predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 33 predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 33

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…metaphors are to similes, like photos are to what’s running through my head after I take them”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


close up hummingbiord



1) Certain gratitudinal for Our Miz Rogers being ‘in loco geographicils’, staying in Kansas, (or Oklahoma or Wisconsin, one of the wide, flat, ocean-less States)

2) Glad to have an appreciation of, and a certain penchant, for the odd, hence our photo sequence above. That leads to Item 3

3) Grateful for our Family Hummingbird, not in small part because this hummingbird apparently loves his/her dead insects

4) Grateful for the photo series above and (it’s) implications for the ephemeral aspects of daily life, (which leads to Item 5)

5) glad for a new appreciation (in) the belief that, when you know there’s something in your life thats cool, even if you have no direct evidence to show to the others, (in your life), persist in believing and the evidence will become  irrefutable (sorta)

6) Did I mention that the Doctrine is all kinds of taken with the power of perspective on: life, reality, relationships with others? Well let me do so here with a couple of photos of Una (from our Friday Night Walk:

'Proof of Walk'

‘Proof of Walk’

7) Three faces, one dog:


“You walk more slowly than my human drives this car!! Get out of the road. Now!


“what feral dog? I didn’t see a feral dog! You must be mistaken!”


“yeah, put these in your Post… they’ll love it!”

8) ‘Almira’  Chapter 9  (Backstory Chapter: Hammond Street Presbyterian in Lawrence Massachusetts, Sunday December 10, 1911  We become acquainted with Frederick Prendergast III and his wife, Constance (Myerson) Prendergast and their twin 5 year old sons (and Nanny, Grace Byrne), as they attend Services and listen to a Sermon given by Minister Allyn Montrose, on the Parable of the Talents. I think we’ll have a better insight into the social forces that not only directed the forces of capitalism (in the creation of the first planned manufacturing town), but gave body (and soul) to the passion that stands up to oppression. (You know, typical chapter in a Serial about the real story behind ‘The Wizard of Oz’))


10) SR 1.3

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Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Picture 3

Seeing how far behind on Chapter 9 over at ‘Almira’ (get caught up here!)I am at this moment (Friday am) I thought I’d write a quick Post. (yeah, the logic is there, but for only 2 of the three worldviews).

Will have to get over to my printer, as I have not forgotten the request for docTees from a couple of Readers and Readae. I thought I might simply get some ‘generic’ docTees, but the last iteration, (with the person’s predominant worldview on the upper arm), are so much more…. cooler.  And, with that in mind, I realized that some people (Hey! Paul… I think this might be in reference to you, let us know if you need any help establishing your predominant worldview). (?!@?  yeah, I know… how could anyone spend any time at this here blog here and not figure out their personality type… I mean, this place makes very little sense otherwise… and I write the thing!)

Anyway, here:  click on this here Link and take the Pre-Dominant Worldview Assessment.

Although it was written for the fun of it. The more time and labour-instensive  process of determining one’s predominant worldview is not only simple and fun, it’s preferred, over ‘Taking-a-Test-and-Having-the-Score-Tell-you-the-Nature-of-your-Personal-Reality’. But some people seem to like it (yeah, you and I know both know which of the three they would be…lol)


hey!! Spoiler Alert!!!  Only one of the three personality types will consistently get a certain score. In that delightful, proves-itself-without-delibera-setting-out-to-ask-it-to way, when someone writes and says, “I’m but my score came back…” we know exactly who it is.

hey scotts!  crayons and spray paint, not available, however, it you want to…go ahead and try. (we have several question/answers contributed by our scottian friends.) try and guess which ones… nah, no point. Anyone with a sufficient grasp of the Doctrine can write in a style indistinguishable among the three worldviews.



Six Second Sunburn Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- (‘well, I do use the word ‘Six’, so it’s kinda normal, right?’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Our friend zoe’s weekly challenge to create a story centered on one prompt word, but entailing no more than six sentences. Easy enough, no?

No. Not easy enough. Not even insufficiently easy. And, defiantly not easy as can be… (sorry, I couldn’t keep it going. I knew that there should have been an extension of the analogy (or allegory or antonym) … but it vanished from my mind, like…. like  damn! there go the fricken similes!!)

I enjoy this exercise. Most of the time. I’m given to the odd and (hopefully) weirdly suggestive. However, this week my goal shall be simple, direct and action driven Six Sentence Story. The prompt word is: Draw

(Wish me luck)


“You have your instructions. As implied by the name, there are to be six sentences. Without restriction on the length of these six individual sentences, long or short, they, obviously, must contribute to the story in a way as to keep the Reader engaged, promising to deliver the ‘payoff’, by the end (of the sentence) if not, sooner.

And a Title, which may (or might not) contain the prompt word. As simple as this is, you couldn’t resist, could you?

You want, I should draw you a picture?”


-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘hey!! you oughta hear what I just did!… no, nothing shocking (or) cool’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(I've called you all here on a matter of grave concern…

(I’ve called you all here on a matter of grave concern…

Well, now that I type this, maybe kinda cool. No, definitely kinda cool!*

I started the Wakefield Doctrine, in part, because I knew that it had the potential to become a very helpful, useful and, all-around efficacious tool for self-improving oneself.**

As you read below, (in the feetnotes), we spend our lives practicing being the best clarks (or scotts or rogers) that we can be. The thing of it is, the Wakefield Doctrine maintains that we, all of us, retain the potential to perceive and function in ‘the other two worldviews’.
I’m a clark. I live in the reality of the Outsider. I’m good at shadow-living. I also have the capacity to experience the world of the Predator and the life of the Herd Member. That means, I (potentially) have the behaviors (and skills and weaknesses) that are exhibited by my scottian and rogerian brethren (and brethrini).  So, when I consider the ways that I believe I need to improve my life, I know that I don’t have to ‘go out and find’ new behaviors (or attitudes or reflexes). All I need to do is find, within my scottian and rogerian aspects, those things that will add to who I am. (Big caveat here: you know how, say, Christine or Dyanne, are like real quick on their feet and, even when they’re among total strangers, they project a sense of competence and confidence***? Sure, you and I could do that, but they’ve practiced for a lifetime. All I’m saying is, ‘sure, know that you can do those things, but go easy on yourself if you stumble initially. Practice is the answer. The big thing is: you have it within. already. no need to think you’re lacking in a quality. Just a matter of practice.)

