Personal | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 24 Personal | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 24

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘we have lists and stories and videos and ever so many interesting things this week, you simply must join us!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


This Week, we got it all!  a Video Grat Item, a link and a request to go and read the latest project to come out of Doctrine Central….and tree houses and turning leaves, planting grass and ignoring the early morning dark. Sure, your typical pre-TToT week of activity!  Oh, and our illustrious Leaderini is back (maybe not re-acclimated but at least people are no longer speaking with accents wherever she goes).

Hey Facebook-TToT-page-person!! You know most of the participants here every weekend are, like, skilled and totally eloquent in their TToT Posts! If you have a problem with that… you can come and hang out with us at the Doctrine!

1)You the Reader…. sine qua non, binyons, sine qua non.

2)  hey!! Speaking of Readers and Reading!  I have a favor to ask. I’m embarked on the ordeal* of writing a Serial (no!  nothing to do with Frosted Flakes, Dyanne!…. although, now that I think of it… back in the day, I suspect you might have preferred Lucky Charms (they were, after all, magically delicious)…  where was I?? I’m asking you to go and read the first entry in the Online Serial, ‘Blogdominion’   there is a place to vote and follow and all the usual things and… thank you.   (damn! that was kinda weak, is there a roger in the house!?!  lol)

3)lawn work… trying to replant grass in the front yard. They say that you use 23 muscles to walk, 57 muscles to run up the stairs at the office, (and not  actually gasp and sound like you’re totally out of breath when you get to the top of the stairs where the 27 year old new agent is politely waiting for you to finish your climb, with what you want to believe is a an expression of respect and admiration on her face, but is, in fact, a reflection of the internal debate whether she should be dialing 911, but you know that you need to smile and say something clever), but …but! it takes 123 muscles to rake the front yard… I believe them.

4)speaking of front yards, we went for our Friday Walk yesterday…. went to Farmer Brown’s (“…them’s some mighty smelly cows, by Jesus!“) grateful for the car and the camera… video in Item 5

5) video of Friday October 9 2015  ‘Walk by Farmer Brown’s Cow Place’

6) Phyllis who is, at the moment, wrestling with the washing machine…. being a roger, she has a pretty fair chance of getting the thing to work again, unfortunately, being a roger, the solution might involve sealing off the laundry room and allowing the entire space to perform the rinse cycle, there is no underestimating the power of duct tape!

7) total gratitude for the Wakefield Doctrine… it is simply amazing! That I’m writing this? …Wakefield Doctrine. That I apparently get a kick out of trying to figure out how to write better …the Wakefield Doctrine! That I have friends in the blogosphere? …that’s right! the Wakefield Doctrine.

8) the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)… one of the coolest things about this here bloghop here  (new readers?  questions on the BoSR/SBoR?  zoe is the life form!  she has a link to a great explanation!

9) oh yeah!  all my homies at the Gravity Challenge and at Six Sentence Story  hey!

10) Welcome back Lizzi!


*not as bad a thing as the word might imply… Lizzi knows (hell, all clarks intuitively recognize the value of framing (an) effort as an ordeal…. ask them)



Ten Things of Thankful

Your hosts

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-the Wakefield Doctrine- (‘it’s time to kick some devil butt*’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


*Fred Hammond’s introduction to ‘Let the Praise Begin’, the next to the last track on the reprint section of this Post.

If you enjoy (modern) Gospel music, you gots to listen to Fred! Not that I go to church, but if my church had this kind of music, I might still be there… no, wait. I was brought up catholic and there is no way in the multiverse that I could imagine this kind of un-restrained, joyous music coming out of the building (to be fair, when I grew up they were still speaking Latin. I understand there’s been some changes since that time.)

hey I just listened to the first cut, which I also really enjoy, so maybe my problem with the church music of my childhood wasn’t the music, but my perception of it! I mean, I enjoy listening to ‘Caritas abundat in omnia’ (the first track in the reprint). But then, that is what the Wakefield Doctrine is all about, isn’t it? Perspective.

