predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 48 predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 48

ᖷɿibɒy -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Hey! scotts …rogers, ya gotta a minute?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


“HEY!!!! I’m nervous in front of people too!!!!!!!”

“You know you’re not so special, I have a lot of times where I’m shy and un-confidential… you’re not so different…”

Let me start by saying, ‘thank you, scotts   thank you rogers

I’m grateful, not just because we’re seeing increasing numbers of scotts and rogers coming to the Wakefield Doctrine blog and reading and commenting and, getting something from the experience and such, I’m grateful that, by you’re interest and activity you’re demonstrating, a critical  key aspect of our little personality theory is being illustrated and validated. Allow me to elaborate:

the Wakefield Doctrine is predicated on the idea that we all born with the capacity to experience the world in one of three characteristic ways, as Outsiders(clarks), as Predators(scotts) as Herd Members(rogers). At a very early age, one of these three (worldviews), becomes our reality and we grow up and develop in this context. the Wakefield Doctrine maintains that ‘personality type’ is (simply) the successful coping strategies appropriate to the reality we exist in, our style based on the nature of the reality we have to contend with;  if you grow up in the world of the Predator, guess what? you’ll learn that what works is to be aggressive, quick to act, given to ‘action before reflection’, as a result you’ll also tend to be mercurial in temperament, passionate in relationships…   if I happened to grow up in a reality in which I was ‘a part of/connected to my surroundings’, right from day one, then you can be sure the social interconnections that exist is where I will focus my efforts, learning to get along in life… this is both appropriate and successful because that ‘reality’ is where  living conscientiously and careful in action, grounded in a world that’s quantifiable and understandable will allow me to live at peace with my world, my reality of the Herd Member. But this  just tells you where scotts and rogers come from,  why they are the way they are…

the thing that I’m talking about today is what explains how a roger or a scott can stumble across this blog and (for a small percentage) stop and read and smile to themselves (and  look around and see if this is some kind of trick or trap or something) and… stay around. So why is that? Because of the potential (we all possess) to experience the world as do ‘the other two’.

the key to (using) the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool for self-improvement and the reason (some) scotts and rogers are finding this blog fun and useful lies in our potential to experience the world from the perspective of the two worldviews that we are not. So have fun.

and thanks for stopping by!



Wodin -the Wakefield Doctrine- (…as our demographic changes, it behooves us to adjust, Post-from-Comment Wednesday!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

"…walk the boy, Lassie, walk the boy… like I got nothing better to do"

“…’walk the boy, Lassie, walk the boy’,  like I got nothing better to do”


“…So there’s this Roger in my life, (with a strong Scottian aspect), who always asks my Clark for her opinion, because Clarks know a lot about things. But she never opts for my opinion. What’s going on there? Plus I have another little scenario. I’m remembering a party I had at my new house with some neighborhood acquaintances. There was a guy, a member of the Volunteer Fire Department, (rogers right?-rule follower?) As we took the tour, he commented on how I should have this or this or this instead of that. I thought it was unsolicited advice and it annoyed me. This same person wore earplugs at a wedding recently because he thought the music was too loud. So Clark, what is your opinion? (Must be my Rogers talking)?”  (ValMy Virtual Vineyard’ )

“…I’m here again. I like to read. And since I am of a Clarkian nature, I am permitted to observe, correct?” ( Jen KehlJen Kehl’ )

” …that’s very interesting about the roger-scott dynamic. …as a clark, try to be honest (sometimes to my utter detriment) and perhaps there HAVE been situations where I’ve said that and…it was awful. I said that a couple years ago when I went to a training and I hadn’t been “trained” and they “put me in charge of a group” – I acknowledged that I hadn’t had much training and that I probably didn’t know what I was doing. This is precisely why – I’ve figured out – the roger of the group strong-armed me and totally walked all over me. I was so mad…I didn’t let him have it, though. :P”  (Cynthia  ‘…the ‘tude, of course! ‘ )

We are very fortunate to have outstanding Comments. It’s almost as if they write a got portion of the Posts that you’ll find here! (I believe all of the Commentationers on the Post today are in possession of some form of Official Wakefield Doctrine fashion items… tres cool!) So, …to the Comments!

