predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 43 predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 43

Six…that’s right! all it is, is Six Sentences comprising a Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Tough one. At least it’s striking me so, here at 12:30 am Thursday the 27th, as I sit at my computer, typing, near-automatically with similar ambition, (to the automatic writers of old), hoping against hope that the very motion of the pen (or keyboard), will be mother (or father) to art. Maybe they were on to something.

The Project that was projected was to project as much of the project to as many of the people comprising the Project.

To Project, speaking from a faux psychoanalytic perspective, is, in part,  to attribute (project) onto to people, places and things in ones’ world, the attributes and characteristic that one attributes to oneself but would really rather not accept.’
Luckily this is only this week’s Six Sentence Challenge and all I have to do is finish and submit and then go one with life, which has enough difficulties in it without having  to contend with zoe’s latest deviously simply word prompt.

Man! this is a tough one…

Awake, thank god that night is over!

Tossed and turned all night, chased by worry and hobbled by loss of confidence, surely, (so spoke the voices of the night), there is no way to get through this next set of challenges.

Coffee to stimulate the mind, producing the illusion (maybe even the allusion) of being capable of efficient and effective action.

The caffeine,  (a delightfully psycho-active part of a complete breakfast, ‘the Best to me each morning’), surely the Lord Chamberlain of morning, has me convinced that my worries of the past night were simply that… worries, not real at all; the reality of this morning in front of the computer with a cup of coffee on the desk is what is real and all of the tossing and turning of the night were merely projections and everyone knows, they are but shadow shows, the illusion of action and character and can’t be the actual world, otherwise I might find myself caught in them, like last night’s seemingly endless struggle, and that would be….

…Tough one.

At least it’s striking me so, here at 12:30 am Thursday the 27th, as I sit at my computer, typing, near-automatically with similar ambition (to the automatic writers of old), hoping against hope that motion of the pen (or keyboard) will be mother (or father) to art. Maybe they were on to something…



Leadership, Passion and clarks -the Wakefield Doctrine- (of parentheses and conversation, it’s Friday Monday and the pressure is finally off (for the rogers and scotts, that is!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Once again, we have Friends of the Doctrine to thank for an interesting Post topic. Our friend Cynthia wrote, in a Comment, the other day,

“And…and…clarks. I need to do some learnin’ about bringing out the “leadership” quality in a clark. You know: making those 60-second decisions, not backing down, managing a lot of people. That sort of thing. Not a very clark-thing to do at all. :P

“:P” indeed!

(I was just thinking, ‘My reply to Cynthia, the other day was pretty comprehensive and, well, lets just say, ‘the post is almost complete with a couple of copy/paste(s)’, go ahead! who’s gonna object?’)

I’ll compromise and put the Reply, (my response to our friend’s Comment), somewhere else. Actually this will be quite useful in allowing me to experiment with an idea for using un-categorized Posts as secret hiding places. So, if you would like to read my response to Cynthia’s excellent Post-topic-to-be, click here.

To the topic on hand! One that I started writing about this August 19th and am only just now publishing it, which is not, as it turns out a bad thing. The reason is that in the intervening time, discussion ensued, specifically, what might we suggest to Cynthia as (possible) paths to explore as she continues on with the remarkable tale of profession and personal development?

(New Readers? note here. the Wakefield Doctrine, besides being a lot of fun is also a tool for understanding the people in our lives, which includes ourselves… as people in our lives. Now the thing about the Doctrine is that we do not claim to have ‘the Answer’, hell, we don’t even insist that our way (of looking at the world) is ‘the Better Way’. All we say is that the Wakefield Doctrine provides an additional perspective on life and the world and dealing with that pain-in-the-ass guy at the deli counter at the Stop ‘n Shop (and) the girl that we would really like to believe we have a shot with and (even) the new boss who seems to be going out of his way to be a first class dick, our emphasis here being, of course, on ‘additional’. We sincerely believe that the more we understand the people in our lives, the better our lives can be. So, the next time you find yourself saying, “I really thought I knew them better than that! How could they be so mean?”  stop. remember the three worldviews, see if you can infer how that person is ‘relating themselves to the world around them’, (as an Outsider (clark) or a Predator (scott) or a Herd Member (roger). and then…. then do your best to see the world as they are experiencing it. If you do that, you will know them better. Maybe just a little better, maybe a lot better, but you will have a better understanding/appreciation of them.)

My! that certainly was a jumbo parenthetical aside! Back to our ‘discussion’.  how do clarks become more effective leaders and managers? You’ll recognize, in these two, the worldview of scotts and rogers, respectively.  It is fundamental to the Wakefield Doctrine that, while we all have only one predominant worldview (our personal reality), we retain the potential and capacity of ‘the other two’. We refer to these as our secondary and tertiary aspects.* At first blush, the ‘answer’ to Cynthia’s query might be thought to be ‘well, develop your secondary and tertiary aspects!’ And, in fact, that is the answer. However, the question remains, ‘how the heck does one do that?’