One might say that perspective is the ‘personal’ in ‘personal reality’. So, if you want to better understand the other person, or persons in your lives, then (we all)  would benefit by allowing for these other (personal) realities, and the way to do that is acquire a different perspective. This is what we mean when we say that the most useful thing inherent in the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine is that it helps us to, ‘appreciate how the other person is relating themselves to the world around them’. Now, the Wakefield Doctrine, as a personality theory, proposes that there are three characteristic ways that people relate themselves to the world around them, as:

  1. an Outsider (clarks): bad posture, poor enunciation, painfully shy, insanely creative
  2. a Predator (scotts): great friends, terrifying enemies, psychotically protective mothers and sure-I’ll-rob-this-gas-station,-if-that’s-what-you-really-want girlfriends/boyfriends
  3. Herd Member (rogers): meticulous and precise, patient to a fault and capable of reading (and believing) every word of the instruction manual (and…and!! waiting until it’s completely read before assembling!!!)

…. the re-print? oh, that!

Jen Kehl used to do this music blog hop  Twisted MixTape back in 2013… it was a fun way to do Tuesday. Jen has a blog consultation service (and assorted other useful things) go see her, tell her the Doctrine sent ya!


(from Oct0ber 22, 2013)

Well, this surely will be an interesting week, MizTape-wise. Our Host(s) Jen Kehl and Kristi McNichol have advised us to ‘think spiritual’ for this week’s MixTape. Given that I was taught from a time before I can remember that, in polite company, ‘one simply never discusses politics and religion’, I am in a bit of a quandary. I really enjoy our tunesome Tuesdays and yet, that pesky up-bringing thing. Well, as we say at the Wakefield Doctrine, if it walks like a nun and quacks like a minister, then it must be… (sorry, last minute deadline pressure got the better of me. The Wakefield Doctrine does have something to say about religion, seeing as you have already brought up the topic. When it comes to matters of the soul and deities and such, then: clarks are spiritual, rogers are religious and scotts… they pretty much decide on which sect has the hottest clergy and/or offer the most opportunity to get some…enlightenment.)

Alright! That takes cares of the mandatory, ‘hey-we’re-blog writers-and-music-fans-write-something-profound-insightful-or-failing-that-weirder-than anything’ Done…Done….(and)…Done!


Caritas abundat in omnia – Hildegard von Bingen


Elected – Alice Cooper


Old Time Mix – Fred Hammond


Let the Praise Begin – Fred Hammond


Oh What a Night – Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons



‘re=print Toosday’ -the Wakefield Doctrine- ” …’cause sometimes you gots to relax and…well, try to relax, ya know?”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


The funny thing about (writing) a blog is that the more you write, the easier it is to write and the more you write, the more dissatisfied you are with what you (would) write.

Thank god for archived Posts!

no! you’re right! I don’t have to write a Post today. But the thing about the Wakefield Doctrine, (in general), and this blog, (in particular), is that half the fun is in reading what I’ve written. It’s no secret that the Posts in late 2013 and (most of) 2014, were vastly more entertaining that the current year’s content. Now, to be fair, I realize that the content over the years has changed (and developed) and the early years were really fun because the topics were so simple: “what is this Doctrine thing?”,   “What the hell are you talking about, three personality types!!!” and  “...for the last time, I’m telling you, I’m all three, but especially whichever one you say that I’m not.

ok! I’m feeling much, much better now.  lol, no! seriously! this blog thing is so amazing. Here I am this morning, feeling like I’ve lost the whole ‘start typing and it will write itself’ mojo and so I concede with a reprint (knowing that there’s a good chance that my intro to the reprint will turn into something) but then… then!! on that last line?  The one  ‘ be fair..’?  It took me a second to reread it and it hit me that I wrote the characteristic response appropriate to the three worldviews (clarks and scotts and rogers), without the slightest conscious intent.


(but I’m out of time, so here’s the reprint from October 27, 2014)


‘the most important’ Principle of our favorite personality theory? That one is easy! The most important Principle of the Wakefield Doctrine is: we all live our lives in one of three personal reality(s). We have the potential for it (our reality) to be one of three, at an early age it happens that we find ourselves in:

    • the reality of the Outsider (clarks)…another, very useful way to say this is, we relate ourselves to the world around us as ‘the Outsider’
    • the life of the Predator (scotts)… they would say, ‘life is happening now, there are threats and there are opportunities, life is neither bad nor good, it simply is…lighten up and do something!’
    • the world of the Herd Member (rogers) the world has Rules, there are 2,398 ways to do a thing and only one of those is the Right Way, a good life is the result of giving your all to find that way and be the example of why it’s the right way

