predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 39 predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 39

TT-ho-ho-ho-T -the Wakefield Doctrine- the Christmas 2015 Tour

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


This should be a fun list. (Early, and hopefully necessary* warning: no lifeforms were taken advantage of or otherwise surprised merely for the sake of dramatic and/or humorous effect).
Christmas this past week. One should be permitted to claim, by virtue of participation in such a 800 pound gorilla of holidays, the entire List of Ten Items, without having to type the words. But, that is not our way. Here, at the bloghop that Lizzi built, it is within the act of engagement, of participation that the benefits and values are to be found.

Did someone say, ‘Yeah, sure we’ve all seen the gif children swarming through the pages of ‘the Facebook’ like ants on a piece of cinnamon toast left on the patio in early summer, they’re everywhere. But…. but! where are the sharing of the Christmas canine?

1) Una’s Christmas 2015

2) the Wakefield Doctrine  because, well as my old Latin Teacher might have said, ‘sine qua non, binyon, sine qua non’

3)tree houses, which now have Chimes, which all X Chromates will tell you are essential to a proper domicile

4) the weather!! call me selfishly narrow-minded and insensitive to the future generations, what with their having to contend with rising sea level and such, but it’s great!


5)Bogdominion  Chapter 11  on it’s way!  (Spoiler Alert!  Maribeth gives Sister Margaret a ride to the Convent from O’Hare… lets just say there were no shenanigans….at the airport!  We catch up with Stephen Eddington, who’s in town to visit with his elderly mother but finds himself in a surprise meeting with the new Head of Omni Corp’s IT Services Division and there’s something funny going on at corporate, although, if you ask Steve about this guy’s secretary, don’t expect him to laugh! All that and a Alice Willoughby confides in her mom about something that’ s scaring her.)

6)leftovers are so integral to the proper enjoyment of holiday meals…. so, lets think of this, Item 6, as being your favorite Grat Item of the entire year…whatever it might be

7)my co-hostinae: Christine and Lisa and Kristi and Kristi and Sarah and Michelle and Dyanne and zoe and… Lizzi

8)the Graviteers!  this is truly one of the most remarkable things of the 2015 year… christine, kristi, val, lisa, joy (yells and whistles, (the high-pitched type of whistle that only scotts can do…make or female) in the back of the audience or school yard…) sarah and lizzi  You are the Champions!

9)oh yeah!  that new frontier in bad holiday behavior?? we all know, that my wrapping skills are the worst among Y Chromians at least in North America… but  but! this year I’ve raised the bar. First let me describe my ‘home office’, which is the back bedroom in our house. It’s nice because a) it’s a good sized room and 2) there are windows that look out into the woods… very peaceful like, and, it also serves as a Guest Room on the occasion we have house guests. In any event, right next to my desk are the two closets that you expect in a bedroom. They’re used by Phyllis for over-flow and off season clothing storage. So you can image my surprise when glance at the closet what should I see but a price tag at the end of a string dangling from a sleeve! …now I’ve spent a lot of time talking about how astute and totally perspective those who come here   more than once are…so I need not go into detail as to what came to mind when I saw the perfect present in the closet!  I. Am. King. of Present. Givers!! (do your own visual of me as Leonardo and we’ll call it even.



10)SBoR/BoSR  SR 1.3

*of course I discussed it…after Christmas morning, but before post



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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


damn! I just realized that I forgot to start this post at my office, as I always do. It has been, of late my way…. nothing much, just an intro, maybe some word yeast and then tomorrow morning it’ll be ‘Alex? I’d like Six Sentence Stories for $500.00, please!’ But here I am at home and, while this part of the process is necessary, it’s my …..’warmup’, I’ve grown accustomed to typing at work.  Good thing I’m not a roger, otherwise this would bother me much more than this. Wait a minute, who am I kidding, if I was a roger, I wouldn’t have forgotten. And, if I had forgotten, I would either have gotten back in my car or I would’ve decided to change everything about how I write zoe’s little, ‘so you think you can write’ challenge and declare this new way, ‘the only Way I can write a Six Sentence Story‘.

damn! close one!

