predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 31 predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 31

Monday Post -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘what?! did I read that correctly?!!!* whats going on here?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Quick, before it fades from my mind, ‘within yesterday’s memory are all the lessons I need to make today the kind of day that I would hope it might be.’

whew! damn, that was close!

No, serially! I was (deliberately) veering from the path I found myself on this morning and the forces of sameness were totally marshaling to get me back on track. ‘back on track’ aka in the same old rut. (Funny how the truisms of life seem to be dual purpose, isn’t it?)

Anyway, as Ellias McDaniels, (no fair looking the name up! If I’m going to all the effort and social risk of getting obscure, then the least you can do is allow me the pleasure of your response that you know the reference.*), would say…

So, why the Monday Post? Two reasons:

  1. I’m trying to side-step my internal critic (that part of me who knows the true measure of my abilities and is kind enough to not let me write anything thats not up to the standards that I should be living up to)
  2. I’m in self-improve-by-virtue-of-better-organizing-my-time mode.  (Tell me that thats not the single most aggravating aspect of your day!) Well, tell me that, if you’re a clark. Speaking of which, how long has it been since I’ve written a ‘hey! this is the Wakefield Doctrine! you wanna hear about the best personality theory you’re ever going to hear about?’
  3. thanks! whoever that was in the back of the room (metaphorically speaking) and speaking of back of the class… can anyone out there tell me the personality type who gravitates to the back of the class, the back of the lecture hall, the back of the crowd at the annual awards ceremony and the front of the car? I’ll give you some time. Hell! I’ll give you the rest of this morning to answer.

So, the Wakefield Doctrine is an approach to personality types that will allow you to know more about the other person than they know about themselves. With the Doctrine, you will no longer have ask the world, ‘how could I fall for that again! I really thought I knew them better than that!!’
With the Wakefield Doctrine as (an) additional perspective on life, (and that’s what it and every other ‘theory’ of ‘personality’ actually is, and I’m totally including the Oscar Myers Briggs&Stratton, the ‘what color is my vegetable’ (current fav on ‘the Facebook’) and Jung’s ‘What!?! No, I’m not saying that Fred and Wilma were real, I’m saying that archetypes…never mind!’) personality theories. With the Wakefield Doctrine you will be in position to see the other people in your life in a context that allows their behavior to make sense. And that’s all any of us want, isn’t it?**

Well, running out of time this morning, so the basics:

  • clarks the Outsider: the simplest way to describe this personality type (and to test yourself for clarklike tendencies) is that this person wakes up each and every morning thinking, ‘ok  the world and everyone is still out there, I know I can figure it out today’
  • scotts the Predator: the person most like to be voted: jeez! I’d love to be able to be like that,…. scotts will bound out of bed, ready for whatever is waiting, and they know there’s something waiting outside the bedroom door/at the office/among the kids at the daycare and that annoying woman who is so judgmental
  • rogers the Herd Member: if you got a little annoyed at the (numbered) bullet points because I clearly said ‘two’ and you have a certain confidence that everything that must be achieved in your day will be, if for no other reason than the fact that your list has the important things at the top; rogers don’t wake up thinking, they wake up planning, and they most assuredly do not bound out of bed, one could sprain an ankle being so reckless, and besides, there’s no rush, the schedule is simple and well established.

…gotta run (or walk (or stroll)) out into the world.



*totally a clark thing, if you respond, ‘yeah, clark, who do you love’ I will feel a surge of pride in my getting to hang out with people who are of a place that allows them to know a semi-obscure musical reference (and that’s that only hint you get!)

** yeah, that is a trick question


TTo(reprint)T -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…like sand through the hourglass, these are the grains of our lifes’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks scotts and rogers)



Reprint from the First Year August 20 2013 … or maybe August 2001… and you totally need to click here for the really cool part

(Did you click on some of the links of the participants? Mr Peabody be totally eating his heart out.)

