predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 35 predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 35

Six (sure, the count is right) Sentence (er… probably*) Story (to a certain, un-tethered sort, sure!) -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



The cue for this week’s Six Sentence Story is, base

Six Sentence Stories are a bloghop sponsored by zoe (aka Ivy) over at Doug’s place. The Object (and challenge) is to write a story of six, and only six, sentences. Everything else is up to you. (In this week’s example, I’m kinda seeing how far off the free association cliff I can get this jalopy. I promise, next week there will be a simple story, maybe a narrative involving: true love, reckless disregard for one’s own well-being, a stunning lack of fixed and established personal boundaries and maybe a little sex… that’s next week. If some one reminds me.) Until then,

“Sentimentality Base to Sparrow 1, Sentimentality Base to Sparrow 1, report your status.”

“Sparrow 1 to Sentimentality Base, the fog is thick, it’s impossible to see the Way, instinct is the only available navigational aid.”

“Sentimentality Base to Sparrow, do not,  we repeat, do not rely on instinct, the terrain is too emotional and unreliable…”

“Falcon 1 to Sentimentality Base, too late, have identified a landing zone, repeat, have chosen a place to land.”

“Sentimentality Base 1, please return to base, it’s too soon, please return to base.”

“Eagle 1, who is this?”




*a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses.


Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Six Sentences, not Six words….sentences. Not 7 Sentences, Exactly six sentences.

‘Ex’  That’s the word. That’s the word?!  ‘Ex’ ?!?!  jeez, challenge our creative imagination much, zoe?  (zoe being the hostess and curator and Madame of ‘Stories, Short and Small’  here at Six Sentence Story.)  Come and try your hand (well, literally, mind and fingers, but you know what I mean).

….ain’t getting any more complete a word, so lets have at it.

“I can’t see why you don’t understand how I feel,” the young man was not as old as he sounded, (at times), and much more mature than he acted, (at times).

“I do, but you don’t know what it’s like to be cooped up in this small house, with 2  children, children not yet capable of speaking a complete sentence, at least not without spitting something up or putting something in their mouths as they try, I need to do this for both of us,” leaning over the back of the couch where her husband sat, her feet shifted in the direction of the front door.

A single wail-of-infantile-demand ricocheted down the staircase and began to fill the living room, like snowmelt in a street gutter, once started, it grew in volume.

“We have something special here, how can you not see that?” he put the newspaper on the emptiness of the couch to his left and started to get up, looking up the stairway, turning to aim his words at his wife.

“I know we can get though this, the four of us are a…”

The front door of the handsome Colonial in the most sought-after neighborhood, closed on his words with a finality that made him wince, the swelling volume of the child-cries drew him away from the pain (that he knew would be waiting for the quiet of the night), and didn’t hear the silent cries of the woman outside the heavy wooden door, as she was drawn down into the excitement that now, too late, was clearly intent on exacting far more of her soul than she had ever expected.


Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “and, how, exactly, is writing a post, when ‘out of words’, supposed to help?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


How messed up is this? My biggest concern this early Tuesday morning is, ‘is that the correct use of commas in a sentence, or am I just getting a little too caught up with the grammar-passion’?


So, quick Tuesday Post. And then out into the world for a day of, (hopefully), ‘one last chance’.

Topic 1: the use of the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool to enhance life and it’s endless challenge to get off the ground (or, as we clarks say, ‘out of my head and into the world’) and live. Stating it this way, always gives me a fresh sense of pre-optimism*, as it’s accepted (here at the Doctrine) that ambition, realistic or not, is a hallmark of those who exhibit the traits of the clarklike personality type. Well, that didn’t exactly convince us that there’s a great world of exciting ideas just waiting for us to get out of bed and run after them, did it? No. No, it did not.

But the truth of the matter is that using the (principles) of the Wakefield Doctrine in order to gain one more, additional perspective on the world, the people we interact with in the course of the day today, and ultimately, ourselves is both fun, exciting and very, very helpful. Try it. Look at the people around you today, infer, (on the basis of: how they act, how loud and forceful their voices are, what seems to attract their attention, their apparent emotional state and how-many-non-naturally-occuring-colors-have-they-dyed-their hair), how that person is relating themselves to the world around them. It will be one of three ways:

  1. as an Outsider would (clark): they seemingly have a marginal investment in whatever it is they’re involved in, (this, of course, is a false impression. not your fault, even clarks sometimes mistake the hedging of emotional bets, for ‘just not giving a shit’. clarks do, in fact, give a shit. they’re just convinced that if they’re are too upfront/outfront, about their interest, they’ll get disqualified, (a concept that’s alien-to-the-point-of-non-understandable to those of the scottian and rogerian worldviews)
  2. as Predator (scott): the world is, in essence and in fact, a hostile, yet not evil world. it’s just the world. a world, (and, for our purposes here, a day today), in which there are opportunities and there are threats, prey and larger predators and action, right-here-and-right-now action, that is the only sane response. for a scott, to live is to act, in acting they live the only worthwhile life
  3. Herd Member (roger): all the world’s a stage and everyone has access to a script, although, following it, unfortunately, seems to be quite optional. rogers live in a world that’s quantifiable and, with enough effort, totally knowable. they float in a sea of emotion and all things are connected.
  4. (btw: we all are born with the potential to experience the world in any of these three ways, but, all of us find ourselfs living in only one of them. that being said, we retain the ‘other two’ worldviews. that’s where the Wakefield Doctrine is semi-unique in the matter of self-improving oneself. if you want to improve yourself, you need not be concerned with acquiring anything new, all you need do is find, within yourself, those skills that you would have developed, had you grown up in one of the ‘other two’ personal realities.**)

Topic 2: Chapter 3 of ‘Almira’ is on the newsstands! It’s available to read on wordpress, but I also have it on jukepop as well. If you don’t mind having to enter an email when you get there, they allow a sequential layout (and ease of access to Chapters, once we get this boat moving, that wordpress does not permit), plus ….plus!! you get to vote for the story!  In any event, we learn more about our protagonist-wannabe, Dorothy Gale. And, not to give anything away, because of her determination to interact with Almira Gulch, we will soon be learning much more about that ‘really-I-had-no-idea’ character in our story. We just getting started!

Topic 3: hey! our Friend Cynthia is doing some very cool work over at ‘the ‘tude’ with meditation and such. A simple (and therefore almost always underestimated approach to self-improvement) topic in the hands of someone who has the gift of teaching is always a pleasure to read. Go there, tell her the Doctrine sent ya.

That’s it for today.


*regular Readers of this blog will recall that, for those of us living in the reality of the Outsider (aka clarks), ‘hope’ is a bit of a dirty word.

**hey! I’d forgotten the fun of writing a post in a manner comparable to rummaging through a box of saved stuff… eventually, without needing to know what you were looking, you find the thing that you currently need! In this case, it was the point: the Wakefield Doctrine, as a personality theory, maintains that our personality type, (clark, scott or roger), is simply that style that is most appropriate and effective in dealing with the reality that we’re living in, and that the reality is, well, real! We don’t need to ask people about their interests and appetites and secret urges, we just need to get a look at the world as they are experiencing it and everything else follows! And, for the self-improvement piece, I just need to accept the fact that I have, as a native, if not practiced, ability to chase and hunt prey and hug and emote with the best of ’em.  Pretty simple, isn’t it?


Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine- (1/3 Finish the Sentence Friday, 1/3 Almira and 1/2 Doctrine…something for everone!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

“…we verbose few, we Band of Bloggers!!”

2 things:

      1. Chapter 2 of ‘Almira‘ will be coming out this weekend. Due to technical difficulties on the site where I wrote the Serial: ‘Blogdominion’, I’ve not yet been able to post Chapters of Almira on that site. I have a wordpress site (click here to go there) for the story. If anything, I appreciate the Readers of Blogdominion, (and now), Almira. Last weekend, I sent links to Chapter 1 to those of you who followed Blogdominion. Of course, anyone can sign up at the blog and have new posts sent to them as they are published. Or, if you’d prefer a more…personal touch, write a comment and I’ll send you the link.
      2. the Wakefield Doctrine is a very useful perspective on life, self and ‘reality’ for those of us out to self-improve ourselfs. And it’s fun!  It’s been proven that, with the studious, industrious, assiduous, meticulous and totally determined application of the principles contained and inherent in out little personality theory, you can change things about yourself that have resisted change, you can improve things about yourself, (provided you feel the need, desire and hope to) that you have only dreamt of and you don’t have to do anything more than add a single, additional, perspective to how you see and interact and respond to the world today. No, really! It’s that much fun, that simple and way cooler than I can present here, on these pages. Give it a try!
        1. Finish the Sentence Friday Friend of the Doctrine Kristi’s bloghop totally grabbed my head this week with the pre-complete sentence:

Sometimes, I wonder about my writing. I keep on and on because…” (Feel free to adapt the sentence to) “I write because…” (or) “I wonder why I write…

I surely would not be here, had I not decided to write a blog. While a fairly self-effacing statement*, I mean it to imply, that here, today, writing this Post is part and parcel with the explanation/illustration/demonstration of why I write. To paraphrase a favorite dead person famous statement, ‘I blog therefore I am

the previous written Thursday evening, the following written Friday (and therefore, technically the actual Finish to the Sentence), morning:

So, now that I’ve had some time to think about the prompt, my response takes a slightly different form**, form not content. The simplest ‘finish’ to this Friday Sentence would be “…because that is where my heart was hiding”.