Hey… running out of time!!  (What to do, what to do? …. did I hear someone say   BULLET POINTS!!!!)*

(As a Reply to All Comments, sub-sections of Comments, inferences, innudenae and ‘my point is as plain as the nose on your face’, …in no particular order**):

  • ‘the Everything Rule’ cautions us to not assume that there is anything in life that is exclusively of one of the three worldviews, instead, we are charged with asking the critical question, ‘how does, (fill in your choice of activity/hope/aspiration/ambition/occupation/avocation/favorite pastime/bad habit or  famous saying), manifest in that person’s predominant worldview?’
  • having said that, there are ‘things in life’ that is more worldview-friendly to one personal reality over ‘the other two’ worldviews, i.e.  rogers make ‘the best’ firefighters, scotts make ‘the best’ cops and clarks… and clarks…. and… lol  (hold on!! it’s there…er  ‘clarks make the best something something …’)
  • there is hope! the Wakefield Doctrine encourages us,  not to become something we are not, but to become more of what we may be… the Doctrine maintains that, while we all grow up and live in one worldview (our predominant worldview), we retain the potential of ‘the other two’
  • …it is not easy….worse! it’s not natural (which is why clarks have a bit of an edge on scotts and rogers when it comes to self-developing ourselfs
  • (giving) un-solicited advice is common with rogers, however the key question is “…exactly how annoyed”  (that’s not phrased precisely as it should be… the everything rule for something this…small?!! absolutely!
  • ‘it annoyed me’:
    • scotts: …what??!  lol fuck you!
    • clarks:  (“what a jerk, doesn’t anyone else hear what a jerk that guy is being…I have half a mind to say something, if I did, it would be…”)
    • rogers: ‘huh… maybe I should help everyone put what this guy is saying into a more useful context, he’s clearly over-stepping his bounds”
  • is this still on? holy smokes! it works!  nested-damn-bullet-points!!
  • clarks are, in fact, sought out for opinion (and, more often, as a sympathetic listener…no matter what the issue or who the person is, clarks listen better than anyone!  now, before you object!  note! I did not say ‘clarks listen…and help/make the speaker feel better/come up with a plan’  just that we listen. (of course, this single trait is beyond price, if I may be so bold… there are times when a person simply needs to speak of things, that’s what clarks do so well.  (the listening, not the speaking…lol)
  • clarks are permitted to observe….hell! we do that by virtue of our reality… the real challenge is in taking what we learn and tricking ourselves into identifying with the people and activities and things that we observe… that’s when the real change, the true benefits of the Wakefield Doctrine are to be found!




* Thank you Christine… not that you really said it, but, had you been in the metaphorical auditorium, there is a better than even chance you would have been yelling,  “Bullet point this sucker so we can get to the payoff… I paid good money to get in here and I want the secret!!”

** hey, If there’s one thing that I think I’m coming to understand about this personality theory business, it’s, ‘trust the Readers to understand, if they don’t then it’s up to them to ask’ (thanks Molly!)



Mondant -the Wakefield Doctrine- true life situations, real Doctrine principles…and musical humor!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


So I was saying, just the other day, I said, ‘you know, the hardest thing about trying to write the Wakefield Doctrine book is that, despite the fact that it, (the Doctrine), can be applied to unlimited life situations (for insight or laughter-based purposes), when I get to a section where I need to say, ‘for example, in this common life situation, one might apply the Doctrine as follows’  I draw a total blank!’.  The other person laughed and said, ‘hey! sucks to be you!’  In any event, I had two experiences this weekend that I would like to offer as examples of the Wakefield Doctrine proving itself useful.

Situation 1: Maps, Directions and clarks

Part of my work involves working with another clark. (Another) part of my work involves inspecting properties. This weekend I needed to ‘cover’ the inspections that normally, my associate clark would do. There were 5 houses in a nearby city. I had the list and was beginning to check the google map (for best route) and my associate said, ‘here start with this property and then….’ and proceeded to give me directions…

Wakefield Doctrine Principle: clarks are good at couple of things: a) having a sense of direction 2) visualizing

… so, not only was I not needing directions, I was enjoying the prospect of mapping out the perfect route*. However,  I was pressed for time and left with the suggested sequence of houses on a piece of paper. (I should stop at this point and remind the Reader that clarks sometimes think that they are in sole possession of ‘the correct answer’ and, if someone else were to offer an alternative, well, by definition, it couldn’t be ‘the correct answer’ now could it?) This weekend I got myself reacting that way and, remembering my Wakefield Doctrine Principles,  thought, “well, he is a clark, so his route should be the same as I would have come up with”. And so, I followed his route and found my self both appreciating and approving of the choices (mostly in the sequence of the path)…. I could see that there was only one best route and he had picked it, pretty much, exactly as I would have. Like worldviews result in like decisions.

