paid’)  but as Hyman Roth  (in Godfather I) so eloquently put it,  ‘And I said to myself, this is the business we’ve chosen;’
  2. I need to efficiently allocate the supply of written words available to me today, as I’m back on the trail of getting the Doctrine into a book-like form
  3. …as all clarks know, most scotts recognize instinctively (but, by definition, would not express in words) and rogers would not accept (as being redundant beyond ability to distinguish from their personal gestalt): my emotional state is what will determine how well I do today. It is not: the list I write (on yellow-lined pads), the schedule I create (in my Lesson Planner book) or even the schedule I create in my telephone (or tablet or computer)… not sure what I mean?  write us a Comment!

(From October of last year):



You knew this wasn’t going to be a simple, conventional, easy to ‘get’ approach to understanding the behavior of the people in our lives, didn’t you?

To recapitulate briefly:

the Wakefield Doctrine maintains that we live our lives in one of three worldviews (personal realities). That what others refer to as personality types are, in actuality, reflections of our efforts to contend with the world as we relate ourselves to it. Further, the Doctrine would allow that,  if we correctly infer which (of these three worldviews) the other person is experiencing, we will know more about them than they know about themselves. The Wakefield Doctrine is intended to be used as a tool to aid us in these efforts, meant as a perspective (on) the lives and behavior of the people around us that, correctly employed will lead to a greater understanding of why people do the things that they do.  Unlike most other personality systems and ‘theories’, the Wakefield Doctrine offers nothing that you can directly impart to another person. Your use of the Doctrine can only lead to a better understanding of the other person, the Wakefield Doctrine  will not serve you in any efforts to:  convince another person to act differently, treat you better, stop that annoying habit, know you for what you really are, quit smoking, have more frequent sex, show the world the side that you know is there, get ‘A’s, eat less, lose weight, get a better job and, finally start helping around the house. The Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them.

If you learn and apply the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine to your own life, then you will be in a position to not just improve your life and circumstances. You will be able to improve yourself. As a person. A person who must interact and deal with people who: you work for, who work for you, those you love and those you would love, those you hate and those you would rather not be distracted by, family, friends, the man in the car at the gas pump ahead of you and the girl who delivers the mail. They are all a part of your world today and that is what the Wakefield Doctrine is intended to be used on. And….and! the best thing about using the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool in your efforts to self-improve yourself is: you do not have to do anything that you are not capable of all along.

So, first step:  read up on the worldview of the Outsider (clarks) and the Predator (scotts) and the Herd Members (rogers), now what? Now, the fun. Observe the people in your life. Fact of the matter, if you are still reading, it is a pretty safe bet that you get a kick out of ‘people watching’. Pay special attention to interactions between people. Find one person in your daily life and start with them. You have three personality types to choose from… go ahead and throw out the one you know they are not!… ok! now keeping the characteristics of the 2 remaining worldviews in mind, which seems to be more consistent with the behavior of the person. Don’t worry about getting the answer fast…they are not going to change their worldview. The more you observe them, the simpler the choice will be, no… the more inevitable the choice will be! This is the fun part. Put yourself in their head…go ahead, they won’t know!

  1. does the person seem distant…un-emotional when they should be emotional, emotional when they should not be, do they seem to shy away from attention, do they mumble when you know they are quite capable of speaking clearly, does their fashion sense seem a bit… conflicted?  boots and mini-shirts…too much jewelry, is their posture really poor, are they funny in a quiet surprising way?
  2. no way! they are quick and seem to be everywhere but they won’t know what you are doing, relax…do they seem to probe and challenge constantly? are they funny and aggravating and do they always seem to push it just a little too far? when you imagine ‘being them’ do you feel envious and then excited but at the same time, glad that you are not them?
  3. always have an answer…not in the form of new information, in the form of ‘the last word’, very comfortable to talk to, seem to always be listening, attentive without any curiosity, do they seem to be looking for the right way to act when regarding others or the wrong way to act when others are the center of attention, they nurture without warmth, are seductive without excitement

That should be enough for Part 2.

