Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This should be a fun list. (Early, and hopefully necessary* warning: no lifeforms were taken advantage of or otherwise surprised merely for the sake of dramatic and/or humorous effect).
Christmas this past week. One should be permitted to claim, by virtue of participation in such a 800 pound gorilla of holidays, the entire List of Ten Items, without having to type the words. But, that is not our way. Here, at the bloghop that Lizzi built, it is within the act of engagement, of participation that the benefits and values are to be found.
Did someone say, ‘Yeah, sure we’ve all seen the gif children swarming through the pages of ‘the Facebook’ like ants on a piece of cinnamon toast left on the patio in early summer, they’re everywhere. But…. but! where are the sharing of the Christmas canine?
1) Una’s Christmas 2015
2) the Wakefield Doctrine because, well as my old Latin Teacher might have said, ‘sine qua non, binyon, sine qua non’
3)tree houses, which now have Chimes, which all X Chromates will tell you are essential to a proper domicile
4) the weather!! call me selfishly narrow-minded and insensitive to the future generations, what with their having to contend with rising sea level and such, but it’s great!
5)Bogdominion Chapter 11 on it’s way! (Spoiler Alert! Maribeth gives Sister Margaret a ride to the Convent from O’Hare… lets just say there were no shenanigans….at the airport! We catch up with Stephen Eddington, who’s in town to visit with his elderly mother but finds himself in a surprise meeting with the new Head of Omni Corp’s IT Services Division and there’s something funny going on at corporate, although, if you ask Steve about this guy’s secretary, don’t expect him to laugh! All that and a Alice Willoughby confides in her mom about something that’ s scaring her.)
6)leftovers are so integral to the proper enjoyment of holiday meals…. so, lets think of this, Item 6, as being your favorite Grat Item of the entire year…whatever it might be
7)my co-hostinae: Christine and Lisa and Kristi and Kristi and Sarah and Michelle and Dyanne and zoe and… Lizzi
8)the Graviteers! this is truly one of the most remarkable things of the 2015 year… christine, kristi, val, lisa, joy (yells and whistles, (the high-pitched type of whistle that only scotts can do…make or female) in the back of the audience or school yard…) sarah and lizzi You are the Champions!
9)oh yeah! that new frontier in bad holiday behavior?? we all know, that my wrapping skills are the worst among Y Chromians at least in North America… but but! this year I’ve raised the bar. First let me describe my ‘home office’, which is the back bedroom in our house. It’s nice because a) it’s a good sized room and 2) there are windows that look out into the woods… very peaceful like, and, it also serves as a Guest Room on the occasion we have house guests. In any event, right next to my desk are the two closets that you expect in a bedroom. They’re used by Phyllis for over-flow and off season clothing storage. So you can image my surprise when glance at the closet what should I see but a price tag at the end of a string dangling from a sleeve! …now I’ve spent a lot of time talking about how astute and totally perspective those who come here more than once are…so I need not go into detail as to what came to mind when I saw the perfect present in the closet! I. Am. King. of Present. Givers!! (do your own visual of me as Leonardo and we’ll call it even.
10)SBoR/BoSR SR 1.3
*of course I discussed it…after Christmas morning, but before post
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