Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
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Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group
… oh yeah! damn! the TToT List! wait …wait!
The first photo (no, this is serious, I’d really like to know what kind of plant this is….any of you hortiologists out there can ID this thing?):
…I’d really appreciate it. Hey! #1 0T!
2) Clearly I was exhibiting some innate and underdeveloped gift of prestidigitization when I (sub)titled this Post last night, so I will also include a (Semi)closeup of the mystery plant later in Item 6 of this Post.
3) Una and the Rose Bush*
4) Our Founderette, Lizzi (not only for this bloghop, but for speaking a foreign language that her people have persisted in referring to as ‘English’) ex.
“The 7 GuardVirgins are responsible for guarding the Book of Secret Rules (or Secret Book of Rules) and if you can’t think of a Thankful, you are at liberty to dance for the 7 and if they give you the book, you can use a rule to justify your lack of actual thankful.
Rule 1.3 is an old favourite – that having got to item ten on the list is its own thing of thankfulness. :D”
…last time I checked there was no ‘u’ in favorite! (now that I think of it, have then they, a different spellcheck demon over in Metric-ville?)
5) …but we still love her, so, everyone? lets don’t tell her she has misspelled the word ‘favorite’, in her Reply to Samara in the Comment thread at Considerings, it’ll be our little secret.
6) speaking of little secrets, here’s another photo of the mystery plant…actually it’s the junior version of the plant in the lead photo…sorta reminds me of that episode of Star Trek, look on this!
7) so there, above, close-up of flower with a Bumble Bee
8) Seeing the increasing numbers of people new to this, the-bloghop-that-Lizzi-built, I’ll contribute my own opinion re: the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)… it’s the best thing ever to happen to a bloghop. The simple reason is, whenever there is a theme, inevitably there develop limitations (self- and group-imposed) that, while not inherently bad, have the effect of encouraging the ‘what is expected effect’. And while I personally admire the more… sensible and well-written Posts that are seen here every week, it’s good to know that I’m still encouraged to participate. Having said that, the TToT remain a bloghop focused on the sharing (and appreciation) of the positive things in our (group, individual and collective) lives. …the cool thing is the very clear feeling in all the Posts that appear here each week…whether it’s a photo Post, or a clearly delineated list or a wildly meandering stream-of-consciousness thing… we’re all here by choice. This is probably an unnecessarily long-way around to say that what we have here is community.
9) I’m grateful for having work that involves driving around and having properties that are located on totally cool names, such as:
10) 1.3 (metric v. 3.1)