predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 38 predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 38

Monday Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘so you insist that the use of this ‘Doctrine’ will improve a person’s 1st 2nd day back to work?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

If you are of a certain age, you will recognize this person… a high jumper named Dick Fosbury who changed his sport in a fundamental manner as possible. (Look him up)

If you are of a certain age, you will recognize this person… a high jumper named Dick Fosbury who changed his sport in as fundamental a manner as possible. (Look him up)


Why, yes, yes we do.

So, here’s what you do today. When you interact with a person, take a second, in that vast gulf of time, between sentences* and consider the person before you:

  1. do they seem to be too full of energy (wild, spinning-top energy, not deep-in-the-heart-of-the-hyrdo-electric-plant energy), are they impulsively friendly, carelessly helpful and just a touch…. scary?  Try: scott
  2. are you at ease, are they comfortable to talk to, do they ask questions, (related to the topic at hand), that not only are pertinent, but logical (anyone can ask, ‘did you cook for yourself last night’…. but some, upon gaining an assent, will request the list of ingredients, types of spices, brand of cookware, mood-level-while-working-to-prepare and ultimately, whether you would be happy to do it all again)…. go ahead and just put a ‘roger‘ next to that person’s face (metaphorically, of course… unless you’re a scott lol)
  3. you’re sure they’re there, they were just a minute ago, they seem sincere, well-meaning and quite well-informed… what you can understand…. there’s a distant look to their eyes and hunch to their posture and a thing that makes them seem always just getting back from somewhere else… clark

OK, now you’re ready to apply the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine.

The main thing to keep in mind, is that the Wakefield Doctrine is based on the idea that we all experience the world on a personal level. And, in this realm of personal reality, there are three characteristic ‘worlds’; the world of the Outsider(clarks), the planet of the Predators(scotts) and the life of the Herd Member(rogers). Lets use a common situation to illustrate this very central point,

You and I are sitting in a nice restaurant, it’s mid-afternoon, so the Lunch Hour Rush is over and the Evening has a couple of hours before putting in an appearance, our waiter/waitress** come(s) to our table and says, “Are you two ready to order?”

If you are a scott or a roger, what you will be experiencing will be different from what I experience. Same restaurant, same waiter/waitress way, very different personal reality…. so ask yourself,  how would a reasonable person living in a world characterized as that of Predator and Prey, or a normal person react to a waitress/waiter when the world is, by nature, an orderly and understandable place? Because remember, this is not your typical personality theory, where they, like, say or imply, “you are prone to… you have a tendency… your preferences are such and such”. Those are all too common attempts to attribute ‘behavior to the type’, as if they were issued along with your personality (“Hey! clark personality types!!! line up here, here’s ya traits and tendencies, I gots your mumbling and putting your hands to your mouth, and here’s your pre-set choices in fashions all ready: girls? mix and match, gender obfuscation is the name of your game, guys? black is good….”)

The Wakefield Doctrine is different. You have the personality traits that you have, because they are the strategies that you’ve found most successful as you grow from tiny child, fully engaged in the effort to cope with and try(ing) to succeed in a world in which you are the Outsider or you are a Predator or, a Herd Member.

Simple. Right?


HEY!  Chapter 15 is on the newsstands everwhere!  So go read it and tell me if you’re enjoying it. (I’m always curious about who a person’s favorite characters are… don’t be shy  tell who you like the most and who you would like to trip as they walk by!)


* clarks will understand this, if you are not a clark and you understand this, thank your secondary clarklike aspect.  If you insist, a fuller explanation…roger one evening, many years ago, I was in a discussion with a fair-sized group of people, (meaning not on a date or with a friend or two), in any event, we’re all sitting around and the topic centers on the challenges inherent in verbal communication, whether intimate or public, so I figure I should try and contribute to the pool of ideas that was forming (yeah, a lot of rogers there), so, in the next pause, (somewhere between ‘intentional lies and being misunderstood’), I said, “You know, my problem in conversations usually is about what to do with all that time between sentences”   pins hit the floor like anvils off a factory roof.  fun times!

