predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 41 predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 41

FTSF -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘lets go visit our friends who got us started on bloghops, way back in ’12 or was it ’10?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Friend of the Doctrine, Lizzi, made an appeal today, from her position as spokesbeing at the BB&G* for all readers to either join in the TToT this weekend or jump in on the Finish the Sentence Friday today. Well, all it took…, (as Linda Ronstadt would sing), because the Finish The Sentence Friday is, like, the ‘hop that got us here at the Doctrine totally into the business of bloghops. (Sort of like in high school, where, as a clark, I’d move on the fringes of the established social groups, such as, the jocks, the Honor Society, the voc ed, the proto-hippies, even the tough guys (and surprisingly kind-hearted, but way hot girlfriends) out in the student parking lot, smoking cigarettes… I’d always find one person who had just enough secondary clarklike aspect to  be secret buddies with and sometimes, as I passed through the halls between classes, they’d acknowledge me while they where among their kind and I’d be walking on air the rest of the day) … well, that’s kinda the story with how I got into bloghops. Athough it was Kristi (and Stephanie and Janine and Kate) at the FTSF, who invited me to hang our with cool (virtual) kids in the blogosphere.

So today, over at the FTSF, the show-us-your-heart Sentence fragment is,

“In 1,000 years from now…”

…distance will not be a factor, in our activities and our relationships. While nothing totally new, the percentage of relationships that are necessarily embedded in a physical connection, (birth, reproduction, death and the-chance-encounter-with-a-person-that-makes-a-list-like-this-totally-moot), will be way, way higher. Just as the human race got through a couple of thousand years of self-development predicated on a relationship with a god/high power/supreme being, i.e. never in the same room with, so human culture and society becomes un-tethered to the touch-me, hit-you, hold-me, where-have-you-gone paradigm.

It will be the best of times, it will be the worst of times….


*long story, but that’s our acronym for the Bloppy Bloopers group on ‘the Facebook’


Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “VOTRE INVITATION A LA CONFERENCE” (‘is there a translator in the house?’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

...wire money?....please?!

Well, sure! I could go to ‘the google’ and I could also take a wild guess as to what this cryptic phrase/Post sub-title, (found in the subject line of a spamish email), means in English. Or….or! I could use this as an old school Doctrine jumping off point for a quick ‘n quirky Tuesday Post.  Which would you prefer?

Thank you. I appreciate your vote of confidence and adventurous nature.

So who besides me, looking at the photo above (origin: somewhere in the googlesphere a few years ago, totally don’t remember my search parameters) sees, at first a happy tourist and …a split, sure-if-you-have-a-mind-to-imagine-things-differently, second later a terrified woman being kidnapped by two men who seemed so Old World charming, sitting at a table in the picaresque* outdoor café  …and why is that guy on the left hiding his right hand?!?  You can almost hear her screams.

So what’s this got to do with the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)? You mean, the personality theory that not only is a fun way to better understand the people in your life, but the Wakefield Doctrine that offers such an insight into how the other person is experiencing the world that you will know what they’re about to do, even before they! That Wakefield Doctrine?

Well, I guess that pretty much says it all.

No!  wait!  there is one other thing about the Wakefield Doctrine that’s different from all the other personality theory, self-help programs and “Win the affections of that Girl/Guy Everytime” social coaching system! Well, actually there are two things.  ….and one thing before I tell you about the two things.  But, lets not make this too easy. First the second thing:

‘the Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them’.