Situation 2: ”dodging bullets’

So, this weekend,  I had a certain task, I missed a step and there was about to be a situation where things might get very, very ugly. The moment came and, as it turned out, everything would be alright. As I left the room, I thought, “well Clark, you’ve dodged another bullet” and the second thing ( I thought)  was, “so what does the Wakefield Doctrine have to offer?”

Wakefield Doctrine Principle: the ‘everything Rule’ states that it is not that there are clarklike things that happen or scottian jobs or, even, rogerian interests and hobbies** rather than try to discern whether something is exclusively of one (of the three worldviews), (it isn’t),  we should focus on how a thing (or a job or an interest or hobby) manifests in the worldview of the other person. Take an easy example: upcoming event during which you are required to speak before an audience. It is not that one of the three might be better or worse at this, it is each of the three personality types experience this ‘speaking before an audience’ as a different thing. That is what we mean by ‘manifest’. Remember, one of the goals of applying the Principles of the Wakefield Doctrine is to be in a position to ‘see the world as the other person is experiencing it’.

So I thought, ‘well situations and circumstances like this are not that un-common and surely down through the ages clarks and scotts and rogers have survived this type of live/die, on/off, win/lose, lady/tiger life events, I wonder how ‘the other two’ would experience ‘dodging another bullet‘”

  1. clarks:  ‘Well, I guess I successfully dodged a bullet, this time’
  2. scotts: ‘I dodged that one!! Who wants to take another shot?!!! come on!!! it’s fun!!!’
  3. rogers: ‘Who the hell is shooting at me and why would they want to?’

Musical humor:


* ‘the perfect route’ is one that there is no wasted  driving, one path naturally leading to the next, without any, god forbid, doubling back… the mark of a poor route, indeed!

** there are, but that’s not what we’re talking about here


TToT(pre-Saturdee) -the Wakefield Doctrine- (the weekend, already?)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

1) Today started very early. I am, apparently,  a ‘morning person’. Given a choice of getting up extra early or staying up extra late, I’ll pick the former every time. So, today,while not particularly unusual in (my) getting-up-time, saw me out on the road extra early… as the photos indicate, about sunrise.

20150123_071440_resized …20150123_071437_resized20150123_071433_resized…I was driving –>  on my way in to my office. Good to have technology to be able to grab the photos as I drove.

2) (I’m really determined to write a normal, orderly TToT Post this week. Not that anyone is suggesting or otherwise attempting to compel me to do so, it’s just that for me it’s difficult and therefore accomplishing it would be a good thing. I am grateful to Christine and Dyanne and the other co-hostinae who are skilled grat list writers, for their encouragement and, in their own contributions here each week, demonstrate of ‘how to write a grat list… here and now style’!*

3) Phyllis had a birthday recently and, as a present, I thought….’hey! real people send flowers to loved ones at their place of work as a surprise‘. The pleasure of such gestures is, by all appearances, enhanced by the public-ness of the gift receiving process. I suspect that this is a X Chrome thing, as it seems to be all about… the ‘awwws’  Of course, I am a clark, which would have become totally obvious had you the opportunity to observe, as I went online to the FDA online florist site (FDA online florist site motto: ‘ You’re at home in your bathroom with a cup of coffee… you can afford to be extra romantic!‘). But, flowers are not really something I understand (other than their ‘aww’ producing qualities), so I thought, ‘a plant for Phyllis’s office would be nice… bonsai plants are pretty cool and slow-motion zen an shit… get her something Mr Miyagi would approve of!‘ and so I did and I am grateful for the opportunity to do so.

4) I am grateful for the new plant I have on my desk at home:

20150123_185651_resized… if it weren’t for the fact that only girls and rogers name things like cars, and plants and such, I’d call it ‘george’ (or ‘ジョージ’)… but being neither, I guess I’ll just take a photo and maybe come back to it from time to time on these weekend posts. It’s not that Phyllis did not enjoy my gift, it’s just that she’s not a plant person… so we’ll see.

