Personal | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 28 Personal | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 28

Another. Attempt. At. Six. Sentence. Stories. -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Taking a cue, (and exhibiting the remarkable secret-ego of the clarklike personality type), from Lizzi, (who writes with a skill and youthful abandon that I can imagine, yet know that I have too many years of practice being careful to even think about attempting), I will again charge zoe’s bloghop with quixotic relish.

“…I’m sorry, but six pounds.”

“Yes! the test was done 3 times and …and! the answer remains the same: six pounds.”

“No, at this point, there is no reason to check a 4th time. Ontologically, there is no basis or grounds for hope of a different outcome.”

“No, there is nothing that can be done. The standard of deviation in matters of this…. nature, is no more than .7 pounds, and even that is when one is in a state of rest that statistically, most of us can only dream of attaining.”



Lots to do today! -the Wakefield Doctrine- (“no! yeah, of course I’m serious… the Wakefield Doctrine has much to offer”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Short, quick Post for today, we’re concerned with the following:

  • the ‘the Wakefield Doctrine looks at fictional characters’ is beginning to gain some momentum. Yesterday we suggested that, as is clearly evident with movies and motion pictures, we can understand fictional characters from the perspective of the Wakefield Doctrine, specifically, their predominant worldview(s). zoe has us covered with ‘the classics’,  in her suggestion of the characters in ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ by John Steinbeck. Denise has pointed at the works of Robert Parker, specifically, the Spenser series of detective novels, and, rather conveniently, Friend of the Doctrine, Dyanne weighed in with Sue Grafton and her Kinsey Milhone series. Suggestion Window closes at 4:44 pm today, so if you have a favorite fictional character, send ’em in!
  • you remember our jogging challenge of last month? We created a blog specifically to share the ‘thrill of victory and the agony of de feet’ as alex and kristi and val and christine under took to run 2 miles a day for a month. It was a splendid time! Well, we’re back!  go over to 2 Mile Run ‘Hurry up and Weight’ and see what July has to offer.
  • (I am such a clark!)  Here we have a new group effort over at 2 Mile Run and I was going to pass it off with a simple, ‘go there and find out for yourself’  jeez  my rogerian aspect is so terribly puny!  So the deal with ‘Hurry up and Weight’ is that everyday in July, (except for Sundays), participants weigh themselves and send in a photo of their weight for that morning (always before 8:00 am local time). The cool thing is, this is about self-competition and identifying with the (other) participants. Not a competition between people, more a competition among people. The best thing is how Kristi came up with the extra little spin to the procedure, (and god knows, rogers have a natural genius for procedure!), that’s made all the difference… we call it Kristi’s Rule.  The requirement is that a photo of your weight for the day must be submitted, but  …but!  since we’re only concerned with the change (in our respective weights) each day, Kristi’s Rule says, ‘you only need to send a photo of 1 number to the left and 1 number to the right of the decimal point. We’re requiring single digit weights only. (Truth is, she put it terms that were way more direct and to the point, but, like I said, I’m such a clark)

OK! that’s it for today. Send in fictional characters. Go to ‘2 Mile Run’ and join us on the ‘Hurry up and Weight’ Challenge.

(I’m been stuck with a song in my head for the last 2 days, however,  I find that when I post the vid, the tune tends to fade… infecting other Readers, I suspect. This video is vintage 80s and the lyrics are way stranger than I thought, but the tune is damn catchy)


-the Wakefield Doctrine- “…a six Sentence Doctrine Post”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


wikipedia: William Blake, The Temptation and Fall of Eve, 1808 (illustration of Milton’s Paradise Lost) one word: ‘holy shit!’



Man’s Fall from Grace is an excellent metaphor for the goal of those studying the Wakefield Doctrine, ‘to see the world as the other person is experiencing it‘, is the goal (and) benefit of the application of the perspective inherent in the Wakefield Doctrine. When able to acquire this understanding, we then are in a position to know more about another person than they know about themselves. While the emphasis would appear to be on acquiring knowledge, it is incumbent upon us to remember the Story of Adam and Eve.  While Eve may have been a well-meaning clark and Adam a favored-son roger, they were tempted by a scott, as a result, there appears an un-resolvable conflict in the rational, the emotional and the impulsive, in competition. That we all have within, the potential of all three worldviews, forces the student of the Wakefield Doctrine to strive to develop these three, very different worldviews into a relationship of harmony, drawing the strength of each of these three ways that one can, ‘relate oneself to the world around them’.  As with the biblical story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden, failure to reconcile these three exacts a very heavy price.



TToT Live! -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…in video veritas’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


1) Technology… obviously

2) insufferable over-estimation of effectiveness of humor to an extent as to make a 11 year old say, ‘well, yeah, clark maybe that’s a bit much’

3) secret ego* that will proceed with the ‘script stage directions’ theme to today’s Post …a least enough to get through most of this list

4)  FADE IN:

EXT. co-host’s house in southern New England – Morning
writing the week’s TToT Post  finishing non-blogging
related work prior to vidchat


INT. home office/ banquet table desk/computer


5) ok, I’m grateful that I was willing to try for the screenplay version of the upcoming TToT Live  but, too much work, not enough time. (that btw, describes a characteristic event in the life of a clark. (In the course of trying to pull off Item 4, I went out and found a few sites that discussed/talked about/tried-to-sell books on screenplay writing. And, naturally, I found it pretty darn cool. Not just the very specific format/language of a screenplay, but the way that it (screenplay writing) seemed to make it quite simple to describe a scene… made me think that maybe I should try that…screenplay writing.  I know!  but, for you scotts and rogers out there, that is a quick insight into the world of a clark

6) one more:

UNA (O.S.)
‘ruff! ruff!! bark!!! Bark!!!

