Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
1) that I have a bloghop to be a (co)-host for/to, which conveys a certain sense of belonging and, at the same time, a responsibility to participate each week
2) … grateful for the..something about the TToT that makes it exceptional, especially the very basic yet often under-emphasized principle (of an exercise like a gratitude blog) that maintains that the primary, initial value is the act of engaging in the exercise… it’s not just writing 10 items that would appear to demonstrate a thankful for attitude towards (one’s) life… it is (for me), the fact of doing it anyway. (Something our esteemed Founder demonstrated even before this ‘hop got started more than 2 years ago
3) hey! new TToTeers!! have you heard about hypo-gratitude? (yeah, there is such a thing!) There are times and there are things that may possess a quality that, while overall is a good thing, at the same time there is a feeling associated with it…. that you don’t feel so grateful for… ambivalence might be a better word to describe it…
4) 2 Mile Run I am genuinely grateful that today is Saturday, ’cause we have tomorrow (Sunday) off! We don’t have to run on Sunday.
5) I would say ‘gratitude’ for my work… but this has been one of those weeks that the term hypo-gratitude was coined to describe.
6) BoSR/SBoR Hey!!! anyone new to the TToT out there? ask about the Secret Book of Rules (aka Book of Secret Rules) it is simply one of the most fun thing about this here bloghop here… so ask already!
7) SGV ( you might want to check in with Lizzi or zoe/ivy )
8) Hey!!!!! don’t forget TToLive!! June 27 2015 You will be one of the people who are there… (oh oh! Feel a Kenneth Branagh speech coming on…. TToT a ‘household word’ indeed, “…we happy few, we band of bloggers“)
https://wwwyoutube.com/watch?v=A-yZNMWFqvM…(update! I realized that I should have included more information! TToT will be Live on Saturday June 27 2015 starting 10:30 EDT and ending 11:30 EDT… further details available, i.e. dress code, menu, assigned topics etc stay tuned!
9) sweat; sweatiness; excess temperatue I’m totally grateful for it. (You know that old saying, ‘hot enough for ya?’… my answer is always, “Why no, it is not (yet) hot enough for me.”
10) * footnote for subtitle I figured I better put the explanation here rather than at the bottom, because you will have just finished the vid clip and that phrase is, of course, one of the very last lines
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