Prompt word of this week’s Six Sentence Story is ‘Range’

                                                                                                                                                                             Range                                                                                                   Ran

He had been running long enough to lose the panic, though not long enough to be out of danger.

It started with a walk, the path of which intersected an area that he knew, even as he tightened the laces on his shoes, with some prescient echo from the future, like the scent of a saber tooth tiger to a Lower Paleolithic ancestor, that he was running, yet not caught, brought none of the relief he always felt, youthfully fleeing these same dangers.
He knew that he was being pursued, that was never in doubt.
How much of his heart was in his role of successfully fleeing prey, therein was the new thing, and without giving shape or form this this feeling, he knew that it held the seed of his capture and defeat.

…he reached the point where the certainty that he was out of range  had grown to the point where he began the debate of the question, to look back or speed up, this consideration always gave nearly as much pleasure as the act that followed.

He felt a touch.



-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘lets get this here week started!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(lol… no! wait! I’m sure there’s a mature and reasonable explanation for today’s Post photo!)

…nah, nothing I can think of, other than it reminds me of the TAT (Thematic Apperception Test)  The idea of picking a photo or image and letting that prompt me to write a Post goes way back to the beginning of this blog. Kinda fun, actually. And….and! in ways, not nearly as disturbing as when I write the Post first and then pick whatever image that jumps off the page at me. More often than you might think, some underlying theme of the Post manages to influence my fairly un-deliberate decision process. Actually what’s more disturbing is when a theme that I’m unaware of (at least consciously unaware of) becomes dominant because of the image.

hey! speaking of TAT and the Wakefield Doctrine, get a load of this:

“…(Henry A.) Morgan and (Christiana D) Murray decided on the final set of pictures, Series D, which remains in use today. Although she was given first authorship on the first published paper about the TAT in 1935, Morgan did not receive authorship credit on the final published instrument. Reportedly, her role in the creation of the TAT was primarily in the selection and editing of the images, but due to the primacy of the name on the original publication the majority of written inquiries about the TAT were addressed to her; since most of these letters included questions that she could not answer, she requested that her name be removed from future authorship. ” (from wikipedia)

Anyone out there care to tell us the predominant worldview of our Ms. Murray?  lol  yeah, I know!  too easy!

Speaking of fun on a Monday morning, Chapter 9 of ‘Blogdominion‘ is out and live and ready for your readification!  If there’s anyone out there who has not yet read this here serial here, I would totally owe you one, (I don’t know… maybe be a character in the story at some point? intrigue me), if you would read the story from Start to Finish and write a short review in the site (jukepop). If that’s more than you have the available time for, a comment about what you enjoy and what (if anything) you find confusing about the story would have me eternally in your debt.

the Wakefield Doctrine is described as a tool that can help us better understand the people in our lives. Well, it’s true. It can also help us understand ourselves better than we already do. Of course, this requires us to identify our own predominant worldview. How challenging this process is has everything to do with a person’s predominant worldview (and/or their secondary aspect), but I think, this early Monday morning, I’m going to be somewhat coy and not reveal the quick ‘n easy approach to determining your personality type.*

As to using the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine as you venture out into your world this Monday in December? Know the characteristics of the three worldviews by heart, observe the people you come into contact with and ask yourself this very simple question, “how does this person relate themselves to the world around them? as a(n) Outsider(clark) would…all mumbly, aggressively deferential and full of un-realistic hope? or as would a Predator(scott) fast-moving, fast reacting, hungry for life to the point of eating everything/anything, even that which makes them sick, because the appetite is point, life is for living, or (perhaps) this person relates themselves to the world around them as would a Herd Member(roger) so certain, so sure in the fact that the world makes sense, if only enough people are brought together and there is no greater value than to demonstrate the Right Way for all to access.

like that


*experienced Readers and DownSprings are now nodding and saying, ‘yeah, and those New Readers don’t realize that their own response to this holding back could answer the question, in and of itself’


Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘come on, who out there doesn’t think kindly of Tuesday, the most innocuous of weekdays!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Well, yeah, with a subtitle like today’s, you’d have every right in the world to think, ‘heck! that’s good enough for me… thanks! Wakefield Doctrine!’

