predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 50 predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 50

…in with the few, the blue the new!!! that’s it! -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘rise and find, binyons!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

sure, it's not Sunday morning, but this is my boy  Edward H

sure, it’s not Sunday morning, but this is my boy Edward H

…trying a few things different with today, ( Anno Dominoes 2015), starting with conveying my hopes and wishes of the best of all possible timelines for the next 12 months to all of the Readers, fans, followers, DownSprings and friends of the Wakefield Doctrine.

Since I have not yet reduced the next year of my life into a concise, reasonable and surely-will-come-to-pass-provided-I-think-it-through-carefully-enough-and-pick-the-perfect-set-of-words, including bulletpoints (bulletpoints motto: ‘hey! we’re the scotts of ….of  word arrangement!‘)( hey!!)  and, maybe, block quoted sections of referential information ( I’d don’t really need to do a ‘block quote motto here, do I? yeah, I know that you know what I was going to do).

There!  I just stumbled upon the theme of the Post and only 106 words in….!

The coming year here at the Wakefield Doctrine….

  • learn more about the nature and, more importantly, the effect of secondary (and tertiary) aspects
  • remember how to be outrageously funny…. yes, you’re correct!  bring back my scottian aspect in writing (at least in some of these Posts)
  • appreciate the level of understanding of this here Doctrine here being enjoyed by the Readers, and write Posts accordingly
  • despite that (the previous point), I will get back to the basic goal of this blog: to present the Wakefield Doctrine in such manner that anyone reading it the for the first time can understand, appreciate and apply the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine and get an immediate benefit, even if it is only to have a little fun, that very same day!
  • apply the principles to my own context

OK… short and to the point, (come on!!  scottian aspect!)

(I’ll return later in the day and add to this post, as one of my projects for this year is to see if I can increase my flexibility in how I go about writing Posts. To date, it’s pretty much been: one sitting, early morning. It would be useful to be able to write at different times of the day and, in more than ‘one take’.)


the Wakefield Doctrine ‘elevator pitch version:’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(As I wrote the title today, and thought to myself, ‘yeah, a reasonable theme for a Wednesdaypost’, a second thought intruded, like the overly-aggressive dance partner, insisting on ‘just-one-more-this-is-a-great-song-to… This second thought, like the unwelcome guest at the party who tries to either get invited in, failing that is satisfying with the prospect of spoiling the evening for everyone else, echoes the doubt that is sub-text to many of the efforts here at the Doctrine blog, with the faux-friendly,  ‘that’s the way to get taken seriously! call what you do here a ‘writing exercise’, an elevator pitch’. That’ll do it.)

the Wakefield Doctrine? it’s a way of looking at your life and the people in it. Not quite a personality theory, per se, this thing is more a perspective on why we do the things that we do. A way of posing the question, ‘of all the possible responses to this situation, out of the near-countless options open to me, why would I choose to act this way’. The Wakefield Doctrine would have us ask, ‘why would I choose to feel this way’, given that how we feel about our lives can be more critical to living a satisfying life, than what we think to ourselves (though, arguably this two can be one and nearly the same).  Properly applied, the Doctrine will drastically reduce the number of times you find yourself saying, ‘Why on earth would they go and do/say something like that?! I really thought I knew them better.’

There are, 3 personality types that (can) account for everyone in the world. The three: clarks, scotts and rogers:

  • clarks grow up and develop in the world of the Outsider, for clarks, the world (and everyone and everything except for them) is ‘out there’ and they (the clarks) are in this place that they find themselves in, quietly and, at times, desperately, trying to blend in, to pass as ‘a real person’… but before you begin to feel sorry for them, know that  clarks touch the world that is not, and in doing so, have the gift of genuine creativity and true (albeit a touch self-destructive) selflessness
  • scotts live today the life of the Predator… while this word/label/type has connotations of hostile aggressiveness, voraciousness and truly basic appetites, these qualities of life can only be maintained by living in and of the present… not dozing away the day in a dream of future pleasure or the memory of pleasure already felt, of the three personality types,  scotts live their lives by embracing the moment…
  • rogers are Members of the Herd and therefore know that the world is quantifiable and, while accepting that life is not always fair or good, kind or just, seek to discover the Right/Correct way to demonstrate this fundamental fact… it’s been said that a roger knows that there is a Right Way and a million Wrong Ways to act and they hope only to be able to demonstrate the Right Way rather than be content to merely point out the wrong

Become familiar with the characteristics of these there worldviews (personal realities) and you will be ready to use the Wakefield Doctrine in your day today. How? Simple. Observe the behavior of the person (or yourself) and ask the question, ‘how are they relating themselves to the world around them?’.  The successful application of our little personality theory is to able to ‘see the world as the other person is experiencing it’.  Do this and you will know more about the other person (and about yourself) than you have any right to know. You will be able to anticipate their actions and decisions, choices and reactions to all sorts of the everyday situations that we all find ourselves in…. well, everyday!