5) (I’m actually still within the last 7 day period with my post here!) Allow me to go a little generic, and say I’m very grateful for the non-snow infested winter season that we’ve been experiencing here in southern New England. Granted it’s been cold, but, (the lack of snow), is worth at least 10 degrees of outdoor temperature.  and…and! it’s like still light at 5:30!!

6) I spend a significant amount of time in my car everyday. The lack of snow has made this much more enjoyable. I’m more inclined to try and take photos as I drive:

20150120_103641_resized is it just me, or does this cloud formation seem a little odd. (That special kind of ‘everyday unusual’… like walking into kitchen and seeing a clean plate on the top of the stove, obviously the result of a major distraction…. nevertheless it can be a bit …un-nerving, teetering between funny and creepy… these clouds? They could go either way.)

7) As always, I’ll cite the Wakefield Doctrine as one of the most significant aspects of my life. No, seriously… were it not for this fun and unique and helpful theory of personality, I would not be here, writing this Post! 

8) You know Christine did something at ‘the coop’ this week that might serve a grat item prompt, if I may borrow (and mutate her idea)… i.e. to tell a story from the early days of my life in the ‘sphere. It ties into Item # 7, the role of the Wakefield Doctrine in my (online) life.   So anyway… a couple of years ago (stop me if you’ve already heard me tell this story!) I was doing a FTSF** and I came across this small blog, ‘Considerings‘. I liked it immediately… very intense, personal and rather well written  and clearly there was a clark on the other side of the computer screen. So I started ‘hanging around’, reading each week on Fridays and then other days and, finally, I started commenting. (This act of commenting is a testament  to the Doctrine, in that many of the Posts were dealing with difficult situations, (in the life of the author) and, although I didn’t know the author (our Ms. Rogers, of course), I did know that she was a clark and therefore I felt comfortable enough to respond as I would to a person I already knew. Because, in a sense I did.
Anyway….!!   so, I was writing comments at Considerings for, probably a month or two when, totally out of the blue, I get a Comment at the Doctrine from a woman living in the Midwest. It was an interesting Comment,  ‘I found your post interesting…. I’ve seen you at my friend Lizzi’s blog and I wanted to introduce myself’.  I sat back in my chair and smiled, as I immediately realized that a) the comment writer was a scott and 2) she was checking me out. her purpose was simply to make sure I wasn’t some kind of un-desirable, stalker kind of person, and so, I smiled. I smiled because of the value of the Wakefield Doctrine in understanding people (including total strangers), and I smiled because that is what a scott does when they have a clarklike friend… Christine did not need to ask Lizzi if she needed help, Christine did what a scottian friend would do.  Naturally we got along splendidly right from the start.
I am grateful for the Wakefield Doctrine.

9) Hey! Always grateful for the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)… it represents the kind of attitude that makes this bloghop the excellent thing that it is… ‘rules without force’ the manifestation of the sense participating in this community, according to ‘where we are, on a given weekend’  Very cool

10) Lets close with the photo I took as I headed back to the office to finish my day today:

20150123_160859_resized…I was driving <—- and the sun was beginning to start to set.


Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group

* both Christine and Dyanne are scotts and that’s where they live, in the present, immediate and real world… ( as they might say, ‘hey! grab for the brass ring… you only have so much time here!!’)

** ‘Finish The Sentence Friday’ my first bloghop… and still a favorite, though I have not participated in a while, Kristi was one of the hostettes…


re-print phriday -the Wakefield Doctrine- hey! it’s Friday! (Friday motto: everything that that fricken Monday …isn’t!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Early day today… want to put some content up, thought that, other than ivy (tbfkaz)* who arguably is the Margaret Meade of the Wakefield Doctrine sub-culture-to-be, most people have not read the following Post. I’ve been writing this blog for nearly 5 years or so, and when I came across the Post that is today’s content,  as I read it yesterday, (admittedly with a little ‘oh-shit-!-a-Post-from-the-first-year!’, I was relieved to find that it’s a surprisingly fun and minimally embarrassing example of early Doctrine Post. (To put it in a historical context, today’s reprint-Post was written at a time when the only comments on a Post came from a person I knew in real life.) My driving ambition was to present the principles and convey the simple fun of our little personality theory.  (Seeing how old most Readers these days are not… the woman on the lower left is Diane Keaton, from her Annie Hall days (she was nothing less than the Patron Saintessa of all clarklike female women… ), I often use clips from that particular movie because she is such a clark.

