Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
What grades do you think of when you hear the expression, ‘old school’ (as in, ‘time to go a little old school’ or ‘that’s so old school, I love it!’)? I’ll be ever so grateful if it turns out that most of you picture grammar school in your heads and then laugh to yourself and resolve to write a comment. (1) For our new(er) Readers/TToTeer’s getting used to the circus-car-full-of-clowns that comprise the Rules, Exceptions, Options and Exceptions that are not only permitted, but encouraged, here at the bloghop-that-Lizzi-built, let me remind you that, for those more difficult weeks writing, we have the notion of hypo-gratitude… for example, ‘old school’ for me brings to mind ‘Our Lady of Mercy School’… run and taught by the sarcastically named Order of the Sisters of Mercy… I will be eternally hypo-grateful for those 6 years! (2). Speaking of ‘our Ms Rogers‘, she caused me to feel funny (in a good, but in no way creepy) when she tagged me on ‘the Facebook’ this week informing everyone about the elevation of ‘Frist’ to the status of ‘a Real Thing’! (3). My response was, (and seems to remain), “hey! cool!” which is saying something for a clark, right? (4).
Totally grateful for the ‘Gravity Challenge’ crewchristine, kristi, lisa, val, joy… they totally get me up in the morning. (5) Also grateful in a truly ambidextrous way for zoe (and her fairy blog mother, Josie) for her weekly dose of ‘hey grass hopper, go out and bring in the hibachi‘* aka Six Sentence Stories. (6) For reasons not quite clear, I hesitate when I try to express how much I welcome the opportunity to ‘play with those more skilled’ (7)
The tree house and home project have been neatly interactive this week, i.e. there is a gully formed by a small hill about 10′ before the stairs to the treehouse, so what happens, as you approach the stairs, is the path dips and rises, the length about ten feet, max depth about 3.5 feet. I’ve decided that I need to fill that in and make the approach path level and all. My source of dirt is on the other side of the property, about 500′ away and so, for a couple of lunch hours this week past, I’ve come home, fed Una changed clothes and moved the earth. (About half way there, probably another 20 or so wheelbarrow-worth to go). (8). I’m grateful to Lizzi and the co-hostinae for their liberal approach to the time-honored gratitude list, in the form of this here bloghop, i.e. anyone with the proper attitude can write pretty much anything and no one will say, ‘hey! get with the program, that’s not how it’s done’, well that surely must be number (9).
Although I usually end with SR 1.3, I’ll go a little more explicit and say, ‘I’m way grateful for the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) not only for what it offers me as a participant and how it also challenges me as a participant. More to the heart of the matter, I’m grateful that it’s very existence brings out the quality that is within anyone who writes a blog (at least anyone who writes more than, I don’t know, 5 posts over, say, 3 months…that is probably where the curve starts to climb), the drive and desire for creating section of reality that is your own, like the clubhouse or indoors fort (usually constructed with large furniture and stolen blankets and, often accompanied by rules such as ‘can’t touch the floor’)… like that, only we’re adults now. well, sorta (10).
(oh man!! Why didn’t ya tell me this was Woodstock Weekend??!! well, here’s a little Joe Cocker… to get you in the mood while you dig out the tie-dyed t-shirts and fringe jackets and head bands! ) (young people? too bad… it was cool)
Your hosts
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