Simple enough, right? Oh, one more (yeah, a very important Principle): these worldviews? real. seriously. real as in there are threats and prey and traps to be sniffed out, if you’re living as a scott ok?  the world is a quantifiable place? why do you think rogers make the best engineers and Chefs? The reason I emphasize this, is that, this is the Most Important Difference between the Doctrine and those other personality systems.
That is: I don’t find myself having to: ‘speak clearly, for crying out loud’ or ‘don’t slouch!’ or ‘use apostrophes’ or ‘great insight, now back it up with some empirical evidence, already!’ because I’m trying to be difficult, (well, maybe a little). I’m doing it because those are coping strategies that works best for a person who is trying to get by in the reality of ‘the Outsider’.
Bottom line? the ‘personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine are not categories, and they are not matrixeseses… does factoring in… factors, place me in a certain group according to my preferences and traits and peccadilloes? No. That’s not what we do here at the Wakefield Doctrine.
The reason I refer to myself as a clark* is that it accurately and consistently reflects ‘how I relate myself to the world around me’.
And scotts are not just Tasmanian devils, (barely able to restrain their enthusiasm), teaching pre-K children with a fiercely protective love and, given half a chance, inclined to throw the class in a mini-van for a road trip to the stockyards, rather than bore them to sleep with rote lessons. No! they are people who have developed the necessary skills and strategies to succeed in the world of Predator and prey.
And rogers know that how they do whatever they do, counts. The fastidiousness that they bring to everything they do, (from cooking a meal to learning to use a compound bow) is simply what the world demands.
To apply the Wakefield Doctrine does not involve: answer(ing) the following questions. (there is no) rate yourself. All that you need to do is ask: ‘how do you relate yourself to the world around you?’



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…the beat goes on and on, and on and on’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Today is Saturday and Saturday is the beginning of the weekend, which means that it’s time of the TToT Post. This, (the Post, not the weekend or Saturday or even Today), is an exercise in gratitude, which is not all girlie and school-like as it may sound! Sure, there are mostly girl-centric writers found in the pages of the weekend bloghop, but! we got Rich Rumple and, once there was this guy, Jak, who wrote a mean Grat List, but then went off on The Quest for the Missing Consonant. What I think I’m trying to say here is that this bloghop not only has something for everyone, but it’s a good thing to do (for yourself). Further, if you’re new to this thing and worried about the pressure of producing a full 10 Items each and every week, then I have two words: ‘the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)’* The BoSR/SBoR is there to assure us that to write whatever we have within, provided the intent (of our efforts), is in keeping with the intent of this exercise. But, enough about you!!  Lets hear about me and my week and things.

1) computer Solitaire. This, second only to spending 3 years sweeping the Monastery floors with one of the straw broom things and getting whacked upside the head by the Dali Lambchop (or Master Po or… Mother Superior) every week, is the most helpful tool for centering oneself and appreciating how easy it is to self-sabotage ourselves as we go through our daily effort at life. (what happens, if you play enough solitaire, is that, you will, if you are very lucky, catch yourself ‘cheating to lose’.)

2)  gotta go with a standard (for these Pages): technology! To be able to see something oddly….almost startling beautiful is one thing, to be able to capture it in a photo, as I did this week (and is my ‘lead photo’) is very very gratitudisicous

3)  hey!  almost missed one!  To (still) be able to notice the odd and the unusual and the semi-beautiful and other cool shit out there each and every day

4)  the work I do allows me freedom from routine, (in exchange for intermittently, very high levels of stress), and I get to wander about, on guard for adventure or simply the occasional rabbit hole

5) (Hypo-gratitude Item): the weather. While it’s not exactly bad weather, it’s so not Summer anymore. I mourn the absence of sweat and feel of a sun-baked steering wheel in my hands and 113 degree leather seats under my…. seat.  Only 9 more months ’til Summer!