**the Wakefield Doctrine is gender neutral, which is to say, a female scott and a male scott (and rogers and clarks, of course) are relating themselves to the world around them the same way…. their manner of behavior(s) may differ but the similarities totally out-weigh any differences observed. The Doctrine is about how human beings relate themselves to the world around them, not how men or women…. for that matter, lets just remember, this Doctrine is also culture and age neutral.


Wednesday Quickie -the Wakefield Doctrine- (2 out of 3 Readers smiled at this title, the clarks and the scotts)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Before I get to this very quick, Cynthia’s Comments (which-almost-always-prompt-me-to-write-a-post), Post, a quick review:

the Wakefield Doctrine maintains that we are, all of us, born with the potential to experience the world in one of three ways,

  1. the world of the Outsider (clarks)
  2. the reality of the Predator (scotts)
  3. the life of the Herd Member (rogers)

…and, for the Doctrine, personality types are simply the label of the characteristic responses and strategies and all the things we learn in order to cope with the world, appropriate to the world we find ourselves in. Makes sense, right? You live in the reality of the Predator, betcha you don’t spend a lot of time mulling things over…. if you are living the life of the Herd Member, where all things are related, you know whatever it is you need to know (and if you don’t know it, it’s probably not necessary)… and clarks, well you know what it’s like out there.
Anyway, the point of this review is that while we all settle in and live in one of these three worldviews (our ‘predominant worldview’ aka our personality type), we never lose the potential to experience the world as do ‘the other two’. In fact, some of us have a ‘secondary aspect’ thats a little more than ‘potential’. This explains why, sometimes people will come and learn the principles and immediately say, “hey, sometimes I’m one of the three, but then, at times, it seems I must be one of the others! What am I doing wrong?!” Absolutely nothing. That’s simply the presence of a secondary (or tertiary) aspect.

That said, you live in only one of the three worldviews. Another approach is to ask yourself the question, “how do I relate myself to the world around me? As would an Outsider or a Predator or a Herd Member? The answer will be the one in which the world makes the most consistent sense (when viewed through the perspective of each of the three worldviews).


Promised reprint:

This ‘theory of personality’ owes it’s existence to the fact that all clarks think and believe that there is an answer, that there is information to be found/understood/discovered that will make sense of the world as they (the clark) see it.

clarks believe that if they think enough they will understand why they are not a part of the world and can then become a part of the world, no longer different.

another … description of clarks would be:

curious, easily bored, interested in anything that poses a question, insatiable people-watcher, friendly when not feeling threaten, confident when discussing ideas, totally tropistic for any information, however useless and obscure that they (the clarks) believe will give them insight into how they should feel, aggressive when dealing with ideas, passive when dealing with real people, (except friends…who they value more than anything), fearful, un-afraid (not the contradiction it would appear to be), the hard workers you could ever under-pay and self-less to an extreme, egotistical beyond imagining and willing to do anything for a chance to be accepted, except be-themselves.

If you are a clark, you have by now come up with some (mental) construct to manipulate the knowledge that you have been acquiring since before you can remember; be it based on astrology or religion, philosophy or mythology, you have a system.

Try this:

clarks live inside their own heads because it’s all much better in there
clarks are the only (one of the three personality types) to sincerely entertain the idea that it would be better to be someone else
clarks read a lot and to say that clarks daydream a lot is to totally go redundant
clarks work very hard at whatever they do but, since they are so easily bored, do not do well at jobs that involve repetitive tasks
clarks are the creative one(s) of the three personality types
clarks share with others, to a fault
clarks believe that if they work hard and help others unselfishly at some point they will no longer be different
clarks maintain, at a very high cost, that ‘knowledge is power’
It can be said that clarks can believe anything and therefore believe in nothing. (If you know what that means, you are a clark).