So, the reprint is from 2013, that’s 3 years times 10 equals 30 Items!

1) minimus cum irreductibile:  Ms L and her co-hostinae and this here bloghop here

2) Una and Phyllis

3) Gravity Challenge… this is the second year, can you believe that?!

4) ‘Almira’ Chapter 24 due out this weekend. Very cool this book writing thing. This time last week I was all, ‘oh man! what am I gonna do?! There’s Dorothy and Eliza marching into St Mary’s, all bold as can be, to see the woman who is in the Charity Ward and here we are, that woman, or rather her story from when she was 16 years old in 1912. How the hell do I account for 27 years?  Lucky for me I discovered that Cyril Sauvage (Emily Gale’s older brother who died in the Battle of the Marne in 1918) went to Dartmouth before he enlisted! So the rest is…well, you’ll have to read the Chapter. If you want a preview (sorta) try this Six Sentence Story.  (you know… it’s an established fact that Cyril and Sterling went to Dartmouth… and, even as I type, I’m picturing the dates for this to work and… and they line up!… well, how many readers had relatives come and visit them at college, with, say a younger brother or sister come for a Fall Homecoming Weekend or something… maybe go to the Mixer…meet someone…. damn! I’ve said too much already)

5-8) the Reprint below (especially the old links)

9) Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)

10) SR 1.3



Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

I am ‘happy’ to have another Post to contribute to the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop. Created by Considerer with the aid, support, encouragement and participation of Christine and them, this is not your typical bloghop. While there is nothing wrong with the ‘typical’ bloghops (I participate in the Twisted MixTape Tuesday run by Jen (My Skewed View) and Kristi (Finding Ninee) and Finish The Sentence Friday Janine ( ‘mommyholic) and Kate (‘bottle of Whine) and Stephanie (‘for Real) and Kristi.

What makes our TToT different is that it is a true ‘weekend blog hop’. By that I simply mean that it starts this morning and ends tomorrow night. If you want to participate you can do so at any time this weekend…and (here’s the difference) people come and read and Comment throughout the weekend, so if you have trouble today (I am a great example, I have to work today, so I’ll get this Post in and read who ever is around…later in the middle of the day, I’ll pop in and see whats going on…then the end of the day and so on). And… Comments? thats a little different here too! Jump in anywhere we totally believe in cross commenting. So… I think I have put this off as long as I can… my List of Ten Things:

(…yeah, I know!)

(too late to quit now!)

(…lets wrap this up!)

Ok… I had fun doing this…. (did someone just imply that they were….?)

Number 10 I am grateful that I am able to submit the above as my TToT of this Week.

We’re here all weekend (‘try the veal’) Be sure to tip your Waitress… and Comment (‘dammit! Jim I’m a Wakefield Doctrine writer, not a videographer!)

Kinda cool, no? All the ‘old posts’

Ten Things of Thankful
<a href=” ” target=”_blank”><img src=”″ alt=”Ten Things of Thankful” style=”border:none;” />

Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group


Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



Ok. here I am at Wednesday Night. I have the ‘story’, but I’ve come to believe that I shouldn’t bet on what I hit publish on, at least until Thursday morning. For the moment I have what I consider to be the most fun ‘story’ I can come up with…at least for a Wednesday night.
Which, by the way, if you’re just joining us for the first time, this is zoe’s Six Sentence Story. It’s a bloghop that challenges us to write a story of six (and only six) sentences …the prompt word for this week is ‘suspect’.


“Who do you suspect?” I asked, hoping the cigarette smoke would mask the expression of doubt that I suspected was beginning to show on my face.

“Why the suspect, of course!” Try as she might, her face betrayed a certain suspicion of my interest.

“I knew that, however, your logic is rather suspect,” I smiled and pulled the blankets over my head, blocking out the cheery sunlight, totally covering my face, more than anything else, I didn’t want her to suspect.