6) every list has a dog in it! (Una, of course! Every Friday, we go for a 7 mile-an-hour walk and she gets to sample the world beyond her own yard)

7) shout out to the bloghops that no week would be complete without:  the Gravity Challenge and the Six Sentence Story  and,  this week, a blast from the past:  Finish the Sentence Friday!! Kristi and them are still at it and it’s a very good ‘hop. It was, in fact, the first bloghop I participated in… sort of the wait-until-no-one-was-looking-and-jump-in-the-deeper-end-of-the-pool experience (I’ll reserve the visuals for Rich and Jak  and all)

8) Phyllis for not only reading my blog (not constantly, like, say me…. but occasionally, which, as we all know, is saying something. Spouses and such are normally not that…focused on the imaginary world that so many of us spend so much of our time living in.)

9) sort of hypo-gratitude but, not really… just one of those experiences that, while not enjoyable tends to, somehow be beneficial: I have this property that had a tenant who had to leave the property, (so the seller could sell it), and he had a white German Shepherd that apparently he couldn’t take with him, so he gave the dog to the abutting neighbor. That’s not such a terrible thing, (at least not for me). What is terrible, (as a result of my limited capacity for emotional response), is that when I go to inspect the property, (roughly once a week), (if he’s out) the dog will run… run  up to my car and then sniff me and walk back to his (new) home. I do, in fact, apologize outloud each time, ‘sorry man, wrong human‘  and I hope that helps, but as far as I can tell,  he hasn’t found the person he is waiting for. kinda sad. but it helps me improve myself, (if I’m up to it), each time he demonstrates this loyalty and hope that is not, as far as I can observe, diminished by repeated disappointment.

10) SR 1.3


Ten Things of Thankful

Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group

*yeah, never miss a chance at this joke…somehow it still cracks me up, every single time I use it!! go figure


09/24/15 -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘you’re right! the date does add up to a number with 6 in it! It must be Thursday!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Once again, I’m apparently taking purposeful refuge in mis-understanding the week’s prompt. Clearly the word is ‘axes’. In my defense, my intention was to establish the plural of that word, but alas, mis-logism reigned, (once more), and a story grew, around the word ‘axis’. Please don’t tell anyone, especially zoe/ivy! She puts a lot of effort into this Thursday bloghop, the Six Sentence Stories and, seemingly every week, I show up and mess up the word prompt, all semi-rogerian confidence, never letting the facts get in the way of my imagination.

The Clockwork, the Mortal Axis and the World

And these little dots,” the black magic marker moved around the big red circle in the center of a spiral-bound note book, the newly placed dots showing a practiced randomness, “show what can happen, even when we successfully remove all of the primary tumor,” the physician’s voice was directed at the man and woman sitting on the far side of the desk, yet his eyes never rose from the drawing, clearly more comfortable with the certainty of his illustration than the reaction of the people who were watching the pad with dutiful eyes.

Ironically, the good health of the couple, combined with the suddenness of the diagnosis, resulted in finding themselves in the office of a highly rated surgeon, (“Blue Cross Blue Shield is listening and knows that you want to take responsibility for your healthcare!“), who was, nevertheless, a total stranger. Despite (or because) of this, both halves of the couple were at their personal strongest and personal weakest, as is sometimes the way with long married couples, the strength each had was intended for the other, the weakness, a deception that both wished for the other, yet accepted for themselves.

The Doctor continued his lecture in that patiently-focused manner shared by successful dog trainers and beloved kindergarten teachers, he chose to believe (without actually being aware of his decision), that the distant look on the face of  the patient indicated non-comprehension or, worse, in his opinion, the refusal to come to grips with a problem that he was demonstrating his competency to solve.

The man, sensing the approach of a turning point, probably the last level spot on an un-seen roller coaster, decided that he had to do something and took advantage of a momentary pause (between metastasize and mortality) to say, “I believe you know Bill Hendron, a client of mine, he said to give you his regards, apparently the two of you did your internship at the same hospital, what a small world, isn’t it?”

“Oh! I haven’t heard that name in years, Bill’s an exceptional physician, up at Children’s Hospital in Boston, isn’t he?”  as the Doctor spoke, there began a change, as if the world, (or at least this small and private section of it, a doctors office and a doctor presenting his prognosis), were a revolving stage, almost imperceptibly, the physician was beginning to see two people in his office, instead of two patients, …the clockwork of the world, the wheels and gears of that mortal axis, moving the stage, (as Shakespeare would like it), backdrops and props exchanged, the actors remain yet relate differently to one and another, the way that they relate themselves to the world around them, making all the difference to quality of the un-folding drama.


