Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This Week, we got it all! a Video Grat Item, a link and a request to go and read the latest project to come out of Doctrine Central….and tree houses and turning leaves, planting grass and ignoring the early morning dark. Sure, your typical pre-TToT week of activity! Oh, and our illustrious Leaderini is back (maybe not re-acclimated but at least people are no longer speaking with accents wherever she goes).
Hey Facebook-TToT-page-person!! You know most of the participants here every weekend are, like, skilled and totally eloquent in their TToT Posts! If you have a problem with that… you can come and hang out with us at the Doctrine!
1)You the Reader…. sine qua non, binyons, sine qua non.
2) hey!! Speaking of Readers and Reading! I have a favor to ask. I’m embarked on the ordeal* of writing a Serial (no! nothing to do with Frosted Flakes, Dyanne!…. although, now that I think of it… back in the day, I suspect you might have preferred Lucky Charms (they were, after all, magically delicious)… where was I?? I’m asking you to go and read the first entry in the Online Serial, ‘Blogdominion’ there is a place to vote and follow and all the usual things and… thank you. (damn! that was kinda weak, is there a roger in the house!?! lol)
3)lawn work… trying to replant grass in the front yard. They say that you use 23 muscles to walk, 57 muscles to run up the stairs at the office, (and not actually gasp and sound like you’re totally out of breath when you get to the top of the stairs where the 27 year old new agent is politely waiting for you to finish your climb, with what you want to believe is a an expression of respect and admiration on her face, but is, in fact, a reflection of the internal debate whether she should be dialing 911, but you know that you need to smile and say something clever), but …but! it takes 123 muscles to rake the front yard… I believe them.
4)speaking of front yards, we went for our Friday Walk yesterday…. went to Farmer Brown’s (“…them’s some mighty smelly cows, by Jesus!“) grateful for the car and the camera… video in Item 5
5) video of Friday October 9 2015 ‘Walk by Farmer Brown’s Cow Place’
6) Phyllis who is, at the moment, wrestling with the washing machine…. being a roger, she has a pretty fair chance of getting the thing to work again, unfortunately, being a roger, the solution might involve sealing off the laundry room and allowing the entire space to perform the rinse cycle, there is no underestimating the power of duct tape!
7) total gratitude for the Wakefield Doctrine… it is simply amazing! That I’m writing this? …Wakefield Doctrine. That I apparently get a kick out of trying to figure out how to write better …the Wakefield Doctrine! That I have friends in the blogosphere? …that’s right! the Wakefield Doctrine.
8) the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)… one of the coolest things about this here bloghop here (new readers? questions on the BoSR/SBoR? zoe is the life form! she has a link to a great explanation!
9) oh yeah! all my homies at the Gravity Challenge and at Six Sentence Story hey!
10) Welcome back Lizzi!
*not as bad a thing as the word might imply… Lizzi knows (hell, all clarks intuitively recognize the value of framing (an) effort as an ordeal…. ask them)
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