(This should be self-explanatory, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned in the past 5 years of writing this blog, it’s that the things I think are clear, usually aren’t and the parts of the Doctrine that I’m certain is going to be tough to understand, you people get right away.) In any event, this admonition is at the heart of the Doctrine and is a good example of why it’s such a useful tool for understanding the people in our lives. Everything you learn about people through the use of the Wakefield Doctrine, has value, bearing, meaning and use for you, and only you. It (this added insight and understanding) is helpful in understanding how you are (or should) (or might) relate yourself to this other person (or spouse) (or boss) (or that girl in history class) (or that guy who might or might not be a client, but manages to say something to you every time he comes to where you work, and now that you think about it, he does seem to come up with pretty flimsy pretexts)… that is the only value in the Wakefield Doctrine.
You know how, when, an otherwise intelligent and mature person comes across one of the countless surveys and personality profiles and ‘Which heroic legendary for history are you?’ things that you used to see in the backs of magazines (the ones sold in supermarkets checkout lines, not the kind that you actually subscribe to) or, more recently on the internest, the first thing this person will be heard to say is, “Honey!! Come here! you have to take this survey! They have you down to a ‘T’!
That’s what the ‘…for you, not them’ means… well, now that I straighten out my syntax,  that’s what the phrase …implies …that the Wakefield Doctrine does …not offer (lol).  Unlike the ‘Oscar Meyers, Briggs and Stratton personality system’ or (the) ‘Kubler, Fran and Ollie Seven Stages of self- acceptance’, the Wakefield Doctrine is not a mirror-coated club.

What you learn about people using the Doctrine affects how you act (and react and feel and grow), it does nothing for the other person, so don’t bother trying to tell them.  (Unless, you’re, like trying to get lucky at a bar and you see this really cute/hot roger or clark or even scott… then, you have our blessings and best wishes.)

damn! out of time…. check back later, (or even better write us a comment), and we’ll get to the First thing ….and, the one thing that helps understand the two things.




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘No. 12 Pole and Cows’ (yeah, adds a nice…artsy touch, doesn’t it?)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


So lets start this thing! No, you’re right! There is no significance to the order of the ‘Things of Grateful’, at least I don’t think there are…  but,  but it is certainly seductively suggestive*. Since there are very few Rules governing the creation of the Grat List, I’ll make a poll my first Item! yeah, boy! I’m sure glad that idea showed up when it did, otherwise I’d be slogging through the First Five and looking for my ‘hook’ all morning!

1) I’m grateful that the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) encourages the use of alternate expressions of gratitude, case in point, a survey of Participants on the question: Does your List represent a Priority of Gratitude or are the Items (comprising your TToT) effectively random?

 2) While we wait for the others to respond, I will say that I’m grateful for the gift of a plant from an associate at work. It’s a money tree and stands about 18 inches tall. I researched  ‘Money Tree’ (common name for gifted plant) and read that they can grow to 18m. I am from the Land of Y Chromia so you can well imagine what I did upon learning that! I immediately bought a much larger pot, more dirt and a little fertilizer. Taller is better, yo.

3) Una and I went for a walk yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately the sun is setting at, like 2:00 (and that’s on a sunny day) but we had fun… went to the bank where the Teller sent dog treats back with my deposit slip, which I gave to Una.  …the treats, not the deposit slip.

4) We’re into the colorful-and-pleasing-if-you-enjoy-the-splendor-of-dying-leaves season, here in southern New England. Ok to look at. Not ok to think about.

5) Phyllis’s tree house is serving the secondary function of ‘lookout’…. Phyllis and Una go and sit on the little balcony/deck that faces the pond and gaze at the Autumn splendor.**

6) the Gravity Challenge is continuing… it’s proving to be one interesting place, it provides something different for everyone who participates, you should come by and join us sometime… click here and, well…. as a Post that you might read and understand?  maybe you should ask someone. Tell you what! Today’s Gravity Challenge will have links to each participant’s blog… go ask them why they do it.  Start by clicking here.

7) zoe continues with her very pleasing ‘hop  ‘the Six Sentence Story‘  ‘never have so many write so much with so few (….er  words!)’  def you should go and read and, hell!  join us next week, the more the merrier and god knows I’m totally a ‘merry’ person.

8) thank you to everyone who went to Jukepop and read the latest Installment in my serial, ‘Blogdominion’  (if you haven’t been there yet, go! you’ll find a Prologue and Chapter 1)  I’m working on Chapter 2 this morning and hope to have it up by Sunday’s end! I’ll be sure to let you know.

9) work, should be listed, as it is interesting and supports my newly discovered writing jones

10) 1.3 (the first and still the Best of the Secret Rules)… wait a minute…. maybe there’s a place for the SGV in my….nah, it’s getting confusing as it is (why didn’t anyone tell me that when you create characters for fiction, they sometimes start changing on their own?! Damn!)