“Well, for a minute there, I was doubting your confidence in me,” I suspected she would say that and pulled the revolver from under my pillow.




TToTime -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘were it possible for time to run backwards, would you let it?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


what? why no! the inference of the 10 Co-hosts of this bloghop was the furthest thing from my mind. … but, well,

Just in case you were wondering, the TToT is the abrivaname for ‘Ten Things of Thankful’ which is the Title, Instructions and Goal of the bloghop created by Our Miss Lewis.

1)  First item with a total bullet!  zoe’s gift!  words are puny, I will post a video:

( my youtube thing doesn’t seem to work, try clicking on the photo or trying clicking on this )

2) From this gift I will generalize and say that I am totally grateful for the virtual world. I could say, ‘I’m grateful for technology, for the computers and phones to form the internet’, but that would not quite be what I’m referring to. I’m talking about the virtual world with it’s virtual people. The place where we can fly and we can hide in plain view, we can sit at any table in the cafeteria that we want, but, now because of the nature of the virtual world, I can find others to sit with me. At the price of ‘pinch me I’m dreaming’, I have the ability to interact with people all over the planet. This is critical, not just because the planet’s a big place, but because, when you get right down to it, the number of people who are qualified to become your friend is pretty small. Add to this the fact that in the ‘real’ world, we come into actual contact with a very small number of people. There are only so many cashiers at the 7/11 or teachers in high school or day care providers or yoga instructors or relatives or the person who cuts the grass. The virtual world isn’t just crowded with people, but everyone is right here in this room.

3) Una went to the spa today. (I was nervous, she enjoyed herself). As you can see in the photos, Una is a very long-haired dog. The problem is, unlike most dogs, Una does not like water. Rain or wading pools or even garden hoses. So we found a place, (yes, I did go visit the groomers in person before we made the final decision, lol).  What tipped the scales? Among the list of services on their website:  mud bath and nail wraps…. not 100% certain what either of those entail, but I liked the sounds of it.  (0f course, there are photos!)

9:10 am 20160812_090803

1:30 pm20160812_142248

well, Phyllis and I can tell the difference… lol

4) Writing this Friday evening, leaving the morning (before work) for working on Chapter 20 of ‘Almira‘  (I’m grateful for the opportunity to not only describe upcoming chapters, but to recount the events (of the story) that might not make it into ‘print’. Hey!  call that #5!  In any event, the challenge for me at this point is to focus on Almira’s life after she leaves Lawrence. We have to get through the strike, the famous Bread and Roses Strike of 1912, before she and Sterling can begin their own life in early 20th century America. There are some literary logistics that I have to learn to accelerate the timeline of Almira’s story so that it catches up with Dorothy’s. On that front, by job is made much simpler by the fact that Eliza dropped in for a surprise visit in Circe. Eliza is kinda fun. So, that helps, thanks for listening.

6) Lizzi and the co-hostinae (any resemblance to the co-hostinae in the Waterhouse painting above is purely coincidental. They are totally worth singling out, for keeping this bloghop going for the, what, 5 or 7 years has it been? well, as they say,  good ideas tend to provide their own source of energy.

7) Speaking of impressive, Abigail is going back to school. At least I’m calling it, that because it’s fun to refer to almost everything in terms of school. She mentioned, on ‘the Facebook’, that she beginning a course that will run for the rest of the year. She tried to say that she’ll be flat-out busy with studies and such and not as likely to be around these parts. Of course, I was all, ‘hey! no way!  you totally need to tell us all about it.’  (but then again, my minor in college was, Skipping Class, at least it was in my freshman year. Once I discovered my real major, I was all over the attendance thing.) So anyway, I’m looking forward to reading Tales of School from Abbie in the coming weeks. One of my favorite internet things are the glimpses into the lives of people I like.

