Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT)’s weekly contribution from the inmates, habitués, chronic offenders, lucid insomniacs and bloggers who comprise the word-grinder know as the Wakefield Doctrine.
(And, even if they have a Doctrine-approved tee shirt, Wakefield Doctrine hat, (for your damn head), or a bumpersticker that reads “My child is a clark/scott/roger, what’s yours? Do you even know?!” These people? Those hiding behind the editorial ‘we’, like a plastic-coated, red-tassled 12×14 restaurant menu, should not be faulted for the company they keep.)
Where were we?
Lixxie, (evil half-twin to the TToT Founderess, Lizzi), managed to convince Lizzie, (well-intentioned one-third twin to the outrageous Lixxie), to pick ten bloggers to cohost the bloghop she created. We, in a plot twist that was, shall we say, totally unanticipated, were included in the original group of co-hostinae. (Lets put that down in the Grat list at number Six.) What was not evident at that time, (the early ‘twenty-teens’ like 2013 or 2014), was the ’emotional tontine’ effect of the privilege of hosting a ‘hop. (Sure, why not put this, as a semi-hypograt, at number Eight).
And the rest is history.
1) Phyllis ___________________________________↓
2) Una ___________________↑
3) the Wakefield Doctrine
4) serial stories (the Whitechapel Interlude and the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf)
5) Six Sentence Story where flash fiction and skill-enhancing writin’ be gettin’ done.
6) Offered the opportunity to be a co-host to this here bloghop here (way, way back through a shin-high pile of calendars)
7) (hypo gratfrom the BoSR/SBoR) Became a co-host at this here bloghop here…
8) Our host, Dyanne, who quite graciously insisted we use a photo we found at the TToT Facebook group. Thanks, D!
9) Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) chapter that allows something, sometimes not sought out by a recipient, nevertheless it (the aforementioned ‘something’), it proceeds, in time to become significant in a body’a life. (oh, yeah… hypograts are allowed. These are the things that we don’t like when they occur but with a certain, sophisticated understanding of the concept of gratitude, become more recognizable). Don’t ask us! Mimi is the one in this crew who can esplain that advanced a concept.
10) Secret Rule 1.3 “...hey, get yourself to Number Five and it’s downhill easy from there… and the last Grat Item is free!” BoSR/SBoR op. cit. ibid and doncha know…
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