In case any of you are thinking, ‘well, this is a fine theory and I’m sure to study it, but I’m on a coffee break at work! I want to have some quiet fun!’, I say…. alright, here’s some Christmas music (along with some Doctrine observationing):


…sure, I enjoy the normal things about the Christmas season! As a matter of fact, Phyllis just came into the room to ask if I knew ‘the name of that song that everyone likes’ (New Readers? Phyllis is a roger)… I assumed that I knew the answer and so I figured out what she meant and gave her the ‘half-correct’ answer (New Readers? I’m a clark). The song is from Handel’s Messiah. I went and found a youtube of it from a performance by the Royal Choral Society.  As I watched, I began to see things… odd things. The (female) lead singer (at 0:16 into the vid)… and then, the young girl who wishes she were somewhere else ( at 0:22 ) then!  (and I just saw it as I went through the vid looking for the next scene…the women in the center (of both rows), one with short brown hair, the woman behind her with long blond hair… holy smoke, rogers on amphetamines?) ( at 0:30 )…now watch the two singers in the back row… what the hell?! their friends, were, like, up in the audience waving at them?  ( at 0:32 )  why are we seeing only the backs of the people who are clearly lead singers? ( at 0:48 ).   ( at 1:16 ) sure are a lot of rogers, but those two, one in the row behind the other….one with a crew cut, both with glasses).   It’s safe to say that, among the men in this chorus, most are rogers with a handful of clarks (the ones with the slightly pained look on their faces)…. here!! ( at 1:44 )  one of each!!  we don’t have to tell you which is which, do we?  ( at 2:36 ) …how the hell did they get Angela Merkel to sit in?!! ) I find it interesting to note that there’s a much higher percentage of clarklike females in the chorus compared to the number of  than male-like clarks! )

Here you go:




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine (“why, no, it ain’t too pretty, but Lizzi has done so much for this ‘hop, it’s the least I could do”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

nah, we hardly ever read directions … or take directions, for that matter.  so lets stick some cool photos, a list (without items) and see if we can’t jump start this here bloghop here.

20141219_144410_resized     20141219_143533_resized

the church just before Hell Hollow Rd

the church just before Hell Hollow Rd

(got at least one more coming later…very cool… from Hell Hollow (I kid you not!)

1, 2, 3, grat sure family and such, 5  damn! forgot 4 (lets make that grateful for catching the mistake) …where was I?  6 and 7, 8 and (just in case this doesn’t work: Lizzi, zoe, Christine, Kristi  and Kristi, Dyanne, Michelle, Sarah and Lisa aka the co-hostinae)

ok  everyone stand back… lets crank this one up and see what happens!


err…. ok   so it kinda works…. hey, what the hell if you click on the links to the co-hosts you can get to their current Posts…. somebody try adding yourself to this post…. I’ll keep working on getting rid of the icons from last weekend’s TToT …. shit!   if I don’t figure this out, the next thing I’ll hear will be a voice from Indiana (or Oklahoma) saying something to the effect, ‘Mr Doctrine, if you’d put half the energy you’re putting into getting out of the assignment and just follow directions….’   boy! am I gland that hasn’t happened!*

(6:38 am) !?#*^%&  inter &*$*# net (*)$@ all I want to do is be able to is….  Hey!  Item 2 above?  make that: ‘I’m grateful for appreciating how difficult it is to do ‘implied swear words’ in a Post. No, I’m serious. I tried just holding the shift key down and playing a riff on the top row of my key board, but more often than not, what’d I get would look harmless, even funny, like a Japanese birthday greeting, ” You know what makes me mad? It’s those ^?^*(*!! key board tricks‘  

See what I mean?  not very (implied) offensive, is it?  Alright back to working on this link thing.*

* I don’t need to mention to anyone that I hail from Y Chromeville, do I? just because my efforts to fix the link up for this week, has not exactly…what’s the word,  ‘worked’,  does not mean I’m not going to keep going back to it… lol 

(7:44 am) alright! this attempt totally did….. not work! (shit!)….. oh, yeah…forgot!!  Gratitude Item #3!  I am grateful that my efforts to fix things have totally failed!  (sure, clark… they all be buying that! no, really  I’m turning over new leafs and will be totally a well-behaved team player!… ) (lol  this weekend is going to end up looking like a room in which a 6 year old is sent to wrap presents, with the proviso that for every 2 that is wrapped, one is allowed to be opened)