Hey!  here’s what I’ve got:  enthusiasm.

Yep! there it is. the answer.** Enthusiasm… or, as we presciently wrote in our Post Title…passion. That is the keystone, the touchstone, the abracadabra of accessing her secondary and tertiary aspects. Now, I alluded to discussion over the course of the weekend that contributed to a better understanding of this mechanism (in clarks). Remind me later in the week to tell you about it.  Mention:  spinner and hydraulics for cars and I’ll totally get what you mean.

Got to go to work.


* e.g. I am a clark with a strong secondary scottian and weak tertiary rogerian aspect(s) as a result I am a creative Outsider, but have at times found myself driven to act aggressively on the world at large, this blog being the best example of that effect.

** this is the answer specific to Cynthia’s Comment-question. It is applicable to clarks. If we were dealing with a roger or a scott, even with the same question, the answer would be different. Why? well because they have different set of rules, the worldview, the personal reality of (a) scott or (a) roger is different. It only makes sense, doesn’t it?



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘it’s easier to finish a Post than it is to start one’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


This is the-bloghop-that-Lizzi-built, and it is, as befits all communal activity in the virtual world, many things to many people. There are few Rules, (but many Secret Rules), the people who participate vary from the new-to-blogging to extraordinarily talented blog writers, however,  the bottom line here the charge to us to make the effort to identify parts of our life/our world/our reality that elicits a feeling of gratitude and to share what that means, (to you), here at this virtual gathering, every weekend.

1) I’ll start by thanking Denise for today’s  Post subtitle. Not certain what prompted it, but, in the course of conversation, we agreed that, when it comes to writing blog posts, its’ easier…’

2) funerals. This is not an attempt to be macabre or worse, contrived, but I have to go to a funeral service (a work connected person, close but not family close) tomorrow and I am grateful because most of the time I go to one, I leave with a refreshed sense of the importance of appreciating the here and now. It’s not a ‘glad I’m not them’ thing, rather, it (the experience of going to a funeral service), is a very real and effective reminder that no matter how caught up I get in my dreams and ambitions, fears and hopes, the fact of the matter is that there is only today. (Sure, there’s probably going to be tomorrow… but that’s exactly how I get myself in trouble, living in the future, as most clarks do.*) And, I also experience funerals as an opportunity to self-understand myself more… not being an overly-emotional person, (which is not to say that I lack emotion), I find it a challenge to convey what I would convey to the people that I care about at (a) funeral.

3)  Lets hear it for work!  (The employment type, not the dig in the yard, physically demanding, mentally refreshing activity, which will be Item #5)… I enjoy what I do and sometimes I catch myself avoiding making mistakes and that’s really an excellent feeling. (I did mention that I’m a clark, right?)

4) I will cite as Grat Item #4, the opportunity to use the word macabre in a sentence where that is the legitimately best word

5) digging holes in the ground. (the photo below) is my home made drainage …thing. (turns out that the new driveway was not quite properly pitched, at least the section of it that Phyllis uses to park her Mini. Which is a problem in the winter. The snow melts and pools inside the enclosure that we have for the car and the car sits in water until it gets cold enough and then the car is locked in the ice for a couple of months. So, the solution is to create a lower point. The problem is, most of the area around this section of the driveway is higher. (damn! this is taking a long time to write! Hell, I devoting nearly as much time describing my drainage project as I did trying to relate my feelings and attitudes toward funerals… that can’t be right!  lol)


6) Phyllis’s Treehouse is coming along fine… for this year, the only things left are some sort of curtains (probably some of those bamboo roll-up things) and a little landscaping and that’s about all for this season.

7) Una, of course.

8) the fearless and intrepid Graviteers over at the 2 Mile Run ‘Gravity Challenge’  (that would be Kristi, Christine, Val, Lisa and Joy)  ya oughta come by and join us! It’s fun and gravity-defying!

9) z and her Six Sentence Stories…. A weekly mid-term/class project/term paperette and impromptu presentation all rolled into one!  (no!  normal bloggers! don’t listen to me on this. this is only how I view the challenge of writing a six sentence story, most of the others have the skill (and talent) to not only create great stories, but also make it look easy! My own interest is very simply, if I hangout with people with superior skills in the word-wrangling biz, then mine will surely improve as well!