Speaking of big things!  Just sent out my first Query Letter as part of the getting ‘Blogdominion‘ published. (I was falling for the very clarklike behavior of, ‘oh man! this Query Letter is the most important step…I better get it perfect!!’…  well, sure that’s kinda true. And, as soon as I write the perfect Query Letter (and Synopsis)…. I’ll be sure to send it out.  In the meantime, I sent the following this morning:

Please accept this Query, (and brief Synopsis and the first 20 Pages of the Story), of my first novel, ‘Blogdominion’. I’m sending this because every process has a first step. In this case, the process has moved from ‘write the complete story’ to ‘get the story published’.

My bio will be brief: born in a taxicab racing down the streets of a small island community in the early morning hours of a cold March day. Educated beyond practical necessity and employed in what would, best-euphemistically be called, a liberal arts work history.
That I’ve written a novel is the direct result of a serendipitous insight into human nature, a blog (based on that insight) and, the recognition of the need to improve my ability to communicate in a written form.

‘Blogdominion’ might best be categorized as a ‘Mystery Science Fiction’ story (which a hint of noire).
86,278 words. And, based on the response (and requests) of my First Gen Readers, the first installment of a Series of ‘Sister Margaret Ryan’ stories.

A young women finds refuge, (from herself), in a Convent, seeking peace and unconditional acceptance. The 21st Century soon intrudes and she is called upon to help protect the way of life she now treasures, at the risk of being forced to return to the chaotic life, before finding refuge at St. Dominique’s.
Sister Margaret Ryan discovers that a person’s past can never be left behind. In fact, certain skills and talents that she felt were best left in the past are needed, not only to help the Convent, but to save the life of her Mother Superior, Sister Bernadine Ellison.
Halfway across the country, a Mormon Engineer and his young assistant are forced to confront an emergent computer device that, upon attaining self-awareness, is exploring life and, as is so often the case when the young try to learn the ways of the world, things get broken and people die.
A mystery that needs to be solved, a growing threat that follows Sister Ryan back to her new home and the answer to the question, ‘What is it to be alive?’ All are part of ‘Blogdominion’

Pages 1-20:

I got the agent’s name and contact info from an article in Writer’s Digest. The guy said, ‘1 paragraph bio and synopsis’. I suspect that, going forward, I’ll need to be a but more expansive on both the bio and the synopsis. But, that’ll be my on-going effort. The process has begun.

OK, Just wanted to keep everyone up to date with Sister Ryan and them. You all know how, ‘I can’t wait to share everything in my life with my friends everything,’ I am…. lol

(Did I mention that, self-improvement is not always easy or comfortable? That feeling of being sick to your stomach seems to accompany a lot of the progress that’s made?)

*don’t want to get into too much trouble with zoe, what with her being all, “clark, you need to remember what/who you’ve become as a result of all your efforts and throw that old self-image stuff out the door!! doug! watch this guy and bite ’em if he tries to backslide”.

** in a nutshell (yeah, ha ha Kristi) the Doctrine maintains that ‘personality’ is that collection of practiced strategies and styles of interacting with the world around us that we learn, develop and practice appropriate to the character of the reality that we find ourselfs in, when we are just small, young lifeforms. If I find myself in the reality of the Outsider, then I am going to develop, (and learn and practice), those behaviors that let me stay in the background and yet, still exert my will to whatever extent that need exists in me. And, for those of us growing up in the world of the Predator… honing response and attack skills, ignoring overly subjective responses to the world, are all part of growing up a scott. and the same with rogers, of course.

*** ’cause they scotts! of course!


Moreday Morning -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘if it’s worth doing, it’s worth over-doing!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Written on the run, this Monday morning:

  • editing and publishing Chapter 8 of ‘Almira
  • checking on work-related stuff, leftover from the weekend
  • writing a Doctrine Post (within this post, at the bottom, well because at ‘the Facebook’ this weekend, Lizzi wore a docTee and some people asked about it
  • …and because they asked about it, naturally I replied, ‘sure! you can have an Official Wakefield Doctrine docTee!’
  • which, then required that I explain that they really should decide on their predominant worldview because….
  • no one can tell you what your personality type is*, its up to you
  • *of course, those of us already familiar with everyone’s favorite personality theory (at least the one that also has a line of Fashion), are available to help a person realize what the character of their personal reality is:  clarks (aka ‘the Outsiders'(  scotts….(uh oh!! Predators!!)  rogers (the Herd Members and all)

So. let me Post this Post and I’ll be back to complete whatever it is that I started.

Quick Tip:  think you see a clark?  Use the handy checklist! Are/Do they:

  1. sort of there, but not really
  2. seem to have kind of a slouchy posture
  3. funny as hell, but only after you’ve figured out that it’s the mumbled ‘asides’ that they are their funniest
  4. really odd fashion choices (girls cute figure, nice legs and giant boots on they feet/ guys clearly trying to blend in… red ties or orange socks with wingtip shoes or maybe, dressed up but…a bow tie,  really? a bow tie?!)
  5. smart but in an ‘unadvertised way’

that’s enough for now!


now indeed!  I left the house (90 minutes ago), without hitting Publish!!!