(8:01 am) lets call this Item… #2!  I am grateful for the internet and digital cameras for 2 reasons: a) I could take the photos of the churches above and 2) I could look up and clip a quote from a book I was forced to read in high school, ‘Ethan Frome’.
the quote:
When I had been there a little longer, and had seen this phase of crystal clearness followed by long stretches of sunless cold; when the storms of February had pitched their white tents about the devoted village and the wild cavalry of March winds had charged down to their support; I began to understand why Starkfield emerged from its six months’ siege like a starved garrison capitulating without quarter   (I’m thinking that I’ll have to re-read this thing tonight!)

holy shit!  I have a totally genuine gratitude item!!  I just looked at the Date…..

that’s right! It’s the last day of Winter!!! yeah!!!  (call it number(s) 3, 7 and 10)

Alright,  ‘Mr-resist-my-totally-earnest-efforts-to-reignite-last-week’s-TToT-with-all-the-convenient-icons-to-click-and-read’ Internet,  stick this in your usb port!
This Week’s Links!!!:
9a81cd75fcd5a4218e1a0ee6bf2b34ceVal  at My Virtual Vineyard   ds1 Denise at Girlie on the Edge   2587fd198c270f28620816dfe72775f2  Jen at Driftwood Gardens  headshot    Chicken Coop Wall
e357e932b71554eee85a81943376d1c2 Cyndi from Pictimilitude 6174db179ce59b0242db92fbfda90fe3 ‘fangboner’ from ‘chronicallysickmanicmother
  35ae9996f3d6b422422ad43391bd7170 stephanie from ‘Life, Unexpectedly‘ fce42d99cc79af0dfc9d6c114ff601e9 … our creatress  Considerings
* lol…spellcheck you rascal!


-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘of popularity, self-promotion and ‘the everything Rule’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


A little ‘light reading’ for this, the most lightest of Workweek Days…. Friday  (courtesy of the gang down at the Wakefield Doctrine)

The question is this:

  1. can a person become popular without the talent/capacity/capability to effectively self-promote themselves
  2. (“...what does this have to do with personality types, Friday and, since we’re asking extra credit questions, what the hell is ‘the everything Rule'”)

Great question!

Allow me to answer the Second (and totally un-authorized) question first: the ‘everything Rule’ (short for: ‘everyone does everything, at one time or another’) is a reminder, to those of us who would use the Wakefield Doctrine as intended, (and not as way to figure out our kids, get our husbands to stop with the constant….or get lucky in study hall), to remember that the Doctrine is predicated on the notion that we all live in one of three worldviews. For example: I grew up (and developed my skills and strategies and interpersonal coping mechanisms) in the worldview of ‘the Outsider’, as a result, if you were to observe me today at work, you would come to the conclusion: ‘hey! he’s got one of those clark personality types that the Doctrine warned us about.’  One of the cool things about the Doctrine, is that we do not need to know about traits and tastes, habits, hobbies and interests in order to assign a personality type. Instead, we observe a person’s everyday behavior and infer how that person is ‘relating themselves to the world around them’.
The goal is to determine which of the three worldviews one is living in, (the Outsider/clark or the Predator/scott or the Herd Member/roger), once I know this, I know more about you than you know about yourself. All without a single survey question! Cool, non?
….anyway, the ‘everything Rule’ simply states that, while we all live in the same common world, i.e. the world of Nightly News with Brian Williams/the world of 19 year old Checkout girls who look at you and even answer a direct question without ever, for a second, actually seeing you/the world of surly car mechanics/the world of oppressively kind in-laws/the world of hopes that exceed any possibility of being realized yet cannot be let go of because what would your life be then/the world of the internet and websites that are flashy and full of banal, insipid advice on how to live life without the slightest hint of an original idea to distinguish it from countless other popular websites…  our personal experience is…well, personal. Of course, this being the Doctrine, we take that common sense observation and say that the very reality that I live out today in is different, that although we clarks live in the same world with scotts and have the same things happen to us as do rogers, how these things ‘manifest’ is different for each of us.

manifest: (ex.) Christine and Lizzi and Kristi are riding in a car one night after going to see a really great show. Suddenly the highway behind them is filled with flashing blue light… (common enough experience, right?) . The experience that unfolds for each of our three friends is going to be different.  No, really.  How this encounter manifests is distinguishably different for each of them, from start to finish. The experience will manifest according to the character and nature of their respective worldviews.

damn!  off on a tangent again.


  • for clarks it does not exist, it is knowable and observable, but it does not exist
  • for scotts is a fact of life, it is useable and enjoyable, but, in the final analysis, of no account
  • for rogers it is necessary, essential and expected…like saying to a person, ‘hey beautiful child you have there, isn’t the gravitational attraction of the Earth great today?’

-the Wakefield Doctrine- (“I’m not just the Doctrine writer, I’m a follower too!”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Woke up this morning feeling a bit…pre-aggravated.  Looked around, nothing to write about. Sat in front of this here computer here and… still nothing. The thought then occurred to me that this situation is not all that uncommon (well, alright, not uncommon among clarks) and there is something that the Wakefield Doctrine has that would be helpful (to me).