6th of January Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


A bit early today, but seeing how I’ve taken advantage of the Date in the Post title, I better deliver, at least on a rough draft. I don’t recall the prompt word.  Wait!  I’ll just go and look it up… ‘Exact’


All I need to do now, is decide whether to use the word most often heard in reference to rogers or to scotts! (well, think about it…. no, I’ll wait.  correct!*)


Six Sentence Story

No! I’m not suddenly finding myself way behind in time and where I’m supposed to be…. why the hell would you think that?!!!  Just read the story and, as Joe Walsh sings, ‘tell me I’m great’



The man sat in the chair, the smell of rubbing alcohol serving to tell the future (of the forever-5-year-old-child-about-to-get-a-shot) in this room awash in light that was both bright and unforgiving. The two/too young medical persons busily at work on the upper portion of his body, frighteningly rapid eclipses that visited pain on random parts of his face. One was cute, and, with slightly purple hair and a very caring, albeit distant affect, she was surely a clark. The primary worker was precise in his ministrations, which made them both exact and exacting, and was totally insensitive to the effects of the procedure, the price of the undeniable skill of a roger. A joke, make a joke, he thought and you will claim your role as an equal participant!

“Am I the only one who’s getting a visual from the movie, ‘Bladerunner’?”


*as we often do here at the Doctrine, this parenthetical contains the un-asked/un-answered question posed by the clarks in the readership** which is something to the effect of, ‘yeah, but what about clarks?’ and, of course, the answer is ‘their use of the prompt word (or any other word, for that matter) does not totally depend on actually using the word… if you know what we mean.’

**by definition, the Readership of our blog is comprised of clarks and scotts and rogers, the latter two have a significant secondary clarklike aspect. ya know?



-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘on self-improvement and New Year’s resolutions’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Seeing how we’re in the first week of the first month of the current year, that can mean only one thing! It’s surely that time of year when hearts seek renewal and minds strive to re-frame the context in which the world is encountered.

Given that, I thought it best to (re)address the Wakefield Doctrine’s approach to self improving oneself.

The Wakefield Doctrine’s approach to self-improvement is simplicity itself: you already know/have the skill/feel differently in whatever way self-improvement is manifesting itself. There are two key assumptions required:

  1. we all live our lives in the world as characterized by one of the three worldviews; the Outsider(clarks), the Predator(scotts) and the Herd Member(rogers), but we retain the potential of the other two
  2. what this means, very simply is, if I want to be more scottian (to act instead of think) or more rogerian (to belong and share the rightness of the world) or even more clarklike (to see what is not and learn what is unknown), then I have that basic potential already. (Warning: just because I have the potential to be a commanding presence like my scottian friends does not eliminate the need to practice! Even though I have within, the sea of emotion as manifested in the worldview of our rogerian friends does allow me to go out and hug everyone…at least and get away with it. The thing of it is, we all have all behaviors available, all we need to do is accept that fact and be willing to practice.)

…so there you have it! Self-improvement Doctrine-style!

You want to be more assertive at work? Know that you have within, the instinctual reflexes of the predator. Want to feel less alone, apart from the world around you? Simple enough, you have the potential to experience the day today as a Herd Member. Just give it a try.

…ok, just kidding! Well, actually not. At least not the way it may seem. The Wakefield Doctrine stands behind all of the above, with the reminder of the most essential understanding of all, and that is, the Wakefield Doctrine is about ‘how we relate ourselves to the world around us’.  Understand/ Appreciate /Accept (this), and everything else is simple.


Hey! speaking of appreciate and such, Chapter 12  of ‘Blogdominion’ is out and available for your continued reading enjoyment!  Follow this link if you’ve been keeping up with our story. If you’re new to our serial story  follow this link to the beginning of the story and find out what they’re talking about.