*well, I’m on this big writing kick and, since I’m practicing and learning, well everything is a lesson and yeah, ‘seductive’ and ‘suggestive’ certainly are a pairing that draws the attention….even if it is 7:14 am in the morning  lol

** Phyllis is a self-admitted roger and rogers do this thing, something that neither clarks nor scotts do and that is ‘to gaze’…. you will, if you’re practicing your Doctrine, come upon a roger appearing to ‘stare into space’. If you thought this, you would be wrong. clarks ‘stare into space’  rogers, ‘gaze’… there is a difference. (scotts?  no way, are you kidding me? scotts not pay attention to their surroundings (physical and social)??! sorry, go read you Doctrine! ain’t gonna happen!)

Ten Things of Thankful
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Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group


-the Wakefield Doctrine- (‘it’s time to kick some devil butt*’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


*Fred Hammond’s introduction to ‘Let the Praise Begin’, the next to the last track on the reprint section of this Post.

If you enjoy (modern) Gospel music, you gots to listen to Fred! Not that I go to church, but if my church had this kind of music, I might still be there… no, wait. I was brought up catholic and there is no way in the multiverse that I could imagine this kind of un-restrained, joyous music coming out of the building (to be fair, when I grew up they were still speaking Latin. I understand there’s been some changes since that time.)

hey I just listened to the first cut, which I also really enjoy, so maybe my problem with the church music of my childhood wasn’t the music, but my perception of it! I mean, I enjoy listening to ‘Caritas abundat in omnia’ (the first track in the reprint). But then, that is what the Wakefield Doctrine is all about, isn’t it? Perspective.

One might say that perspective is the ‘personal’ in ‘personal reality’. So, if you want to better understand the other person, or persons in your lives, then (we all)  would benefit by allowing for these other (personal) realities, and the way to do that is acquire a different perspective. This is what we mean when we say that the most useful thing inherent in the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine is that it helps us to, ‘appreciate how the other person is relating themselves to the world around them’. Now, the Wakefield Doctrine, as a personality theory, proposes that there are three characteristic ways that people relate themselves to the world around them, as:

  1. an Outsider (clarks): bad posture, poor enunciation, painfully shy, insanely creative
  2. a Predator (scotts): great friends, terrifying enemies, psychotically protective mothers and sure-I’ll-rob-this-gas-station,-if-that’s-what-you-really-want girlfriends/boyfriends
  3. Herd Member (rogers): meticulous and precise, patient to a fault and capable of reading (and believing) every word of the instruction manual (and…and!! waiting until it’s completely read before assembling!!!)

…. the re-print? oh, that!

Jen Kehl used to do this music blog hop  Twisted MixTape back in 2013… it was a fun way to do Tuesday. Jen has a blog consultation service (and assorted other useful things) go see her, tell her the Doctrine sent ya!


(from Oct0ber 22, 2013)

Well, this surely will be an interesting week, MizTape-wise. Our Host(s) Jen Kehl and Kristi McNichol have advised us to ‘think spiritual’ for this week’s MixTape. Given that I was taught from a time before I can remember that, in polite company, ‘one simply never discusses politics and religion’, I am in a bit of a quandary. I really enjoy our tunesome Tuesdays and yet, that pesky up-bringing thing. Well, as we say at the Wakefield Doctrine, if it walks like a nun and quacks like a minister, then it must be… (sorry, last minute deadline pressure got the better of me. The Wakefield Doctrine does have something to say about religion, seeing as you have already brought up the topic. When it comes to matters of the soul and deities and such, then: clarks are spiritual, rogers are religious and scotts… they pretty much decide on which sect has the hottest clergy and/or offer the most opportunity to get some…enlightenment.)

Alright! That takes cares of the mandatory, ‘hey-we’re-blog writers-and-music-fans-write-something-profound-insightful-or-failing-that-weirder-than anything’ Done…Done….(and)…Done!