10) SR 1.3  …and,of course, the entire Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) for being nothing less than license to do almost anything in these pages (with the clearly appreciated caveat that this is still about being grateful)


* and rogers live in the past and scotts, now they, they’re the one’s that live in the present, ‘cept they don’t have the interest to over-appreciate what it is they do…


Ten Things of Thankful
<a href=” ” target=”_blank”><img src=”″ alt=”Ten Things of Thankful” style=”border:none;” /></a>

Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘ It’s photo-match Saturday!!! (…in a holographic universe, could it be any other way?)’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


New to the TToT? Feeling like you’re not so sure you want/can/are suited to participation in a ‘gratitude bloghop’? You are. (the reason I appear to be so confident in making this statement is based in genius of founderini Lizzi Roger’s  vision for the TToT… and that was, ‘hey! come join us! you see the instructions…follow them the best you can and know that this is about how we feel, not just what we do‘*)
I submit as evidence the following Post (un-official motto: ‘hey, If they let me get away with posting this… you gots nothing to worry about!’ )

1) (the 2 Mile Run presents) ‘the Gravity Challenge

2) treehouse

3) Una

4) yard animals

5) Six Sentence Challenge

6) BoSR/SBoR

7) summer

8) early dark hypo-grat

9) blogosphere

10) 1.3



phyllis…ocean….moonrise July 31, 2015

'zombie deer at the pear trees in Ola's grave area'

‘zombie deer at the pear trees in Ola’s grave area’


11046255_653209694816679_3563045654293379169_o                            photo


…hey, she was at the beach last night ’til way late!



…sure, I know!  7 photos and 10 Items!  What the hell, indeed!  In any event…  the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) is well documented and referenced in zoe’s link to a previous Post…in last week’s TToT:  Click here for zoe’s most comprehensive of Introductions to our little BoSR/SBoR and the photos of the Beach (above) were taken at like… 7:55 or so…. shit!!  hold on!!  ( I just looked at the time!! I’m late for the Gravity Challenge…. damn  Kristi and Christine and Val and Lisa and Joy are gonna be pissed…I’m supposed to post by 8:am and here it is 8:17!!!   shit!…. be right back!)

…ok, where was I?


* well, kind of a condensed, paraphrased, derived from a compilation of a variety of statements found in sources not necessarily authorized by Ms. Rogers, the co-hostinae or anyone else for that matter, SR. 6.32 is, however, invoked in this case (SR. 6.32 stating, in part: when you’re writing a post, write whatever the hell you want, provided you can cite the appropriate Rule (from the Book of Secret Rules (aka Secret Book of Rules)) and are willing to face zoe, the SGV, Sarah and, if you’re still standing, Christine and Dyanne… ya know?



Ten Things of Thankful
<a href=” ” target=”_blank”><img src=”″ alt=”Ten Things of Thankful” style=”border:none;” /></a>

Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group


how cool is Tuesday? -the Wakefield Doctrine’ “…today we invite you to contribute to the Wakefield Doctrine…sort of

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


So we used to have people, (mostly scotts, btw), who would say, “I like the Doctrine, it’s fun and funny and sometimes, by letting me know how clarks and rogers think and feel, it helps me be a better Predator! But, it would be a lot quicker if you just had a test or a quiz or something that your Readers could read and answer questions and, at the end, know which of the three personality types they are!!! You know?!!  Can you do that?!  Can, you huh? Can you??! Come on!! I know you can….  !!!”

Sure. We could do that. In fact, we did. And if you take the Assessment and follow directions on scoring, you’ll more than likely get the correct answer to which of the three is your predominant worldview.* But, two things:

  1. if we accept the premise that having an ‘objective’ test or measure for Readers to use to facilitate their learning, the bigger the test the better. No! really! That’s not just my opinion, it’s a damn fact1  or not
  2. I believe we said in the last Post that this theory of clarks, scotts and rogers first and foremost is meant to be fun and, statistics and tediously precise measurement and math and such is not! (Unless you’re a roger and then it’s like being in church or on a date (and it’s a sure thing) or building a ship-in-a-bottle or having a dinner party and the table looks exactly like the photo in the cookbook or you’re riding your 27 speed, hybrid-carbon-fiber-with-the-speedometer-that-goes-to-something-totally-silly-like-60mph, callibrated-ergo-meter and 2 mirrors on  your .0003 drag co-efficient helmet and you look around at the other riders and realize that you’re in front ….then you’re total in heaven)
  3. that being said, I would like to have more sample questions/scenarios/life situations for the Assessment and…. and, if anyone has any ideas how I can keep track of the results (there is currently no way to know how many people have taken the Assessment and, of them, how many are clarks or scotts or rogers), I’m totally open to suggestion. (Well, I am a clark! lol)
  4. So. Go take the Assessment. Come back here. In the Comments Section below, write us a little life scenario. Don’t worry about coming up with the ‘what would you do’…although, if you know what the three answers should be, go ahead and include them! As you can see, if the current Assessment,  if your life situation works as an Assessment Question, we’ll totally give you credit.

Be sure to play along today!


* except when your score comes out evenly distributed among the three, then you’ll know for total certain, which of the three personality types you are…lol

1) our friends at ‘the wikipedia’ say this about that:

In statistics, statistical significance (or a statistically significant result) is attained when a p-value is less than the significance level. The p-value is the probability of obtaining at least as extreme results given that the null hypothesis is true whereas the significance or alpha (α) level is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis given that it is true. As a matter of good scientific practice, a significance level is chosen before data collection and is usually set to 0.05 (5%). Other significance levels (e.g., 0.01) may be used, depending on the field of study
