predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine

Wennnnzdae -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Pop Quiz:

You’re visiting a new friend’s house. As part of the tour, you walk into a workshop. Attached to the wall above the workbench is a pegboard. On the pegboard hang tools. Where a tool is missing, there is a silhouette neatly drawn in a high contrast ink.

Question: What is the predominant worldview of the owner/operator/occupant of this home feature? Reasons for your answer required.

  • clark (Outsider) come on! enough with the softball questions already
  • scott (Predator) hey! I wanna question of my own… this is fun
  • roger (Herd Member) Not fair. It’s obvious what you’re going for and, we hate to be one to tell you this, but your underlying assumptions are off


Essai! Question for extra credit: Same scenario as above except:

the outlines are not a single lines, it’s more a relief kinda thing, like, say, one spray painted over the tool, leaving a negative image of non-painted surface.

Your tour guide (the spouse, presumedly) is silent. You have one question to ask them that they must answer honestly.

Essai Question: What is the predominant worldview of the spouse?

  • Outsider (clark) smiling frantically
  • Predator (scott) laughing
  • Herd Member (roger) cringing slightly

there ya go!

Extra points2: what did you ask the putative spouse?


No looking at each other’s answer sheet.

Who said, Hey! How about a knee-jerk level demographically mandated music choice?

yeah, could get clever and go to MoTown or, even early ’60s but tonight is write a Six Night (Six Sentence Story bloghop) so lets go the easier ‘softer’ route.



Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

RePrint today as we have an encounter with a dentist this morning.

New Readers? There is something called ‘the Everything Rule’ here at the Doctrine. Learn it. Remember it. Enhance your language skills with it. Not withstanding this fundamental rule, each profession, job, skill-for-money, incarceration. following and vocation is best manifested when the person is one of the three, i.e. clarks (Outsiders), scotts (Predators) or rogers (Herd Members).

Dentists? rogers. hands down.

Why? Consider: a medical specialty that demands precision, involves mechanical contrivances and, more often than not the daily practice of which (in any good-sized practice) multiple (if not sequential) arenas of work. The typical modern dental office has multiple operatories and any number of hygienists (every bit deacons and altar boy/girls in pale service to the reigning dentist). The dentist, in a display of mastery of schedule and circumstantial focus, will spend the day ministering the seekers of hard health… flitting between stations to bless the supplicants: “You’re doing a great job with the flossing. Keep up the. good work. See you in six months”,comforting the injured, “OK, looks like a part of the crown is gone. Not to worry, we’ll fix you right up.” and sometimes simply being there, “Good to see you again. Teeth look great”.

There can be clarklike dentists. Sure, in a pinch. And there can be scottian dentists. (The old cartoon strings-on-door-knobs? yeah that)

But you get the idea.

Tooth-ache? Find a rogerian dentist Legal problems? a scottian defense attorney. Someone to tell your no-one-must-ever-know, darkest secret?   you guessed it! (lol we won’t say explicitly. we trust you know this one. shhh)


damn! you’re right, we did promise a RePrint

there is a way to use this, (the) Wakefield Doctrine that is actually quite practical!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

1950s Teacher In Front Of Classroom Writing Confidence On Blackboard

You know what’s a real skill to have? The ability to teach! I’m thinking of the kind of teacher who not only can impart knowledge to the student the very first time, (doing whatever the hell it is that Teachers do), but is able to help the pupil or learnee, to learn more about a thing than they already know.  I suspect this is a gift that music teachers, early elementary and graduate school teachers share.

Note: the Rule of ‘everyone does everything at one time or another‘ says that all three personality types can be and, are skilled and effective Teachers. There is no exclusive domain for skills, professions, avocations or talent among the three worldviews. It is simply that how the art/science of ‘teaching’ is manifested in distinctly different ways. For a clark, teaching is one thing, for a scott it is something else and for rogers …completely different, from their perspective. (Warning: new(er) aspect of the Doctrine follows). And since we have just created a thought picture in your minds in the shape of a ‘guidance counselor in high school’, lets expand on this and suggest that and you (the Guidance Counselor) have been assigned the task of recommending the best career choice in the field of education for the 6 students you have been assigned, you might do as follows:

  • clark (female): elementary grades (reasoning: the class is comprised of people that a  clark is able to relate to, and the class does not get defensive with, like they tend to with adults)
  • clark (male): college level teaching (reasoning: most of the bullying, on the part of the students is in the arena of the intellect and the clark will not have a problem …unlike the earlier grades)
  • scott (female): pretty much any grade when one of the primary goals is to ‘kid wrangle‘, when the learning is more teaching ‘fundamental social rules of behavior’, picture  a cross between Cesar Millan and Famke Janssen)
  • scott (male): shop, gym (probably not elementary grades, “so honey what did you learn in school today? oh! mommy the new Teacher knows so much…. pull my finger!”)
  • roger (female): home ec, social studies, history (“I would like to submit to the Board my recommendation for a new Course: “Getting Along without Standing Out 101”  and “Cooking Meals that look perfect”)
  • roger (male): social studies, history, home ec ( ‘hey kids I really talk your language and I will, in fact, pass along things I learn in our private conversations to other students I am trying to impress. It’s never too soon to learn about the real world!”)

We can now clearly see how, the art of teaching represents something different to each of the three (yes, three),while there are undeniable differences in the culturally permitted behavior assigned to each of the two genders, the Wakefield Doctrine is, in fact, gender neutral. The person who grows up in the reality of the Outsider (the clark) finds the students they can best relate to, the Teacher-to-be who is, by personal-social-spritual development, a Predator (scotts) knows that antelopes are much lower mantainance (as feedstock) than, say, a herd of wildebeests and the Herd Member (rogers) simply sees the herd and notes the predators and remembers the blue monkeys (for future use).

So, class   are there any Questions??

….and No! I will not pull my own finger!




* do they still have guidance counselors? I mean the male roger (‘here take this aptitude test, ok clark the scores are back the career you are best suited for is ‘file clerk‘**) or clarklike female (“so what do you like to do, what do you dream of doing“) or scott (“c’mere let me tell ya a thing or two about jobs“)

** true story


hey, we did a fellow Sixarian (Violet) a solid by offering an anodynistic music vid to offset the earworm from our Six Sentence Story. ‘course, now we have it in our heads. From the Department of Company and Misery, here ya go.


Lieday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Unicorn Challenge bloghop.

Hosted by jenne and ceayr we are invited to find a story using an image provided each week. The only rule: no more than 250 words are to be used.


“They built it themselves?”


“The 16th Century. Must of cost a fortune. I’m surprised the Church had the resources.”

“Well, you know, the organizational structure by then gotten pretty robust.”

“Seriously. Was what I’ve heard true, that the first iteration was dedicated to…”

“Don’t go there…”

“Santa Claus?? God! For reals? You are one twisted deity.”

You should talk.”

“Anyway, I won’t bother asking where the money came from to fund this thing.”

“Ha ha.”

“How long did it take to build?”

“Which time?”

What?” Sometimes I gotta say, I’m appalled. Your neediness astounds me.”

“Hey, not fair! I gave them Free Will. I didn’t say, Enslave yourself to a Church.”

“err… ‘on this Rock’ ring any bells?”

“Yeah, but that was just to get the ball rolling.’

“Gotta hand it to you, you make it too easy.”


“Generations of lives, right? An unholy percentage of what little they can earn scratching a living from the earth, handed over every Sunday.”

“They wanted to… The art work alone is fricken’ priceless.”

“To show their love?”

“You gotta better reason? Hell, they were barely getting by living a step above the rest of the livestock I Created. ‘Man 1.0′ had a pretty sweet deal. That is, ’til you came along.”

“But, man! Literal centuries of human effort to build …and rebuild! a structure with one and only one primary use.”

“You planning to make a point any time soon, Morningstar?”

“Dude! And they call me the Great Deceiver?”


the Unicorn Challenge -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Stone and the Crone story]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Unicorn Challenge bloghop.

jenne and ceayr have only one rule and that is a 250 word maximum for contributions.

(To read more from this series, go to ‘the Stone and the Crone‘)


“Remember when they built this place? How the stone masons insisted on returning down to Plockton every night? Either our appetites were far greater than I remember or they’d been warned about certain fauna.”