Ok  now out into the world with ye … gwan! get out there and find the clarks and spot the scotts and relate to them rogers…. check back here tomorrow morning.


T-Tea-oh-Tee ‘the Rule of the AutoCorrect’ …the Wakefield Doctrine (yes, you can lean all about people, but it’s fun two!!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


I should write something that’s both engaging and enticing about this week’s (sub)theme…. ‘the Rule of the AutoCorrect’.  I will try, as I need the practice. I need the practice because the First Rule of sales/Teaching/Counseling/Seduction is to get your audience/pupils/client/her-or-him, to ‘identify with you’.  ‘You’ being the person: on the stage/in front of the class/seated unobtrusively near-but-not-too-near/moving in for the kill.

What’s this process like? I was thinking about that very thing,  just this morning…(” man! was I tired…I could barely get here on time…oh, is it time already?…..”) the ‘medium of exchange’ for identification are the acts and emotions and thoughts that virtually everyone in your target market experience, ideally at the moment of the attempt to identify.  If you manage to pull this off,  you have a shot.  (hey…. did he just use the words: acts and emotions and thoughts?!!  wait…just..a minute! that sounds like….)

1) I’m grateful for having ideas, however odd or off-the-wall they might be. If I did not, I fear that I wouldn’t be able to get through a list of 10 Items of gratitude more than say 3 times. I lead a pretty bi-monotonous-life.1

2) I am totally grateful for the perspective that I am reminded to appreciate that I have, each week here by all you other TToT participants. Specifically I am gland that today I have (fill-in your choice of modifiers: good, not bad, reasonable, better than before, could-be-worse) health. I mention this because,  just this week one of the people in my office came in to say that their spouse was half-way diagnosed with a way-serious form of disease.2  I deliberately reminded myself that I did not, at that moment, have the medical diagnosis that this person had, (a diagnosis that was forcefully re-writing their lives).

3) I am grateful for Una, as we went for a ride last evening. She enjoys the process as only dogs seem capable of, enthusiastically and without the slightest self-consciousness or…. even more impressively,  without that inevitable, (at least for me), “oh…is it over now? do we have to stop, I was having fun.” Really hope someday to have that level of development.

4) Comments this week at the Doctrine were fun, challenging, encouraging and very cool.  (these were re-written by a clark and a scott and  a roger and a clark…. you’ll need to go back and figure it out for yourself)

5) Video goes here:

6) oh…oh!!  I made a special TToT Offer in my vid!  damn, almost forgot!  lol…. seemed like a good idea at the time, I am a co-host (from the Great State of Y Chromia) after all…. since this offer involves a secret password, I best leave it be and let those who would sit through god-knows-how-many-minutes of ‘Dog and Cow Fields’  to reap the benefits

7) shit! I’ve totally left behind my ‘hook’ for today’s Post!  what the hell!  Tell you what, I’ll say a little about the subject now, and then I’ll try to come up with something for tomorrow’s….wait!! I’m not on the every-day-schedule!! I’m totally confused at this point. But, I am grateful that I started down this aisle in the great rhetorical supermarket/warehouse supply/adult toys and exotic clothing store that is my mind these days, because I realize I have a couple of more items!

8) I am very grateful to everyone who helped (with Comments) and supported (with Reading) the Wakefield Doctrine 30 Day Challenge. I enjoyed every day of it and, once again, the magic of the Wakefield Doctrine was there… to wit: I got more out of the process than I put into it. And this is largely because of you, the Readers.  Thanks.