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘well, seeing how it starts on a Friday, 2016 may just turn out to be cool 12 months’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


No, I’m serial! It’s a near-scientific fact that Years that begin on a Friday are way, way cooler than, say a Year that starts on a Monday or a Wednesday. Ask anyone!

This is the first TToT of 2016. Which, as years to be alive in goes, is pretty damn cool. It is so far in the future. Growing up in the 1960s reading science fiction, I’m struck by the fact that most of the writers of that era, (1940s to 1960s, the so-called ‘Golden Age of Science Fiction’), when they needed to have a date for some future event, or maybe the setting for a time travel story, rarely left the 20th Century. Other than Yeager and Evans,* there seemed to be no need to imagine the 21st Century much beyond 2010. Anyway, I lost my train of thought… oh yeah, the future and how cool it is to be this far into it. That and the drive to self-improve oneself is on the minds of most of the people that I interact with, here in the ‘sphere. And there’s this, the TToT, I’m sure there must be a roger in the group who has the exact date of when Lizzi started this thing and that way, we could figure how long we’ve been at it… yearistically-speaking, of course.

To the Grat List!

1) this here bloghop here, the TToT. A lot of things can be said about the benefits of a regime of cultivating gratitude for the things of everyday life. All very true and, for the most part, already said better than I might. For me, the primary benefit is (to be found) in the continuity of the community that’s formed around this the TToT. The theme (of gratitude) is not particularly unique, in fact, to borrow an expression from an author that I enjoyed reading in the above referenced period of time, the field of gratitude blogs is so crowded that ‘you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting one (gratitude blog)’.

2) Friday Night vidchat… always fun, even if the topic is dream-murder and flying (or, as some of us prefer, bounce-flying) you never know who might drop in… last night it was zoe and Denise, Lizzi and Kerri and it was a good chat

3) the Graviteers over at the Gravity Challenge: Christine, Val, Kristi, Lisa, Joy, Sarah and Lizzi (yes, she does get around!)

4) zoe’s  Six Sentence Story every Thursday, 1/2 writing exercise, 1/2 fun and 1/2 skills enhancement… you really need to join us

5)Blogdominion‘ in Chapter 12 (due to hit the newsstands this Sunday)  in which, we visit with Tom and Cheri Fearing, Tom is getting what he things he needs to be a good husband and Cheri is worried that the news of a addition to the family might cause discord in the the-Family-that-wants-to-be and we’ll catch up with Maribeth Hartley as we learn the information that Sister Margaret Ryan has un-covered in the late Father Noonan’s Journal and Stephen Eddington is in Chicago visiting his mother and is called for a meeting with the new VP of IT Services who makes Stephen an offer that it might be unwise to refuse… meeting Anya Clarieaux certainly ratchets up the stakes for our young engineer…. join us this weekend for all this and more!

6) Phyllis for having the quality of self that sees that things like tree houses are easy to see in a context of being 5 to 13 years old, but to see how something like a tree house can manifest to an adult and have the will to see it brought into reality… v cool

7) Una dog. perfect. lifeform.

8) the SGV (the Seven Guard Virgins) the people like us (well maybe like some of us… no! not saying anything about anyone in particular, Dyanne!) who remind us that the beauty of this virtual world is that, while, by definition, we can be anyone to anyone, we must face a certain judgment on the purity of our motives and intention… and, I for one, know that the next-to-the newest GV totally is into me, I know I saw her smile at something I wrote last week. just sayin.

9) the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) the BoSR/SBoR allows that the simplest standard of successful participation be recognized, i.e. it is not the number of items, the clarity of the description, it is not the turning lemons in to apple turnovers, it is not even the level of skill of the participant. It (this standard that is manifested by the existence of the SB0R/BoSR) recognizes that it is the participation, with good intent, that is the measure of success for a TT0T list.

10) 1.3  the first of the Secret Rules and the one that most symbolizes the difference between the TToT and most other exercises in gratitude. SR 1.3 states that the act of completing a TToT list is, in fact, a valid item for said List.

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