…but wait! there’s more! (if there is any Reader out there who did not see that coming, please write a Comment, I’d love to hear your opinion of the rest of this here Post here).

Blogdominion’ Chapter 5  is on the shelf…. or, being a serialized novel, would that be more properly, ‘is available’. I did, as a young clark, watch Saturday morning serials such as ‘Flash Gordon’. Each episode would end with what is referred to as ‘a cliff-hanger’. So if you would be so kind as to go and read the story (Prologue and Chapters 1-5) and let me know what you think of the series. Not just that you like it, though, if that’s all, then, as we say at ‘the Gravity Challenge’, ‘I’ll take it!’  I would welcome any reaction or impressions of the characters and the (developing plot).

Hey! How cool is that? I’m actually writing a Post asking Readers to go read something I wrote. That, Ladies and Gentleman, is the Wakefield Doctrine at it’s finest.

The Wakefield Doctrine is not only coolest, most fun way to understand the behavior of the people in our lives, it is also a very good tool for self-improving yourself. The reason this is true, (the part about being good for self-development), is that when most of us identify a need to change something about ourselves, (could be anything: elimination of bad habits, change in appearance, acquiring some longed for strengths), what almost inevitably happens is that we think that we have to learn something new, change our behavior in new and novel ways, and generally act differently. No! not necessary!  (here’s why)

the Wakefield Doctrine is predicated on the idea that we all live in, what is best described as, a personal reality (aka worldview), and the Wakefield Doctrine holds that there are three characteristic worldviews that everyone finds themselves waking up to each morning, (i.e. predominant worldview, aka personality type):

  1. the reality of the Outsider (clarks) where from the day we became aware of ourselfs we have been trying to: a)hide our difference and 2)learn to be the way it seems everyone have learned to be, real and normal and self-accepting
  2. the life of the Predator (scotts) simple, dynamic, un-fettered by introspection, living to live…. loudly!
  3. the world of the Herd Member (rogers): certain and related, (related to the Herd which, in turn, conveys a sense of belonging that transcends locale and situational differences), for a roger, the Herd is always there, it just not not necessarily show itself

…ok, still with me? Now one of the under-lying principles of the Doctrine is that we are all born with the potential to find ourselves in any of these three realities and we always find one to grow up in, but we never lose the potential to experience the world as do ‘the other two’.
In other words, I have access to the world of the Predator and the world of the Herd Member. (In fact, the Doctrine allows that sometimes we have a more highly developed ‘secondary aspect’ and that shows in our behavior from time to time, but that’s a whole ‘nother Post.)

The thing of it is, when I decide I need to change or self-improve, it’s not like I have to learn something that is totally new, un-natural or inconsistent with who I am! All I have to do is find, in my case, the target behavior as it’s manifested in my scottian or my rogerian aspect.

OK! I’ve officially lost myself in this Post.  lol  so I’ll leave it right here. The truth of the matter is, most of the Readers of the Wakefield Doctrine know the Doctrine nearly as well as I do!  So, any questions as to why the Wakefield Doctrine is so helpful for self-improvement?





mid-week, true Autumn morning -the Wakefield Doctrine- only 40 days left ’til Spring!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


As we teeter on the mid-day of the workweek, I’m tempted….