“I must’ve gained five stone over a single summer.”

“Aye and still working it off,”

Against the lower trunk of the 200-year-old oak, the woman’s burlap cloak made her indistinguishable from the riven and craggy bark of a tree that was a sapling when the pair had last visited. It would have taken the occupants of the Land Rover’d tourists more time in concentrated scanning of the forest beyond the lawns than their generation was inclined to invest in parts of the world not displayed on their phones.

“Here now!” To her left, doing a passable imitation of a coarse greywacke outcropping, the aptly named, Stone, felt a camouflage-compromising guffaw growing. Of long-term couples, it is said that jokes are nearly impossible because every punchline is telegraphed from common experience.

“Remember what you starting calling the construction site?”

The ancient woman’s effort to resist the urge to laugh resulted in a coughing fit, every old reptile’s instinctive tightening around the snake hook violating the safety of its ground cover-and-roots hideaway.

“Carron Carry-out?”

“Stop it, mo chirdhe,” the gruffness in the man’s voice, in unintended simpatico with their choice of hiding places against stone and bark, nearly disguised for his feelings of concern for his companion.




2sdae -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

As has been the case so often since this blog saw the 6500k light of its first virtual day, we have a Comment to prompt today’s Wakefield Doctrine post.

Damn! Sorry. Fell into visual mode there for a second. Kinda like the deep inhalations as one is pulled down under the waves, seeing how we’re about to go into beta reader mode. Agree to do this for a friend, ceayr from the Unicorn Challenge bloghop. He has asked me to accept the onus* of reading his current WIP. He’s quite the writer, his site (behind the link) has links to his published works. Check ’em out. (And don’t forget to tell ’em the Doctrine sent ya.)

So, Mimi commented yesterday:

That could be fun. I know a few of them, it would certainly behoove me to identify a few more.

This was in response to yesterday’s Doctrine post. We replied:

it is…fun and the thing is the more you spot, the better at spotting them you become (‘better’ means quicker and/or with subtler cues)
in fact, the coolest thing about the beginning of the blog, when we first came into contact with clarks that were not exposed to years of hearing me talk about the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers, a most wonderful thing happened: with the basics provided (fairly primitively presented) clarks not only were able to identify people by their predominant worldview but immediately began to extrapolate on the principles which expanded our ‘vocabulary’ of the three personality types.

New Readers! Don’t worry about identifying a person’s predominant worldview right this moment, at the end of your metaphorical first semester. We related the story of the early years of the blog to make the point that, with sufficient reading of these pages, one becomes capable of seeing identifiers (of a person’s predominant worldview) that may not be listed here in these pages. The fun is in applying the three perspectives (how a person relates themselves to the world around them and the people who make it up) and discovering which is the ‘clearest’ lens on the person’s experience.  And….and! quick Note: we’ve mentioned two ‘people’ here in today’s post. One of the first rules of the Wakefield Doctrine is that no one has authority to designate another’s predominant worldview. At least not with the expectation of it having any ‘force’. It is for the individual to determine. This is not to say we don’t have fun with ‘guess the worldview’ of people, usually prominent and/or famous folks. And even in this situation, the ‘hey, they are surely a...’ is meant for educational purposes (seeing how you better have some evidence to back up your claim and for entertainment purposes, i,e, Joe Pesci’s Nicky Santoro in Casino (the bar scene).

Damn! We’re out of time.

Don’t forget! The Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them.


* onus Deliberately using this word rather than, “Hey! I got a favor to ask,” or, “You’re a good writer, do a brother a solid and beta this bad-boy?” because we are a clark. No, not because it’s a slightly unusual choice (well, ok, a little because) of words. We used it because it offers an opportunity for insight into the world of the Outsider (clarks). As a people we take three things way, way…fricken way too seriously**: 1) responsibility (of the personal, i.e. person-to-person variety) and B) the opinion of others, specifically of us. Now we gots to get back to the post (already in progress).

** how about, instead of ‘seriously’, we type ‘to heart’ Now there’s a damn post waiting to be written! lol