Thanks virtual and/or imaginary people and friends!


* a rogerian expression of my own construct, surely not as potent as one from a roger, it’s fun. To read all about rogerian expressions, go to rogers

** different from my Reply to Kristi’s Post…last night…late last night (lol…)


Phase 78.2 .4 -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


I had a really good Post written, unfortunately it was (written) in my head only and it was 4:03 am when I read it. I add that second part to let you know how I can claim to know it was a really good post. I’ll try to re-write it here, now.

Most everyone reading this will be familiar with the underlying tenets of the Wakefield Doctrine. Perhaps the most basic and fundamental of these is that we, all of us, live in a reality that is, to certain extent, personal. From this we derive the difference between the Doctrine and the ‘real’ personality typing system, i.e. for us, personality type is a reflection of the reality that we grew up and developed our interpersonal skills in, as opposed to being innate, inherent, instilled or insufferable qualities that came pre-packaged at birth, like a sim card that lets you do certain things but, if you want to do other things, maybe even like other brand phones, then, sure you can, but you have to like, re-program it and that’s not exactly printed on the box the damn phone came in, of course, you could buy an upgrade, but who has the money for that, and you end up, like most of us, hoping that your friends learn something that you can, like, half copy and half learn and then you can improve the phone’s operability and hopefully not fuck it up so much that it doesn’t work.

Did I mention that this Post was originally written at 4:03 am? Well, you know how that time of day can be. In any event, all of you out there are reading this from a personal reality (we call it pre-dominant worldview, or simply worldview), that gave rise to social strategies and ways-of-interacting-with-the-world that we refer to as:

  • clarks (Outsider) those of us who look around at 4:03 in the morning and wonder how we’re possibly going to get by in the world ‘out there’ today, the distinction (of being apart from the world and everything that goes with it, including, god! especially including the people), tells you everything you need to know to be able to identify the clarks in your world.
  • scotts (Predator) those of us who look around at 4:03 in the morning and know where they are and what needs to be done in order to move forward without being restrained or restricted, the value of freedom cannot be assigned because it is without limits and, this lack of limits has as much to do with the others in the scotts‘ life as it does with their own enjoyment of life… act and live, protect and preserve the pack and …did we say, live and act (because life is short) yet?
  • rogers (the Herd Member) ever wonder who buys alarm clocks that have snooze features?  yeah. because for our rogerian brethren, even not getting up on time really should be planned out, at very least assigned a quantity (“Hit Snooze and Get 10 Minutes of Sleep!”) who on earth can do that and not lie awake wondering if 10 minutes is almost up or, maybe there’s a mistake in the programming and now it’s like, and hour too late?  sorry, rhetorical question. In any event, virtually all of the technology that makes our modern lives so comfortable (and scary) are courtsey of our rogerian friends

That’s the deal with the three personality types. The self-development thing? Well that’s simple enough, my goal is to develop my rogerian and scottian aspects (in balance) with my pre-dominant clarklike worldview. (New Readers: the Doctrine maintains that we’re all born with the potential to live and develop in all three worldviews, we always end up in only one, but never lose the capacity for ‘the other two’). The underlying reason is that purpose of this here, personality here, is intended to help us to appreciate how the other people in our lives ‘relate themselves to the world around them’. Using the Doctrine makes this goal much more attainable, and totally lets us know more about the other person than we have any right to know.


Hey what the hell, is today that Monday?!!  zoe’s other blog… the carrot?? Heart and Mind Monday?  ok, lets re-arrange the content here and …

I’m happy and pleased to announce that I’ve completed writing the serial story, ‘Blogdominion’! No! seriously, the story is written down (in places other than inside my head) and it has a beginning, a middle and an End. That alone is, for me, a significant accomplishment. I’ll surely be writing more about it in coming days. But I finished writing it and I thank Val and zoe and glenn for being such Constant Readers and providing much appreciated feedback and, I thank Phyllis for doing a nearly-final-does-this-chapter-really-work reading each and every Sunday for that last…. well, the last 23 Sundays plus epilogue.  And I appreciate Denise’s tireless efforts in the edit and re-write and final read-outloud process. sine qua non, binyon.