(ha!  I’m sitting here at my computer this morning at 5:58 am and I hear a slow cracking sound from somewhere outside. The sound builds up speed and volume, sort of like a reverse clap of thunder …. breaking wood (and the sounds of tree limbs brush other limbs, only loud) and finally a ‘crack!’ and a sound/feeling of something really big hitting the ground. Naturally I laugh and say, (out loud, of course, since Una is half-asleep by the bedroom door), “I heard that!!”    …never fails to crack me up.)

Where were we before the metaphysics interrupted us? Oh yeah, Cyndi’s Comment from late last night. Excellent Comment and a totally appreciated prompt to get my Wakefield Doctrine on. It seems that with time shrinking and my side projects growing, I’ve been neglecting the mission and purpose of this here blog here. And that, (new) Readers, is to present the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine in such a way that anyone can read it once, smile and later that same day find themselves thinking, “hey! that’s one of those rogers that blog this morning was talking about!” or “god I must be such a clark, sitting here remembering what I know I’m still going to forget when the time comes…” or even… “lol those scotts! how do they keep it up and more, how do they stay out of jail!”

Well, Cynthia’s Comment, while specific to her own direct life, offers a good illustration, not only of the way that clarks experience the world, but offers us a real life context where we can take an admittedly difficult concept (of the Doctrine) and hang some regular words on it, make it more relatable, ya know?

Actually the Comment/Question/’so-what-does-the-Doctrine-do-for-us-in-this-situation was very basic, at least in the worldview of the Outsider. (And it is germane to the experience of scotts and rogers, it’s just not as pressing as it is for clarks.)

“…does the roger remember that moment forever like a clark does? Does having the “watch yourself” (but I said it in a nice way) speech with a roger warrant that they won’t try to “walk on you” again?”

hey! I just re-read the question and realized that I only half-answered the question! (what?!! a clark rushing through a situation, acting on one element (a valid element, mind you) but missing another?  never frickin happens!  lol)

In my defense, it was like, 11-way-late last night, when I read this… what I overlooked was the really practical aspect of her question, i.e. should she expect to have to go through the some thing with the person at another time? wellll! that’s a whole topic in and of itself.

It’s a matter of dominance…. which, if we remember our ‘Everything Rule’ is manifested differently in the three worldview views.  For scotts, (where the matter is dealt with most simply and transparently), dominance is a function of one’s role in the pack, never a personal/qualitative matter, dominance is simply ranking. And, for a scott, dominance is not static, as is abundantly clear as we watch a scott enter a social setting, the very first thing they do is challenge everyone in the area… figuratively, (and sometimes, literally), pushing people on the shoulder to see if they push back and, if they do, how hard. As we said, simple, direct.
rogers on the other hand, function in a reality of emotion, (as opposed to the reality of action,as do scotts) and their basic group structure is that of the Herd.  Lets reflect on the immediate visuals you get with those two:

  • pack of scotts  tousling and wrestling, together for the fun until the contest between two becomes too close to call and all the scotts except two, back away as these two get more serious about their contest…. pretty impressive sight and they’re not holding back, no way! Eventually, one establishes dominance over the other and, (the other), submits to the dominant one and they both go back to normal life in the pack, you know, walking to the head of the lunch line in the cafeteria, sneaking out of study hall to smoke…. the other visual you’re probably getting when you think about a pack of scotts is a single line, quickly, silently running through the night, as the scent they’re following tells of a tiring prey
  • a herd of rogers… what?! there was a center over there a minute ago!  wait a minute!! that black and brown one was definitely leading the group to the side pasture…no, wait that was a different  one…. lol  sorry, having fun and the Doctrine is fun. The thing about dominance in the worldview of rogers is that, as individuals, rogers look to enhance their value to the others in the Herd. It’s not a direct, ‘Hey! I have my teeth on your throat! I am dominant!”  it’s more, “Why yes, you’ve heard my name from others, I do have connections to many, I am, at this moment, the center of the Herd!”

Hey! where’d the time go!?!? I’ll get back to you later today…. sure, ask questions! Thanks Cynthia!