8) Phyllis

9) the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)

10) SR 1.3


Ten Things of Thankful
<a href=” ” target=”_blank”><img src=”″ alt=”Ten Things of Thankful” style=”border:none;” />

Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group


re-print Friday3 -the Wakefield Doctrine- ’cause I’m in a ‘words-beget-words’ mode at the moment, but thank you for asking’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(not everyone may know this, but that red building in Chicago? World Headquarters for the Omni Corporation... read all about in 'Blogdominion'

(not everyone may know this, but this red building in Chicago? World Headquarters for the Omni Corporation… read all about it in ‘Blogdominion’2


How do I know it’s been too long between ‘normal’ Doctrine Posts? Well, for starters, when I typed the first line, (which is always the first line), of this Post, the fricken spellcheck forgot how to spell ‘theory’!  (I don’t know about you* but I’ve noticed a tendency to, at certain times/moods, where I don’t bother being overly careful with my spelling and, will actually get mad when it, (the spellcheck, not my spelling). doesn’t correct the word fast enough so I don’t have to stop. Anyway, so I’m typing my intro line and when I get to ‘…the theory of…’ I mistype it (no big deal, as I’ve said) but I looked and it corrected to ‘their’, as in ‘…the their of…’ and I’m all, ‘whoa! grasp the telephone receiver firmly and await further instructions’!!1

So, anyway….

Back to my shameless self-promotion. (ed. note: holy smokes! my auto-correct is such a roger!! yeah, I know… no kidding…but  but! I mis-typed the word ‘shameless’ (well, got to stay with the theme of the day, don’t I?) and it corrected to ‘seamless’  lol

Almira‘  we’re somehow approaching the half-way point in our story! If you’re not familiar with ‘Almira’… come on! go here and read the story from the start. It’s Summer Time! you can pull up juke pop on your little cell phone and read it at the beach… although I should warn you, a major part of our tale takes place in Lawrence Massachusetts in 1911-1912…. in the winter! brrr! In any event, my seeming surprise at where I am in the novel is quite genuine, in that I’m taking is what I believe is called ‘seat of the pants’  approach to writing. I write by the Chapter, literally. Have no idea how this thing ends. That is, of course, the fun and exciting (and impressively stressful) result seat-of-the-pants writing.

Oh well, what am I gonna do.  Chapter 15 due out this weekend… Dorothy is forced to accept that there is something wrong in her life, and at the same time, something quite exciting (not giving anything away, but Tom Hardesty is there at her time of need and gives her a ride home), Eliza meets Hunk Dietrich and she’s not half as surprised at his response to her as he is… and, is it me, or is Dr. Thaddeus Morgan growing shorter and more …. Professor Marvel-istic  like the guy in that other story?

Hey, really have enjoyed our time together this morning.


well, that’s not quite true, I do know about you… a lot, too much you might say, all due to the totally fun and useful theory of clarks, scotts and rogers!**

1)  …. you non-old Readers might fail to to feel the pleasure of the idiom ‘hold the phone‘…. because at a certain time in history, it was not a given that your telephone was not in your hand already, as in ‘all-the-damn-time, like,-why-don’cha-get-it-surgically-attached-save-yourself-some-valuable-texting-time-not-having-to-pick-it-up…. wait, that was a joke! no, I don’t think they have that yet.

2)Blogdominion’ the first in the Sister Margaret Ryan Series.

** I will tell you! I know the characteristics of the personal reality of the three personality types so well, that I don’t need to make a conscious effort anymore (“…hmmm lets, see…’has a tendency to never throw anything away, keeping tupperware in the refrigerator as long as there are more than 2 adjacent molecules of foodstuffs, clinging, rattling-around-on-the-bottom, or giving the hint of color to the edge of the top, believes in using only one set of bath towels at a time, always re-washing the same set, rather than cycling sets, believes that the movie-making sun rises and sets on Ken Burns…. roger!  got it!) and so, when I meet people, a part of my mind is observing the person through the ‘lens’ of the Wakefield Doctrine. Very helpful!

3) huh! didn’t need an old post, after all!