7) I will say that this bloghop has never ceased to amaze me. Not just that it’s still running, not just that it still has the fun… the ‘what-the-hell-lets-try-that‘… it’s that there are still new people participating each week. Especially of late, the percentage of new bloggers is pretty impressive. (I say impressive in the sense that, and this has nothing to do with an Y Chrome inherent competitiveness …really!  But, that for a bloghop to grow and attract new Readers and Writers requires that those participating not only maintain their enthusiasm, but that they enjoy welcoming new participants.  Hell, on the internets, anyone can gather a group and establish a club mentality. To establish a community and have that community be attractive to passersby, that is the special thing that our Miss Rogers and her co-hostinae have pulled off. v cool).

8) speaking of New Writers here in Mayberry…. I’m getting in the mood for more Secret Rules, courtesy of the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)… (talk about a bloghop that has something that no one else does!)… but that’s for next week!

9) come on!  one more Screenplay reference?? pleeassse     ok.  oh, wait!  thanks to Val and Kristi and Alex (zoe and Christine) for the 2 Mile Run thing ( ‘2 Mile Run thing motto:  “god! I hate this running shit… what the hell, do great one day, the next awful and still hurts the same!  what is this marriage?!!”)

10) 1.3   (Metric: 3.1)


* the secret ego of clarks

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(Part 2)useday -the Wakefield Doctrine- (“…let’s pretend to agree that today’s still Tuesday, ok?”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


…in our last Post we left two thoughts started, but not completed:

  1. a renewed appreciation for the skills that allow something that has so much potential for being confusing to be made simple enough to allow for the ‘parts to connect’
  2. that the key to reducing stress and anxiety for clarks is to re-frame ‘the questions of the world’
  3. and cognitively dissonant jokes are a lot of fun!  (hey! this is the damn age of instant communication, right? wanna see something funny?  yeah, no! wait… I’ll do a  self-video I do this every chance I get, out there in the ‘real’ world!)
  4. video joke:  

…while we wait for the cameras to warm up, you want to know an interesting way to tell if you’re talking to a clark? (btw this only works if you’re a clark too!) ‘bumping into each other, conversationally’. You know, you’re like, talking with this other person and you’re always both stopping and starting statements at the same instant.

Bullet Point #1: the three worldviews, i.e. the personal reality that you are living in at this moment, (more critically, the character of the world that you, as a very small and young human found yourself having to develop coping skills and strategies to stay alive and flourish in… it is the ‘style’ of coping that characterizes the three personality types):

  • the reality of the Outsider  aka clarks.  a clark is simply (yeah, right) a person who developed a set of social skills, (did I already use the ‘yeah right!’?), that are best suited to living in a world where you are the Outsider. you know that you’re different from everyone (… everyone), and your primary drive is to learn whatever it was that you missed, because when you look around, everyone around you seem ‘to belong’ and you’re pretty sure it was something they were taught that you weren’t. You still have to make your way through life and while you know you have something special, (the things inside your head), you are totally certain that you need to keep it to yourself… just in case, …’cause you realize there’s a possibility that you’ve been cast out/into this world, for a reason
  • the life of the Predator aka scotts  your basic human! a Shelby cobra:  powerful, agile, no radio (so of course you should sing loud!), handles really well (hey, you look like you need a hug), funny (pull my finger!),  at times uncomfortable (he doesn’t want to understand!! but you, you’re different, you’re smarter than him). But the truth is, the person who grows up in the personal reality of the Predator acts first and reflects when he/she has a spare moment which is…. hardly ever!! Mercurial in temperament, loyal without being slavish, the scottian personal coping strategies reflect a world where life is to be lived, is too short for spending time inside one’s head reflecting and regretting… it is a strategy prone to errors in judgement for the consequences of impulsive action, you know, a natural leader!  (hot, too!  it’s that directness, the animal magnetism thing)
  • the world of the Herd Member aka rogers  ‘a certainty wrapped in tradition coated with confidence‘  rogers are like scotts in that there was no question as to the meaning of life and what they (as individuals) should be, rogers belong.   hey! you want to know something about rogers that they don’t know about themselves? When rogers write posts and blogs and such? while they appreciate comments and reactions, (to what they write), they don’t really care if they get one comment or 2 thousand.  why?  because rogers ‘are of the Herd’, this means that, in their reality, there is always a Herd (of like-minded/similar-in-a-way-beyond-the-need-to-understand other people…and things) and the Herd will read their post. rogers know this on a level beyond conscious knowing…. sort of like when you walk down a flight of stairs, you don’t need to think about whether ‘down is that way’…. it’s simply down.  so the mere act of writing ‘in public’ includes the reading of this writing (by the Herd). hence their inconceivable lack of concern for feedback!

gotta run!  (yeah, still haven’t got to the matter of ‘re-framing the questions of the World’  later!  I promise!)