Enjoy yourselfs.

Wakefield Doctrine Field Guide

October 27, 2010 By  2 Comments
( …”so if we establish the outward more obvious characteristics”… )Oh, hello!  Did not see you come on line…be right with you  ( …but the “fun factor” got to find a way to present the damn fun of this thing… ) just one more aside and we can get today’s Post started ( …good frickin job there, you just telegraphed your last remaining hook… goddamn it… ) Let me just try and put this little journal down. There.Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)!. This week we are starting to present the whole Doctrine in a simple, logical and easy to understand manner.  ( …sure keep up with the asides…is there nothing you won’t resort to in order to get through one of these Posts?…they know what you are doing, they ‘get’ it, dude…this is so over done…)  Yesterday we started with a clark, as subject of discussion. But let’s keep with the topic a little longer… ( … ’cause clarks are sooo interesting. ) clarks are the creative ones and as such…( …Hola Miguel, ¿qué pasa con el director Clark? No se ve tan bien, y creo que él está hablando a sí mismo … vamos que el hallazgo señorita Sullivan y Britney… )  ( …man! are you so totally shameless!   roll out the ‘Spanish exchange students’,  just to keep this Post limping alone?)I believe I was suggesting that we continue to look at the personality of clarks. Hell, since this Post insists on slouching towards ( …Yeates, I can’t frickin believe that you are so desperate to get done that you will pad this thing with a literary allusion that a sophomore high school student would be too embarrassed to use… but hey, who am I to criticize… ) Well, let’s get the words on the page, put in some pictures and get the hell out. ( …the way this thing is going you are likely to pander to the scotts and put some frickin childishly exuberant music just to draw a reaction. )

Ahem! as we have said before, the clarklike females are fairly easy to identify. Outlandishly dressed, creative with the make-up (with special attention to the face/eyes) and, to a woman,  something fairly strange on their feet. If you are trying to identify which of the three types a person is and you are thinking, possible clark, then concentrate on their eyes.  (The eyes) of the female clarks are quite distinctive, mostly in an un-mistakeable ’not-of-this-world’ intensity. Often (and unfairly) characterized as either the ‘ditsy broad’ or  ‘snooty/aloof/what-does-she-think-she-is-too-good-for-us?’, the clarklike female projects this image simply because they are distracted. A state common to all clarks, there is simply so much going on inside their heads that they barely have time to keep track of what is going on in front of their noses. If you find yourself  talking to a clark, watch their eyes. If you pay attention, you will see as (mentally) they go from topic to idea to implication to ramification (back to the conversation taking place) to how to conclude the interaction to implication…etc

In the spirit of turning this trainwreck into a valid Post about identifying clarks, let’s cut and paste some of the characteristics (found on the clarks page) and get some music and get out… after all there is a real world out there and it is totally full of clarks, scotts and rogers. And there is nothing more fun than going out there and seeing the Wakefield Doctrine “demonstrate itself”.
New Readers? It might seem difficult to figure who is which today, but take our word for it, this Doctrinething is a lot of fun.


Just to get you started, here are some photos of known clarks  

or  or maybe       …ok, we’re sure you get the idea, now get out there and find ‘em!

(DS#1 says we should stick with the ‘topic’ of female clarks) because they are out there in the everyday world and you can spot them with only a little practice. And who are we to disagree with the DownSprings? (the DownSprings are the life of this Doctrine, whatever they want they will always get), so let’s try to come up with a “Field Guide”:

Wakefield Doctrine Field Guide

(male):   picture that Tasmanian devil on the cartoons……or Joe Pesci in all of his movies
roger(male):  they’re frickin everywhere, watercooler? check…Fireman? check…look for the easy-going comfortable smile, inviting conversation…
scott(female): Ginger on Gilligan’s Island, the green chick on Star Trek (the 60′s version)
clark(female): read the damn Post! you can find the clarklike females
clark(male):  the office geek except without the marketable technical skills, probably under-employed, very funny, usually interesting, (in small doses), cannot do enough for any person who merely recognises their existence, never mind actually be nice to them
roger(female): tough call under the best of circumstances, examples Kathy Bates, most wholesomely attractive women (with an agenda), think Carrie Nation in SUV…

There you  have it, the Wakefield Doctrine  Field Guide (to spotting) clarks, scotts and rogers..