9) I should bring this up in the beginning of a TToT Post, but, since I’m already down here, on Item 9, let me say that there are, of late,  murmurings and rumours and whispered talks about the Seven Guard Virgins. Who are they… where did they come from, is that one, second from the left, really as hot as she looks? The normal kind of questions people would have about a group of people wielding as much power as they do… it’s inevitable that this topic should come up, especially with the approach of the winter (“I already wrote three posts about icicles, and puppies in the snow…. I want to write about the 7 Guard Virgins!!”)… more to follow.

10) 1.3 (aka 3.1…. better ask Z)


Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group

1)  not a ‘real’ word

2)  all clarks have a hyper-developed sense of privacy, especially as it concerns information that they have about other people… this is a perfect example of manifestation:  all three world views learn things about the people in their world around them… what that experience is, is different according to worldview.

  • clarks  are Outsiders, they do however acquire information primarily because they are good listeners and take the notion of ‘keeping a confidence’ to an extreme… as a result we have nothing to trade in the social economy
  • scotts are predators, often they acquire information as a byproduct of ‘the hunt’ (visual: the lioness trots towards the pride with a full grown antelope carcass, occasionally a leg or forepaw gets torn off…she will usually let who ever had the balls to run off with it, keep it… also, other predators and sometimes even, prey, will offer information as a way to interact with the scott without having a floating sign over their head that says “USDA GradeA” in glowing letters…. it works, for a while.
  • rogers are members of the Herd…. you know about Wall St?  (not the specific elements, the general concept)  like that for the socio-emotional economy of human society. rogers learn about the people and the the things that are going on and they exchange it with others

‘reality relativism’1 the Wakefield Doctrine “hey! superscript in the title? this oughta be great!”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


And so we begin the Great and Astounding 30 Day Two Posts per……  (ha, ha.  a little blogging, ‘more-is-more’, humor to start us off this month).

Here’s the thing:

I still need the Wakefield Doctrine to be so clearly and compellingly presented, that anyone can be read, understood and use/enjoy it. For that matter, if the Wakefield Doctrine were read to you, you should understand the principles and premise immediately, get a good feel for the characteristics of the three worldviews and  start seeing the Outsiders, Predators and Herd Members in your own life. As a goal, isn’t  this is reasonable? Of course, there is a secret qualifier to this ambition. I need everyone to read, understand and use/enjoy our little personality theory.

So, whats with the conflicted and angsty-sounding reflection?

lol, that’s just me being a clark.
You want to know what, if I were given the chance to change just one thing for all clarks in the world, clarks of all ages and genders and walks of life and such,  that would be?  …the need for validation from the world that we believe is around us.  And I would too!  change it for all clarks, just like that, if someone would tell me how….( lol  yeah,  the  (something-latiny) -ey about this statement is not lost on me. Maybe there’s hope for me yet. Right?)

You know, this 30 Day Challenge actually did produce at least one unexpected insight:

“…at the point that you understand the Wakefield Doctrine well enough to correctly infer your own predominate worldview, you will realize that being aware, (of your predominate worldview), diminishes some of the un-self-conscious spontaneity and fun, the simple joy and certain solace, the confidence and effectiveness that you once possessed, in how you related yourself to the world (and the people) around you.” (…this from the Post on Monday that closed out the 30 Day Challenge, which also saw a good question asked by Christine, a very cool Comment left by Cyndi and an effective, heartfelt, lombardiastic (yet valued) suggestion from zoe )

 So, lets see what where this leads us, shall we? Tempus fugits yo



1) ‘reality relativism’ ?  that’s the concept that’s… well, maybe it’s two concepts (though, I would love to find out it’s really three concepts!   reality relativism is:

  1. the fact that as change and development occurs, the prior history of that person gets adjusted for the people around them (and even for the person in question, but that’s a little more metaphysics than we have time for this morning), the result is, the appreciation of how much a person has changed is inversely proportional to how long the observer has know the person. “Hey guys! I’ve been using the Wakefield Doctrine on myself and it’s really changed me! It can work for you too!”  “Yeah, sure. You’ve got that gift for gab and you’re comfortable standing up in front of strangers and talking. I’m almost too shy to leave a Comment. I can’t identify with you”    (Watch any self-improvement speaker, seminar or guy-on-stage-with-a-button-front-sweater and the first thing they will do is get the audience to believe that he is as big a loser as they are (or, half the audience, seeing how 50% have been dragged to it by a spouse).)
  2. in my world I’m an Outsider. The forces within me (the good and the incredibly toxic/destructive) are predicated on a universe of one. Me. Against a backdrop of real people in a real world.With the Wakefield Doctrine that becomes less effective a constraint. there are scotts out there who have sufficient secondary clarklike aspects that they are able to learn and enjoy the Doctrine… they have my sympathy. Predators flourish in like, in part, on their focus. They see the prey (or the dominant predator) and that is all that exists… unless they have ‘an inner clark’ wondering if they’re all that hungry or maybe ‘this ranking thing, doesn’t establishing rank once take care of it once and for all…why start that again?  rogers… well they probably fare best of all three. they say that rogers live at the center of a perfect world…. (which is true) and they (also) say,  if a roger doesn’t already know it, then that thing doesn’t exist…. but what really gives us an insight in this instance is the saying, ‘you can’t lead a roger to water, but you can trick them into believing that they had forgotten it up til now, but since they’re thirsty and standing next to some water, it’s alright to drink it….because it’s really been there all along…
  3. …working on it

29th Post the Wakefield Doctrine ‘tick tock….tick tock…..tick’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

...wire money?....please?!

Fairly anticlimactic ending to the Wakefield Doctrine’s Great 30-Posts-in-30 Days 30 Day Challenge. One more day.

….you know, as a young clarklike child, I used to deal with approaching bad things ( trips to the dentist, asking a girl out the first time, trying for a job that I believed I should really want), grammatically. No, I’m serious! I would think about what was coming in a day or a two weeks or at the end of high school and try to figure it out.  …and when that didn’t change anything ( ha ha… a bit of Doctrine humour) I would finally think, “well, no matter what, there will come a time when this thing will have had happened.”   (To the scotts out there reading this, ‘yes we do put a tremendous amount of energy and effort into things that we should not be putting our energy into‘.)  But!  …it helped.  That game of words helped me get through the difficult time. It was, in fact, the best possible strategy that I could come up with, given the reality that I faced.

This bears repeating. In fact, my Reply to Christine’s Comment in yesterday’s Post, was a variation of this very concept, i.e. when we attempt to help a person who is living in a different predominate worldview, the best/first thing we can do is appreciate the world as they are experiencing it.  (note! not:  understand what they are going through, not figure out where they went wrong, not evenknow how they feel…. appreciate1)  The reason being that, as a clark, I don’t make my decisions, (and form my opinions and develop my strategies), just because I feel like acting the odd one, I do it because that is the nature/character of the reality I am living in. (no, that is not a giant, universal excuse for doing …whatever),  worldviews are not separate realities2, we all live in ‘the world’ and we all have essentially the same situations and choices and demands and requirement (yes, you do hear Tesla warming up in the distance).  But our personal realities are still there, so close that only we can see them.

as to the end of the 30 Day Challenge?

The Wakefield Doctrine is not ‘the Answer’, it is a tool,  a viewpoint, a perspective. The Wakefield Doctrine does not tell you what to do, it tells you that there is more to the world than you might be aware of. The Wakefield Doctrine will not change the nature of the problems that you face today, but it might let you see a another way to see the world today. However, the Wakefield Doctrine does help you (if you are so inclined) to see the world as your husband or your Teacher, your 16 year old child or Shift Manager, your physician or that girl you really like, are experiencing it. ….and you know, that’s not such a bad thing.

…and it’s fun.


1) as in the second definition listed in most dictionaries:  “…To be fully aware of or sensitive to; realize:  (

2) thanks, Carlos!



