Personal | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 25 Personal | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 25

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…when characters in a favorite book step out of the pages’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Phyllis and Una

Easy one, no? I mean, serially, there was: a roadtrip with our dog, going to a place on the shore of a salted sea, wide bridges that arched over salt ponds and harbors, mingling with strangers who brought their dogs to breakfast, slowly and quietly finding passage through urban blight only a car-width away, through a clean windshield gazing at cages, tall and cold and finding electrons turned flesh and blood, exchanging keystrokes for hugs that conveyed warmth and life.

That was my week ….your’s?

photos of yesterday and the week before….

(oh yeah,  6) the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules,  10) SR 1.3)

so a little pictorial remeberationing,



‘yesterday’s walk with Una and, unfortunately average speed for 5 hours through NYC last Friday’




the scene from my office window yesterday, a bunch of antiques cars pulled in across the street and, when I spotted the guy in the white shirt and hat, I had to say, ‘damn! talk about devoted hobbits’* * lol… ask zoe or maybe joy, they’ll explain the joke




down the street from our Bed&Breakfast in Ocean City…. ‘I immediately thought, hey! we should say hi for kristi’* (like when someone says they’re from, say, Chicago, someone is always available to say, ‘hey do you know so-and-so?’)




a remarkably depressing cultural/architectural artifact… one of the mega housing complexes as we approached NYC… made me think of the line from a Jimi Hendrix song, (‘Up from the Skies’): “I heard some of you got your families, living in cages tall & cold…:



…finally, as always, there’s:



ok… link up, binyons!

Ten Things of Thankful
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the Wakefield Doctrine ‘a thursday with a sexto-limited number of complete (and written) thoughts’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



Yeah, totally reaching with today’s subtitle, non? (In case anyone was wondering), it’s 7:49 on Thursday. Ante Meridian, yo, ante meridian. I really don’t know why I put myself through this every week. Well, that’s kind of a lie, I do know why. (You all know how clarks are, like, the ‘introverts’ of the three, at least according to most of the more common, popular and, therefore, mainstream personality types systems? Yeah, well one of the reasons that the Doctrine works way better is that, while we will stipulate that clarks tend to be introverted, the following characteristic (of my people) is also true:  clarks are un-comfortable being in the spotlight, they also will not tolerate being ignored.)

Ah yes, to the matter at hand. The Head Inquistoress, Friend of the Doctrine zoe/ivy  has this bloghop and you really need to sign up and participate…. today.  Here: Six Sentence Story.


My first thought, as consciousness returned, was that there were two other people in the room, my second was simply, “Why is it totally dark, and, since it is, how do I know there are other people here?”

“Well”, came a voice that insisted on tailored clothing, forced the supposition of a good education and hinted at a total lack of scruples, “Obviously you’re hearing this, and since ‘this’ is not you, it must be someone else.  This does, of course, rely on your definition of what ‘this’ is, don’t you agree?”

“Hey!! screw that!!!” overriding the previous voice, my attention was… not quite forced, more tempted to another side of wherever it is I currently am, “yeah! sure! you know that thinking is what got you here…. are you gonna just listen or is there something you want to do…. ”  this voice inspiring a sense of exhilaration, like the ‘actively-empty’ feeling that follows after narrowly averting a car crash, a feeling of false relief, like the next to the last dive of a roller coaster ride.

“Don’t listen… we’re not a threat…. don’t listen!!! you’re born to chase and catch the world is for there for you to take!!”  …the second voice seemed to achieve a remarkable quality, best described as ‘seductively shouting’  in my ear, it was quite insistent on being heeded.

It’s way past time,” I thought, “to find the door out of this place.”

… but turning did not produce the reassurance of direction, the darkness persisted, the voices decided to harmonize, not musically, but as a single thought, “the Wakefield Doctrine says that we all live in a perfect world…. and no, there is no ‘re-do’ key in real life.”




-the Wakefield Doctrine- Wednesday and such

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

"...and you say this will inspire school children to learn?"

Just a quick, jot-down-a-list of things to pick up at the Cumberland Farms and/or other semi-important things to do on a busy day Post today.

Speaking of Lists!  Did you know that the concept of ‘a List’ are three very different things to a clark, to a scott and to a roger? Well, they are! (Want to thank Cynthia and zoe for their Comments re: Cynthia’s reference to Dale Carnegie and is famous self-help book, ‘How to Win friends and Influence People’.) The point being, that something as simple at that book will manifest differently for a person, depending on their predominant worldview. (‘manifest’ is the term we use in this context), because we want to be sure that we remember that we’re not talking about:

  • ‘how a person interprets the book’, or
  • ‘what a person gets out of reading the book’ and we’re so not saying,
  • ‘whether are not the person understands what Dale is trying to say’.

Nope! To say that this Book ‘manifests…’,  is to say that it’s an actual ‘different thing’ and,  …especially and!  (the concepts it presents) are different things, depending on the reader’s personality type.

Speaking of fun and challenging, zoe has this week’s Six Sentence Story prompt up already! So, if you’re like me, you’ll want to go over there and see what the word is so that you can start the struggle early! (I’m just kidding. not.  There are some astoundingly skilled and talented people who join in each week and they produce stories that’ll have you saying, ‘how the hell do they do that?’ and they make it look easy. For example, take Dyanne (please! barum bump!) she has the gift of the Six Sentence Stories and they are quite good, as are all the others…. Why don’cha stop by and send in a Story!