…still nothing.

Now, I’m starting to get pissed off. (yeah, I know….progress!)  Finally I went searching the blog archives for old Posts and stumbled upon the one below. As I watched the amazing video clip/illustration of the personality types, I realized what I should have remembered as soon as I woke up: ‘I am responsible for how I feel’.
“Hey!!! but…but!”,   astute Readers are trying to yell at their computer screens, unfortunately before they’ve finished swallowing that last sip of coffee, leaving caffeine-based punctuation on what they’re reading,   ” but!!! you’re a clark!!  you’re not of the world of feelings! you are a fish behind the wheel of a large automobile“!!
When it comes to emotions and feelings and such, I am indeed, ‘a fish behind the wheel of a large automobile’, fortunately for me, I have the Wakefield Doctrine to remind me that, though I live in the world of the Outsider, all seemingly intellectual and not all feely and such, I do have, within, the potential to experience the world as do ‘the other two’.

I began to feel a little…. not better, more  ‘ok, there’s something that I can do about this‘…. which, as we all know, is my scottian aspect asserting itself. Our friend Christine is, at this moment, muttering at her computer, “damn straight, yo” , (or words to that effect.)
Of course, we all know that part of the conflict within clarks, when feeling ‘pre-aggravated’ is a result of the resistance of their scottian aspect to the notion of simply letting the world roll over us.

Hey, this has been good for me, but time to get to work. I am leaving y’all with a re-post from way long ago… it’s about scotts.  You all know a scott. (If you’re a clark, then it’s your actual best friend, if you’re a roger, then it’s your current favorite best friend… and if you’re a scott, it’s your clarklike best friend, though you won’t think that at first*)

(from November 10 2011)

The Wakefield Doctrine  has a thing about looking at people, you know, how they act and stuff?  …we guarantee that if you got the smarts to understand this, (and not everyone does),  then you will know more about that other person than they know about themselves.  Pretty frickin cool, no?  But if you’re looking for one of those,  “Six Ways to get any Boy to Like you” or  “Satisfy the Woman in your dreams!! ”  or ” How to get your Boss off your back!”  self-improvement things  then stop reading. Right now.
This Wakefield Doctrine thing is so not that kind of personality theory.  (Not saying that you won’t be able to ‘satisfy the Woman in your Dreams’ or ‘get your Boyfriend a Job’), just that what we have here takes a little more….  flexible intelligence. So.  Read already!

No, the Wakefield Doctrine is not like those other self-development books….the Wakefield Doctrine is fun and it is useful and it is fun…

Today we are going to talk about scotts!  (Want to get a quick overview of the Doctrine?  go here and read….be sure to come back!)

scotts, scotts scotts!  where to start?   … hell, it’s Thursday, lets take the easy way out just to get the ball rolling, so to speak.1

Some bullets points relating to the nature and character of the scottian personality type:

  • scotts are totally emotional but in a way so very different from rogers,  mercurial is the right word for the emotional characteristic of scotts
  • scott   in a band?  the ‘front man’ every time  (don’t believe me? go look at the photo of the progenitors, click here  those three mugs were in a band together (yeah, I know!) and can you tell me who the front man was?…hell  you know which one is the Progenitor scott without anyone telling you, don’t you?)
  • at a party scotts will  introduce themselves (… everyone)
  • when confronted with a threat or other fear-generating situation, a scott will choose to attack rather than flee
  • scottian females can be ridiculously sexy or quick witted, …hardly ever both.  (ed note: 2014  ‘ha ha’)
  • (female) scotts can be spotted because they have prominent throat tendons (go ahead….ask us why)

Seeing how the scottian population is, of late, growing here at the Doctrine, lets cater to the their totally famous short attention-spans  and use a video that shows us a scott doing what they do best!  Watch and learn, binyons!

How scottian was David Caruso’s character? how clarklike was DeNiro’s character?  and the cop that backed down to the scott?, not toorogerian !  Hell! he was the only one in the scene to have a hat on his damn head!
So lets review:

clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel.    scotts are often wrong, but never uncertain.  scotts make good leaders, (at least when decisive action is required…when long-term objectives take precedence over short-term victory…not so much).     scotts are ‘the life of the party’… scotts are the best of joke tellers and are natural mimics.  scotts will feed on rogers and enjoy the challenge of clarks… scotts will give you the shirt off his back/ the use of her boyfriend but will not tolerate being ignored… they are un-selfish and short-sighted… ingenious and stupid…  emotional and shallow… sexy and predatory… endearing and dangerous…  get the picture?


1) that’s a joke for the scotts reading this


* meaning…if your back is to the wall and you’re going to have to go up against overwhelming odds, your clarklike friend is your best bet… most of the time, passive and half asleep, get them riled up and they be crazy