Caritas abundat in omnia – Hildegard von Bingen


Elected – Alice Cooper


Old Time Mix – Fred Hammond


Let the Praise Begin – Fred Hammond


Oh What a Night – Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…the beat goes on and on, and on and on’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Today is Saturday and Saturday is the beginning of the weekend, which means that it’s time of the TToT Post. This, (the Post, not the weekend or Saturday or even Today), is an exercise in gratitude, which is not all girlie and school-like as it may sound! Sure, there are mostly girl-centric writers found in the pages of the weekend bloghop, but! we got Rich Rumple and, once there was this guy, Jak, who wrote a mean Grat List, but then went off on The Quest for the Missing Consonant. What I think I’m trying to say here is that this bloghop not only has something for everyone, but it’s a good thing to do (for yourself). Further, if you’re new to this thing and worried about the pressure of producing a full 10 Items each and every week, then I have two words: ‘the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)’* The BoSR/SBoR is there to assure us that to write whatever we have within, provided the intent (of our efforts), is in keeping with the intent of this exercise. But, enough about you!!  Lets hear about me and my week and things.

1) computer Solitaire. This, second only to spending 3 years sweeping the Monastery floors with one of the straw broom things and getting whacked upside the head by the Dali Lambchop (or Master Po or… Mother Superior) every week, is the most helpful tool for centering oneself and appreciating how easy it is to self-sabotage ourselves as we go through our daily effort at life. (what happens, if you play enough solitaire, is that, you will, if you are very lucky, catch yourself ‘cheating to lose’.)

2)  gotta go with a standard (for these Pages): technology! To be able to see something oddly….almost startling beautiful is one thing, to be able to capture it in a photo, as I did this week (and is my ‘lead photo’) is very very gratitudisicous

3)  hey!  almost missed one!  To (still) be able to notice the odd and the unusual and the semi-beautiful and other cool shit out there each and every day

4)  the work I do allows me freedom from routine, (in exchange for intermittently, very high levels of stress), and I get to wander about, on guard for adventure or simply the occasional rabbit hole

5) (Hypo-gratitude Item): the weather. While it’s not exactly bad weather, it’s so not Summer anymore. I mourn the absence of sweat and feel of a sun-baked steering wheel in my hands and 113 degree leather seats under my…. seat.  Only 9 more months ’til Summer!

6) every list has a dog in it! (Una, of course! Every Friday, we go for a 7 mile-an-hour walk and she gets to sample the world beyond her own yard)

7) shout out to the bloghops that no week would be complete without:  the Gravity Challenge and the Six Sentence Story  and,  this week, a blast from the past:  Finish the Sentence Friday!! Kristi and them are still at it and it’s a very good ‘hop. It was, in fact, the first bloghop I participated in… sort of the wait-until-no-one-was-looking-and-jump-in-the-deeper-end-of-the-pool experience (I’ll reserve the visuals for Rich and Jak  and all)

8) Phyllis for not only reading my blog (not constantly, like, say me…. but occasionally, which, as we all know, is saying something. Spouses and such are normally not that…focused on the imaginary world that so many of us spend so much of our time living in.)

9) sort of hypo-gratitude but, not really… just one of those experiences that, while not enjoyable tends to, somehow be beneficial: I have this property that had a tenant who had to leave the property, (so the seller could sell it), and he had a white German Shepherd that apparently he couldn’t take with him, so he gave the dog to the abutting neighbor. That’s not such a terrible thing, (at least not for me). What is terrible, (as a result of my limited capacity for emotional response), is that when I go to inspect the property, (roughly once a week), (if he’s out) the dog will run… run  up to my car and then sniff me and walk back to his (new) home. I do, in fact, apologize outloud each time, ‘sorry man, wrong human‘  and I hope that helps, but as far as I can tell,  he hasn’t found the person he is waiting for. kinda sad. but it helps me improve myself, (if I’m up to it), each time he demonstrates this loyalty and hope that is not, as far as I can observe, diminished by repeated disappointment.

10) SR 1.3


Ten Things of Thankful

Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group

*yeah, never miss a chance at this joke…somehow it still cracks me up, every single time I use it!! go figure