Speaking of gravity matters!  (ha ha) We have an Open Enrollment Day running today only at the ‘Gravity Challenge‘! You should join us. It’s fun and satisfying. …ok, a little odd, but in a good way, and the people! Once again, it’s the people who participate that makes a blog or a bloghop or even a group weight lose thingie, the cool thing that it can be. So, if it makes you feel better to talk to a participant, before you join  look up Christine or Lisa or Val or Joy or Kristi and  then come join us!




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘it’s easier to finish a Post than it is to start one’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


This is the-bloghop-that-Lizzi-built, and it is, as befits all communal activity in the virtual world, many things to many people. There are few Rules, (but many Secret Rules), the people who participate vary from the new-to-blogging to extraordinarily talented blog writers, however,  the bottom line here the charge to us to make the effort to identify parts of our life/our world/our reality that elicits a feeling of gratitude and to share what that means, (to you), here at this virtual gathering, every weekend.

1) I’ll start by thanking Denise for today’s  Post subtitle. Not certain what prompted it, but, in the course of conversation, we agreed that, when it comes to writing blog posts, its’ easier…’

2) funerals. This is not an attempt to be macabre or worse, contrived, but I have to go to a funeral service (a work connected person, close but not family close) tomorrow and I am grateful because most of the time I go to one, I leave with a refreshed sense of the importance of appreciating the here and now. It’s not a ‘glad I’m not them’ thing, rather, it (the experience of going to a funeral service), is a very real and effective reminder that no matter how caught up I get in my dreams and ambitions, fears and hopes, the fact of the matter is that there is only today. (Sure, there’s probably going to be tomorrow… but that’s exactly how I get myself in trouble, living in the future, as most clarks do.*) And, I also experience funerals as an opportunity to self-understand myself more… not being an overly-emotional person, (which is not to say that I lack emotion), I find it a challenge to convey what I would convey to the people that I care about at (a) funeral.

3)  Lets hear it for work!  (The employment type, not the dig in the yard, physically demanding, mentally refreshing activity, which will be Item #5)… I enjoy what I do and sometimes I catch myself avoiding making mistakes and that’s really an excellent feeling. (I did mention that I’m a clark, right?)

4) I will cite as Grat Item #4, the opportunity to use the word macabre in a sentence where that is the legitimately best word

5) digging holes in the ground. (the photo below) is my home made drainage …thing. (turns out that the new driveway was not quite properly pitched, at least the section of it that Phyllis uses to park her Mini. Which is a problem in the winter. The snow melts and pools inside the enclosure that we have for the car and the car sits in water until it gets cold enough and then the car is locked in the ice for a couple of months. So, the solution is to create a lower point. The problem is, most of the area around this section of the driveway is higher. (damn! this is taking a long time to write! Hell, I devoting nearly as much time describing my drainage project as I did trying to relate my feelings and attitudes toward funerals… that can’t be right!  lol)


6) Phyllis’s Treehouse is coming along fine… for this year, the only things left are some sort of curtains (probably some of those bamboo roll-up things) and a little landscaping and that’s about all for this season.

7) Una, of course.

8) the fearless and intrepid Graviteers over at the 2 Mile Run ‘Gravity Challenge’  (that would be Kristi, Christine, Val, Lisa and Joy)  ya oughta come by and join us! It’s fun and gravity-defying!

9) z and her Six Sentence Stories…. A weekly mid-term/class project/term paperette and impromptu presentation all rolled into one!  (no!  normal bloggers! don’t listen to me on this. this is only how I view the challenge of writing a six sentence story, most of the others have the skill (and talent) to not only create great stories, but also make it look easy! My own interest is very simply, if I hangout with people with superior skills in the word-wrangling biz, then mine will surely improve as well!

10) SR 1.3  …and,of course, the entire Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) for being nothing less than license to do almost anything in these pages (with the clearly appreciated caveat that this is still about being grateful)


* and rogers live in the past and scotts, now they, they’re the one’s that live in the present, ‘cept they don’t have the interest to over-appreciate what it is they do…


Ten Things of Thankful
<a href=” ” target=”_blank”><img src=”″ alt=”Ten Things of Thankful” style=”border:none;” /></a>

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(what do you mean, has already been taken?!!) the Wakefield Doctrine ‘yes, it’s that day of the Week!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Today is Thursday, better known, in some circles as, the-day-we-write-stories-that-have-only-six-sentences-but-in-all-likelihood-exposes-to-those-perceptive-enough-some-part of-our-own-lives-that-even-as-the-writer-may-not-even-be-aware-of Day!  aka, Six Sentence Stories, hosted by zoe/ivy! Pull up a chair and enjoy a writer’s version of speed dating.

(for something a little different this week).  ‘Grave’


The ground, opened with care, to receive earthly remains.

Saying goodbyes, to those who can be seen and heard, by one who may no longer be able to see or be heard.

A change to the most fundamental of things, like the rising and setting of the sun, the love of child and parent, the healthy body falters and fails.

Growing with life, discovering the world and what it can be,  adds to what one is, love and hate, family and friends.

Sudden forces of life and air, expulsion from quiet safety.


